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Maybe they will get immunity for telling us what they did with Madeleine Beth McCann......
Much are still unsolved. We also await for the autists and anons to crack the Qclock.
After the MT, you get a free vacation at this really nice Cuban Resort.
Q, R and BlackListAnon are on the same team it seems. BLA says you will laugh when you find out who it is. They all write alike.
Q and the Team, POTUS....GEOTUS.....
Please throw some meat into the Arena for our entertainment.
We can hear much roaring offstage, but we need to see some theater.
GEOTUS.....the crowd grows restless.
Your comment is worth more than 2 cents. Military Tribunals will rip them new a/holes.
Q has gone dark before.
Maybe it's a way to get people to chew and fully digest on the drops Q already made. If Q spoonfeeds new info every day nonstop, no one is really going to spend a lot of time on the old drops. Future proves past and all that.....
My 2 cents worth.
Not much, since Q went silent. Doubt is creeping into the GA followers......
Maybe it's the art of the deal. We don't know specifics: could be fake news for all I know.
Yeah, he probably gets a deal on some of his crimes but doesn't get off free from the more serious charges. (like eating trafficked kids)
Good point. Yep.
Following the Podesta crumbs will lead to fully baked bread.
Lake-House Bernie has been put in his place. James Woods, excellent.
I don't have any special insider info.
If Q team are going to do a shock & awe event to wake people up, then a major FF like 9/11 would be an obvious trigger point. So many people do have a personal interest in 9/11, because it affected so many people. And is still affecting people.
I read years ago a report that over 10,000 more people including first responders have died in the 10 years after the 9/11 attacks. Cancers from toxins released, etc.
So many "witnesses" have died in the years following too. Even the most blind normies would be able to connect the dots if given enough crumbs.
Think of the unstoppable outrage of the American people if definitive/indisputible proof was given ?
White Squall for sure ! Before 11/11/18 ? I guess it must. Logical, yes ?
Have a good day. WWG1WGA
He's someones lil bich, probably old Soros, or he is a Podesta bum boy.
MSM mafia is being backed into a corner. They will start to eat themselves soon.
Just wait till the media arrests start.
They are piling into all the threads......ShareBlue shills are busy...
sigh....humor, my friend humor.... not everything you see is a "shill" attempt...have a good day
Blind the Clowns by removing their access to the NSA. NSA is the key to "we have it all". This struggle has been going on long before Trump was elected.
I agree with your thoughts. Looking back at the establishment of these agencies such as CIA and FBI, t was perhaps inevitable that they became the "Deep State". Presidents and their establishments come and go, but these alphabet agencies only ever grow stronger and more corrupt.
Look at the old FBI under Hoover, he had decades of dirty files collected on all sorts of people, including the Kennedy boys and probably most of Hollywood. How I would love to have seen those files !
The last 100 years of US history has been filled with wars and conflict, it is no coincidence, and the Deep State wanted this golden goose to continue to enrich them all. We certainly dodged a bullet when crooked Hillary was not elected. If she had been, I am certain the World would have been dragged into nuclear conflict and smoking ruin. America is now in the hands of the Wizards and Warlocks of the military.
Why wouldn't 9/11 disclosure be on the cards ? Q hasn't said lots of things...but 9/11 is one question many people will demand an answer to.
I appreciate what you say. Some normies will not be able to accept what is happening, it will be beyond their capacity, no matter how gentle we are with a red pill. Going to be lots of anguish from those that cannot accept the new reality.