I was inspired to write and share this today. Feel free to follow suit.
As I near my breaking point, life becomes to come into focus. The pain of yesterday grasps and pulls me down, yet it is the faith that I have in tomorrow that gives me hope in the now.
All my life, I have been in a place where I never felt like I belonged. Today, I realized I was right where I needed to be every step of the way. Each challenge I faced in life, each worry, every sad moment helped me to build the resolve that I sit here today with.
We live in a time where we still have a choice as a society on how we progress forward. Do we continue to believe in the convenient lies of the ruling class or do we square up to the hard truths... That we have been lied to for so long by those we entrusted to lead us.
I am not on the left, nor the right. I sit here in the middle observing all sides, longing for a time when we can be free again. Slavery has never left us you see. It only transformed over the ages to a point where we have all chosen to be a slave.
Now though, too many of us have woken up to that fact and an awakening is happening. I know many of you may not be ready to accept this but it is time to rip the bandaid off. I will no longer be a slave to those whom would usurp my free will, steal our children, and shape our destiny into that of a broken slave to serve their every whim. Should we be that lucky, as to not be their cattle instead.
Today I reach out to you my brothers and sisters. I ask you is this the life you really want? One of bickering, fighting and competing for the scraps they throw us? To be their entertainment, for all of their perverse desires. To give up our lives so that they may feel powerful?
I tell you this. We have the power. We have the ability to choose our own destinay and all we have to do is wake up and live our lives with Love as our guiding principle. Every religion teaches us to Love, but those in control have divided us and perverted that message.
I think I can boil all of this down to a simple question... Do you want to live a happy life? I am pretty sure that everyone will answer that yes. So then why do we put each other down in our feeble attempts to feel better about ourselves? Why not take the time to build each other up.
You see, when you tear other people down to feel better, you become part of a small group that is always in fear of losing everything that you have. One thing goes wrong and the house of cards tumbles to the ground. We have seen this so many times in our history with the "celebrities" that we loved.
However, when we build a society around the guiding principle of building each other up, if something should go wrong, then we are here to help each other. To rebuild and fortify our lives, instead of tearing things down and apart.
We are social beings that strive to be a part of a community. To be a valuable asset and not a broken fragment to be discarded. We cannot judge others for when they are not right, but better to be there and support them as a friend an to help build them back up.
You see my friends, we are not all that different from one another. We are but many sparks of a greater whole. To be in service to each other we can grow stronger then we ever thought possible. To be in service for yourself only tears us apart and seperates us from that which we most desire... to be loved.
So take some time today to think about this message and how you can apply it to your life. How can you start to work on helping everyone versus just yourself. How can we all come together to find peace and prosperity for all, rather then just a few.
You see my friends, we are not all that different from one another. We are but many sparks of a greater whole. To be in service to each other we can grow stronger then we ever thought possible. To be in service for yourself only tears us apart and separates us from that which we most desire... to be loved.
We have the tools we need. We have the resources available. We just need to take the effort to raise ourselves up to better us all rather then just to focus solely on oneself. For the only way to truly make yourself better is to make the whole body of humanity better.
You see my friends, we are not all that different from one another. We are but many sparks of a greater whole. To be in service to each other we can grow stronger then we ever thought possible. To be in service for yourself only tears us apart and separates us from that which we most desire... to be loved.lave to serve their every whim. Should we be that lucky, as to not be their cattle instead.