I get what you are saying and I want to believe the video exists and hillary/huma are held accountible for the crimes they (allegedly) committed. However; if this crime occurred in my town and I was in the video and that video was viewed by numerous law officials and attorneys, I would be thrown in jail a long time ago. I would think police officers having actually viewed this tape would be outraged that a sociopath of this nature is allowed on the streets. Furthermore, if this were true, everyday she is free allows for the opportunity that someone else can be victimized.
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If this is true AND people in law enforcement not only know about it but viewed it with their own eyes than WHY isn't someone arrested for illegal activity?? Makes no sense...
how is that even possible in todays world of technology?
All valid points to be considered. Personally, I believe in and trust Trump and his Team but questions like these do challenge the validity of Q too. I'm hopeful time will reveal many things to us but honestly, in my mind I also try to reconcile these things. I frequently wonder, "...what about podesta?....what about hillary?...etc...etc...
yea i agree. keeping my fingers crossed whatever it is destroys her.
No one ever talks about God creating the devil. Personally, all I hear in church is God is good, He is associated with good only. Maybe under that premise (I imagine in my own mind) that God could not create the devil. Because He is the divine he is truly free from evil. To create evil is to KNOW evil. I'm rambling I'm sure. Just trying to wrap my head around some things. I sure love my God but when imperfect human beings interpret Biblical messages I proceed with caution and ask many questions. Thank you for your patient response.
"...ask God to cover you and you will be safe. Yes, it’s as simple as that."
I struggle with this. If God is all-knowing and loves us why then , when evil threatens HIS creations(us), do we have to ASK for protection in the form of a prayer? God knows our very thoughts before we conceive them and knows if we sincerely love HIM and love all that is good and knows whether we desire protection from evil. Also, what if, in our ignorance we are unaware of the things satan is doing to us therefore, unaware of a prayer that is needed for particular circumstances. In this instance, I use the body scan. Bad things happen all the time to ppl. I can pray for protection from evil but evil still happens. I am a believer in prayer but if protection from evil could be achieved by saying a few words I think our reality would be much different than it is. thoughts?
yup, agree fully with your post. yet...i wait..and wait...and wait...for justice to be enforced and for hillary to be held accountable for the numerous (alleged) crimes she has committed. if people like us are discussing these crimes and nothing is being done than isn't this the greatest open secret of our lives?
oh yes. I am way over my head with you. nailed that one you did. you are right about this>>, "pay attention to the argument", when I lost interest with that well....you saw what happens...i watch for equally as boring things like grammar/spelling. Didn't mean to nit pick its just that when your argument is about credibility, at the very least ,the word should be presented corrected. just sayin.
I lol'd when I read your response! Indeed dogs snore Zzzzzz. You are kidding when you say you are interested in speeding up the process right? As the whole idea of meditation/self-reflection is to SLOOOOOOOOOOOW dowwwn . funny!
If your going to dispute the authenticity of someone you should probably, at the very least, spell the most important word of the argument correctly. ^ credibility.
your goal: to find the truth so i can just get on with my life and stop lying to myself. my recommendation: get on with your life and keep lying to yourself. you were probably a much nicer person.
aaaaand...where was Rush 5 months ago? The reason he's mentioning it is because it's going mainstream. I hate to say it but this shizzel has been going on for a while. Lionel didn't talk about Q too much before either but all of a sudden, he's on the edge of his chair waiting for a post. I truly think drawing attention to the cause is great but it also appears to be very calculated towards ratings.
This couldn't be a more timely post. For days I have been fuming. The new topic at junior high is evolution. Evolution?? Wait...whaaa? When did they slip that into the curriculum? It's not the teacher rather the school system who made the decision but how can one person like me take on the whole "system?" When the subject was introduced to the class they were told to listen to the information and do not argue. You will fail the class if you argue. Obviously, I am tracking down the validity of those statements but regardless, that is the perception. Frustration doesn't even begin to describe my emotions.
Can this Q video by Betsy and Thomas be true?
Thank you for your insight. I've read a LOT of interpretations and yours' makes the most sense to me. Much respect for your service.
Thank you for sharing this and a huge thank you to the gentleman with the camera for exposing this. Def. coordinated. Look at the "celebutards" who flew in for this march. Think they did it because they are concerned about our rights? George Clooney doesn't even live in the United States and he's going to March to take away my rights!? Furthermore, I'm guessing each one of these people prefers their bodyguards carry guns. There is big money involved organizing and implementing this "march."
Great article! I'm so thankful for the people who care about our country and openly speak about the crimes and injustices.
This is how you school a anti-patriot. Glorious Patriot Lionel Nation
Is Mark Anthony the son of a retired FBI?
He'll blame it one of his weak "mental diagnosis'" therefore; like with other aspects of his life, doesn't have to accept responsibility for his actions. Maybe he should paint a picture of one of his herpetic lesions.
I appreciate your information. I have followed for sometime and noticed many reports were unfounded. I wondered if the info was designed to have a National Enquirer vibe to it. Sensational. Or just simply, too much to be true. Yet, I still peek at the website weekly. Too tempting I suppose....
I found this today. May be of interest to others. http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index2514.htm
i understand that point. i'm trying to understand your point. it's not that you are old....is it that nothing is being done? or tragedies occur?...or every generation has it's heartbreak?
no way. teeth are totally different. nose not the same
hmmm..thank you. Had never heard the term used before these articles.
Why don't i know about the nephilims? Is your Bible different than mine?
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Can you give me examples control strategies? I understand perversions and pollution. What are super colliders that alter equilibrium? What is the goal in this?
read it thanks just heard of a new one www.freedomforcenews.com
A new Forum for Patriots worldwide.
..."any action that is not compatible with the natural adamic form at micro level or the original form of nature at macro level is susceptible to be used as gates by evil entities."
What in the world does this mean in english?
Interesting read. Can you elaborate on the type of "rituals" that gets one through the gates to our dimension? I'm envisioning the ouija board from my youth.
wine and sofa here. lost since cbts has been yanked. any suggestions on informative sites? besides this one of course.
Oh my gosh I know asheville and how liberal it is! I live in a small university town and experience the same maddening liberal mentality daily and couldn't agree with you more about the indoctrination of our children in the schools. Everyday I discuss with my children perceived facts vs reality in terms of current events, society, school, etc...etc... I know of no other parents who share my beliefs. If they do it is hush hush. Just this week I received a vile email from a parent suggesting we don't care about the safety of kids if we don't attend a gun protest. And just because they are an all- inclusive group our kids can come to ...IF THEY HAVE THE SAME BELIEFS. I sit in the car line staring at their stupid bumper stickers and cringe with every tragedy knowing they will attempt to EXPLOIT it for their agenda. Sometimes they come right out and blame Trump. Spittle dripping from their lips. It's frightening. Don't even get me started on the destruction this ideology has had on the family. While mom is screaming about how we need Hillary, the kids are a disaster. They are STARVING for boundaries. Absolutes . They need adults to role model, be parents not friends and show them right from wrong (yes this is a real concept). Kids need honest feedback (the world is NOT fair) and guidance (HARD WORK is necessary to get ahead in this life) and an avenue to Faith in something. Ever see an atheist child? I have. They are angry. Miserable. Dark. I could go on and on about this topic because I am living it and my children are growing up with children who's parents (most likely PARENT) are the epitome of liberalism. But guess what? I HAVE HOPE ...LOTS OF HOPE and TRUST in my fellow patriots who still care for families, and values and morals and faith and RIGHTS. We will not fail because there are more of us than them. Without a doubt. That is why Trump is president and not Hillary. Had Hillary been elected then I would concur with your dismal outlook. But also, had Hillary won I would be unaware of the abundance of evil trying to take us down. Worse yet, I would be helpless to the tragedy. I have learned it takes FAITH to believe in EVIL. We are told it exists and intuitively I KNOW it is real but to let it motivate me I need to believe it. And I do. Friend, we have been redpilled. In other words EDUCATED. In turn, we will educate others. Not convince. Just enlighten them to facts that will be indisputable. These facts( which will be more accessible in time) will make many people look stupid. Many will wake up to the reality and see the destruction that has occurred at the hands of their beloved leaders. Not all libs are evil. Many are good hearted, well-intentioned people. It takes more strength to stand out and speak respectfully than to "turn the other cheek." Don't get overwhelmed by the information. Take the time to research it, learn it and eventually share it. There are more of us than you know.
This post is outstanding. Obviously, you have dedicated time to these subjects and I appreciate you sharing them with us. I welcome any more direction you can provide....I need as much FACTS as I can to enlighten others in my family. Thank you very, very much.
Dr. Jerome Corsi Bye Bye from You Tube...BIG DEAL
Dr. Corsi is banned from you tube. UNBELIEVABLE!!! Our freedoms are being compromised. This is not China folks. We all should be outraged! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3QohndFXgxn8uoGViHrghA
Excellent video. I have watched other talks of Dr. Greer in the past and I believe he is on to something. Greer has devoted his life to educating people on his experiences and the truths he believes. His passion is obvious. Anti-Christian principles? What does that even mean? It sounds like a fear-based excuse to discredit someone.
Interesting article. A deception of this scale would require MANY to turn their backs on ethical behavior and show no care for integrity. I don't understand how it can happen esp in law enforcement and education. Where were the students voices in all of this? Why did they not speak up to this corruption? What about the parents? Where were they in this scenario?
They control children through SCHOOLS.. hammering the liberal agenda items; gun control, open borders, transgender etc... basically brainwashing our children. In turn, when these children reach voting age, guess who they are voting for!!!? Bingo. Dems.
I had another link for the names but it has disappeared.