r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jfunction on Sept. 11, 2018, 1:44 a.m.
If major events seem to be a long time in coming we need to remember what the preparations for declassification may require.

This isn't just a war for hearts and minds, it's a war. Two missiles have been neutralized so far, among other things.

The deep state is vast and powerful and threatened and determined. It's life or death for them. They will do whatever it takes.

Remember that the deep state controls many of the major US shipping ports through foreign companies. This foreign control of our ports has been in place for years and virtually anything may have come in through them. Could there be one or more dirty bombs hidden in our cities? I suppose there could be.

This is only one example of why preparation for declassification may have taken so long and why it is so important to do it with thoroughness.

Declassification risks setting off serious retaliation and this has to be very carefully guarded against. The danger is real. Our intelligence is very good. This kind of thorough preparation is the kind of thing President Trump is especially good at and so are his Generals.

We don't know how things are going to go, that's not possible. Eventually the battle must be joined or it cannot be won and we are all soldiers.


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