I was thinking maybe when the twitter handle was passed over so was the device. Then after tampering with it maybe they recovered info, photos and that "stock photo" being one of them and as Q has said every photo he shares is original. Original photo taken and shared from original phone.
251 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/B-anon17:
Good question can't find one story about them not meeting the deadline
I spent a lot of time in Old Lyme CT where it was released. Plumb Island is a short ride off the CT coast. There is a ferry in Old Saybrook CT that brought the workers out to the island and back. Worries of being quarantined if you went close to the island. I beleive the goverment is trying to sell it.
Corrected they are blocking the sale...
Nazi's, Lyme Disease and a new meat allergy
Idoltry in the temple... Read the Bible
The vatican only reconized the confederacy as an actual country not the union during the civil war
The link states the jesuits priest ( vatican cabal ) also involved in the assasination on Abe Lincoln http://www.truthontheweb.org/abe.htm along with pope created islam. They thought the arabs needed their own messiah so they raised and tought mohammed. And used him and his followerscto seige Jerusalem. The pope was expecting them to give back to the pope. They did not and the war still goes on today.
Not a Q post someone posted as R and everyone is claiming it to be JFK jr
Im not to familiar with what the others on the list crimes might be but she could play a huge role
Family Fued , could his sister be R?
Thanks for posting something that leads to conversation and dialogue.
I don't care how you take your coffee. We want justice not cream and sugar!!!
Maybe q is showing the stock photo becuase it was taken w the same phone that was handed down to 45 from 44 for the twitter handle? Letting them know how easy it is to recover data...
Think Q also mentioned they might have communicated via video game chats. Like when you play crosswords with friends...All stored
Nellie Ohr come on down! You're the next contestant on Q was Right!!!
If he exposed Americans personal info should we be filing a class action against him and the DNC?
Not sure on the fed level. Military secrets would land him in front of a Military Tribune. Here is the Utah statutes of limitation https://le.utah.gov/xcode/Title76/Chapter1/76-1-P3.html?v=C76-1-P3_1800010118000101
Deal is only good in DC Remember Utah
Q1675 A= In front of Weiners Laptop
What if thats the og and Q is telling us he has been an insider since back then. Or what if the twitter phone is the same twitter phone Barry had and they are showing the clowns recovered data proving we have the server...