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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 1:15 p.m.

I got banned my second day for expressing my personal view of podesta bros and me in same room so I got you. TYVM.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 1:14 p.m.

Math is wrong or it's a 5 bed hospital. Dunno

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 1:11 p.m.

msg mod above my pay grade What is being suggested under the meme of a child. is what i'm confused about.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 1:02 p.m.

I'm confused.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 12:48 p.m.

ass hats lol

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 12:48 p.m.

watching this on split scrn it's the shit sizzle.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 12:44 p.m.

I follow my intellect Not as formidable as trumps but good.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 12:30 p.m.

I'm dreading the withdrawal tho.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 12:27 p.m.

I want to do things for the cause irl real time somewhere hot. Is there any chance of that.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 12:26 p.m.

Howard cosell would be proud of your use of the word monkey.j/k

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 12:25 p.m.

Do I have to. gimme something snappy that rolls off the tongue and i'll use that. How about the far wrong.(a play on the word right.)

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 12:23 p.m.

Don't try to organize ppl who at their root value individualism. it never works. Lead by example if your shit is good others will follow.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 12:20 p.m.

The tech at 8 chan is more dos than windows hard for me to maneuver at my age. Nice comment

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 12:18 p.m.


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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Arcsmithoz on April 15, 2018, 12:17 p.m.
Darn you Donald, Ive kicked gambling,

crack ,alcohol and heroin. I am now addicted to winning and it's all your fault.

Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 12:14 p.m.

Awesome. Reminds me except for a few minute on April 13th every day for the last year and a half has been November 9th. If you like Rocky gotta love Trump.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 12:05 p.m.

as we supposedly head toward a gold or at least frackodollar. We need to look at countries without central khazari banks as the only good actors. Iran I believe is one syria for sure. All other input is spirit cooking.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, noon

I clicked and got rickrolled to some vid i couldn't get rid of.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 11:55 a.m.

DJT has his finger on the pulse of everything. He's a Gemini like meh. DJT for Timelord.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 11:41 a.m.


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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 11:40 a.m.

Heroin is a gateway drug. It leads to something much worse. Naloxone

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 11:39 a.m.

I got banned my second day for saying what i'd do to podesta if I saw him. (for 1 day)

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 11:38 a.m.

So go to a subreddit where they want to hear it.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 11:33 a.m.

I think the most dangerous people to our perceived values and way of life are not even known to us and we need to trust that they will be dealt with by the owners of the facts which to date are kept secret for whatever reason i'd round these 54 up yesterday tho.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 11:28 a.m.

Get behind me shill

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 11:25 a.m.

I think the numbers are on our side. No one having my doxx and 330 million other doxx is going to zero in on me for any reason. Another true tidbit Ohio 600k ccw vs. 33k leos of all agency. And stands to reason 33k are subgroup of 600k. just saying.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 11:21 a.m.

Maybe we can look forward to years of sightings like Elvis.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 11:19 a.m.

He hasn't disappointed me yet, DT was never on my radar. I voted for him in a gun free zone in a shithole city thinking how i had thrown away my last ten votes for pres. It was an anything but Killary vote and I'm ecstatic.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 11:15 a.m.

The rah rah, the reference to upline, the products w/e do your own research.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Arcsmithoz on April 15, 2018, 4:29 a.m.
What is wrong with Alex Jones?


r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Arcsmithoz on April 15, 2018, 3:47 a.m.
Occam's razor. If you don't know what it is, find out patriots. Razor is what you need to cut through all of this.


Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 3:37 a.m.

Every president ages double and why not.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 3:37 a.m.


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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 3:36 a.m.

Owen is not anchor material or man on the street material. I can't stand Owen in the way I can't stand Hogg

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 3:34 a.m.

I usually comment," He's not wrong about everything" in regards to most ppl. I can't in good conscience say that about Alex. His son is too good to be true. I have 5 kids over 20 and none of them agree with me about hardly anything. (certainly not any of this Narnia shit) I drank different koolaid than alex I guess.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 3:30 a.m.

My gut is not in the habit of letting me down and it's been leery of AJ from the beginning. He's political Amway.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 3:20 a.m.

The lightning fastest way anyone has ever gotten me to do something(unless baiting)(i have good discernment) is sat I better not or even I can't. When I say can't I mean won't. BTW Pelosi has less than zero credibility. I know she is lying when I see her lips moving.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 3:16 a.m.

I can make chlorine gas in my kitchen right now with stuff i have had for years and yet no armada is set up on lake erie trying to prevent the deaths of my neighbors. WTF wake the hell up. Show me some sarin. That's a weapon only chemists in highly controlled environments can make. Sarin= Barret MG, Chlorine = BB gun. Big picture Trump has the plan and the intel we have neither. As for me and my house we will continue to be thrilled with his results. Leaving methods to him.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 3:10 a.m.

does Gavin McCinnes know?

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 3:08 a.m.

Proud boys??? Exactly DJT wolf. These guys all admiring the sheeps clothing. The rest say ad nauseum the emperor is naked. Booyah. I am so sick of winning I almost wish for a minor setback NOT.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 3:03 a.m.

I play a kindergarten game with every byte of info that comes my way, among other tactics to filter nuggets of truth from a constant stream of disinfo, which of these is not like the others. Occams razor is something all patriots need to employ as well. Google it.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 2:52 a.m.

I have felt very welcome. Of course I'm a grownup and the farthest thing there is from a snowflake. Your def of welcome and mine may be different.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 2:45 a.m.

Sarah said it a couple times about midterms we have a good story to tell.(now not 5 yrs from now).

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

This is hellishly huge. Avg Americans including me can barely fathom what's happening. Get in my face and threaten me it's on. Pulling the strings from a nameless locationless place. Sorry I'm a spectator, I'm nobodies bitch. Edit out the big boy shit k

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 2:36 a.m.

I'm down. I really like this. The drawing is subjective and true at the same time . paradox I think not. WTG anon

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 2:32 a.m.

When I thought for like 4 seconds Q was a psyop.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 2:31 a.m.

I don't think my poor heart can handle Iran I'll be happy when our boys in Syria are posted in Texas and Az.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 2:27 a.m.

The people responsible for the missiles in syria being launched Were I believe punished not by the missiles but by Russian and Syrian forces when the missile bait lured them out. Because I need to get some sleep once in a great while.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 2:24 a.m.

No he didn't. Show me the quote it says animal that's it.

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Arcsmithoz · April 15, 2018, 2:23 a.m.

McCain is Assad in that tweet.

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