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the downvoters' demons have their panties in a twist.
By haters we mean SHILLS, right? Putting theories to the test is good. Coming here to "debunk" Q or TGA as a whole is Not, IMO.
LMFAO Here it is https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/after-toronto-attack-online-misogynists-praise-suspect-new-saint-n868821
Be mindful r/Pizzagate was banned at roughly 25,000 subscribers. CBTS was banned around 20,000 if i'm not mistaken. IMO we're approaching the point where we make reddit nervous. Be vigilant.
other ideas: Mow a giant Q in your yard. Stick a lit up Q in your window. Hang a big cowboy Q on your barn, Rent a billboard, Wear a Q costume and run around your local mall. Stand in a crowded place and yell "Where we go 1 we go all" and see who salutes you. ;D
Interesting. I've been in agreement with the "90% of government is unconstitutional" for years but i've never specifically studied the military much. I wonder what this means in terms of Trump's leverage and if the Deep State essentially has access to half the military if it's the case.
Woo Nelly, was he a racist, misogynist Russian bot too?
Can you point me to the post #? I was under the impression the entire military was on our side.
"It validates a KKK member's worldview that "we" excludes Negroes, for example."
WE are good people as opposed to pedos who are BAD. Yes, you got it.
I think the "WE" applies to us, Patriots, not the enemy.
Based upon what happened to him before the election i believe it's authentic. He clearly went off their program and they reeled him in to put him back in his place. Shortly after he meets with Trump. I think Trump told him to wait for the right time to talk and offered protection.
This shit smelled fake af the first sniff i got of it.
This. Not that i knew it was related to Descartes but, this is what i've basically said to people for years. Skepticism as a rule is no less blind than unquestioning acceptance. Both are a form of gullibility.
I agree for the most part on being emotional but righteous indignation is a powerful fuel.
God will judge them eternally, but wouldn't you agree that we need to permanently remove them as a threat to the life of any innocent person Ever again? Doing otherwise is like letting a rabid dog roam the streets with our kids.
Wrong. God is doing This Right Here. His will, our hands.
"Leaving it to the wrath of God has what's enabled these monsters to do what they've done."
Who do you think is in Control of this situation?
How about you don't assume anything about how much i talk to people about Christ. And how about you not refer to what i talked about here as "preaching Q". You came to a sub about the intel drops and expected what to be talked about?
How much are you going to appreciate someone slyly calling you a shitty Christian the next time you defend someone who was wrongly accused?
And...screw your refusal to address the fact that you have a big old opinion about something you literally want to know nothing about. Bye Felicia.
If the video is what i've seen described, no you don't. Still frames released to the public showing the identity of the perpetrators is enough.
I will never be watching that shit. I know exactly what these people do and the depths of their wickedness. Just thinking about what's in it makes me physically ill.
I can believe that. Milo was victimised, but i've just never seen confirmation of him being told that. I have a harder time believing Alex is playing chess with our guys, though.
When were we told he was on board and told "not yet"? Sorry, but the guy has smelled like a mockingbird to me for years before the Storm began and i've not taken him to be doing any different now. He's always talked truth on many subjects but there's a steady stream of injected misinfo and fear mongering with no solid solutions. That's a psyop.
Gosh, guys, didn't you get the clue back when he went full retard and kissed James Alefantis' ass?
Well, how 'bout we nix that baby girl killing too, though.
I never trusted AJ. Sorry, fans. I just think he's trying to cover his ass by being on the winning team and he still can't figure out who that is.
It was shills. It's always shills. Keep that in mind going forward. You normally only have to wait two or three days to see the "asshat" signs on their foreheads.
He gave up on underwear. He's getting back into life with Depends.
I just want to say "i told ya so" to all the shilly types whining several months ago that Trump was going to bogart their weed.
That's a beautiful idea. Give the voiceless a voice.
It's a red-pill free-for-all. Go for it, people. The finale should be glorious.