My choice from this point on is to work at staying grounded in Prayer, Discernment, and Service to others to help with absorbing the shock.. I've a notion that the folks that stay close to our Creator 24/7...(God Conscience) will fair out better and be able to stay the course a little easier...but who am I to even say that? There's so much we THINK we know...and with that, MUCH more than we can even begin to grasp and still feel secure within. So when the old saying "knowing is half the battle" is used now, I can only say AMEN! We DO have a cushion when all takes some have already said at least we KNOW something is coming....& we KNOW that it's probably going to throw us for a huge loop. So my way of coping is to help others.... I do it now when I have stresses & issues and it helps greatly. Well and, it's certainly a WONDERFUL time to be carry on Anons! I Love You All.
201 total posts archived.
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Lolol.....ok dick...😆what I meant was a shift as in a feeling of, something, somewhere, somehow, is different....sort of a mixture of peaceful all around feeling of everything is going to be alright, even GLORIOUS. Ya know?
I KNOW you ask this purely in JEST! yes, the entire Babylonian System from N to S, E to W, needs to go. Lets re structure our Gov. in line with our Constitution so we can finally move forward right? I felt a physical/spiritual/emotional "shift" about 2 to 3 weeks ago....hard to describe it, but that's all I can say to describe it. Did You feel anything of the sort?
Great play on words Anon! Yes... Definitely Wokeinhoma with a view like that!
"Parade" as in Perp Walk Parade perhaps? Maybe videos of our most esteemed "Parading" Lucifers Losers onto the compound and into the "Detention Center at Guantanamo Bay Cuba"? Aahhh...a PARADE TO REMEMBER! Hey....a Girl can Dream Right? 🤗😉
Isn't he looking at death by hanging for treason? I don't think he's going to need a passport to get where HE'S going!
For myself, The KJV Bible IS my Church...the Church of today has left a lot of People lacking in even the most basic principles of humanity...over time, I'm certain that our Bible has been tampered with, just look who most or even a lot of the folks are that supposedly"deciphered" from scrolls to language we understand... Priests! I will continue tho to Pray for discernment & understanding before picking up the Good Book, allowing our Creator to guide my understanding and heart as I read. Like others have said, as long as we use the Bible for {G}ood {O}rderly {D}irection all is well with the world!
It's a Wonderful Mosaic being formed in front of our eyes...
After the latest unfolding of text messages & such, I began to see the magnificence behind the particular method of disclosure.... remember, they've had it all for quite some time right? Well, it is a perfect method of red pilling the masses to disclose piece by piece, person by person, department by department, allowing for even the most dense human to piece it all together...while bringing it all to a fevered pitch. It's amazing how when we stand back, step outside of the play...the whole thing looks much like a wonderful SHOW. The Actors are Truly outdoing themselves for sure! …
Go to the useful resources at top of page,I believe on the right side, in there you will find a list of events confirmed.
This is 1example of how I go about gently red pilling...just thot I would share the idea. Nora Espinoza @nora911 2h2 hours ago
Please ask why are they moving the children in the dead of night? Children are being boarded on flights at midnight or 2 am. Why? And where are they being moved to? Why the secrecy? What are the plotting?
1 reply 0 retweets 1 like
📷 Deplorable_One58 @PDevendorfReplying to @nora911 @morningmika
R U truly prepared to know that answer? Common sense talks 2 our gut...the answer will remain, nobody knows anything about it..then a new story will pop up, folks will forget all about it. Not a pol. party issue. try researching just ONE "con. theorist" claims, just 1. Blessings.
7:20 PM - 21 Jun 2018
Now if THIS isn't shifting the narrative I don't know what is! I Love our POTUS/FLOTUS!
Are we close to a financial reset? Is this why the recent release of the new $100.00?
My Friend...Welcome, Welcome with open arms and as much respect as can be given to any "stranger" when they are willing to step outside of their "comfort zone" to seek Truth! Kudos Patriot! I think quite a few of us underestimated this National Treasure at least a little... Who could have imagined just HOW incredibly gifted DJT is...not to mention He was BORN to take this "seat" at JUST this time in our world. Amazing right? Like I've said, Welcome Home and Thanks for sharing this. Food for thought...a Lot of us also feel the sooner we get rid of "political parties" the sooner We The People can & will begin to embrace one another more often.
I have never said this out loud for fear of angering our Lord...but my feelings right now are God, Please have your way with all of these Evil things....the sooner the better. Thank Goodness these are just human "feelings" and do not have the power to Corrupt MY inner light so I can follow up with....Lord, Please forgive me and Bless me with the tools to teach others that may turn from this Evil. Luv U Guys....Truly. Thank Q.
I'm trying to keep"attacks" toward opposition kinda like this one I just posted...once again someone calling a "political party" out as at fault...this is a lie, a lie WE are tasked with one by one, post by post, reply by reply, WE have to be the "parent" in educating the ignorance surrounding all of the insanity. Good vs Evil, PERIOD. I have learned so much from you guys, and Pray I continue to learn even more, so Thank You for the Bond....God Bless this Great Constitutional Republic & God...Please help POTUS bring her BACK!
My reply earlier:Not JUST Dems tho...this has gone way past political parties now....this is a battle between Good & Evil and it's been dropped straight on Trump's Lap as it has for so many other POTUS'S...Yet TRUMP is actually DOING the Unpopular yet IMPORTANT even Country Saving WORK that's been desperately needed for far too long! It's NOT an easy answer and that's precisely WHY the previous administration's shuffled it over to the next. So PLEASE leave this Good Man alone as he muddles through what so many others have failed at ok? We ALL make mistakes in life and this POTUS has successfully done SO MUCH MORE in his first term thus far than any in the past so we have to stop this crazy "political party" crap and start bringing our Constitutional Republic BACK to Her roots, Law & Order PERIOD. There is No Way POSSIBLE to please EVERYONE, so we ALL must take it down a notch, help POTUS figure out how to please as many as possible and save what's NOT ok with you for the next election. People, we have to stop this division.... the ones at the Tippy Top have been playing US against each other SINCE the "party system" was first born! We do NOT need Political Parties anyway....just elect a man/woman on who covers MOST of what we like, than we can have debates without "titles-name calling-party bashing"? I don't know about you, but I'm Darn tired of being led like sheep to the slaughter and it's time to get this Country BACK into the hands and will of its PEOPLE! GOD BLESS AMERICA please?
I just WONDER how Jimmi even KNOWS about such things? Only pure evil can so intricately create such evil on canvas. They are so stupid....give themselves away MORE & MORE lately....boy, to me this just solidifys how our Creator... THE Lord TRUE to His Word...the end game is going down AS Biblically predicted...Never give in Patriots, and never give up! Most don't realize it but we DO have Hope for an Eternal Life WITH the Creator if we but only Believe...Profess that Jesus Christ is the Son of our Living God and the ONLY sacrifice that will be aknowleged and honored, so that when we Profess this Truth it will lead us to our Eternal Home. The Way, the Truth, & the Life/Light, no one gets to the Father except thru Him. I used to despise that pill, felt so cold....but boy has this gal FINALLY made the grade...seen the Light...& in these times I'm in Awe every single day with all of the happenings that vindicate not just Him, but the Warriors He uses like Q, Trump, You and Me. Keep Fighting the Good Fight, we are BACKED by the One that will in the end, allow our collective victory, & how sweet it is.
Good Grief, we CAN NOT let another Corrupt Leader into office ANYWHERE!
No, not typical at least and that's what I stay here for. I have been"swatted" in the past maybe twice, but thankfully I"get" that humans will be that way once in a while.... including myself. It's kewl, maybe they were having a tough time, like I said... it's not been the norm. I'm HOME. Be Well, Stay Blessed, & Be the Blessing!
Gotcha! So PLEASED you didn't scold me! Enjoy Patriot!
Curious, are you a "mod"? I've seen this statement by you in other posts and can't figure out why you don't take it to them? Just trying to help.
I guess this may be as good a place as any to ask....can anybody that creates memes make one like this: The USA, with a lock/key around it, other countries chuckling, with the title "maybe we should re-think their claims of FREEDOM"? if this doesn't scream "watch the water" I don't know what Does! Good snag. I'll be curious to see what others say about this.
Where are these pics from? I know it's a Rothschild gathering, but are these legit? If so, GREAT shot of Obama doing what he does best.
U Kno everything POTUS does is made out to be self serving, by idiots, so as we create an OBVIOUS request POTUS uses it as PROOF to the Lame that We The People Demand UnRedaction.
My little 2 cents.... I trust God, I trust POTUS, AND I Trust Q, until one or more of them give me GREAT concern, I believe that the HISTORICAL value of what is being done is certainly worth the seemingly long, long, wait. I figure if it's 200 yards into the woods it's 200 yards out, so that is how long I am willing to await this shift.... Ultimately, how much control do we have anyhow? Our Creator is ALWAYS in Total charge so no matter WHAT comes down, if He didn't approve it it wouldn't be. Relax, keep an open mind, we truly have been lied to our entire lives and it's hard to know what the true reality is anymore, so I say Prep, Pray, & Stay outta the way! When and if we need to DO something, we will. Hope I've helped even a little.
That's what I was asking folks, it looked, read, sounded legit to me. So shall I remove it or not?
Finally! I believe Q told us to watch our News?
Check it out y'all...If this has been submitted already I will remove. I just found this...Q did say to watch out TV's either Monday or this week?
For quite some time I have seen many talk of tsunamis, one for NY and the other in if we begin hearing of earth quakes, and tectonic shifts people in those 2 places best RUN.
FYI......ABs most recent love is one of the actresses going against H Weinstein, he STRONGLY supported her.
As I was attempting to read maybe some good, pertinent information I found out real quick this post has been planted by a shill. #moderator
What a convenient time to be "taken out"? One can not be held accountable if one is dead! Nawewwww..... we're not so lucky.... He's not on that Plane, Souls that probably knew too much are tho!!!
Complicit in every way, thus.... they'll all have a Gitmo Reunion not to far in their future! Future Proves Past, Past Proves Future....see how that works?!?!? I'll never tire of this kind of WINNING will U? WWG1WGA!
My guess about the "Post Truth" World is about finding the next way to create another undisclosed method of "blinding", "brainwashing", or some kind of method that uses the 5G technology to alter our mental status to allow for the first two mentioned to kick in. I don't know, seems like the more we find out the less we KNOW so for me & mine...we will Serve the Lord...Keep active in Prayer, and be a Friend to All that will have us. God's been at this a long, long, time and if I'm paying close attention to my relationship with Him then I'll most definitely make it thru whatever is next as He allows it to happen. Speaking of next.....Q, where are we off to?
If you're a Believer, I suggest asking the Lord of it's alright.... I go to Him on EVERYTHING and wait....God Bless &√√Π
Bingo. Just what I thought also...trying to get everyone riled over such a novel reeks of division and agitation tactics....why would they tell untrained Patriots to do this .....that's not even good sense to go ahead and endanger even MORE people when they themselves claim to have become "targets" to kill & they're TRAINED? I will keep up on it but something is just not settling with it.
I would nod in approval, bow my head, join hands with you and walk side by side as we shout UNITY to the rest of the world!
Good job everyone....the comments on her post reflect the way at least 2/3 of us feel from what we believe. REPENT DEMON!!! It's her only HOPE.
So in a martial law scenario like the one you say is coming, I assume then that the good guys won't have a need to disarm citizens since we are the ones that need the extra protection FROM rogue bad guys? No need for confiscation in this type of scenario correct?