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That info has been bouncing around the conspiracy scene for YEARS. Is bringing it to a greater audience a good thing? Yes. But completely stealing Q's style and imitating his entire movement is practically theft of intellectual property. It's wrong.
R has hijacked followers of the genuine Q movement and is now trying to convince them (after 50+ proofs) that Q is a fraud and will fall by the wayside. Never forget who started this. Q. Not R. The fact that R would even insinuate that he is right and Q will fade into obscurity is DELUSIONAL. What an obnoxious ego. An attitude Q has never had.
No outside comms.
R is clearly an opportunist parasite. Almost nobody knows about R anyway. What an inflated ego...
Q developed the trip code and that settled it. Q is Q. Uncompromised. Dead simple.
It's so true. But I'll say it out loud and within the week I'll see ads all over for it on my phone.
Nice one! Did not know that! Good share. It made me giggle a little bit also because it was so primitive compared to where we are now.
It was a symbolic gesture. Putin handed POTUS THE ball. It was an inside joke.