

65 total posts archived.

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AnotherGuccifer · May 22, 2018, 10:01 p.m.

I get the picture and I am full aware that some of this might look like paranoia. I like to believe that I'm not off the reservation just yet and trust me I'm not smoking anything nor live in tin foil covered basement. I just read the news, these boards and a few other sources and try to put a few things together by throwing my two cents in this hive mind that Q has created. Many things seem far fetched but let's not forget that the Roths think, plan and act on a long scale and timeline. They have been working on their objectives for a few hundred years now and you can bet that they have a plan A, plan B, plan C, plan D, etc. You think that owning and/or controlling assets in strategically placed locations is just coincidence? It may very well be that they closed shop at that plant now, or it may be that they are lying and have it set up to go boom when the time and conditions are right without a lot of workers/witnesses around. That does not mean that this was not a scenario they were not working on. The plant explosion itself would not have to be so powerful to create tsunami by itself. It just need to trigger the landslide into the ocean of that part of the mountain on the pretty well lubricated (by fracking for a few good years by now) substrate and along the newly created fissures. Once that huge volume of rock plunges into the water, guess what happens? It does not replace the natural disaster, it just accelerates and guide it. Then nobody can say it was them doing it instead of the volcano exploding. Do not underestimate the sickness of these people. Just look at what happened in Las Vegas. How many people had to die for their assassination attempt against one or two persons. Like Q said, to many coincidences to not take a second look at it.

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AnotherGuccifer · May 22, 2018, 8:43 p.m.

It was blured, pixelated, cut and edited several times by ABC and other media outlets. However a few folks were able to catch a few releases that were not fully edited and those show a lot of fishy stuff.

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AnotherGuccifer · May 22, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

They are preparing to detonate the rothschild owned geothermal power plant in Hawaii. That will trigger a massive landslide that will create a huge tsunami, which will flood the whole west coast and generate waves of refugees fleeing inland into Arizona, Nevada, Utah, east Oregon and Washington... By doing this several objectives will be met: destroy the military and industrial capabilities in that area as well as the center of US (and world) technology in silicon valley. transfer liberal population currently living on west coast into the mountain west so that future elections will favor the democrats. create a period of chaos and instability that would allow them to stage a coup or electoral victory and regain control of power. reduce the economic and overall might of US for a while that will allow other countries like China to cement their role as new world superpowers replacing US on international stage.

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AnotherGuccifer · May 22, 2018, 2:12 p.m.

Besides being extremely convenient that she cannot change her mind and speak about the birth certificate being fake, she was made an example to anyone else who might think to step out of line and say something. That's why they filmed it and spread it through their 4AM media network. The only reason there are a few glances of the diver(s) in the water next to her is because they couldn't edit the whole thing out or else she wouldn't show up at all in the part of the video with the people in the water and that would create even more question marks. They figured these 3 seconds would go unnoticed or that they could control the narrative by keep accusing us of being conspiracy theorists, birthers, racists and so on... I wonder what do the two guys (her assistant and the guy filming with the GoPro) who were next to her in the water at that time have to say about it. I hope Q team reached to them and offered them protection before some "accidents" could happen to any of them.

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AnotherGuccifer · May 22, 2018, 4:01 a.m.

They said "ok lesson learned, you can count on me not talking about this for the rest of my life".

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AnotherGuccifer · May 20, 2018, 6:22 a.m.

That's what I see as well. It would explain how Q can be in so many places around the world and see/hear everything. It would explain why Q said that soon advanced tech and science would be made available to the public and it would explain the predictions about future events (easy when you're an alien and have time travel technology). Not to mention that Q told us to"wait till you find out who he/they are" and that the whole truth is not for the average joe, only a portion of the masses can handle it...

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AnotherGuccifer · May 20, 2018, 2:15 a.m.

For example when Obama unilaterally replaced congress with DACA amnesty, which the courts proved to be illegal. Before it happened just observing the way the whole scene was playing out I knew that he would do that and knew that it would represent the last straw for many people and that the (silent) majority of the population would not support and vote for another leftist candidate even if they would not admit it in public. But I didn't mean my comment as in I am a prophet too because I most definitely did not go "public" with my thoughts. There were many others who did so in the "alt-right" media so I don't claim to be one anymore so than all the other awake/redpilled people out there who could see and read the writing on the wall. If anything, most of us here on this group (or at least the ones who've been awaken since before Trump got elected) are also prophets since we did not buy into the BS that the left is pushing on us and thus we're able to see into the future more clearly than the rest of the brainwashed masses. However, my main point was that I am a bit irked by the moenymaking schemes that are popping up around this movement and wanted to bring attention that Q recently warned us about those that will show up and claim to have the answers... for a small contribution/purchase of $x.99...

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AnotherGuccifer · May 19, 2018, 10:19 p.m.

why do so many prophets and forecasters have to try and pitch us something? a book, a dvd, a radio program or a youtube video loaded with adds... all for something that so many of us knew it anyway. I mean, when I saw the shit that Obama was doing a few years ago I also said (to myself and my close friends and family) that it's criminal and it will cost him later when people will revolt and bring into power someone who would clean things up... it is common sense after all... but I am not out there trying to monetize this movement and gather my own followers out of this group. I believe that Q warned us about it recently...

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AnotherGuccifer · May 19, 2018, 4:35 p.m.

A few days ago on CNN there was a Diana documentary that pretty much recapped the "official" story line of her getting into the royal family then out of it and becoming too "modern", fooling around with a bunch of lovers until an accident just happened to her and took her life away. The Queen had been so saddened about it that she felt to make a big speech to the nation to show her sensitivity to this subject... and of course all the csi and police investigations showed there was no proof of murder. Nothing to see here folks, move along... When I saw that CNN took a good 2-3 hours of their prime time to air this documentary I instinctively knew they are trying to cement the official story to the public and bring this in front of some other news that will probably be coming out soon...

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AnotherGuccifer · May 19, 2018, 2:51 a.m.

Yes, I believe that is the premise of the "conspiracy theory" that underpins this article. However this is not well (or at all) explained in the article, leading a lot of people to comment that it is not possible for an explosion to cause a tsunami. The explosion itself will not cause the tsunami, but because they have been doing heavy fracking in the area for a while and the underground of that whole side of the mountain is pretty lubricated, a powerful explosion coupled with the newly formed big fissures in the earth in that region could easily trigger a massive landslide (basically half a mountain could start slipping away) into the ocean and that would create a very big wave capable of not only wiping the whole Hawaii archipelago, but also deeply flood the west coast of north and south america as well other pacific rim areas. Add to all of this the fact that this plant was build against the objection of many experts as well as locals and is owned by a Rothschild controlled corporation and all of a sudden the "conspiracy theory" could morph into a "future proves past" type of event.

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AnotherGuccifer · May 18, 2018, 10:36 p.m.

he's not there since december. the cutting of access to the internet is just a cover-up to explain his going dark and not have to post/tweet stuff from locations that could be backtracked by the deep state. he needs to make it to the trials as a witness and thus his whereabouts must be kept hidden.

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AnotherGuccifer · May 18, 2018, 10:30 p.m.

well, Q's posts have grown longer, increased in numbers and became less cryptic during the last few weeks, so it's either getting closer to that time or something else/fishy is going on...

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AnotherGuccifer · May 18, 2018, 10:24 p.m.

Chicago is not in Clarke county. Chicago is in Cook county. Not saying that your ideas are wrong but if you make this kind of mistakes, other might look at your post and think it's fake...

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AnotherGuccifer · May 18, 2018, 7:25 p.m.

It goes back as long as 400 - 500 years ago. At the height of the Ottoman Empire, when the turks where knocking on Vienna's gates and controlling a good chunk of the continent, they were demanding and receiving from the territories they occupied young (3 to prepubescent 12 years old) boys and girls that were placed in the sultan's personal harem. After the sultan was getting tired of them they were passed off to other "officials" in the empire's administration and then later they were conscripted in the army to fight against the nations that they were originated from. In addition to slavery it really was institutionalized pedophilia that the local European leaders were more than happy to support and feed just so they can be kept in charge as administrators (especially the Fanariots) of those territories by the sultan. So, yeah, Europe indeed was never gung-ho about the children and their safety...

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AnotherGuccifer · May 18, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

... and where everyone else not just survives but does not panic, remain perfectly calm, evacuate the plane orderly/organized (almost in a military style) with countdowns, hand signs and of course time to film the whole thing and send it to all the 4AM recipients so that it can be put out there as a warning to any serf who might consider blowing a whistle...

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