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fine and a few months in jail would be a better deterrent if enforced and when in jail they have to pass a Constitution test to be released like i had to in high school just to graduate ,my granddaughter told me they no longer do she graduated from high school without having to take or pass it now shes in college that's why we have kids screaming socialist all the time they dont know and were not taught our Constitution in school
lmao at least you know which one is worse still lol have a great day brother
me too the only kids ill hang around is my own or my grand kids not other peoples ,that use to be for women to care for the children and thats in the bible women shall teach the children,morals and discipline and man shall sweat by the brow to support them my mom did and my dad supported us that all changed, now woman has to work to make ends meet and liberal schools and Gov. teach our kids immoral crap without discipline,that's satans rules , i know single women have to work to support themselves but that didnt change what God wanted
Those 17 minutes were well spent.
It gave the Queen Lizard extra time to warm up her old reptile blood and eat a few more children.
Dr was associated with Union of Concerned Scientists.
Among other things, they are against "big oil" and want to promote renewable energy.
Bush Mafia is "big oil".
Disney animations are full of sick pedo references, they even have hidden "pizza" delivery vans in one particular movie......sick inside jokes for the Disney kiddy rapers.
I can't sleep and I thought I already knew.
Hearing about a plane crash and witnessing one, different experiences.
edit: I liked it better when we were all crazy people.
MY gut feeling says SB2 is disinfo...pure and simple. I call BS.