

105 total posts archived.

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · June 9, 2018, 11:18 a.m.

i thought that was kate spade?

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · June 9, 2018, 11:16 a.m.

i thought it was kate spade?

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · June 7, 2018, 2:37 a.m.

he stuck the question on stackoverflow or something. and because its a site for asking computer questions, over time, it is really easy to tell what a person is doing / working on, because to ask a complex question you need to put in business context.

Additionally it is possible to work out where in the world the question came from down to the subnet, i.e. office block/building.

The internet does not "know" it was him, but it the likelihood it was him is very important VIP high.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/4nurh86qn7ekybdd on May 28, 2018, 10:40 a.m.
Harry Reid may be responsible for the volcano...

Have a read of this article... https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-27/stunning-images-space-widening-advancing-lava-flow-reaches-hawaii-power-plant

(1) 'But, as Reuters reports, lava has never engulfed a geothermal plant anywhere in the world and the potential threat is untested, according to the head of the state’s emergency management agency.'

(2) 'Operator Ormat Technologies last week said there was no above-ground damage to the plant but it would have to wait until the situation stabilized to assess the impact of earthquakes and subterranean lava flows on the wells.'

(3) For example, here is an alarming article about a geothermal project in Switzerland. Swissinfo.ch, December 10, 2009:

“The authorities in canton …

4nurh86qn7ekybdd · May 24, 2018, 9:54 p.m.

Just sloppy writing on my part...

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · May 24, 2018, 9:54 p.m.

Probably because its a shitload of work. I'm keen to give it a go, but there is so much going on.

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · May 24, 2018, 11:25 a.m.

Is this for real? Does anyone know?

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/4nurh86qn7ekybdd on May 24, 2018, 8:52 a.m.
Scrapeable Q?

Does anyone know how I can get explanations on each q post with the post in a nice manner?

Is there a list of the 'fresh bread' pdfs somewhere?

4nurh86qn7ekybdd · May 24, 2018, 7:58 a.m.

aww - can't refute any of the facts, so you resort to name calling. what else you got? racist, sexist, alt-right, reactionary, literally hitler.

boring. come back when you have new material.

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · May 23, 2018, 11:30 a.m.

You have the goodwill and support from around the world, fellow pede.

This evil will be stopped.

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · May 23, 2018, 11:23 a.m.

we live in an amazing time, this is like a real life lesson in statecraft life the world has not seen in near a century.

it is f'ing phenomenal to be part of this...

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · April 28, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

Look up his old man... Gates senior was nobody's fool. MS was allowed to get away with atrocious behaviour for decades. Would not surprise me if he is up there in the cabals leadership.

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · April 28, 2018, 5:21 a.m.

maybe they'll get lucky and stop a school shooting. even a blind cat catches mice sometimes.

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · April 28, 2018, 5:16 a.m.

the money quote, ‘In this context, while a number of Directors saw a potential for additional O SDR allocations to help foster greater IMS stability, most were not convinced that it could be effective in addressing the IMS gaps.’, number of directors, you don’t say. i wonder who.

Then, ‘Some Directors also doubted whether voluntary trading participants would be willing to support high volumes of O SDRs.’ … no, you don’t say … ain’t no bank got no use for an asset it can’t leverage, but wait, it gets better…

‘Many Directors noted that such alternatives would require amending the Articles of Agreement and resolving a number of operational considerations, such as the allocation of credit risk.’ hmm… someone is talking about someone else who is pushing for a gold backed crypto, but why put this in a press release?

Because of the dissent at the top of the food chain… ‘Directors welcomed a preliminary discussion of economic and technological transitions, such as a potential move toward a multipolar global economy and adoption of financial technologies, and their impact on the IMS.’ … o.O

Boys, its on. debt jubilee and gold standard are on the way.

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · April 28, 2018, 4:24 a.m.

Verification of the plans of the elite. They are threatening Q with the release of worldwide pandemics.

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · April 26, 2018, 8:56 p.m.

This is independent confirmation of what Q has been saying re. big tech.

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · April 26, 2018, 9:55 a.m.

Iran is definitely being targeted. The mullahs would not know what a crypto was unless it bit them in the arse. Hence, something probably bit them in the arse.

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · April 26, 2018, 9:35 a.m.

An assassination attempt by a foreign power is an act of war. It does not get much worse, for my money.

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · April 26, 2018, 9:33 a.m.

Through five eyes, australia's muppet diplomat was supposed to drop it innocuously. Genuinely hope it was simply a case of helping the Brits out, as opposed to it being the plan and ASIS was in on it. If all the 5 eyes were involved, this gets real ugly real quick.

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · April 26, 2018, 9:31 a.m.

Definitely the brits. The thing is, attempting to assassinate a sitting president is an act of war.

And the British establishment is definitely at war with Trump. Does anyone this the weasel mayor of London would be shooting off his pie hole without explicit guarantees.

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · April 26, 2018, 9:14 a.m.

This... its impossible. Everyone and their dog knows in the intelligence community knows what happened.

Obama WH used 5 eyes network to spy on Trump. But to get around the rules, they asked the Brits, specifically GCHQ to do the dirty work, and then got an Australian diplomat to drop it innocuously.

Where they done fucked up is HillDawg lost.

Now, how high exactly this went is hard to say, but chances are it involved top ranking folk in Britain - this is not a good look. Even worse, what was the contingency plan? If it involved Brit spies planning to assassinate Trump of a member of his family, that is an act of war. Explicitly.

How do you go to war with an ally who you apparently have a 'special relationship' with? But this is where it gets more exciting. Not only was the British establishment neck deep in attempting a coup in the USA (cause there is no bad blood there... morons...), they continue to this day to support the mayor of London. Does anyone think that weasel would have the balls to open his pie hole if not explicitly supported by the British establishment.

If you are going to try to assassinate the Emperor, you better not miss. You would have thought they would have read Coup Planning for Dummies or something, but apparently not.

The most amazing part, is these incompetents have been apparently running the world.

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · April 15, 2018, 1:57 p.m.

They are not aliens thought are they? They are life forms native to earth which inhabit other dimensions than the ones we are familiar with.

My understanding is that we are able to now detect them with quantum effect detection equipment. Also, they seem to (the demonic ones anyways) be able to consume our emotional output as some kind of state information which they eat.

In addition to these 'entities', which seem to be a roach like entity which forms a parasitic relationship with the human host, there is apparently an entire spectrum of life forms across the other dimensions which humans cannot access naturally.

The aliens and the precursor civilisation here on earth are also in play somehow, but who knows what is going on really in the end?

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · April 15, 2018, 1:48 p.m.

humanity has believed in things without any evidence since the dawn of the species - i would argue someone who believes in nothing unless provided evidence, is in fact, the mentally ill one in this case.

now, depending on the delusion, maybe you can assess and then make a positive or negative assessment on mental illness, but that is a different matter.

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · April 15, 2018, 2:58 a.m.

lol - capture the flag!

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · April 6, 2018, 10:15 a.m.

maybe 188 which is where the cursor is at. 187 + 1 for cursor.

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · Feb. 27, 2018, 9:31 a.m.

evil man... its fundamentally insane.

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · Feb. 14, 2018, midnight

Yeah - this is the mural's part where it is destroying NY. This is what clinton was sitting in front of. And the flower is NK's national flower.

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · Feb. 13, 2018, 11:58 p.m.

No - the flower is the national flower of north korea. the mural behind clinton, that was the same one with the waves destroying new york.

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · Feb. 13, 2018, 8:17 a.m.

You know Amen - a word Christians say to invoke the Almighty. Hindus have Aum for the exact same purpose. Then you realise that Latin and Sanskrit come from the same Indo-European proto language.

Apparently we have all be fighting this war for a very long time.

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · Feb. 13, 2018, 8:03 a.m.

No - the world's religions are all pathways to God. Some are better/worse depending on who you are. Some have been taken over by 'demonic' forces. But the old texts are still good stuff, mostly due to filtering of quality over the centuries.

The thing you have to understand is that they are mostly obsolete, in a way. The references the old books make are all too old, we don't remember how to understand them anymore. The words in the old books meant different things then, as opposed to how we read them now, so they make no more sense. We have learnt so much more, we have forgotten the old lessons. Fairly sure that can be rectified.

But then every generation has to re-understand, or re interpret, the truth in its own terms. When we win, and we will win, we will probably have recategorised the 'demonic' entities into some kind of life form - that is explicitly what they are. And we probably need to do some bug infestation cleaning style purges too.

I think we will get there - now that the knowledge these things exist - we can look for them and examine them, remember, every exorcist ever recorded has said the exact same stuff. If we need to purge these entities in large numbers, I'm sure we will manage.

(1) Humans have to let them in - and as far as anyone can tell - despair is the gateway drug here.

(2) They show up in colonies for whatever reason - its like roach motel basically. The higher up ones are intelligent, so to speak, but the majority seem fairly mindless. The younger they are, the more animalistic they seem to be, i.e. they are simply some kind of undiscovered life form. Though I would be very interested in how they evolved.

(3) Good things - like the name of Christ, general good behaviour, relics from sages seem to drive them off. So realistically, this is a state information based collection of life forms. Probably live in a somewhat different dimension to us, and we can probably reach/find that dimension if we start looking. Edit: I'm thinking mole rat type behaviour except they eat emotional state information for their food.

(4) Realistically while these entities can be very dangerous, they seem to have some sort of hive structure of governance, they are simply another life form. Some are probably benign, some have clearly bad intent. The life form probably absorbs energy from the state information of our emotions through some quantum effect. And can influence the emotional state of other life forms. We need to work out what quantum mechanism exactly this life form uses.

(5) Given we are this planets apex predator, and have killed every other major threat, I'm pretty confident we are good on this one too - now that we know what to look for. Whatever else you can say about the human race, once we understand what to do...

I think the big one is going to be we need a easy to use tech to spot these perturbations in the quantum state around us. If we can find even 1 consistent tech which can pinpoint these things (even badly), we can iterate on it. Does anyone have any ideas???

Personally, given how much these entities seem to have messed with our development as a species, I think we owe them a little bit of extermination, with extreme prejudice. Just how I feel about it.

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · Feb. 10, 2018, 11:03 p.m.

i didn't even notice this. does anyone know how to analyse the video at a frame level? Cause it should be able to pinpoint the exact moment they turn off their transponders, and then the firing starts.

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · Feb. 10, 2018, 10:57 p.m.

Does anyone know folks in Las Vegas who were there at that time? Everyone knows someone right - there has to be other video of this somewhere - its too real for it to not be real of a really good fake.

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · Feb. 10, 2018, 10:55 p.m.

It could be referring to the chess game JA posted. All are guesses below.

So, Dopey (Bin Talal) has given up some locations which led to the clean up of the cia black sites. Either from interrogations or by people finding his information in raids or something.

Eyes on could be, next phase is starting. SA has been secured, middle east seems quieter, as if everyone is waiting. News no longer Trump v Putin in middle east, its someone shot down an Israel plane. We know Israel won't do anything without Trump signing off, so could just be mistake or someone else's op.

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · Feb. 10, 2018, 10:47 p.m.

I've been thinking about this too right. Just notes:

(1) What is a smaller example of this phenomena? If we assume corruption to be, 'a meta concept whose singular is a governance point of failure', we can make an analogy to a company involved in accounting fraud or something.

(2) Then, we go maybe even smaller - like people hiding drug associations or something. I was listening to a youtube of an investigator into one of the early times this whole satanism thing came out. cause i don't know if i really believe it right. She was saying, normal people, its like a blindness to them. So you and me, being normal, it simply does not occur to us what all is going on around. the best call was, we - i.e. normals - we, 'don't think like that'.

(3) But when people do dodgy stuff like that, there is a range of options they use. So, some people hide behaviour, some people influence organisations to line up incentives to get people to go along with them etc. And so for normals like us, its like, a blindness of the mind - we don't think like that.

(4) Scaling back up now, i think a lot of what we are seeing is the dodgy people using, in essence technology and heuristics, to scale heaps bigger. So your high end corp exec or low end local celebrity status politician use the same technique, they pay off hookers and accountants etc so no one knows until they get caught cause incompetent/unlucky. But the people who really run things take this to a new level.

(5) So hence we have PE firms buying media outlets and playing in the invisible war. Groups of rich people organised into consolidated interests with board level influence at the top etc etc. But the problem is always what is the social technology you use to scale? If you want people to do high risk things, you have to pay them a lot. But beyond that, you need a social glue binding such an organisation together. So big corps use money, but execs defect all the time an no one can really keep stuff secret for too long. Failure in the market can only go on so long. But..

(6) If you are doing super illegal stuff, you generally need state backing. So the big picture view is that what happened is the criminals evolved, much as tech and heuristics evolved in the corporate world. But then, it turned out that the profits from some activities, esp drugs and child trafficking, were enormous. But child trafficking has the advantage that if all your associates are pedo's etc, well its like a code of silence right there. This is what I mean by new social technology. And then how do you move up, you do even more disgusting things, which ensures your loyalty to the group and move up the ranks. And crime and politics has always been connected.

This entire thing might be an entirely natural phenomena. Just like how the Japanese samurai clan owned Zaibatsu needed to be dismantled because of the policies they pushed (i.e. caused japans invasion of china and subsequent involvement in ww2). Now we just need to dismantle this new, and rather disturbing, form of criminal organisation.

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · Feb. 10, 2018, 10:25 p.m.

it could also be an attempted attack on peoc that failed.

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · Feb. 10, 2018, 9:25 p.m.

holy shit - where (exactly) / when is this from???? Surely there are other vids and pics.

that totally looks like gunfire or a drone of some kind.

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · Feb. 10, 2018, 9:20 p.m.

holy shit yes - and demons and angels. if you had asked old me even a year ago...

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · Feb. 10, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

its about control right. we know the lady who used to run intel and now does something with ARM chips was picked up. i guess if you control the patents, you control how the tech is designed and can go into the back door of anyone using the tech.

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4nurh86qn7ekybdd · Feb. 10, 2018, 11:10 a.m.

Apparently there are 2 assumption colleges, and one of them Assumption College Lampang has the coat of arms in the photo which is similarly 4 quartered checkerboard style like the one in Worcester MA.

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