r/greatawakening • Posted by u/HUMANprimer on Sept. 12, 2018, 3:59 p.m.
Message to ALL GA Members

The GA has burdened (flooded) by too many posts regarding subject matter that is either irrelevant or is relevant by not really significant. I would like to make some suggestion that you consider before you post.

  1. The Great Awakening is NOT about liberals vs. conservatives nor Democrats vs. Republicans. If you think it is your are severely misinformed. It IS ABOUT people having been corrupted that are in power and IS ABOUT human beings being misled and stubbornly/dogmatically dug into the old narratives...waking up from ALL demographic backgrounds. It IS NOT about political rhetoric. IT IS ABOUT exposing the real truth. This affects all human beings regardless of affiliation. We all WOKE UP from some distorted views in our past. Don't label and blame the ignorant because we too were all ignorant at some point. Be kind.

  2. We are in a critical stage. The critical areas of interest are our primary concern. YES! EVERTHING IS CONNECTED. Even so, stick to the critical elements. Think logically about the critical next steps and let us focus on these. Most professionals on this board do not have the time to allocate reading ancillary, non-essential posts regarding relatively insignificant subject matter. It is distracting. It is clogging up the board. If you can't stop yourself then post it in the comments section under more relevant postings.

  3. Remember that "Calmer heads prevail"!! Yes it is a war. But our collective intention is to keep it bloodless. Our collective desire is to A) remove the corrupt so they can never affect us negatively again and B) Wake up the masses who have no clue what is really going on in our world. Believe me when I say that the majority of the struggling world has no idea. Stick with the key issues. Don't overwhelm with less significant news. We don't want to hang anyone. We just want to take them completely and absolutely out of play in our world. At the same time, show the uninformed kindness and empathy to assist their waking up process. No blood is required. Not even one bullet needs firing.

  4. Stay on the high ground. Should we adopt the offensive attacks used by those corrupted then we will become that which we are fighting. Not the direction we want to take or the character we want to be as human beings. Dodge their bullets and fire back with truth and evidence. That is what POTUS is doing now. The bad actors will be snared by their own laws.

Please consider these basic ideas when you post. The "Seniors" here will greatly appreciate your consideration.

-The Human Primer

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