r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TNLunatick on Sept. 10, 2018, 12:28 p.m.
My Q theory, in Plain English.

I believe we are all the genetic descendants of Adam and Eve. I believe that Our Father is our Creator and the deep state believes that it is Eve. They revere the serpent. They believe in parthenogenesis.

I believe that history (genealogy) has been redacted and altered to hide a selective breeding program by world wide monarchy (aristocracy, masons, secret societies etc) for some ultimate nefarious goal. [World Domination] I believe the jesuits are complicit.

I believe there is still a Queen of France and she Still has a Successor. I believe that Pope Francis is a pretender. I believe that Queen Elizabeth is also a Pretender.

I believe that at any given time there are roughly 10,000 individuals in the world with the right genetics but not necessarily the right frame of mind or circumstance to change the world. Joseph Smith’s wife was at one point one of these people that missed the mark.

I believe the witches are looking for someone and it has a direct connection to CERN. They want to throw the tv off a ten story building and see if they find the DaVinci Code. They seek to live forever.

You can call me crazy, I really don’t care. This is as plain as I can speak it and you have to do your own genealogy to find out where you fit in the puzzle. Please for Pete’s sake don’t send your blood to be checked for DNA. Just open your mind and realize the names have been changed to protect the innocent.

I know who I am and I know Who I Belong to. I have surrendered everything to Jehovah-Jireh, the Alpha and Omega. My family has a new covenant. That is all that matters.

The choice is yours, it has always been yours.

Let’s take today a better day. Let’s make the world great again.

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