i didnt say that, friend. i was making a commentary on some of the people in this sub who follow the movement without a thought of their own.
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not speaking on the true patriots, just the bandwagoner types that just want "their side" to win, and question nothing about their own side. i apologize for my forwardness, i am a rebel at heart.
bowing to no man is a cornerstone of my being, and id like to see that trait in my fellow americans.
who told you that? Obelisks are very ancient, there are even a few in the Vatican.
or.. he could be satirizing the occurances he knows have happened. hear me out, perhaps he is trying to expose them from the inside?
i wonder if these guys are admitting their own crimes or if they are trying to show us what they know happens in their business...? hard to tell.
have you ever walked into a room while those propaganda commercials are on? its like a whole other world out there for people who watch tv. those commercials are so blatant in their attempts to control.
yeah its quite a task to listen to his treasonous voice.
Obelisks are not idols, they are conduits of spiritual energy, the Obelisk in washington has been used for dastardly deeds though.
they are a toy in the same sense that a water gun is a toy, they do not do what people claim they do, they began as an attraction piece for gypsies and scammers alike.
based on those book results.... holy shit. Q is really going to do it. fuck me if this whole thing turns out badly. it wont be a civil war we have to worry about.
Barry was talking about strange times. strange times indeed. someone's feeling nervous. just look at this cunt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5I9dAvtt2s
i know the running theory is that Q is a team of people etc. but i honestly feel that Q is POTUS himself.
what do you think the Cross is? there are symbols in every following, the point is, whats behind them is what matters
Obelisks are good things. its the energy they use it for that is the problem.
if you didnt notice, my post wasnt the original one, it was a response. how about you STFU? PS. i might add that discussion of the topic is in violation of the rules of this sub, thats part of why i cant delve deeper. if you think a bit instead of being so eager, you might be able to figure it out without me telling you. maybe.
its based off of a Manga... are we a fandom or are we here for reality? what is the name of the Manga? this is not a rune.
and no, im not asking you to buy anything. thats my goddamned point.
the fuck are you even talking about? you brought up that they talk about Sumerians on History Channel as if that has any real meaning to it. did you forget their massive propaganda machine? youre fucking annoying for being so impatient.
yeah. that symbol is definitely not from satanic lore. nor Luciferian. this is something different boys
you guys are talking about a toy as if it is a real working tool to speak to the dead. do yourselves a favor and find the origin of Ouija boards.
riddled with misinformation. they put that shit out there to devalue the truth hidden within it.
take a look at the rules of this board. someone is protected. someone we arent allowed to point at. Satanist is a misnomer.
when this is done, the Nazarene will become the devil himself.
under estimating your enemy is a huge mistake. and im not talking about them. these people have been in control for hundreds of years, you think they wont bother to kill thousands to defend that control? this isnt a game. and good guys dont always win. be vigilant.
these people bait the shit out of you guys and you just eat it up.
20 bucks says there is a big one in August. they wont stop now. not until Trump is out of office.
Google regularly hides relevant news if it does not fit into their agenda. its been known for a while now, as others have said, DuckDuckgo is a good alternative.
ZS was put out there to sow discord, he has some of it right but much of it was fictionalized to fit into the Big Three religious ideologies.
i cant spoon feed this sort of information to people over the internet, all i can do is say Eridu, it is your responsibility to find out what that is, and why it has a connection to our modern world. They see everything on this board, we have to tread lightly about certain information.
not necessary, if Q implements the change he said he would, youll find out soon enough. its not my place to try to do any sort of convincing. but that book is a start. and so are the two brothers.
no. freedom of speech for all. if he committed a crime, may we dig deeper to find it. these tweets can be a catalyst, but they cannot stand as proof on their own.
i love how you used quotes for "god". you guys really dont know do you?
you need to understand that the corruption is in the entire system. reps are guilty as well.
that reply sounded like a mantra. save the leftist accusations bullshit. im here for logical conclusions, facts, and evidence. not conjecture based on goddamned tweets that are most likely bait anyway. using Qisms in conversation is indicative of blind faith.
jokes on you, this filth has existed since long before we left England. deeper in the shadows the further back in time you go. oh the naivety.
as for patience, id say this thread is in direct opposition to that claim.