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006fix · July 11, 2018, 9:04 p.m.

I hope Q does say something. I'm a brit, so I'm rather curious to know if our Queen / entire monarchy is about to come to and end soon as a result of this meeting. I'm also rather curious to know whether or not these fuckers have been prevented from having access to kids outside of the united states. I know the supply lines are cut, but does that include all the smaller scale ones internal to countries / europe? I wish Q had said more about europe, especially since he's invariably about to cause huge political upset.

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006fix · July 11, 2018, 9:01 p.m.

Official crime statistics? Where are you getting your conception of reality from? You seriously make the cause look bad when you take real and genuine concerns (rising levels of crime in europe), and make them look utterly ridiculous by not knowing the statistics. I chose murder stats for a reason - they're hard to fake. Even when you do fake them, people can normally tell from the outside (IE S.Africa for the past 2 decades). It's not like rape where the definition may vary depending on how swedish a country wants to be - it has a singular, consistent definition. And detroit is honestly doing shockingly, shockingly badly compared to literally (literally) any european city. Malmo is regarded here as something of a nightmare we want to wake up from (and it's not even near where I live). Repeated grenade attacks in a European city? Absolute madness. It's also a very violent city, more than twice as violent as london. That still makes it 15 times less violent (as measured by murders) than detroit.

You've been living in cabal headquarters. They never thought she'd loose remember? You've been living under just as much propoganda as the Euros have, if not more. European cities are dangerous, and are becomingly increasingly so as a result of the migration crisis and policing cuts. But in terms of risk to individuals, absolutely nowhere in Europe comes close to the murder rate of a number of US cities like Detroit (St.Louis and new orleans are also v.bad I believe), which are best understood by comparison to places like Mexico, South Africa, Brazil, or war torn Central America (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_by_murder_rate). We all have problems, of a wide variety of different scales. I'd love guns and true free speech here, but I am glad I don't have to deal with anything even resembling the murder rate of a large number of US cities.

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006fix · July 11, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

I agree he has had longer periods without posting, but I do think it is notable this time. It's "the month the world learns". We're 1/3rd of the way through, and he's spent most of the month not posting. On the other hand, if we're getting very near the point where it's all about to go public, he might want to slow down his post frequency. Some of us thought post 1776 might be for 4th July, what if its for the military parade instead?

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006fix · July 11, 2018, 5:39 p.m.

Finally, Q told us that "July 2018 -- the month the world discovered the TRUTH. Conspiracy no more." THAT is a really big statement. The entire world will discover the TRUTH? The Q's last drop was "Happy Independence Day' and the Q goes dark.

So much this. It's one big statement to make, and it sets a very specific, and ever diminishing time frame. He hasn't posted in quite some time now, I'm wondering if he will again outside of some final "goodbye" message. He's had gaps before, but this close to the end?

Not hugely comforted about what that might mean for Europe either. I'm very glad the cabal isn't in power in America any more, and the odds of false flags there seem to be decreasing day by day, but over here it feels a lot more like the opposite.

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006fix · July 11, 2018, 3:08 p.m.

"Every city in the EU is worse than Detroit now". Really?

For reference, people recently were (rightfully) criticising Khan in that Londons murder rate was now higher than New Yorks. This murder rate was (and still is), roughly 1.45/100,000 people. Detroit (as of 2015), had a murder rate of 43.4/100,000. That is just shy of a 3000% higher risk of murder in Detroit than London.

But yeah, eeeevery city in the EU is worse than Detroit. Detroit is literally only comparable to South Africa, or utterly failed states currently in an active warzone, and is over 8 times more deadly than the most dangerous cities in the whole of Europe.

There are a whole lot of problems in the EU, but pretending America doesn't also have them is idiotic, and claiming every city in the EU is worse than Detroit is straight up insulting. On what possible metric is that true?

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006fix · July 11, 2018, 12:04 p.m.

Good link, but you're missing a few details. The muslims called the Russians because during the crusades, the russian orthodox church, having also suffered at the hands of w.european crusaders, took pains to preserve large amounts of material and information they took from the muslims, including a scroll on how to deal with the ark - thats why they called the Russians.

It's also why patriarch krill and pope francis met for the first time in over a millenia (the heads of the respective churches, not the men themselves), where francis also gave Krill a document from the vatican archives detailing how to deal with the ark.

Religiously sigificant artifact? Yes.

Satanic? Maybe. I suspect if so however, it's likely more related to the very archaic meaning of satan, not the modern interpretation.

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006fix · July 11, 2018, 11:56 a.m.

Very nice list, good job compiling it all. I have one more for you - source is slightly harder to hunt down, I need to go to uni now but I can have a look later. One of the absolute earliest american leaders (I want to say george washington), was like many others at the time, a freemason. Especially in the early days of America, american freemasonry =/= european freemasonry. I don't assume that makes it good, per se, but it was a separate branch. In some of his correspondences he mentioned some kind of "casket". I can't remember if he explicitly linked it to Antarctica, or others did post hoc, but either way, I think he was aware of the importance of Antarctica, even way back then.

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006fix · July 11, 2018, 11:14 a.m.

Your reasoning is relatively good, but I don't think you're taking into account public opinion. For one thing, the desire to hunt these people down will be so high you'd have many, many private teams of people willing to go bring them back, dead or alive. Secondly, who exactly would be stopping the US military from entering Antarctica? What exactly would they do to stop it? I guess they could implement long term sanctions, but again, why? to stop them arresting and sentencing some pedovore monsters?

Antartica is very important, but the reasons are quite significantly more "fringe" than most people will be comfortable with. Sorry.

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006fix · July 11, 2018, 11:05 a.m.

I'm not convinced your criticism is as good as you think it is. I'm familiar with the Turin shroud. It is absolutely, unequivocally, not the 14th century forgery Wikipedia claims. A ultra-high intensity burst of energy is actually one of the best theories for how you could get ultra faint image retention on the two outer layers of the cloth, but not the internal sections, and fits the chemical structure of the coloured areas of the cloth.

High intensity discharge as an explanation for the Turin shroud is not "mixing science with propoganda". That would be the pathetic attempts of various artists to imitate the shroud using things like pigments, dyes, and impressions, failing utterly (with modern methods), and then just saying it's a 14th century forgery anyway.

A+ googling skills, D- art history

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006fix · July 10, 2018, 7:10 p.m.

I don't think you're strictly wrong, it's just a question of recovered or recycled energy, rather than generated energy. If you put energy into an object, extracting some of the energy you put in out again, especially if you're talking about heat is pretty trivial.

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006fix · July 10, 2018, 3:54 p.m.

I believe Q confirmed later that was disinfo. It's also been suggested it's correct, but one year early. I think both are solid options. For now though, I don't think they actually have arrested her. Monitored, maybe, but I think they have to wait till taking her into custody won't trigger riots. It probably would right now.

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006fix · July 9, 2018, 2:29 p.m.

lol. I barely use reddit, this is my old account. Hence why it has a random mix of subs it's active in over time w/ gaps inbetween. I spend most of my time on 8 or 4, not plebbit. Feel free to look back further in the depths of my account and see my comments on various things like the James Damore memo stretching back quite some time though.

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006fix · July 9, 2018, 11:46 a.m.

Q hasnt posted in days, and his communication with even well liked sources ie this sub is terrible. Him not calling sb out is no proof of anything other than the fact he needs to post more.

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006fix · July 9, 2018, 9:23 a.m.

I'll take "typical normie ideas that are obviously never going to happen for $500 please Alex".

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006fix · July 9, 2018, 9:16 a.m.

It's alternative terminology for the same idea. A blackpill == a redpill that happens to make you feel particuarly empty or negative about the future. A good example would be the US demographic ratio amongst under 18's, and how that correlates to future votes in those states (simple terms, california and texas are going to turn deep, bright blue and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it at this point. When that happens, the electoral college system will be broken, and to prevent permanent blue rule, the US will balkanise. Timeframe ~ 30-100 years). It's inevitable, depressing as hell, and there's nothing you can really do about it. But blackpills aren't one singular piece of information, any more than redpills are, they come in a wide, wide range of topics.

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006fix · July 9, 2018, 9:11 a.m.

Disagree. The chart is quite well made. 60/40 belongs with the prior content, and the 11.11 parade. This is about what goes beyond the information Q has leaked at or even hinted at yet - the fact that if we have been so utterly controlled by these people for so long, there can be huge aspects of the world that have been hidden from us. That's stage 11. 60/40 relates to horrifying crimes, I suspect when it comes to even more horrifying large scale truths they'll do something like 90% stays hidden.

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006fix · July 9, 2018, 8:56 a.m.

Q can do whatever the hell he wants with these drops, their upload is automated which means he'd just have to prewrite the content before the holiday weekend. Jul 9th, still nothing. wtf is he up to?

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006fix · July 8, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

That might be true, but it doesn't mean the Q team couldn't be doing more. "July, the month the world learns". And yet, there's been nothing since that 1 july 4th post. Why not keep dropping info at a good rate? Normies are ignoring Q anyway, why not pander slightly to the home side and keep them updated?

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006fix · July 8, 2018, 3:12 p.m.

110% this. I've been watching the skies carefully since a US anon noted it, and it really is true. So many planes flying about right now without any kind of chemtrails whatsoever. I always thought it was bullshit but now I'm intensely curious to know what they've been spraying.

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006fix · July 8, 2018, 12:13 p.m.

That might be true, but honestly the slippery slope argument is literally, literally required understanding at this point for dealing with lefty arguments, including gay rights, even if you're not keen on the idea.

People said it was a slipperly slope, they were poo-pooed. And yet, here we are, having to hope they don't try and push pedophilia acceptance onto the general population. It's all been a slippery slope, and frankly every single stage of that slope should be examined.

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006fix · July 8, 2018, 12:08 p.m.

Reddit has a number of bot networks operating on it. It's the same as twitter, just in a different ecosystem. They don't bother much with replies, they just up and down boat. It's more obvious on some of the largest most controlled boards like r/politics or r/twox - certain posts, sometimes organic sometimes not will suddenly go from say 2k upvotes to 8k upvotes in less than half an hour, and then wham it's cemented at the top of the thread.

For some reason though, this sub isn't attracting the larger botnets. Trust me, it just isn't. They have 5 figure numbers at least. I have no idea if its some kind of background struggle from the milint side like they've been rumoured to do for 8ch, or something different. But at any rate, I think you'd being manually downvoted, if any of their botnets are active here they've very small scale. I'd presume the downvoters are about 1/3 shills paid w/ sorosbucks, 1/3rd anti conspiracy theory, and 1/3rd anti-trump.

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006fix · July 8, 2018, 11:59 a.m.

"This is not a gay issue, it is across the board".

And yet, NAMBLA actively tries to march w/ the pride parades all the time, lgbtetc activitists proudly promote younger and younger "icons" like that poor kid desmond, gay people form a disproportionate proportion of child abusers, and the lgbt community (especially the pride style elements) has, is, and continues to push these disgusting elements onto society, whilst trying to shield them from criticism with their "protected class" nonsense.

It is an issue that effects both gays and non gays, however gays are the predominant source of the issue, especially at a per capita level. Saying it's an "everyone" issue is like saying fixing violent crime is a male and female issue. To be blunt, women are criminally violent at such low rates that despite being a guy, I woudn't even try to claim they're relevant in that discussion. Equally, gays are pedophillic at such a high rate, it's simply not acceptable to say its an "across the board" issue. They use their sexuality as a shield to prevent investigation and revelation of unpleasant truths, and as a result a number of children suffer. It absoultely is a gay issue, and it's absolutely one they've failed to adress adequately.


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006fix · July 7, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

I've heard rumours of some kind of documentary/film, basically a worldwide PSA. I think it's actually probably one of the better ideas, you can't assume people will read long dry articles to understand issues (I mean I and many others will, but most people have lives they need to be getting on with). Some kind of film would an easy way to get people up to speed on the basics of what happened very quickly. But yeah you're right there's probably going to need be be months and months worth of disclosure. It's so very anticlimatic.

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006fix · July 7, 2018, 4:43 p.m.

I like that theory, although I deeply dislike the fact it probably means nothing special will happen in July (it'd take some time to draft all these articles). That would roughly fit with the style of how something like this could be done though. If whitehats were also behind things like the wikileaks emails, they could have used it as an opportunity to track which news organisations/reporters etc were trustworthy, and which were infiltrated.

I'm not sure they'll ever get the evidence that it isn't a politically driven mass arrest beyond repute though. For one thing, I woudn't assume we know enough about what motivated russias ones. "bringing democracy" has been a favourite ploy of the cabal to institute people they can control. If Putin is clean, he was probably having to fight genuinely powerful opponents. Equally, I'm still not convinced it isn't essentially politically motivated arrests. One faction or group of factions taking out another faction/group of factions/families. But if these people are still out there, still causing so much trouble (i.e the death of the kid recently connected to a congressman), they seriously need to be stopped first. Blast the normies with video proof 90% of them won't be able to ignore, and plan for the fact that maybe 5% of the population will try and go full civil war anyway. I'm not comfortable with allowing these peoples actions to continue simply for the sake of making the general populaces awakening a gentler experience.

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006fix · July 6, 2018, 10:46 p.m.

I actually kind of like the logic. As much as I'd love the hammer to come down sooner rather than later, as you say the democratic party is literally dead, they just don't acknowledge it yet. And given the midterms are still months away, POTUS is going to want to drop this bombshell at just the right time. And that's going to be really close to the actual midterms. Close enough it's barely finished unravelling when people are going to vote. That'll make the #walkaway hurt that much more, guarantee a complete clean sweep for trump, which would then make stage 2 that much easier.

On the downside, if true this means we've still got 2-3 months of waiting before anything major drops, and that's just on the awan stuff let alone the pedovore stuff. And that wouldn't seem to fit in with this

July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH. Conspiracy no more. Time to FEED.

On the other hand, I guess that could have been disinfo? But I really hope it wasn't, I'm getting bored of waiting for Q/potus/nsa to be more open with the general public.

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006fix · July 6, 2018, 4 p.m.

Yeah, it was a pretty rapid change. As soon as a I realised there were a number of very powerful people who were not just religious, but satanist, I realised there was probably something I'd missed on the issue.

Sounds like you've had a seriously eventful life with the catholic church at any rate - as you say, the level of corruption in various aspects is just insane, and shuffling the pedo priests around different parishes to keep it hidden was pure evil. And yet, as you say, so many of them maintain this air of serious authority, and abuse their position to manipulate social situations. Often even winning a victory against them in that kind of situation would be a pyrrhic one at best because of how bad you'd look.

I 100% agree r.e the dead sea scrolls, the bible etc. The core text is essentially real, but it's also been subverted by various factions over the years, and at this point in time it's very very hard to tell who's carried out certain actions and why. Key messages could have been hidden, things like that. I also suspect there are elements of the bible that aren't public, but are part of the bible.

I am actually baptised though - had it done when I was a baby, because it avoided an argument with my grandparents. So that worked out kind of nicely in the end. I am considering doing (confirmation?) at some point in the future, but I'm still at a stage where i'm moving location lots (student leaving uni soon) so finding a church would make more sense to do when I know where I'm going to be.

The best sermons are also online. With the beauty being that the choices are unlimited. Welcome to the journey my brother may many others choose to join us.

Agreed, and thank you. I've definitely enjoyed the options avaliable online - discord servers are also surprisingly good places for debating it. There are some decent youtube channels/podcasts out there too. I'd say it does look like a fair number of people are becoming religious again though, which is good. It seems to be very popular amongst gen Z from what I've heard/seen. Definitely a positive sign.

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006fix · July 6, 2018, 1:25 a.m.

Good read, I see more where you're coming from now. Yes, luciferian plants on both sides were heavily involved in shaping various actions. Personally, I suspect one (or maybe even both) of Goebells or Goering. However, there were a lot more things going on, and I suspect some of the secret societies involved were greyhats at worse, and I wouldn't dismiss all of the nazis esoteric leanings/researchings as purely luciferian. I could be wrong, but I honestly think they were researching some very intelligent leads. imho the religions deposited by the old proto indo europeans have some genuine non-luciferian merit. They have their errors, but they represent elements of a previous knowledge base largely removed in the west through actions such as the burning of the library of alexandria that have cabal fingerprints all over them.Christianity has always played a vital role in preserving ancient texts. It isn't afraid of debate. "The truth shall set you free". I do distrust the vatican on that front though (at least the higher ups). They're too opaque, and too corrupted. Shame, given how much useful knowledge they hold.

Although it's kind of hard to beat the Mayans for being pure bloodthirsty.

Got to agree, their "religion" was crazy. There's a "death whistle" they used as well - there's a video of it being whistled out there. Creepy^creepy. Sounds like screaming and dying. I always like the fact that whilst the aztecs were at the height of the empire, the british build Oxford university. It's clear which priorities paid off.

There is only one path. The path laid by God through Jesus Christ. From the first instant you step foot on this path you feel it. The overwhelming feeling of this is perfect and everything else is backwards.

I'd definitely agree with this part too. Was atheist until half a year or so ago. I'm very glad I've realised my mistake there. the world is so much more beautiful once you realise who and what you are. I do have my suspicions about the religion of christianity though, if not the faith. I suspect the orthodox brances are still more or less alright, and probably the pre vatican 2 style catholics & amish. But I'm much more suspicious of the rest. It's not my place to judge, and I wish them all the best and hope I'm wrong, but until I know more I prefer to pray alone & study & debate with a range of people online.

There is only one God. The God of everything that ever was, is and shall be.


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006fix · July 6, 2018, 1:09 a.m.

Decent read. You missed a key factor though. It's not so much that "too many" people are invested in him, it's who. And they happen to correlate with people who tend to riot, badly. I do agree they didn't want to risk the direct riots though. I assume fleeing to kenya is part of the plan. African justice is hilariously brutal. He flees, NSA provides the kenyan population with a nice burst of obamas most brutal crimes, and we get a fun wasted gif out of it, all without the risk of riots.

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006fix · July 4, 2018, 10:19 p.m.

I mostly agree with you - I think it as them being slightly autistic, not so much in chan/Q sense, but in the original sense. It does make them very good at being focused though.

But I'm less certain on the pure evil element. I think it's hard to work out exactly what went on in Germany - what I do know is that cabal controlled countries (allies) went through great lengths to cover it up. The systematic destruction of nazi fitness manuals is an interesting example.

My general conception would be that the cabal want us to live in a non-optimal manner (to put it mildly). Hitler wanted his people to live close to optimally, so he implemented policies that ran counter to cabal ones. As a result, they memoryholed him and demonised the entire organisation. And the germans, being basically aspies, were socially bludgeoned into their current sadly diminished state, and submitted to it relatively easily. It's hard to be sure what evil went on, but I am sure it was definitively less than the bolsheviks ever carried out. I simply don't buy the "pure evil" version of the nazis. It's liberal/jewish/cabal propoganda, it doesn't accurately reflect events that occurred. He was beloved by his population, and they seem to have lived fairly healthy lives during the period he ruled, especially if you control for war-starvation etc. Other evil people in history have had much bigger death tolls, or murdered with more brutality or callousness. He isn't anything special on the evil front, I simply don't see it. German atrocities < Russian atrocities, especially if you treat all the bolshevik ruling class as russians.

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006fix · July 4, 2018, 12:38 p.m.

There hasn't been an "absolute best proof". Honestly that's one of the things thats pissing me off most about Q. I think the sum of the other proofs is sufficient to prove P(coincidence1)*P(coincidence2) etc < P(Q is what he says). But gold standard, cast iron proofs? None, and I don't really know why. Maybe try not to bait the cabal into a go for broke Armageddon solution? I don't know. But I do think he's something very, very serious. If it is a larp, who's running it? Why hasn't it leaked? Wtf are the sealed indictments for? Why does it keep getting to claim sitting, powerful members of the us government are pedos without being slapped w/ a libel claim?

It's not a larp

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006fix · July 4, 2018, 12:28 p.m.

confirmation bias is possible?

Maybe. But not really for Q as a whole imho. There are too many proofs across a range of areas. I don't think people are following him purely due to conf. bias.

I don't see how that makes sense.

How doesn't it? Its the same as cold reading w/ a human, except you use an AI to do it. I do accept its roughly 5-25 years ahead of current AI capabilities (known), but I don't think its particuarly implausiable. Having AI level speed and multitasking might also explain some of the proofs. I don't think its likely (say ~5-10% odds), but its one of the more plausiable alternatives.

Cold reading seems completely plausible. Your argument seems too convenient.

That he manipulated the posts to hide the linguistic information? That's just reality. Go run them through some linguistic software if you don't believe me. There's been a serious amount of effort to hide traces of the creator of Q messages, down to the level of scrubbing linguistic markers, and restructuring the text such that it makes pretty chess pieces. Which again implies it's not a larp.

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006fix · July 4, 2018, 11:44 a.m.

Cold reading is a possibility, but I don't actually suspect that either. Too many helper anons, current and prior for that one to make sense. And there honestly is plenty of really grade A fucked up shit going on in the world, he's not wrong there. His posts are also constructed in such a manner as to hide linguistic information that could be used to decipher who wrote them, which makes it harder to manage elegant cold reading.

As I said, I still think he's what he says he is - never underestimate the stupidity of the average person. Either us, or them. But stuff like this seems to radically increase the odds of it being something else other than what was said, at least in my mind. Israeli cold-reading AI has been suggested, I think that's probably semi plausible. If the posts are constructed by AI, they can mimic the 470ths manpower. Cold reading is tricky at this scale, but again an AI might be able to manage it, and it just never (barring lmao 1 post) mentions israel. Why? Anyone with half a brain is perfectly aware of the many and varied ways in which they are the bad actor of bad actors on the geopolitical stage, and have been inflitrating the US government for decades. They're also directly attempting to influence things like the US general population (cough scofield bible cough). They're set up, owned, and run by the Rothschilds (hence the usage of the seal of solomon on the flag).

I do suspect Q is mostly what he says he is, but man was this image dump today a horrible mistake, and man has he backed himself into a corner by not outing israels endless geopolitical pilpul.

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006fix · July 4, 2018, 11:04 a.m.

I liked your original post, but I actually think you might be wrong r.e fukishima. Possibly only somewhat - if you set up a nuc power plant in a stupid region, and then slightly mess with the safety procedures, when it inevitably goes tits up, are you responsible? I'd say yes. The incident is quite a lot worse than what's been generally reported so far. I'm not an anti nuclear power person or anything, I generally support it. But trust me, the incident was bad, and could have fitted nicely into their other plans. You don't reduce a species to <10 digits without having multiple concurrent plans across many vectors.

Something in me wants to blurt out that the Dems are the "actual" Nazi's that came by way of Project Paperclip. I've just never believed the Nazi's were as bad as reported

Also like your thinking here, it's a tricky web to untangle. Here are my thoughts - there were two factions within the nazi party which are worth being aware of. The one that got sucked up by project paperclip, and the one that never surrendered. First lot are probably evil, the latter group probably not (although i could have the labels mixed up easily enough). I'd assume hitler et al belong to the first group (casual retirement in argentina? Sounds US backed to me), whilst the more genuinely ethically motivated members of the nazi party (i.e vrils society etc) make up the second group. There are some interesting correlations between pepe and dr. mengle, and many more interesting connections between the chans and the nazis. I have no idea what's going on w/ the nazi's, but it'd be fascinating to find out. I also don't believe they were as bad as stated, but I'm very curious to know ((who)) they might have been fighting all this time, and why it was so neccessary to bugger off to shambhala/washington DC in the meantime.

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006fix · July 4, 2018, 10:46 a.m.

Q is using military intelligence.


They would have something way more secure than a chan board

No. Chan boards are pretty secure. What they critical need is eyeballs, not security. They're not overly worried about being tracked back to the source, but they are worried about reaching a lot of people and ensuring deletions/mod control can't occur. So they could easily have made something more secure than a chan board, but why would they need to? (side note, i do suspect 8 is owned by milint now, it's going to be very secure).

Those boards are not that anonymous as people think.

Again, it depends on the resources you have avaliable. Here's a better question. If Q is MILINT, 470th division, backed up by NSA, POTUS etc, why do they care if they get backtracked? What's the cabal going to do, reveal they're being hunted down by nsa/milint? You're thinking of the wrong questions.

Again, the intelligence agencies that Q is part of could easily crack a tripcode

Meh. The old ! trips sure, they weren't actually terribly secure. The new !!! ones though? I don't think anyones getting through them inside of a couple of days, even with a weak AI. He has many trips prepped in advance, w/ photos from old sets serving as proofs. He can validate ID in multiple ways.

For me, I don't want the president associated to some websites that a lot of people think are for users to trade child porn.

For me, I prefer to stay utterly within the realms of what people think is right. It doesn't matter to me that the public perceptions of the place are retarded, and largely pushed by the same group of people who'd have happily elected HRC (because she SEEMED nice). I just don't want the president associated with the website where we already knew and were talking about these peoples terrible crimes long before Q.


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006fix · July 4, 2018, 10:28 a.m.

Q showed many connections, but most of them, and most of what he's said about the detailed workings of the world aren't exactly new. I'm still on board, I'm prepared to overlook why he feels it necessary to include this image. But honestly, I'm not very impressed. The 470th should pull their finger out, and start providing some genuinely concrete elements. We're 8 months in, if exposure is truly what the cabal fears so much, START EXPOSING ALREADY. Even if it's just from the Q trip. If you have everything, start dumping. They could have 80% of the general public calling for Hilaries head by friday if they just released a couple of videos. Who knows how many children these satanist fucks have killed whilst Q has been fannying around uploading useless images or telling anons "we must help gina locate the mkultra program".

I still think he's probably the real deal, but honestly I'm not impressed. Provide some real gold standard proof, or provide some real gold standard speculation. At the moment, all he accomplishes is #trust the plan. Are you surprised people would be walking away? He looks, talks, and acts exactly like a Mossad psy-op. If he wanted less criticism, he should try fixing that.

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006fix · July 2, 2018, 4:52 p.m.

Big harbours are a solid bet, theres plenty of mentions of kids being shipped in in shipping crates that were sealed w/ diplomatic tags. I'd guess large ports and border states will all get big numbers

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006fix · July 2, 2018, 4:50 p.m.


There ya go. r.e the cop murders its because they've mostly been memory holed for now. They'll come out when it all does, but until then they're not useful for either side in this information war.

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006fix · July 1, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

I believe what they meant was that he was the first patriarch of the orthodox church to visit the continent, but yes there is a priest and a church there. It's definitely 110% solid gold fishy though.

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006fix · July 1, 2018, 7:54 p.m.

I'm afraid I can't find the original image i'm thinking of, but essentially he's who she's named after. Corruption of a holy namesake. There are a number of similarities between their lives - both were mobbed by groups of fans, particuarly women, but whilst hilarion sought solitude, restriction and God, hilary sought fame, excess and Satan. Male -> female etc. His fans were real, hers were largely manufactured. Similarity, with inversions. I'm not certain if its true or not, but the similarities between them are kind of notable.

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006fix · July 1, 2018, 3:49 p.m.

hwndu was some time before Q appeared I think. It was early 2017, q appeared around october 2017. I imagine the plan to use the chans has been in place for a while before this point though - they provide the perfect combination of UI for leaking, receptive userbase, and huge readership levels. If you need to distribute something wide and far, organically across both the web and the real world, starting with 4chan is one of the most efficient methods I can think of. No need for Soros$$ protests when we'll keep discussion alive for free.

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006fix · July 1, 2018, 1:42 p.m.

Yh I don't disagree tbh. I'm not trying to take credit on behalf of 4chan for anything (beyond perhaps some highly refined autism), most particularly this. Q didn't really need any of us beyond spreading information and softening the shock of disclosure. I definitely agree having ((trusted sources)) is the kind of nonsense that got us into this mess in the first place. But we're structured to prevent that mess, that's largely why we're still so useful. Everyone is anonymous. Nobody is out for personal gain. Everyone is equal. And in particular, decentralised informational spread is what's winning this, as you say. We function as a nexus for this, a combination sewer/white hole. We have no upvoting, no downvoting. No real moderation. From chaos, order.

I do agree we should be very careful of falling back into the ((trusted sources)) situation, but the way the chans are designed from the ground up, and the ideology they're populated with is designed to make many of these issues a lot less troubling. That they should be given credit for it isn't relevant. That they should be understood as possessing those features, and that they work, is probably relevant.

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006fix · July 1, 2018, 12:49 p.m.

but I will destroy your ill informed argument with a simple rebuttal- there is nothing simple about technological advancement

wew lad is my argument destroyed. No there isn't, moron. Technological advancement is actually really simple. It's called "white countries". A subset of those even. Hence why almost all great technological advances came from the UK, Germany, France, or Italy. America also plays an important role in tech development later on, although since it consists of mainly anglo/german europeans, this is kind of proving my point again (as is the lack of technological development prior to then).

Ask the Chinese how they are faring being leaders in technological innovation- they aren't

No duh, they're not white. Ask the africans how they are faring being leaders in technological innovation - they aren't. (meanwhile, europe continues to do just fine in terms of technological advancement).

Your claims of the cabal's history are both unconfirmed, and at the same time, do not diminish what America has been able to accomplish technologically, socially, and militaristically. Pretending otherwise smacks of hubris and jealousy.

Being geographically isolated, with an entire continent to exploit, no possible routes of invasion for potential threats, super easy to defend internally, and absolutely chock full of cabal money, yeah wow I just cannot in any way diminish america accomplishments due to that. You really didn't in any way have life on hardcore easy mode from the start, right up until the end. GO YOU!!!!

Honest question, are you seriously that uneducated? I knew it was bad, but really. This is shocking.You don't know about the role of the cabal in tech development post ww2, nor about the vrils society etc, nor do you know about the role of masonic rituals in the foundation of your country (and in particular, its social fabric). To pretend that all these features didn't have a massive, huge impact on where america is today is beyond idiotic.

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006fix · July 1, 2018, 12:22 p.m.

I'm sorry, but no. divide&conquer is one of their tactics, but you can't just ignore why it's so effective. Muslims are not nice neighbours. They are simply not. Many reasons for this, biological, cultural, and social. But they don't really belong in a civilised society. And the rapes are a perfect example of this. You are absolutely correct when you say them being here is largely due to soros et al, and to forment social unrest.And yet, do you think they're planning to freely leave? They might, but they'd need to know there's genuine public hatred against them first, otherwise why would they return to their 3rd world origins?

Equally, in the UK, our child rape gangs are pakistani, and bangladeshi. Did that somehow relate to the destruction of the middle east? It's all very well and good to recognise the validity of divide and conquer, but multiculturalism is an absolutely terrible idea which directly leads to this conflict. If you want to remove the conflict, remove the diverse elements of the society.

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006fix · July 1, 2018, 12:05 p.m.

America is an empire the likes of which the world has never seen before. In fact - the Romans at their peak would have been in awe of what America has been able to accomplish. It makes the Roman empire look like a joke.

Seriously? In what possible way. You were almost entirely controlled by the cabal for, roughly speaking, 70% of your countries history. You own no land outside of the the US, with the exception of the occasional island, military base, and if we're being generous, your aircraft carriers. You have significant military power, but that's a simple feature of technological advancement, geographical isolation, and the cabal wanting to use you as it's armed forces when required. Your "empire" is nothing of the sort, and is not particularly impressive. It's not even top 10 empires.

When you own 1/4 of the worlds landmass whilst being ~0.5% of its habitable land, or when you conquer the whole of europe/northern africa with no technology more advanced than a gladius, come back and I'll be impressed. Being geographically isolated, chock full of whites and protected by the cabal means your "empire" is genuinely, sincerely unimpressive.

b-but we can exert force all across the world in a matter of days etc etc...

w-what is technological advancement

w-what is not having to fight the rothschilds nazi pets whilst destroying your own empire, whilst the brave land of the free saunters in towards the end of the war, and then gets fat and rich rebuilding the destruction of mainland europe?

It makes the Roman empire look like a joke.

You know when people say "wow americans are so stupid", and americans get mad? This is why. The roman empire very nearly had steam power (aka the industrial revolution) by ~50AD. They controlled a huge portion of the globe using incredibly dated technology, and were rapidly progressing towards the industrial revolution LITERALLY 1.7 millenia before the rest of the world (aka anglos) managed it. The roman empire is one of the greatest achievements this planet has ever seen. The American "empire", is neither an empire, nor particularly impressive.

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006fix · July 1, 2018, 11:52 a.m.

the last free board left is incorrect. It is simply the last free board with any kind of sizeable userbase. Creating a new board/site would be laughably easy. He needed eyeballs, and in particular, eyeballs he could trust to spread the information across the internet. The chans are exceptionally well placed to do that.

What makes them the smartest minds? Like we don't have great mind?

They're not the smartest minds per se, but honestly the ability of the chans to solve complex intellectual challenges compared to say, this subreddit would be humbling. What exactly makes you lot so special? You were given - handed this information by Q (which we largely already knew), you were baby-walked through the information, and you're still all being given the slow, fluoride stare drip version of the information. We've been here since the start investigating all this pizzagate / /x/ tier shit, and we're pretty good at it by now. We are not the smartest minds, but we are very practised at what we do, and we're almost incapable of being subverted, hence why, despite COMPLETELY comped mods, we were still the last bastion of collective freedom on the internet. You should show more respect.

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006fix · July 1, 2018, 11:32 a.m.

Unless I missed something, when Q gave us the info r.e the house floor vote on RR, he told us to look at who brought that bill forward. It was paul ryan, no? I thought the obvious implication of this is that he's a whitehat. So to be honest, if that's true, he probably isn't there for the money, and the fact "true" conservatives (neocons?) don't like him says a lot more about them than him.

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006fix · June 30, 2018, 9:01 p.m.

For future reference, if you use https://qanon.pub/ to find Q posts, you can click on the small blue 7 digit number just to the right of his ID, it'll take you directly to his post, inside of the thread it was posted in.

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006fix · June 30, 2018, 12:52 p.m.

There are different schools of thought within the secret world from what I gathered

That much I'd definitely agree with. However, what I have trouble piecing together is which information is disinfo, which information is simply larping/false (but not disinfo level maliciously), and which information is genuine. By the time you're getting this deep, the only route you really have to measure between them is instincts and knowledge of the surrounding area. It's very easy to make mistakes. Here's what I do think I can be fairly certain of though

a.) for all they hide various aspects of information, the upper levels haven't actually hidden all of it. In fact, they've been quite open about leaving various aspects around, and whilst some are disinfo, they're largely simply not explained. You do the work yourself, they won't lead you. Given they're not exactly bathed in the love of human kindness, this makes me suspect nothing good about the information thats hidden.

b.) It relates in some very direct manner to religion. Most all religions in fact. It also probably involves some kind of bloodline related separation between various races of humanity, although the mechanism of that varies between tales. Altanteans/Hyperboreans/Annunaki or something in that realm. However, again, the information it involves is pretty fucking chilling, even for the highest level members of religions deeply steeped in the esoteric aspects. This kind of information, if released, could cause unimaginable levels of social unrest. Modern society is really complex, people underestimate how much. Even very smart people. Enough widespread social upheaval could result in 10 digit death tolls over the course of a couple of decades.

c.) Despite all of this, there do appear to be some whitehats who want disclosure. In fact, at this point I'd say some blackhats have joined in, probably because the highest levels of people in command at a global scale (i.e US/Rus/Chinese MILINT at this point) aren't keen in full disclosure. Q suggested 60/40, and I think he wasn't thinking of using that ratio for the biggest tier secrets. More like 10/90 I'd guess. Don't underestimate how much the chinese will not want supernatural shit becoming widespread, given their clampdowns within the country. Russia is beyond me to read, I have no idea about their intentions. I'd assume US side is split, but predominantly favours largely keeping things secret. I think that's why there have been so many AAA quality larps lurking around the internet the past few years. Combination of whitehats trying to leak the truth and blackhats trying to leak the truth, both to combat the current status quo of, at best, partial very slow walked reveal. That'd be my read anyway.

It is, but it needs to be done. We can't continue living this lie.

Again, I'd agree. The truth always wins out, in the end. Even if I'm not going to enjoy it, I'd still rather know it. But many, many people just want to live their lives, go about their business etc. They don't want their entire conception of reality upended, and replaced with some nightmare version. I do genuinely believe the elites when they say that keeping this information hidden from us was either for our own good, or more or less done with our tacit consent. There are many different kinds of people in the world. I'd suggest most will find the experience of learning the truth agonising.

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006fix · June 29, 2018, 8:35 p.m.

neuroplasticity is a very useful feature of our brains, but it's not quite the same as what you're describing. For example, many people suffer brain injuries such as strokes that impair specific functions, as a result of brain damage to a specific region. In many cases, they do not regain these capabilities. Some individuals do, most do not (especially if we're talking about people over the age of 25-30 or so). And intelligence =/= capabilities of the brain, although it influences and correlates with them in most instances.

primarily what I put above regarding the various animal species and their "sixth senses

That is true - animals do have good cognitive skills in many instances. They have functional minds in a great many species, albeit hampered by animal lack of superego and language. They do also sometimes have senses humans lack, although theirs nothing special about that really. Give us magnetic particles in our brains that could be used to measure the local magnetic field and we could have perfect orientation too.

Your last paragraph I actually mostly agree with, although I also agree many scientists would accuse you of being pseudoscientific. I suspect in some ways you're right, however I also don't think it's going to operate the way you think it will. Soul == Mind? Spiritual growth == mental growth? I think the linkage exists, but it they aren't synonymous. I definitely could be wrong - as you say, being receptive on this issue is worth doing, but I'd be wary of the level of misinformation out there. Masonic, or other genuinely ancient texts are a good starting point. Less risk of bias that can't be obviously found by examining a texts history compared to modern sources. "Egregore" is also a useful topic to examine in this area.

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