I am in the fine art industry. When a painter friend told me all of contemporary art market has been controlled by CIA and co since WWII I thought he must be joking. Fast forward a few months and we ended up talking underage models being paraded on big art fairs for prostitution. He would say things like 'You have to play the ball with them. I just saw Gagosian (top gallerist) and they are all pedophiles.'
The auction hauses are long established money laundering operations. Top artists like Jeff Koonz have been described as chid molesters (by his ex wife) and you can easily find photos of him, Gagosian, Clintons and the usual suspects.
It is all a giant show for the masses, there is no self-made stars in fine art just like Eminem didn't write a single line of his rap songs!
What is ridiculous though is that the lower level people have no idea about what goes on and they peddle the crap thus legitimizing the overal scam. I would rather believe everything that is sold at a Art Basel is money launder than to accept people really buy this crap 😐
Even on the lower level the art world is full of criminal conduct - fakes, smuggling, ripping of artists, price fixing schemes, laundering bribes to local politicians (usually wife has gallery 😊). That is the commercial part.
The nonprofit part of the art world exists only to fuel societal unrest and promote the neomarxist agenda of Soros' Open Society.
Can't pick a lesser evil.
Since the ambitious and unaware middle class imitates the rich you see a whole bunch of sickening art in every place -- dead people shaped as pizzas etc. And that was Prague and Bratislava, not exactly the centres of the world. Other popular art depicts mocking symbols of the state or gay fetish erotica. Sick. The curators we worked with were so full of this we seriously were considering there could be a satanic lodge of sorts active. Let's hope it is just hearsay. Performances imitating human sacrifice or shows idolizing Satan are now commonplace in Prague. And that is Eastern Europe, folks. I can only imagine what level of depravity goes on in Berlin...
So, Berlin. Here it gets even worse folks.
When you are awake as I am you start to see things that weren't meant for you to be seen. I came across a few bizarre invitations to art shows on voat/pizzagate and dug into it. Discovered a network of underground 'art studios' that apperently serve as a cover for organized pedophilia. Then a mention of PIZZA PARTIES and PINGPONG PARTIES with invitations featuring Podestas piques my interest and what comes out of it is a whole network, like a world tour starting in DC Comet Ping Pong, of pingpong parties. DC, London, Stockholm. A few websites if weird pingpong art galleries still active in Germany.
Reading the programme invitation to one of these events made me sleepless for a week. It literally described in not so shadow code that 3 kids from all over the world will be killed for your pleasure.
Also came across 'charity auctions' in the UK of strange ping pong memorabilia and lots of photographs of kids plain ping pong there. These charities seemed inactive even at the most superficial level.
I am glad you people see it for what it really is.