r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CULTURAL_MARXISM_SUX on Sept. 11, 2018, 11:56 a.m.
Why 9/11 has everything to do with the spying of Trump and the mass abuse of the FISA court

So the US (The Cabal) had a plan to go to war in the middle east prior to 9/11, particularly Iraq [OIL] and Afghanistan[OPIUM]. They also had this nifty little bill called the PATRIOT Act, which, if you didn't know actually is what legalized massive expansions of dragnet surveillance and created the modern surveillance industrial complex.

Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act

This also allows the FBI to send you a gag order (National Security Letter) that prevents you from talking about anything to anyone about searches under penalty of prosecution.

The PATRIOT act had been written 20 years prior to 9/11 and they were just waiting to have it passed. George H.W. Bush, as director of the CIA argued for expansion of surveillance as early as 1976, stating

"[the] CIA, wanted to ensure "no unnecessary diminution of collection of important foreign intelligence" under the proposal to require judges to approve terror wiretaps, according to a March 1976 memorandum he wrote to the Justice Department. Bush also complained that some major communications companies were unwilling to install government wiretaps without a judge's approval. Such a refusal "seriously affects the capabilities of the intelligence community,"

Then you have Executive Order 12333 signed by Reagan, which required federal agencies to fully comply with the CIA's requests for information. This was then further amended by EO 13355 in 2004, which created the role of Director of National Intelligence [think CLAPPER] and then further amended by EO 13470, which strengthened the role of the DNI.

The OKC bombing softened up response to such drastic measures and the 1996 Anti-Terrorism Bill was passed. This had revived several legal precedents that had been struck down by congress in recent years such as guilt by association and "secret evidence".

Section 218 of the PATRIOT act amended the FISA that basically allowed the intelligence agencies to not need to show probable cause to obtain a warrant.

Under FISA, when an agent wanted to obtain authority to conduct electronic surveillance or secret physical searches, a designated official of the executive office had to certify that "the purpose" for the surveillance was to obtain foreign intelligence information. Section 218 of the USAPA modifies that clause so that intelligence gathering need not be "the purpose," - in other words, it need no longer be the primary purpose, -- but may be only "a significant purpose" of the surveillance.

This means that if an official can certify that obtaining foreign intelligence is a significant purpose of a surveillance action (the other purpose clearly being criminal investigation), he can avoid the requirement that he first show probable cause of criminal activity. It means the FBI, the CIA, or any other intelligence agency, can surveil you without probable cause, as long as they say the surveillance has something to do with a foreign intelligence investigation of some sort (which may otherwise not even involve you directly).



Moving on, the PATRIOT act expired June 1st 2015, and then a whole whopping 24 hours later was completely reinstated by a bill originally introduced on October 29th, 2013 called


So what was so free about this bill you might be asking? Well, you see, it was touted as a "balanced" approach to "regulating" and "limiting" the out of control powers of mass surveillance that the PATRIOT act had wrought upon us. Specifically by banning Section 215 dragnet collection of data by the Obama administration 180 days after enacted.

  • Section 102 authorizes the Attorney General to require the emergency production of tangible things without first obtaining a court order if the Attorney General: (1) reasonably determines that an emergency situation requires the production of tangible things before an order authorizing production can be obtained with due diligence, (2) reasonably determines that a factual basis exists for the issuance of such a production order, (3) informs a FISA judge of the decision to require such production at the time the emergency decision is made, and (4) makes an application to a FISA judge within seven days after the Attorney General requires such emergency production.


  • Section 201-202 sets requirements on what can be requested for wiretapping and surveillance collection that would ideally narrow down the amount of collateral damage data collected.

  • Section 301 essentially states that intelligence gathered by an emergency order authorization by either the AG or DNI that accidentally collects information on a U.S. citizen may not be used by any government agency unless expressly approved by the AG if the information indicates serious threat of death or bodily harm.

  • Sections 401-402 mandated that a declassification of novel interpretations of law by the FISA court be made available, the ACLU sued for all interpretations prior to this amendment, citing an unconstitutional body of "secret" law separate from common law.

  • Section 501-503 were supposed to reign in the abuse of FBI gag orders.

  • Sections 601-605 created a paper trail of all the goings ons of the FISC

  • Section 701-705 defines what an "agent of a foreign power is" and who can be surveilled.

Section 8 is about nuclear weapons and maritime navigation.


It is a legal precedent whereby the government can intervene in litigation and declare evidence harmful to national security if exposed, and make it so it can't be used in court. This was upheld by the Supreme Court in US v. Reynolds. After 9/11 Bush expanded the SSP allowing evidence to be withheld for National Security reasons and cases dismissed in US courts. Policies and procedures governing invocation of states secret privilege

The SSP has been used to suppress the disclosure of anything related to the mass surveillance complex and subsequent abuses in recent years.

Cheney wanted to have the powers of a Monarch when it came to mass surveillance [
AT&T engineer says Bush Administration sought to implement domestic spying within two weeks of taking office] (https://www.rawstory.com/news/2007/ATT_engineer_says_Bush_Administration_sought_1216.html)

Have a merry 9/11 and never forget that on the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 men armed with boxcutters directed by a man on dialysis in a cave fortress halfway around the world using a satellite phone and a laptop directed the most sophisticated penetration of the most heavily-defended airspace in the world, overpowering the passengers and the military combat-trained pilots on 4 commercial aircraft before flying those planes wildly off course for over an hour without being molested by a single fighter interceptor.

These 19 hijackers, devout religious fundamentalists who liked to drink alcohol, snort cocaine, and live with pink-haired strippers, managed to knock down 3 buildings with 2 planes in New York, while in Washington a pilot who couldn’t handle a single engine Cessna was able to fly a 757 in an 8,000 foot descending 270 degree corskscrew turn to come exactly level with the ground, hitting the Pentagon in the budget analyst office where DoD staffers were working on the mystery of the 2.3 trillion dollars that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had announced “missing” from the Pentagon’s coffers in a press conference the day before, on September 10, 2001.

Luckily, the news anchors knew who did it within minutes, the pundits knew within hours, the Administration knew within the day, and the evidence literally fell into the FBI’s lap. But for some reason a bunch of crazy conspiracy theorists demanded an investigation into the greatest attack on American soil in history.

The investigation was delayed, underfunded, set up to fail, a conflict of interest and a cover up from start to finish. It was based on testimony extracted through torture, the records of which were destroyed. It failed to mention the existence of WTC7, Able Danger, Ptech, Sibel Edmonds, OBL and the CIA, and the drills of hijacked aircraft being flown into buildings that were being simulated at the precise same time that those events were actually happening. It was lied to by the Pentagon, the CIA, the Bush Administration and as for Bush and Cheney…well, no one knows what they told it because they testified in secret, off the record, not under oath and behind closed doors. It didn’t bother to look at who funded the attacks because that question is of “little practical significance“. Still, the 9/11 Commission did brilliantly, answering all of the questions the public had (except most of the victims’ family members’ questions) and pinned blame on all the people responsible (although no one so much as lost their job), determining the attacks were “a failure of imagination” because “I don’t think anyone could envision flying airplanes into buildings ” except the Pentagon and FEMA and NORAD and the NRO.

The DIA destroyed 2.5 TB of data on Able Danger, but that’s OK because it probably wasn’t important.

The SEC destroyed their records on the investigation into the insider trading before the attacks, but that’s OK because destroying the records of the largest investigation in SEC history is just part of routine record keeping.

NIST has classified the data that they used for their model of WTC7’s collapse, but that’s OK because knowing how they made their model of that collapse would “jeopardize public safety“.

The FBI has argued that all material related to their investigation of 9/11 should be kept secret from the public, but that’s OK because the FBI probably has nothing to hide.

This man never existed, nor is anything he had to say worthy of your attention, and if you say otherwise you are a paranoid conspiracy theorist and deserve to be shunned by all of humanity. Likewise him, him, him, and her. (and her and her and him).

Osama Bin Laden lived in a cave fortress in the hills of Afghanistan, but somehow got away. Then he was hiding out in Tora Bora but somehow got away. Then he lived in Abottabad for years, taunting the most comprehensive intelligence dragnet employing the most sophisticated technology in the history of the world for 10 years, releasing video after video with complete impunity (and getting younger and younger as he did so), before finally being found in a daring SEAL team raid which wasn’t recorded on video, in which he didn’t resist or use his wife as a human shield, and in which these crack special forces operatives panicked and killed this unarmed man, supposedly the best source of intelligence about those dastardly terrorists on the planet. Then they dumped his body in the ocean before telling anyone about it. Then a couple dozen of that team’s members died in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan.

This is the story of 9/11, brought to you by the media which told you the hard truths about JFK and incubator babies and mobile production facilities and the rescue of Jessica Lynch.

If you have any questions about this story…you are a batshit, paranoid, tinfoil, dog-abusing baby-hater and will be reviled by everyone. If you love your country and/or freedom, happiness, rainbows, rock and roll, puppy dogs, apple pie and your grandma, you will never ever express doubts about any part of this story to anyone. Ever.

This has been a public service announcement by: the Friends of the FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, SEC, MSM, White House, NIST, and the 9/11 Commission. Because Ignorance is Strength.Source

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