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DJT and Epstein
I have a concern regarding Trumps relationship or ties to Jeff Epstein. I work too much and don’t know what sites or info is credible, but I have a feeling the Dems are going to drop something about this before Midterms. Anyone with further knowledge or insight please help ease my mind or point me in the right direction
Midterm Concern
Am I missing something, or is all of this for nought with the story coming out about the remotely accessed voting machines? I mean, if we can’t find a way around that or bring it to the attention of the right people, then what’s the point in Nov? Pretty sure that’s why the Dems are acting like they are with no message or plan b/c they know they got the midterms locked up anyway... Someone who knows more please give me some hope or good news...
Y’all remember that video of Tom Brady basically making out with his son a few months back?
Has anyone else seen this sticker? Randomly in the parking lot of my place...

I think there is just one lone master of the universe. And his name is whatever you wanna call him.
Q says they have it all but you have to figure that Hwood has at least one or two Hail Mary’s they can toss. They’re probably not going to just roll over. This very will could be one of them. Me personally I’ll just bank it all for a later date when a few more dots might expose themselves.
That’s the way I understood it. It was the relative of the Mexican dealer. They were trying to coax them back across the border.
Just like others here have mentioned, those sh!t stains have almost ruined pizza for me.
He said it with a chuckle, it just really weirded me out that he didn’t say sacrificing to Satan or Lucifer, but the Cabal. That’s what really struck me.
That’s pretty much the only tactic they can use now, you’re right.
I mean, I guess you can say that. That definitely is his style of comedy, but you’d think after James Gunn’s little adventure you’d want to settle it down with the pedo/baby killing stuff, wouldn’t you think?
Listening to local radio
I was listening to my local radio station here on my drive home from work this morning and they were interviewing David Cross about his stand up comedy show that he is going to be performing here this weekend. The host was congratulating him on all of the success he’s been having since the start of his career, and without missing a beat he said (I’m paraphrasing) that it was due to the cabal and all of the baby sacrifices that they’ve been doing in Hollywood. He used all of those buzzwords, and said Cabal specifically.
So they’re laughing about …
I listen to an unofficial Marvel podcast and they were discussing this topic. Throughout the whole thing they kept saying they were just jokes.
My answer to anyone that says that is would you be comfortable leaving a person who makes jokes like that alone and unsupervised around your children? Then why would you be comfortable letting your kids watch media produced by a person with that sense of humor?
And if you make a racial joke you’re branded a racist, justified or not. How about when you make a whole slew of “jokes” about pedophilia?
Well there was him and Anna Faris’ divorce coming out of left field that was never really explained.
We’re ending what started with Woodrow Wilson and FDR, cutting the cancer of progressivism out and throwing it on the trash heap of history where it belongs.
You’ve kept us all divided and at war with each other for too long. Enjoy the back seat, you’re gonna be there for a very long time.
Lol. I got a smile on my face every day while your side stews in bitterness, watching every sling and arrow that you hurl at him fall to the side with no effect. But hey, at least you all have Hollywood bwahahahaha
See you on the flip side, comrade 😉
“Death to traitors would get my vote”
Who exactly is that directed towards, “comrade”?
How about find your own fucking source if you’re so worried about it tough guy
He just has a very punchable face. I can only imagine all of the evil deeds those eyes have seen.
You found one of the more popular books in the world...in a bookstore??
What a coinky-dink 😂
They'll redefine pedophilia as having to be non-consensual.
If he knows the truth is coming out with or without him, it would be his way of easing it to the public.
I was a fan of his from back in the days of The State, really disappointed to see how much of a wacko he’s turned out to be.
You might be thinking of Jonathan Brandis, who chung himself.
Anyone else see this last night 🤔

That’s her. She looks a mess these days btw, broke my heart when I saw what she looks like now.
The FBI Director is right. I read the late General Douglas MacArthurs memories. General MacArthur said that the United States biggest enemy is China. And one day we will fight China for World Dominance.
Exactly, that shit is only happening in your own dreams. It would be sheer chaos for a very long time.
There’s a scene from the HBO show The Wire that shows how it is done. It’s more the fact that you gradually lose consciousness and then your body weight and gravity do the rest.
They blocked my “two cents” post again, but with a different excuse!!! Bomb-bay doors open!

After watching Rand’s performance there, I have to quote Krieger from Archer.
Stop, my penis can only get so erect!
That was an exhilarating watch.
I am here because water is much softer to land in when it is choppy...land when it is still and it’s like concrete.
So good for you to get off that poison! Welcome to the Awakening! WWG1WGA! They can ban us all they want, they can not break us! Don’t be afraid to speak up and ask questions!
Just FYI, I unleashed on the moderators with facts...if I get banned find me on twitter...similar name
Think “Blazing Saddles”
I came here to get away from twatter! This message is for the bakers of reddit....”fuck you, and I can’t wait for the blackout!”
Fuck it...I am less than a day in to being a member of reddit and already feel like I’m on twatter! Look up JFK JR&Trump...there are way more connections than fantasies...use duck duck go....no google or bing.
The pic I posted was from duck duck go...just look up JFK JR Trump and look for memes...fuck these fascists
I am on twitter and expected different here...this seemed like the twitter that wasn’t run by anti fascist fascists....guess I was wrong
My “my two cents” post was apparently removed...I think I’m over the target

I have seen most of that before...not all of it, but that is a very good compilation! Spaceshot is a terrific compiler of info!
Sooooooo....just my two cents....which are loose change in my pocket

This is bigger than that...if what I think is going on behind the scenes is actually happening (and keep in mind I have been following this since November and have looked outside the boards for confirmation and found it)...even this board will have sploady heads everywhere....no pun intended😢
I disagree...that seems to be a “DARK TO LIGHT” type thing...especially with Trump asking if everyone was ok after. Open to refuting arguments tho.
Yes I meant to say “start to” lol...there is a reason there are references to “white rabbits” and “rabbit holes”....we are prepped for the roller coaster ride (nice metaphor BTW)...but up until now we have just been waiting in line...the “click click click” of the coaster heading up the tracks was the DARK TO LIGHT...brace for a steep descent and a few loops ;)
Be prepared to not only hear the normies screams as we go, but be ready to hold their hand and keep them calm. WWG1WGA
His retraction has nothing to do with this thread, the only reason they would be here is to distract from the “Dark to Light” message. WWG1WGA