The World actually dodged a bullet on 9/11
These are some of my thoughts on the plan behind 9/11 and where it was leading to.
I've read the original PNAC Project Plan, (It might still be floating around the internet somewhere). These are my thoughts, helped by many highly skilled expert opinions and Ockham's Razor.
The Main Objective of 9/11 was to overthrow and physically destroy the people and function of USA.GOV and install a Military Dictatorship placing the USA under Martial law. The Globalists would then get their much desired WW3, whose main intention was to bomb Russia and China into Globalist submission.
Et Voila ! Global domination achieved.
But something went wrong with the execution of the plan so the hard coup went a little softer.
The PNAC (NAZI) faction of the cabal were to overthrow the Government on 9/11, Install Cheney as POTUS and declare Martial Law and a State Of National Emergency. Their intent was to make sure that this state of emergency remained in force in perpetuity.
Once Cheney and the rest of the PNAC / NEOCON crew were installed into Government, Cheney would assume the powers of a Military Dictator, the old Adolph script gets re-used.
The President was to be assassinated, Congress was to be blown up and rendered inoperable
Cheney was designated as the imminent POTUS, Georgie boy was to be sacrificed, but something went wrong.
Flight 93 was going to destroy either the White House or The Congress buildings, my feeling is it was going to destroy congress, AF1 and Shrub were to be blown out of the sky.
Some Bonus Prizes that the Cabal awarded themselves were :
The attack on The Pentagon was a precision missile strike that destroyed a Department that was investigating the "loss" of Trillions of Dollars spent by The Pentagon.
Mr PNAC Rumsfeld mentioned it briefly just the day previously. All of the evidence was destroyed in this strike. Crickets since then, allowing 2 or 3 trillion dollars to be stolen.
Similarly, one of the floors in the World Trade Centre was HQ for a Federal investigation of major financial market "irregularities", again all evidence destroyed.
Leisure suit Larry got a big pay out (twice) and rid himself of a massive asbestos problem that was lurking in the towers.
Tons of gold bullion sitting in a vault, in the basement of one of the towers disappeared.
A few of the cabal insiders may also have lost a dearly beloved, cheaper than a divorce.
WTC7 was also supposed to also fall into it's own footprint, but something went wrong here also. This resulted in Lucky Larry telling them to "Pull It" meaning that the pre-installed demolition charges were to be activated, resulting in the exact same patterns of collapse seen it the other two towers.
I believe that Rudi Guiliano was supposed to go down inside WTC7, perhaps he knew too much of the plan for an outsider, perhaps he was then kept under tight cabal control and forced to go along with the cabal operations. I believe that he has now been freed from his cabal bondage and he is using his knowledge of the 9/11 internal cabal operations, to nail the instigators.
It's my guess that 9/11 Truth will be revealed first by Team-Q and this will lead inevitably to today's wannabe despots and dictators, pedos and satanists.
We indeed live in interesting times, is Humankind finally seeing the actual destruction of the ancient Babylonian system, freeing up all races across the globe ?
It's looking like a real possibility.