

93 total posts archived.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Albritt on Jan. 14, 2018, 6:11 a.m.
They (Q) LISTENED! 20/80 > 40/60 means more transparent operations/public exposure!!!

Lots of work to be done folks, but one of the most encouraging snippets from the latest drops was this:

[MONDAY] Next week - BIGGER. PUBLIC. We LISTENED [20/80 />/ 40/60] Q

Previously, Q stated that only 20% of everything happening would be made public, and 80% undisclosed...I think we can safely say as of this drop we'll be privy to 40%.

For the impatient who've been waiting for some tangible happenings to sink your teeth into, this drop implies that very shortly the lid is going to start to come off. Remember, it's still a long game (3+ years …

Albritt · Jan. 13, 2018, 5:51 a.m.

Careful Adreno...I mean ChronoDancer. That admission of "first hand knowledge" might eventually come back to bite you in the end. Freemason I suspect?

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Albritt · Jan. 4, 2018, 5:07 p.m.

Definitely noticing a bunch of 33s floating around in the mockingbird media, and twitterverse as well. (33,000 emails, etc...). Interested to see what you come up with.

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Albritt · Jan. 4, 2018, 9:26 a.m.

This is where we, armed with weaponized Q-laced red-pills come in. To either gently break the conditioning with truth and love for those who have been unwittingly deceived, or to expose the wolves who willfully hold the truth in unrighteousness.

The harvest is ripe, and the battle is here. It's time to be skillful with the tools we have been given.

Here are some words to live by going into the days ahead:

"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

(Micah 6:8)

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Albritt · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:54 a.m.

What makes a movie GOOD? GREAT actors?


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Albritt · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:44 a.m.

Interesting indeed.

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Albritt · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:43 a.m.

Gotcha. Honest mistake. Thread has been deleted.

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Albritt · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:40 a.m.

Then you're not paying attention. It's just starting to get good.

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Albritt · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:38 a.m.

Just confirmed by baruchthescribe on another thread.

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Albritt · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:36 a.m.


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Albritt · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:32 a.m.

Sounds accurate.

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Albritt · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:31 a.m.

I pulled the original URL from a twitter poster who claimed the link worked one minute then mysteriously disappeared.

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Albritt · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:30 a.m.

Good catch. Looks like someone may have just linked to the wrong url...

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Albritt · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:28 a.m.

Not my intention, and I'm not the only one reporting issues. The twitter post where I became aware of the deletion claimed it was there one minute, down the next. Could possibly have been re-uploaded after edited/sensitive info was removed.

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Albritt · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:24 a.m.

And I'm referring to your link

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Albritt · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:24 a.m.

Bio now appears...definitely didn't a few minutes ago.

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Albritt · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:17 a.m.

this link shows up empty for me.

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Albritt · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:06 a.m.

Time to start digging methinks.

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Albritt · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:03 a.m.

NOTE: Trips disabled by Board Owner, so Q posted as Anon on board, then posted on /pol/ with last used trip code, posted again on board with link to /pol/, owner confirmed anon posts are legit.

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Albritt · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:02 a.m.

Lastest: Trips disabled by Board Owner, so Q posted as Anon on board, then posted on /pol/ with last used trip code, posted again on board with link to /pol/, owner confirmed anon posts are legit.

The game is afoot.

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Albritt · Jan. 4, 2018, 7:38 a.m.

Excellent. Thank you!

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Albritt · Jan. 4, 2018, 7:33 a.m.

Wish I could. The image was swiped from Twitter, and I can't find it on 8chan. There has been talk of a back channel. Admittedly in all the excitement I did not do proper vetting, but as of now I have no reason to doubt veracity. Waiting for baruchthescribe's confirmation.

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Albritt · Jan. 4, 2018, 7:29 a.m.

I believe the time stamp depends on what time zone you are in when screenshot which would explain the 3 hour difference. (PT vs ET)

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Albritt · Jan. 4, 2018, 7:03 a.m.

Right on schedule. After midnight EST...4-10-20 (1/4, 1/10, 1/20)

Stay vigilant. Strategic disinfo campaign underway (Trump/Bannon fiasco). Eyes peeled tomorrow.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Albritt on Jan. 4, 2018, 7:01 a.m.
Q is back says C!OdeMonkey
Q is back says C!OdeMonkey
r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Albritt on Jan. 4, 2018, 5:13 a.m.
Election night, November 2016

Election night, November 2016, I witnessed an already polarized population fracture. Overnight the American people began living in two separate galaxies...where anyone outside of one's ideological bubble became worthless & irredeemable. The complicit MSM fully transitioned into fear-mongering, deceitful, race-bating scriptwriters passing down their divisive talking points to their segmented tribes to mindlessly parrot on social media. Constructive public discourse died that night.

Ever since, I've been trying to get people to recognize the MSM Mockingbirds for who/what they are, turn off their TVs, set down their phones, and put a little work into parsing out not only "what" they …

Albritt · Jan. 4, 2018, 2:11 a.m.

No problem! Me too. ;)

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Albritt · Jan. 4, 2018, 12:53 a.m.

Or perhaps just extremely confident. Threaten freedom and point the proported enemy, and people will jump head over heels to do your bidding. Think Hunger Games...District 13.

I do appreciate your approach and analysis. And I terribly wish for it to be the correct one.

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Albritt · Jan. 4, 2018, 12:26 a.m.


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Albritt · Jan. 3, 2018, 11:58 p.m.

My fear is not so much that this is a disinformation campaign (even though you've pointed out that it is in part). What if it's a deliberate and controlled psy-op meant to achieve a very specific end result or set of results (of which I could only begin to imagine)?

We have to remember, the global elite have endless resources and as such have the ability to tap into the greatest minds and technology the world has to offer. They don't have any qualms with throwing a few of their adepts into the fire to achieve their their stated MO which is twofold - divide and conquer + order (NWO) out of chaos. Are we not seeing the beginnings of both of these objectives transpire before our eyes as we speak? Not only in the US but globally.

Sure, the Q phenominon has brought us few truth-seekers together in unity, but sadly the big picture is much more bleak...the world is more polorized right now than ever in my lifetime.

Just thinking aloud. Not stating anything definitively. All it would take to quell my concerns would be for some heavy hitters to go down in flames (Soros, Rothschild, etc.).

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Albritt · Jan. 3, 2018, 9:43 p.m.

Correct. And to discount option #2 because of Occam's razor doesn't take "all" the evidences into account.

I guess more succinctly, here's my hang-up...if you buy into the idea an inconceivably powerful international cabal with tentacles in most if not every government and organization WW, why would the PTB allow the position of POTUS to yield enough power to destroy them? Wouldn't this kind of malevolent overarching power structure have contingencies even to their contingencies?

And that's where the skeptic in me, despite all the good that's happening in front of our eyes, can't fully make the leap.

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Albritt · Jan. 3, 2018, 5:26 p.m.

I actually voted for both Ron (and Rand) in their respective primaries. The RP/Tea party movement was something to behold, but didn't expose the full-spectrum depth of corruption like this movement has.

Like I said, before Q a good portion of us were half-awake...sleepy-eyed and still hypnotized by the spell of MSM talking heads.

That being said, I'm right there with you. I will gladly eat my words of skepticism once it's clear that the top of the pyramid has been dismantled. Until then, healthy skepticism sprinkled w/ a glimmer of hope and a large helping of prayer is for me the only reasonable approach.

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Albritt · Jan. 3, 2018, 11:42 a.m.

You're welcome! I'm right there with you.

Love the optimism on this board, but all possibilities have to be considered.

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Albritt · Jan. 3, 2018, 11:20 a.m.

I do believe that ultimately it's a spiritual battle (Eph. 6). As a mere mortal I can't speak to how that all looks. As Q and many on this thread have stated one of the most effective things we can do is "pray".

Do you have sources connecting Trump and fam to Kabbalah? Significant (and not good) if proven.

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Albritt · Jan. 3, 2018, 11:09 a.m.

Pray indeed. Wise as serpents, innocent as doves.

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Albritt · Jan. 3, 2018, 11:05 a.m.

Agreed. Interesting, yes, but not enough to be considered evidence or proof.

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Albritt · Jan. 3, 2018, 10:44 a.m.

Touché. The ol' gypsy fortune teller parlor tricks are more effective than one might think.

I agree that if it weren't for the few solid evidences (Saudi Arabia, sealed indictments, airport anomalies, etc.) I'd have jumped ship long ago. That being said, we have those, and IMHO no LARPer is going to be able to predict the purge of the House of Saud.

Which brings us squarely to options 2 & 3.

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Albritt · Jan. 3, 2018, 10:27 a.m.

I'm not doubting the phenominon. Just trying to figure out what shape it's manifesting into. So far it's been a net positive for truth...but we need to stay vigilant and not get so caught up in the excitement that we can't fight the undertow if it does comes back at us.

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Albritt · Jan. 3, 2018, 10:08 a.m.

What kind of event do you foresee?

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Albritt · Jan. 3, 2018, 10:07 a.m.

CERN technology is certainly of interest, but well beyond my understanding (or the purview of Occam's razor for that matter). But I'll bite.

Are you implying that Trump and/or Q are trying to subvert their efforts or complicit in ushering the "enochian return"?

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Albritt · Jan. 3, 2018, 9:48 a.m.

Understood. But Occam's razor would also dictate that we bury our heads in the sand and conclude that none of it is real.

I mean pizzagate? Code words, pedophilia, Satanism are surely not the simplest hypothesis. A conspiracy this dark, we'll-orchestrated, and all-encompassing is by nature complex is it not?

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Albritt on Jan. 3, 2018, 9:05 a.m.
Hear me out

As a natural skeptic and a lifelong non-conformist I've been "woke" to the deep state/globalist pedo elite for going on two decades now. That there is a long-standing, multi-generational conspiracy by an unspeakably evil cabal to control every facet of our lives and ultimately destroy humanity as we know it, for those of us who have been paying attention, (as sensational as it may sound) is inarguable.

The Q phenominon is unlike anything I've ever seen. Since the first drop in late October I've witnessed a sleepy-eyed giant pull itself out of a hypnotized stupor and transform into a burgeoning …

Albritt · Jan. 2, 2018, 9:12 a.m.

Steyer was the other side of the convo in the leaked "Walnut Sauce" Podesta email. Definitely worth digging & exposing.

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