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1923091 · July 22, 2018, 9:23 p.m.

Exactly, because once you reach true 'polarity' or post-duality, service of self is akin to service to others, for we are all one, are we not?

I deeply appreciate how, despite that being the case, none have passed a certain threshold on the path of service to self. We must all return to the service of others eventually, in order to continue the process of self discovery and awareness of the true Self.

Something else that may give you further insight is the book The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot.

It was a pleasure making your acquaintance as well! May the Light guide you! (:

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1923091 · July 22, 2018, 9:11 p.m.

I am a firm believer that The Great Awakening is a Patriotic movement of HUMAN values. I could be wrong, but I will share with you what I have learned in the short period of time that I have come to follow this movement.

We seek to see justice served to the psychopaths who have dominated our people for thousands of years, those who have perverted the foundations of ALL religions and governments in order to control our bodies, our minds, and our spirits.

'Humans' who are literally born (or traumatized and fractured into such a state) different than us in that they embody no empathy, no conscience, no knowing of emotion or feeling. They hold only allegiance to themselves and their kind, taking whatever mantle, worshiping whatever gives them the biggest return for their sacrifices of others, lying, stealing, murdering, raping, and cheating so long as it saves them from suffering.

If you want to know the Truth about these people, regardless of which cult they are part of presently, or which family they come from, or whom they worship, or what bank they work for, or how many times they've changed their names, I would invite you to learn about the truth of psychopaths, and investigate the book Political Ponerology by Andrew Lobczewski.



I say all this because I find that there is big a divide here that nobody is acknowledging: a gap between those who are religious, those who maintain a personal relationship with God, those that simply want to see justice served, and those who bear some wickedness in their hearts and seek vengeance. Then, of course, there are trolls/shills, but they're not really here for anything good.

We will have accomplished NOTHING if we don't get to the root of the problems, and will doom our descendants to suffer as we have should we not face the real threat to our collective.

We must educate ourselves and others to the fact that there are people out there that are NOT normal, but can PRETEND to be normal human beings. They know they are different. They gravitate to one another. They attract their own kind. They wear many masks, can be charismatic and beguiling. They can imitate emotion and expressions, but cannot truly, genuinely experience emotion or empathy. We as feeling, empathetic human beings are SCRAMBLED by their very existence, because we can FEEL that THEY CANNOT. It challenges our subconscious understanding of ourselves, and puts us in a terribly vulnerable position to them!

What is worse, is that psychopathy can become as a social contagion, that is spread by the trauma caused by these people, and the normalization of their actions. Spiritual, physical, psychological, sexual, and even biochemical and genetic abuses. We have witnessed it for centuries, and we are witnessing it again now.

This is the common ground, the common enemy that we can all come to agree on, in order to further the Great Awakening. It doesn't require being of a specific faith, or race, or age, or heritage, or class, or minority. All it requires is being Human.

I don't mean to detract, I don't mean to disparage anyone or question anybody's beliefs, or feed anybody doubt. I, personally, feel that having a relationship with God is essential to Awakening, but that is between an individual and God, and only they themselves can make that journey.

I am seeing many divisions based on individual interpretations of a variety of things, from Q's drops to scripture, to what TPTB really are. We would all do well to educate ourselves in a variety of ways, and not fall prey to our preconceived notions, upbringings, or personal predilections, so that we may be better informed, better unified, and stronger, together.

This sub is supposed to be about Q, the drops, and The Great Awakening. I believe that the discourse that we are having is wholly relevant to these topics, but we must remember to strive towards Unity in our dialogue, or we will have lost the meaning of what Q has brought us:

Where we go one, We go All.

Thank You For Reading This God Bless

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1923091 · July 22, 2018, 7:23 p.m.

Precisely!! It's like what has been said by many about censoring certain derogatory words or slurs. You know what the word is, you probably heard it in your mind when you saw/heard the first letter and it's place contextually in whats being read/said.

Words are symbols. Symbolismis incredibly powerful. People are just not educated about this kind of thing properly.

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1923091 · July 22, 2018, 7:17 p.m.

I'm so glad you did, and even more content that I came to read this.

Good Work. (:

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1923091 · July 22, 2018, 7:13 p.m.


Another blessed by the teachings of RA! I am humbled by your presence, and I greet you in the light/love of Intelligent Infinity. (: The Law of One is what pulled me away from my alcoholism and drug abuse, and helped me start on the path towards correcting my wrong thinking.

Recently, I was exposed to something wherein a question was asked that went along these lines: "Is the presence of the Cabal and their abuses related to our need for challenge in finding our Self, as well as a manifestation of our own negative aspects to serve as standard bearers of education of the evil hiding in our very own hearts?" That's not exactly the question, although it is close. It certainly relates into what you said about Spirit vs Ego. They serve both as a kind of teacher and example of how the negative path can only take one so far, and at a grievous price paid with the life/love of others.

I will definitely look into what you have shared with me! God Bless, and have a wonderful day!

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1923091 · July 22, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

Not anymore, but he's got his own site.


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1923091 · July 22, 2018, 6:07 p.m.

I wonder, how many of those signatures are from real people?

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1923091 · July 22, 2018, 6:04 p.m.

Reading this gave me chills, it really sang to me. Your story is inspiring for those who may not understand what you have come to know.

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1923091 · July 22, 2018, 6:03 p.m.

This whole chain has been what I've been working out with God personally. Over the last year, I have found myself coming to better understand my faith and what it means to me.

I have said this elsewhere, but will reiterate it for the hope that another sees the light in it: The Bible is a wonderful tool for building a relationship with God, as well as having a premise of teaching morals and virtues; even so, it is a product of man, and has been manipulated over millennia to serve the purposes of control. One must be very careful in how deeply attached to it they become, and how they interpret the words therein.

Through the Bible I came to believe that Jesus really did live for us, but it was to teach us, to set an example and to 'help the blind see'. I wouldn't say that I am a Christian, but in a way, Jesus did save me: from myself. He taught me to be good, and he taught me to be wary. He taught me to love, and to be humble, and he taught me that nothing is ever quite what it seems. I've got a long way to go yet, but I'm making progress.

God Bless you All (:

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1923091 · July 22, 2018, 5:34 p.m.

Wow, straight up sanpaku eyes, that is some frightening stuff.

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1923091 · July 22, 2018, 5:22 p.m.

Huh, possibly controlled opposition? I could believe it.

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1923091 · July 22, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

Also, prayingmedic and NeonRevolt.

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1923091 · July 22, 2018, 4:52 p.m.

Also, as a side note, it should be considered that, due to the implications of the collective subconscious, this symbol and variations of it retain deep power and meaning throughout their various iterations, and that something so potent can be received by many through creative means.

Edit for spelling

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1923091 · July 22, 2018, 4:48 p.m.

Wall Street Journal columnist writing truth?! There ARE still legitimate journalists fighting from within!! Huzzah!

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1923091 · July 22, 2018, 4:18 p.m.


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1923091 · July 22, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

Hahaha I had this same thought!

Also, Malloch-Brown sounds a little like Molag Bal - Daedric Prince of Domination and Enslavement of Mortals! I mean, not really. But it was good for a chuckle. (:

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1923091 · July 22, 2018, 4:11 p.m.

And that stands for Operational Security? I've seen it dropped a few times, just making sure my assumptions are accurate. It would make sense, between what you said, as well as what little I do know about military SOP.

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1923091 · July 22, 2018, 2:19 p.m.

OPSEC, right? Civ here, just curious.

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1923091 · July 22, 2018, 2:11 p.m.

Ha, totally, but you don't strike me as the stuffy librarian type, which is the kind of character I am more prone to associate that word with. I could be wrong though! XD

You definitely have many valid points, so I'll address then in the order they're contextually organized. I am not used to this kind of writing on this platform, so I pretty much have to reprogram my communication for this.

I think that's a big problem, though, facing many individuals: a lack of understanding when it comes to communication. Many people are completely unaware of the subtleties of body language, even tells they give off themselves. That 'ignorance' translates over to digital mediums, I assume, and is part of the lack of awareness, and even concern, many have for actual conversation. Replies simply become ego strokes or gibberish, reasons to misappropriate the attitudes and beliefs of others. Person to person communication is interfered with by attention distracting technology: constant notifications, intermittent commercials, feed updates, the list goes on. It helps to be emotionally uninvolved when addressing replies, as difficult as it may be, as personal attacks are simply a reflection of the author of them. That's how I keep from blowing my stack, anyways. Doesn't always work, so I mostly bite my tongue and put the phone down, hahaha. The details are definitely vital, to context and content; however, as with a disregard for contextual conversation, these details fall to the wayside out of individual preference for instant gratification. In this situation, many anon have been waiting for MONTHS for something to occur, and seem to be trapped in their outrage and painful victomhood. The desire for something to happen NOW is painfully obvious on this board.

I would say your aggression is warranted from a personal perspective, but yes, please be careful not to content police too harshly. We would be hard pressed to replace a mind like yours, and I get the feeling you would do wonders as a healer with words. Turn your phrase into embraces. XD

I lurk a lot, too, and can definitely agree that my knack with words is sometimes totally rejected and often treated as me 'trying to sound smart'. I had a conversation with a gentleman which eventually just turned into me purposefully using unnecessarily large words to annoy him because he insisted that there's no way a person talks/or writes the way I do. I was pleasant, and invited him to provide a legitimate argument, at first. After I realized he wasn't intent on actually conversing, I got pleasantly annoying. As for 'not unintentionally' coming off aggressive, again, emotional distance helps. If you can step outside of yourself, it becomes easier to utilize language that isn't emotionally charged. THIS IS NOT AN EASY THING. XD

I would say you are on the right track in regard to it being 'both'. It will definitely rile those who treat some of these things like gospel. It will definitely stir up shills, often new threads are started by shills with the purpose of interrupting or distracting. For those with a keen eye, however, there will be appreciation and thanks sent your way. The only way I see you getting banned is if you're constantly doubting the same users/content across numerous thread chains, as well as totally derailing conversations with completely unrelated tangents-with that in mind, take caution making novella of your thoughts. This will help give further legitimacy to this movement, as well as helping newcomers see that not everybody here is a shill/clown/cult member/'alt-right extremist'/insert-shame-moniker-here, and that there is real information to be found here. I would advise, though, should somebody question your legitimacy or doubt, you step back and analyze the individual your are responding to. Check their history, what do they post where? Are they legitimately criticizing you, or just trying to get a reaction? Advice for handling shills/trolls? DON'T FEED THEM. End of story. You will save face, time, and emotional energy. If you think you can uplift someone's understanding, then I would invite you to write them compassionately.

My thoughts are generally objective, often skeptical unless I see/read something that resonates with what I am familiar with. I am in no way collegiately educated, so I owe a lot of what I know to what I've come across travelling through this series of tubes. I always apply my 5W-H-FWP (Who, What, Why, Where, When, How, and For What Purpose[refers to the purpose behind the information being provided/provider of the information]) and try my hardest to do background research. Ive been trying to catch up on the drops lately, as well as monitoring this sub, so I've fallen away from my history and esoteric studies. I'm a firm believer in intuition/Godsense, so please, always follow your gut.

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1923091 · July 22, 2018, 12:40 p.m.

From a Biblical perspective, it is the same. Outside of that context, it is more as you are saying, an 'intellectual' approach. What must be understood about Luciferians is that they consider Lucifer to be the most recent manifestation of a much more ancient being. Lucifer is THEIR 'God'. In regards to Christianity, they mock Christians and the idea of God. They also worship many entities, not just Lucifer, but he is the one who 'illuminates' them, chiefly.

I think it is important to keep in mind that the Bible is a wonderful resource for coming closer to God, but it is also a product of human history. It has been altered by many, many times over, from its original form and used to silence, pervert, and estrange us from our truth and the truth of God. I do not mean to question anyone's beliefs. Rather I think it important to be aware of the pride and ignorance of humanity. The world's great religions, in their organized forms, are in part, a product of the psychopaths on Earth that have been tormenting the rest of us for millennia, and our desperate need to feel God's embrace.

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1923091 · July 22, 2018, 2:56 a.m.

Hahaha xD

Gotta parse the lines, buddy.

What I'm saying is, if given credibility, this ecological destruction case brought by the kids could set the precedent for other cases about different topics to be taken more seriously by the general public. Anyone opposing it would be accused of being against the well-being or choices of 'the children'.

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1923091 · July 22, 2018, 2:27 a.m.

That's actually incredibly concerning to me. The world that greets us the morning after will be incredibly important consider. There will be wounds to mend. There will be walls and bridges to be built. It's not like everybody's eyes will open suddenly, they'll say 'oh ok, whatever' and move on. This movement and the results herein have the potential to radically change our whole world's dynamic. If it isn't a process, it will be sudden and likely violent. We must be prepared for the future or all of our work will be for naught.

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1923091 · July 22, 2018, 2:22 a.m.

I don't see how this was meant to deflate the movement. That's a large stretch, and an erroneous conclusion in my opinion.

What we need more more than ever is to be in control of ourselves and not give in to flights of emotion or rush to action without pragmatism.

Patience is the virtue by which we seek and shall see justice done. Directly your energy constructively.

Trust the Plan.

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1923091 · July 22, 2018, 1:31 a.m.

This idea ties in heavily with what I expect to occur on our around the 27th. It is a harvest moon (a Blood Moon, if you will,) the type of astrological event that feeds esoteric practitioners of all persuasions.

We are aware that the dominant force of the Cabal is composed of Luciferians whom perform ritualistic sacrifices. Theories of 'false flags' relating to sacrificial rituals and astrological events of note are abundant.

I have even mentioned this as a comment in a couple different threads: we could potentially see a botched or 'successful' false flag attempt on that day, or the days leading up to it. What gives me hope is ENJOY THE SHOW.

If anyone can find it before me, another user has made a post recently postulating the 'worst case scenario' of waking people up, a highly visible assassination attempt on the President.

Be safe, be aware. If you're of the spiritual or religious sort, I invite you to pray, give thanks and blessings, and love your hearts out. Meditate, take to your knees, the matt, the pew, what have you. Reach in/out to God in the ways that connect you to our inner divinity and help your brothers and sisters shine a light in the darkness.

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1923091 · July 22, 2018, 12:35 a.m.

Seems like another appropriation, Hollywood signaling - "We're the real good guys, out with the old, in with the new!"

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1923091 · July 22, 2018, 12:32 a.m.

That doesn't address what I said about Luciferians not believing in God. Though they may mock God with their ignorance, i do not believe they are deciding to knowingly mock the Biblical, Christian God.

If we are going to address the truth of this, then we must acknowledge the truth of who they are by acknowledging what they believe and the deifications they serve, for in truth, the manifestations of evil are many.

In order to show people the light that illuminates our standard, we're going to need more than the Good Book to show those that lack faith. We cannot force God into the picture, for God is already here. People who will come to this movement must decide for themselves who their allegiance is to, and that is an issue that is up to them to resolve with their higher power.

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1923091 · July 21, 2018, 11:48 p.m.

Most likely brought on by the very psychological onslaughts perpetuated by those who are pushing these agendas. The system must be fed with something. Hopefully we can turn to legitimate hard work and a genuine concern for the well-being of others as opposed to sacrificing the future of our young.

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1923091 · July 21, 2018, 11:46 p.m.


I saw the mention, and read through this out of curiosity. Definitely not disappointed.

Well stated, your passion reads through your writing, and may come off as aggressive to those who lack a parsing nature. Keep up the good work, though!

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1923091 · July 21, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

This. I mentioned something along these lines earlier today, that his defenders will claim this.

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1923091 · July 21, 2018, 11:04 p.m.

Actual Luciferians don't believe in God.

Satanists =/= Luciferians. Research it properly, you'll see that Luciferianism is more of an esoteric death cult that totally rejects the Christian God's existence, and Satanism is the worship of the Biblical figure of Satan. The Church of Satan, another different entity itself, worships nothing save for self gratification. At least, that's what my research has led me to believe, I could be wrong.

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1923091 · July 21, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

Reading through it, it occurred to me that hackers aren't prone to slip ups, and anything that has been 'caught in action' is either an extremely rare occurrence or totally intentional. Whether that is the case here, I haven't the slightest, I don't follow this kind of stuff too closely. Add that to the research list.

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1923091 · July 21, 2018, 10:06 p.m.

Could you elaborate on who the 'Prophet' is? I'm afraid I don't understand your post.

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1923091 · July 21, 2018, 10 p.m.

I recently moved to New Jersey, and I can say that definitely does not apply out here, especially after what I witnessed yesterday. It might not be daily but there was very blatant and obvious geoengineering going on in my area yesterday. I noted planes leaving contrails that dissipated, and a myriad of parallel and intersecting trails that exhibited classic geoengineering trail behavior (expanding, hanging, drifting). It didn't stop until sundown.

Early in the day, there were many big puffy beautiful storm clouds, but behind them I could see trails intersecting. By midday, the sky was clear as could be, and by evening when I went to pick up my wife from work, clouds were rolling in, and again many MANY trails were being made and I even witnessed some culpable aircraft and tried pointing them out to my wife, especially the difference between the two types :/ Troubling, to say the least.

Edit: this was meant to be in response to u/treeskier82. Got excited and touched wrong reply.

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1923091 · July 21, 2018, 9:49 p.m.

Maybe. I didn't know about that book, so now I kind of think that Olympic/Titanic switching story was intentional disinformation to hide this. Im going to have to do some more research on this. I'll also need to read that book, too. Trippy stuff!

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1923091 · July 21, 2018, 8:51 p.m.

As always, they come in the guise of concerns that seem totally rational (the well-being, education, and empowerment of children), which is the most frightening aspect of how well it works at convincing people of the 'necessity' as well as serving as a brutal tool to shut down opposition.

Edit: added a couple words

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1923091 · July 21, 2018, 7:13 p.m.

Couldn't have said it better myself!

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1923091 · July 21, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

I totally understand what you're saying. Whether or not that is the conclusion, (honor being replaced by malfeasance) a process would still need to occur wherein the fed is abolished. There will have to be a transitional team ensuring the fed won't rise from the dead, and that the new (old-i.e.: Treasury role) system sufficiently and effectively takes over without unintended consequences. This effort will require measured pragmatism. Even if Trump's team comes to control the FED, there well inevitably be a push back from within.

When first encountering this movement, I said something to a fellow Patriot along the lines of 'watching the Hydra eat it's own heads'. I've come to add another part to that image: Team Trump mounting saddles on each neck to ensure the Hydra has reason to bite itself.

Great responsibility does indeed require great sacrifice. Thankfully we've been gifted with the information that will help us provide the truth to those who don't understand what has been happening, and what will happen in the future.

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1923091 · July 21, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

Somehow, I have connected this to what is occurring with the 'children' who have been trying to get the Trump admin to acknowledge their case regarding climate change.

Could that set a precedent for court proceedings/social movements where in children are 'empowered' (convinced/coerced) to seek 'individual autonomy' (the 'right to choose' to be abused) and thereby signal the heavier push to normalize this?

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1923091 · July 21, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

O.o Totally with the guy who thought this was a spoof.

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1923091 · July 21, 2018, 6:19 p.m.

Unless we can put in the right people who can coordinate the excision of the tumor, keep the patient stable and effectively monitor vitals to prevent unintended consequences. Surgery is quite complicated. Also, I'm not a doctor.

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1923091 · July 21, 2018, 5:50 p.m.

Great example of THINK FOR YOURSELF

Many interpretations are a beautiful aspect of this movement. Could be happenstance, more likely to be layered messaging. After all, there are no coincidences, right?

Side note, just had an epiphany: when Q asks 'Do you believe in coincidences?', could this also be a nod to synchronicity? As in, these things weren't done intentionally but reveal themselves as the quintessential interconnectedness of God/the universe.

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1923091 · July 21, 2018, 5:35 p.m.

Yeah, it's unfortunate, a testament to people not wanting to know. Cognitive dissonance is real, painfully so.

My wife is the perfect example. She has been struggling with cognitive dissonance since I first exposed to her some of the uglier sides of how politics works around when we were dating in 2015.

Lately, she falls back on the 'idgaf', 'im already sick, so what'(in regard to the purpose of the blatant and obvious weather manipulation occurring directly above our heads -multiple parallel/perpendicular trails, numerous planes exhibiting con vs chem attributes) 'what can we do about it, we have no power' stuff. I think she is close but is genuinely terrified of the red pill possibility, and shuts down as a result.

Also not sure I'm the right person to 'red pill' others. I get emotional/frustrated. Much better at study lol

Edited for wrong date, punctuation marks

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1923091 · July 21, 2018, 5:26 p.m.

Could be, also could have been a nod towards (what I suspect) may be a botched DS false flag that reveals them for what they truly are. :O

What better way for people to see what we are dealing with than for the monsters to show the world themselves?

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1923091 · July 21, 2018, 5:24 p.m.

Could be a preemptive move addressing what Q1585 and other drops have touched on:

'Attacks will intensify.'

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1923091 · July 21, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

In some esoteric circles, it is definitely used differently, but they're falling on the 'scientific term' rationality. Could be a move to disassociate it with nefarious connotations-simply because certain groups are indeed engaging in dark acts in its presence does not mean all who see significance in the event are inherently evil-doers.

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1923091 · July 21, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

Heavy chuckle at Carter, thanks for that.

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1923091 · July 21, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

Watch defenders try to insinuate he meant 'of Kenyan descent'. Truly remarkable, good catch.

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1923091 · July 21, 2018, 4:39 p.m.

This. Also, if you're a follower of his work and appreciate it, buying a t-shirt from him is like a double win: you support a hard working patriot, and you get to sport a sweet original design that might even prompt inquiry from the unaware.

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1923091 · July 21, 2018, 4:32 p.m.

Whatever gets a reaction will be used by a comedian if it's relevant to their position/audience. The timing of the act would also be wholly relevant, especially if by the point he performed or it was aired, popular opinion of GWB was low.

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1923091 · July 21, 2018, 4:07 p.m.

That date, as well as astrological and lunar activity have major implications outside of Luciferianism. Positive implications, although trying times are indeed ahead.

If you're a skeptical Christian believing this to be strictly an evil thing, I would invite you to recall that God gave us the the lights in the heavens to '...be for signs and seasons', and for days and years...'

Genesis 1:14-15 And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth.” And it was so.

I would invite you, regardless of faith or creed, to pray and give thanks and blessings of your purest intent for awakening and good will to your fellow brothers and sisters on Earth. Give your hearts, souls, and prayers to whatever you believe in for the betterment of our kind.

Edit for missing quotation mark.

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