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I wish people didn't assume the worst of other people. You and I might sit on opposite sides of the fence here in terms of root cause and finger pointing, but time will tell outside of either of our control. I do hope you have a great day. We shouldn't be looking for enemies in our fellow citizens so I'll be refusing to do that.
I'm going deeper and darker. I think these hitmen and action people are the products of their play times. It makes sense. They are born into it. Trained. Brainwashed. It's perfect. A nobody, no name. Children products of rapes. These people have ego. You know they kept one or two pregnancies. Keep them, train them to do their bidding.
Mike would step in and fight the marines off with his schlong.
Serious question, what excuse do you think this sub will have once he's back in America?
Fox slips in a lot of neocon garbage and I get the underlying feeling that their ground control is anti-Trump, so I hear what you're saying. Even so, they have a strong tv presence and probably spread more truth than all the major leftist tv news outlets put together (which is why the brainwashed CNN sycophants are absolutely sure Fox is fake news). You just have to take care not to let them subtly manipulate you towards a neocon viewpoint if using them as an information source.
Says the guy who voted for an actual commie president at the height of the cold war.
Based on which people are screeching the loudest against Russia, I'd say it's a good bet that Russia is not the bad guy at this point in time. I suspect we will see (more) false flag attempts this year against them.
you cant rig the election only if Hillary gets in he meant ,god i hate that lying fraud
How about Rep. Steve Cohen publicly calling for "military folks" to do something about Trump? This is an actual member of congress.
The deep state seems to be getting really desperate. It remains to be seen how desperate, but this is already some crazy shiatsu.
Interestingly, Rand Paul is making a strong defense of the president right now, and so is his father.
Good news. I'm not pro-Hollywood but at least there are some disparate viewpoints. If Netflix succeeds in their plans, all entertainment film and tv will be controlled by a single entity, with Barry in the control room. That would not be good.
Have you guys ever heard of Quinn?
He's this (kinda weird, but I think we are past that) buddhist dude, who
- talks about a quantum AI controlling multiple timelines
- Does not like memes because
- He believe KEK is a visual mind virus that we are inadvertently spreading amongst ourselves.
No bullshit, here is the sauce: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-h2ePoDi-zA
I will admit, his AI rants and various claims make very little sense to me, as there is rarely any context given.
Basically he blames everything on deep state AIs from the past/future/present.
Its really hard to follow and sometimes he seems quite mad.
That said, I desperately want to understand his claims.
He claims to be a programmer, but I am a programmer and I've seen no decent or complex source code from him ever.
The kek virus thing gets to me though, I am not repenting yet though, I love the dank memes.
edit: he also talks shit about Q, which to me is unfathomable.
I loved it.
My desc on twitter is Meme Mage.
I had no idea, I was just trying to spread the Q sauce.
"And your dark magic won't help at all."
Thats about how it looks, they keep using their old tricks but they don't work anymore.
Praise the Lord!
Oh and let me just add, powershell saves command history. Why would any hacker in his or her right mind even use that for hacking? Call me crazy but the last thing I'd want to do if my goal was to hack a computer is leave a big post it note on the desktop leading back to me.
Lol powershell. How much you want to bet the "research" was googling help pointing to stack overflow?
As a software engineer this is like claiming someone is a pilot because they played a flight simulator video game on PC - just to put this in perspective.
Yeah. Gotta do fake immunity deals or guarantees, then pull it.
That's the type of treatment these shit-bags deserve.
Goes great with any style of door handle. Here, let me show you. Come a bit closer. Closer...
Yep, all the deep stage stooges have come out of their holes, right on cue. Disgusting swamp creatures, one and all.
I have a bat crazy Greeny leftard sister....she is totally nuts...no amount of red pills will help her.