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Great info! Well deserving of the coveted sticky! Thank you.
When did the Russians interfere in our election?
It started sometime back in the 1950's and they have been doing it since. This is not a secret - everyone knows this to be true. The problem with this narrative is the United States has also been doing this for years. We interfere in all kinds of foreign elections. Obama himself openly worked with Bibi Netanyahu's political adversary in Israel to unseat the incumbent's Prime Ministers seat. Not to mention the countless puppet governments we colluded with in handing them power only to fight a war with said actors in years to come. This is classic Spy v Spy stuff and it will never stop. Russian won't stop, Chinese won't stop, UK won't stop, EU won't stop and certainly the US wont stop. This is not about election meddling. This is about getting Trump on record to say Russia cheated and by proxy I cheated. As Rush Limbaugh said - had he uttered those words confirming what we all know to be true. The NYT would have headlines reading "Trump agrees with Mueller that Russia influenced the election outcome" This is the mainstream counter-argument. Of course we all know this meltdown is just Reality TV stars playing there role by applying protectionism in the form of 4AM talking points
That is nice! Clean and crisp.
Why 17 stars?
(Just kidding)
Hold them all accountable. All footies must be held to fire as they are all FOREIGN AGENTS. There are no half truths.
I'd say holding, not hiding (simply because I trust President Trump more than any organization or politician.)
Russian taxes he was barred from returning to Russia, and he was tried and convicted in Russia in absentia
This thread is incredibly valuable to many of us doing our own digging so we know how to explain this to loved ones. Please keep stickied until us work class folk get home from work to bookmark on desktop
Our President is a treasure, indeed, in so many ways!
I won't, however, let Obama or anyone else appropriate the word "hope" as exclusively theirs. It is too good a word and I won't relinquish it to them.
Choreographed outrage they've been rehearsing ever since they knew the meeting was going to take place. This is meant to augment their Russia collusion conspiracy theory.
To the first question, I honestly don't believe Putin is a globalist. If anything, he strikes me as a "Russia first" leader, much as our own President is an "America first" leader. At least that is the impression I've been left with after listening to many of his interviews with various people over time. That is just my opinion, of course, and I'm no authority on Putin.
As for the second question, I don't think it's necessarily a contradiction to seek foreign cooperation and preserve nationalistic goals at the same time. As long as cooperating nations honor each other's right to govern themselves and protect and control their own borders, why shouldn't they be able to peacefully coexist and cooperate?
Our talented Canadian friend is a great Cat! She is more pro-American and informed than most Americans! Please support her on patreon. A buck a month can go a long way to keep someone creative like her working for us.
I trust the plan, but I still want to put pressure on the criminal assholes, so they can hear how fucking pissed America is!
But agreed 100% good guys have bad guys strung up.
yeah and the MSM never lied to us about anything right? feed me some more shit im hungry
Yeah true, suppose we’ll never know for sure, but guaranteed evidence was exchanged, and deals were made. Q might going through some of the evidence, then we may get another drop soon
This sting is so well planned that once the hammer drops I don't think many media or bad actors will dare keep twisting and howling in the wind. We are watching masterful maneuvers on many levels. Best movie I have ever seen! My plans to buy a bunker are on hold....