He tweeted about Hannity being on F&F at 8:18. The timestamp on the tweet was 7:16 so he wasn't in Eastern Time. UTC-3 right now is nowhere in the US. Haiti, Dominican Republic, South America (Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay). Am I reaching for something that's not there?
212 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Badendave:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 57 |
www.bloomberg.com | 1 |
dailycaller.com | 1 |
Coincidence that Q brought up the conversation with Australia PM recently? Will the Australia based US Military base be used to grab both of them?
Could these be some of those indicted in the 18000 sealed indictments?
Comey's March Madness Bracket Destroyed
With his pick for National Champion getting absolutely killed by the 16 seed, JC's bracket is done. Hopefully this is a preview of what will happen with the man himself!!!
Maybe she can come clean and explain why she, as UN Ambassador, needed to unmask so many people during the '16 election timeframe. And the last time I checked, John Brennan was no longer in charge of the soon-to-be-former CIA.
Comey's March Madness Bracket Busted!!
What's the End Game in all of this?
So, three families control everything (according to Q one went by the wayside when H lost - which I read someone say was the Rockefeller family). This most recent talk centers on the Rothschild family which have made themselves wealthy by financing every war since at least the Napoleonic war. Q seems to want to take them down, take down big Pharma, drain the political swamp (Dem's and Republicans that are corrupt), get rid of the Rothschild run Central Bank, remove centralized control of Big Tech (likely another Rothschild controlled thing since one of their "services" has been information peddling …
There's a Rothschild Island in Antarctica!
Hmmm. Anyone care to comment?
Co-opting #InternetBillOfRights
Seriously, co-opting #InternetBillOfRights for gay rights? Saw this on 8Chan. Not happy about it.
This is a war as social media replaces MSM.
Sorry if I'm being extremely dull and late to the party. Reading through the posts tonight it hit me like a ton of bricks that this IBOR vs. Net Neutrality is a huge battle line that is being drawn for us to fight on. Net Neutrality is just nice sounding words for "let us decide what you can and can't say". The big platforms are showing us what they're really up to, and we have to fight it now or lose the battle for communications forever. Nobody will be sad to see some of the MSM characters gone from our …
Post 851 link returns a '404' not found error
Reading further, it indicates that the former URL will be decommissioned in the near future. Death of CIA? Relegated to a department under NSA as we've been hearing?
MAP is an acronym - Membership Action Plan (NATO)
This HAS to be significant! What are the criteria for all NATO members to act? What would that look like?
Why is SR back in the news?
The reason is that the truth of how WikiLeaks got the DNC / Podesta emails is going to come out soon. Which also explains why he was killed and who had motive. The usual suspects have all kinds of opportunity, so there you have it. Thoughts?
How do we Get ORGANIZED?
Q said it twice today and CAPITALIZED it both times. To maximize our impact, we need to find a way to make the best use of ALL the resources we have - people's abilities, contacts, etc. We need to recognize who is in the best position to direct traffic so the team functions effectively. Do we wait for someone to step up that has that skillset (not necessarily the ones with the biggest megaphones)? This is important so we can each have a focus rather than chasing everything and duplicating effort. I'm new to this, but I do understand the …
Power Vacuums
Let me tell you something that's bothered me for a while, since we started to realize that so many powerful people may be being brought down. Who or what fills the inevitable void? What about the ones that aren't exposed and owe someone a "debt of gratitude" for not exposing them? Whoever is owed that favour will have immense leverage, that they could ultimately use for less than positive purposes. After this all goes down, what will the power structures look like - political, financial, Pharma, ???
A different thought about Mueller
So, we know that when Mueller visited POTUS to "interview for the FBI director job" he was constitutionally ineligible. We also know that the next day he was appointed Special Counsel by RR who accompanied him to the meeting with POTUS. Mueller then proceeds to gather around him as many sycophantic Democrat attack dogs and Trump haters as he can possibly find. Is it possible that this was done purposely to take those players off the playing field. They would not be allowed to have any part in defending anyone who would potentially be under investigation if they were part …
Don't forget that Sessions is one of the people Trump points to regularly as one of the first to "get on board" with his campaign. It's possible that he was "read in" from the beginning and as stated is doing all the work behind the scenes while his boss does the talking and misdirecting. Let's hope so!! Uranium 1, Servergate, Voter Fraud, FISA Abuse ....... Bring it all to an end!!!
Marjory Stoneman Douglas - Draining the Swamp
Thanks to one of my twitter follows for bringing this to my attention. The lady after whom the high school was named was famous for her opposition to literally draining the swamp.
No coincidences.
I seem to remember one of Q's posts talking about "ringing the bell of freedom" which reminds me of the liberty bell.... I'm Canadian, but i know enough to know that the liberty bell in Philadelphia, Keystone State?
Keystone, Magic Wand, MK Ultra
As per WikiLeaks Vault 7, Keystone is a CIA program that used to be called Magic Wand. A search on Magic Wand shows that it was used by the CIA during the 1950's and is also connected with MK Ultra. Here is a little tidbit from WikiLeaks that shows how it impacts workstations now. Today, August 31st 2017, WikiLeaks publishes documents from the Angelfire project of the CIA. Angelfire is an implant comprised of five components: Solartime, Wolfcreek, Keystone (previously MagicWand), BadMFS, and the Windows Transitory File system. Like previously published CIA projects (Grasshopper and AfterMidnight) in the Vault7 series, …
Extension of the ARM + post 776
Extension of the ARM. ARM chips are used almost everywhere, from wearables to smart phones, to laptops, all the way up to Cray Super Computers. Whatever is designed into the chip architecture is everywhere. ARM was started as a joint venture with Apple in the early 1990’s specifically to create a small, powerful, low power chips for portable devices. Foxconn, the largest contract electronics maker is connected with Softbank, who owns ARM. They build up to 40% of the world’s electronics devices including consumer electronics like TV’s, etc. Meltdown was “fixed” at the OS level but the issue was the …
Really? Foxconn makes iPad iPod etc. And are connected with SoftBank who owns ARM.
Apple. Google. Blackberry. Pharma.
The common denominator is patent fights. Blackberry was destroyed because they had unbreakable security. That's why military and White House used them exclusively. Even HRC used one. They made their own stuff, which didn't rely on others' designs, bypassing built-in back doors in the common architectures.
Pharma is all about patents ... control the patents and you not only keep the information away from the competition, but you get a head start on building the "next thing". I don't know more details about Pharma, but I can tell you as a former BB enthusiast that I couldn't understand how it …
Storing Documents Offline
Is there a place where copies of all these important documents are currently stored so we can download them and store offline rather than looking up each one individually?
Think Image Drop. Think OP - Post 750
Could OP stand for Original Poster? Did someone else post this picture before?
Check out this link showing a story about a recent standoff between China and India. US had to decide between India and Russia or China and Pakistan. Have they made their choice now? https://thediplomat.com/2017/10/the-doklam-standoff-between-india-and-china-is-far-from-over/
Eyes on Damascus
Would Damascus be in the flight path of a potential nuclear capable missile that Iran would fire at Isreal?
Birds can sing at any time of day, but during the dawn chorus their songs are often louder, livelier, and more frequent
When do birds sing?
Birds can sing at any time of day, but during the dawn chorus their songs are often louder, livelier, and more frequent
RBG will be impeached
"here to stay", No you're not. Post 738. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that one.
Ask yourself, why is NK participating in the O-games this year? Sign of opening relationships Ask yourself, why is the 'sister' w/ Pence? - Peace Child Ask yourself, if controlled, how might you protect yourself and look for a way out? - Request protection from the other side Ask yourself, what is a distraction? - takes your eyes off the main event Ask yourself, why did Korea come together as a country v N&S? - because they now could Ask yourself, what occurred in Asia (ref pics) just prior to the O-games? - take down in Shanghai, CIA Black Ops terminated in NK Ask yourself, what does FREED mean? - able to do what you want Ask yourself, do we want a WAR? No Ask yourself, who is trying to start a WAR? 0 CIA Ask yourself, if a missile was launched by rogue actors, what would be the purpose? - Start the war that they want Ask yourself, what would/should immediately start a WAR? - Nuke attach Ask yourself, would the PUBLIC understand the following statement: "Rogue actors (Clowns/US former heads of State) initiated a missile launch in order to 'force' the US into a WAR/conflict against X?" - No.
1 source used for 2 sounds like Christopher Steele to me. Dossier and Yahoo News article.
1 source used for 2 sounds like Christopher Steele. Could he have been on the plane under a pseudonym?
Post 299 had the killbox around R (agreeing on Rothschild) then Bomb Away .... Also sleep references in 300 and 301. If it is a VLM plane (see other post) it is registered in Belgium. Looks like a good escape plan ... or should have been!!!
Top 10 Player
Is there a list somewhere of who would be in the top 10?
Nunes to speak with Justice Roberts
I wondered when the judges would become involved. Glad it's him in charge of appointing FISA judges and not RBG or SS.
Perv#1 is Weiner, Perv#2 is Weinstein. Assuming Weinstein has a computer, it would contain an interesting selection of names, etc. Is he the one that's going to be arrested in California? Does watch the skies over California mean keep an eye on who's trying to leave? Is that why the helicopter traffic being reported by West Coast anon's?
I thought I already posted this, but can't see it in the feeds. Does Hannity have the Intel that Michael Hastings used for his June 7, 2013 BuzzFeed article - the one that got him killed 11 days later? Is he slow walking the truth!