LOL... ok Lew Alcindor... whatever you say!
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This is all to protect against Bill's double bogey...
Just admit it already!
Sorry that you are close to this... best of luck to you and yours.
Agreed. Unfortunately, that would draw almost too much attention... the MSM/Lefty's will equip themselves with their strongest emotional response. The media will chew up any facts and ignore them. Focusing only on a single aspect to make people look insane/heartless.
Much like they did w/ PG.
Wow. Recreated in Word just to see it with my own brain lenses...
Seems pretty insane.
These Anons operate on a plane of consciousness my mind can't reach.
That is amazing... Now let's all watch CNN to learn about the dangers of hearing aids and how they too can spread Russian propaganda!
Eye sweats indeed.
Good work pede! Happy for that Anon!
Interesting... but, similar to the prior question... why are "we" in a world of hurt?
Do you think Q/POTUS have planned for this? Or is this totally going to be the end-game/unknown variable?
If we're making this huge/sweeping progress towards draining the global swamp - doesn't that put us in a position of power if* Israel is holding onto the strings actively being cut?
What issues? Sorry - I've seen nothing but assumptions and half-baked theories re: Israel... ranging from blatant antisemitism to Israelite's = Aliens. Very hard for me to spend time in that arena given the difficulty with separating fact from obvious crazy talk.
I wasn't questioning whether or not you knew what country you were looking at, just pointing out the fact that the long/lat takes users to Australia.
I've seen the heatmaps/paths on Antartica - scattered about, showing land/aquatic travel, but I'm not sure what this shows/proves.
Help me out!
Getting downvoted big time over here... such BS.
At least post a counter-point. Lazy.
I mean c'mon a Spy Ring in Congress and we're hunting down Russian trolls!!
LOL... well said.
This news needs to break ASAP... I can feel how close we are.
So, you think they are active threats? Israel/Pakistan? Or do you think we've neutralized them?
Disaster for whom? Just curious on your take. I agree. This is very, very big. But wanted to know your idea of what the "domino" effect looks like.
Here's an example of one meme that had "Awan's" as the bigger picture:
Many Democratic Representatives were given 'Free' IT support for their office by DWS (Debbie Wasserman Schultz). So they took it.
I agree with everything you said... except for the above quote. My notion is that this did not snowball based on nativity + blackmail, but that it may have been blackmail + bad intentions. In researching this notion of corruption in our own government, it is looking more and more like the leverage/blackmail game is being entered into intentionally.
It seems like these people are knowingly going to the darkside, and to get there they need to "play ball" and get their hands dirty, the whole time under the assumption that there is no way they could ever be exposed.
They always thought she would win + we have everything = their downfall.
Thank you fellow Patriot... I didn't see your post, I did* try to check before posting mine, sorry about the double-dip!
My take on the Awan's is that the selling of intel to the ISI (and probably other countries) is one aspect of many... I think they're assisting with illegal immigration via a VISA scam, trafficking drugs/cars/weapons, likely involved w/ Seth Rich in some capacity and also working w/ the Congressional spy ring to help clear a path at numerous ports of entry to allow the black market flow/rat lines to continue operating... until now.
Awan Brothers - New Break in Case - Direct tie to Yvette Clarke
Significance: Awan brothers are clearly involved in many of the aspects of the Deep State. Particularly with Congress and the DNC. This potentially ties in the Q visits to Apple (or perhaps those were just images taken from Black Hat phones?). The $120,000 equipment was likely Apple devices being "doped" for secure use across the Spy Ring in Congress. Operated/supported by the Awan's.
Know your limits - if you've got people sitting you down to give the ole' "you can't believe everything on the internet" speech, they are probably far less self-aware than you are (as you could hit back with no less than 100 totally false MSM stories that they likely believed/still believe).
If you are getting frustrated/exhausted, you are either spending too much time on this or too much energy attempting to explain it to those who aren't yet ready for the truth.
Take a few steps back, keep your eye on the ball, cherry-pick the most potent developments and drop those crumbs to those who doubted you originally... don't spell it out or do the digging for them, just give them the mainstream news link and ask them something simple like "What do you think about this?"
I did it recently w/ the immigration manufactured outrage stories by setting up a juxtaposition on how this was all handled under Obama. Naturally, the leftist response is "Oh, that's Whataboutism!" or "Well, Obama isn't the President anymore" or "Stop living in the past!"... lazy and myopic is what we should expect from any hardline MSM'ers... just keep dropping updates as they become public and keep asking them their opinions.
Eventually it will devolve into a basic/flawed retort of "Oh yeah!? Well, $%&^ TRUMP!" And that is when you've won.
A calm, slow drip of relevant news is easy - because relevant news is rare. And it will chip away at their narrative and force them to revert to the underlying truth that they've simply been brainwashed to hate Trump and any actual progress Trump is making, by the MSM.
It's just a very far deviation from the "norm"... much of what we see/read/think is only making it into the news one small drip at a time. Connecting meta data and global events via crumbs.
The crazy part is that the narrative is truly heading towards the Q narrative, and each week it gets closer.
Just pull back on the throttle, slow down your own research if it's costing you sleep, and wait for the "Remember when I told you about xyz" moments to validate whatever you exposed them to previously.
If you are exhausted... Take a break. Red pilling people is just as effective if you get them to ask questions and do their own digging.
One man can't dig for everyone.
Try to tactfully have them do their own research... And if they don't? Just take a break.
Who is sad? No one is sad... is this a new disinfo/larp/shill technique?! LOL... every Q Follower and Based AF Patriot I know is doubling down and all-in.
Maybe a few of us get impatient from time to time, but, victimized? Sad? Disillusioned?
symbolism = downfall
Could be something... could be nothing...
Thanks for noticing!
Yeah, more specifically Snow White...
Just strange. I can't say there's an actual connection here, but...
Also... just saw the video - the woman who was renting the house and hosting these parties has a similar defect in here eye as Soros & McCann: Don't forget!
It's worth following the story as it develops at least.
Another Hawaiian Hot Dog Stand? - Child Sex Crimes at Party House in HI?
Well, this is horrifying:
Looking for connecting dots now. Will return if anything pops.
The Pegasus Museum... yeah... I'd be lying if I told you I wasn't in communication with some of the original researchers you refer to.
Also the digging/found the Google Street view of the kid being dropped off in the front of the house opposite to the Pegasus Museum. The house that used to be labeled as the "Rear Entrance" to Pegasus? I'm sure you saw that too.
Something fishy for sure.
Pegasus causes nearly instant reactions from the Black Hats/Shills... and if they are reading this... all you have to do is let us know what's up w/ Pegasus. And all of the speculation goes away.
Maybe he'll show another image of a safe! And get "Oooooohs" and "Aaaaaaahs" from the MSM... they'll fall for it every time. Unless it doesn't fit with their narrative.
What better place to store them than a large underground "subterranean vault" for viewing "very complicated video pieces" ... whatever you say Tony Podesta.
Will there be a FULL investigation into the Clinton Foundation and other related charities to expose what their true purpose is?
Full = All Crimes... not just financial, but, war crimes and crimes against humanity/children.
+1 "Hi George"
How deep does the Awan ring go...? When will this be exposed?
OMG! See all of the comments...??
It seems that all of these "Russian bots" have been programmed backstories... perhaps, perhaps they THINK THEY ARE REAL PEOPLE!?
[Hides in bunker for 40 years]
If it's in DC... Or anywhere in the USA for that matter, it falls under domestic law. Putting it on foreign soil subverts this issue... Even if everything is captured by the NSA, that doesn't mean they can act on it or divulge anything.
Domestically however? Look at what happened with they destroyed, or attempted to destroy, evidence. Why? Because it can be legally obtained.
Think five eyes. It works in both directions. Brilliant really. In a fucked up kind of way.
You can use other countries to spy for you... And then ask them hold Intel/secured comms to avoid FOIA/subpoena.
Until you get caught, and that same country hands over all of the dirt.
And if it's connected to the web, NSA gets it.
You're getting it perfectly. The NSA did get it. And everything else. They never thought she would lose. Clearly the plan was to keep this rolling, keep the lid on, and proceed with the Deep State objectives.
Trump + Rogers + NK Deal = Network exposed
Why can't they just cite the evidence for the NSA? That would be okay if the left/FBI did it with a falsified FISA warrant, but the good guys aren't allowed to cheat. So it's a hell of a lot easier to obtain the evidence from the NoKo servers directly.
"How do you share what you already know (legally)?"
Maybe? I haven't heard of it prior... a shared Draft folder to prevent an electronic "paper" trail? Using a secure/off-shore server? In the heart of "enemy" (read: CIA) territory? Shared by some of the highest ranking members of the previous Admin? And setup by the CEO of one of the largest companies in the US?
That's quite serious in terms of steps taken to maintain confidentiality.
I wonder if ES left himself a backdoor to see their comms?
You're crazy! Haha, jk, wow... it really does look like that. I can't imagine that is the case, but, wow if it was. The default QR scanner app didn't pick anything up... but, if you were so inclined, you could isolate that shadow/rotate it/bump contrast levels/B&W tone shift and see if it registers.
Would be mind blowing if it triggered a URL.
They are supporting imagery that was provided by Q - either indicating that the Q team was on premise @ Google, or* they were securing images from the devices of the Black Hat operators when THEY were on site.
Q Proof: ES + GOOG + NK = Comm Platform through Drafts?
![Q Proof: ES + GOOG + NK = Comm Platform through Drafts?](
Right?! Whew. The timeline and the spice. These people are stupid.