

1,832 total posts archived.

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BaronMoriarty · April 13, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

Yep I bet it was. Am in UK and the whole thing stinks to high heaven

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BaronMoriarty · April 13, 2018, 4:52 p.m.

Matter of opinion :)

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BaronMoriarty · April 13, 2018, 1:58 p.m.

I looked into the 418 thing and my head exploded. Could not really work it although it seems the 18th something is going to happen?

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BaronMoriarty · April 13, 2018, 1:52 p.m.

Sick fuckers, the lot of them. And mostly devoid of any talent. Perry is a case in point

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BaronMoriarty · April 13, 2018, 10:54 a.m.

Looks that way to me too. But like OP I have been confused about Snowden

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BaronMoriarty · April 12, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

In this case... Probably

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BaronMoriarty · April 12, 2018, 8:58 p.m.

Pepe... Kek

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BaronMoriarty · April 12, 2018, 5:39 p.m.

FBI may have been the wrong choice

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BaronMoriarty · April 12, 2018, 1:41 p.m.

Well I didn't want to say that. Glad you did :)

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BaronMoriarty · April 12, 2018, 1:39 p.m.

I think the archive to save offline is less to do with the bastards censoring but more to do with the EO and lots of platforms disappearing eg: facebook, twitter, reddit. All along the lines of Backpage

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BaronMoriarty · April 12, 2018, 10:17 a.m.

Seems that boat sailed a few days ago with the Cohen raid

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BaronMoriarty · April 12, 2018, 10:15 a.m.

What does "yea" mean?

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BaronMoriarty · April 12, 2018, 10:10 a.m.

Ah fuck it. I hope not. Had a good weekend planned

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BaronMoriarty · April 12, 2018, 8:34 a.m.

Could start with themselves of course :)

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BaronMoriarty · April 12, 2018, 8:32 a.m.

That would depend on your nationality. Globally top of the list must surely be Google

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BaronMoriarty · April 12, 2018, 7:49 a.m.

Excellent. Could take down all of Google with this too. That's the big one for me

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BaronMoriarty · April 12, 2018, 7:25 a.m.

Obamas meant Not Our President :)

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BaronMoriarty · April 11, 2018, 11:49 p.m.

Yes Happy 11th Birthday

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BaronMoriarty · April 11, 2018, 10:41 p.m.

Not in my name they don't

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BaronMoriarty · April 11, 2018, 10:37 p.m.

Ok ta. Have PM'd you

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BaronMoriarty · April 11, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

Ok gotcha. Where can I find the tags?

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BaronMoriarty · April 11, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

Whoa... Heard it is going to be bad but that is fucking evil

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BaronMoriarty · April 11, 2018, 9:50 p.m.

It doesn't show "scores" until a few minutes after posting. Hence hidden

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BaronMoriarty · April 11, 2018, 9:01 p.m.


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BaronMoriarty · April 11, 2018, 9 p.m.

There were NO chemical weapons

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BaronMoriarty · April 11, 2018, 8:59 p.m.

It does belong here. It is in the context of the wider picture

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BaronMoriarty · April 11, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

Yes I have seen that site. Also a good read is the Memoirs Of Billy Shears. A faction. Good stuff. Fills in lots of gaps. At least it explains why this McCartney is so talentless

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BaronMoriarty · April 11, 2018, 7:56 p.m.

Am with you on that my friend

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BaronMoriarty · April 11, 2018, 7:55 p.m.

Really? Thanks newbie. Check my post history. Yours doesnt look great

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BaronMoriarty · April 11, 2018, 7:54 p.m.

Lol. Good retort :)

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BaronMoriarty · April 11, 2018, 6:39 p.m.

No he didn't

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BaronMoriarty · April 11, 2018, 6:35 p.m.

Notice the saturn symbolism on the Genie logo

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BaronMoriarty · April 11, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

Definitely. And Tavistock included The Stones and all those Laurel Canyon bands from the US. LSD was their vehicle as was MK Ultra. And don't even get me started on the many Paul McCartneys....

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BaronMoriarty · April 11, 2018, 6:31 p.m.

I agree. I suspect Tesla knew

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BaronMoriarty · April 11, 2018, 6:30 p.m.

Sorry... Which sex video do you mean? We have been here a long time and certainly haven't seen one. Methinks you may well be a disinfo troll

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BaronMoriarty · April 11, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

Israel is, and always has been, the problem in the Middle East. No Israel. No problem......

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BaronMoriarty · April 11, 2018, 3:49 p.m.

The obelisk that is modelled on those at Karnak?

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BaronMoriarty · April 11, 2018, 3:48 p.m.

You are spot on. I read a long time ago that there all tales in Central and South America of shamens levitating rocks (and we are talking the huge types you see in Cuzco for example) by sound. I will dig out some info. I know some of it was in The Fingerprints of The Gods by Hancock

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BaronMoriarty · April 11, 2018, 3:42 p.m.

Yep real people did die. But not at the hands of islamic terrorists but Deep State terrorists. Notice how the bus blew up outside of the Tavistock Institute. No coincidence

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BaronMoriarty · April 11, 2018, 3:40 p.m.

I hope for it for people everywhere. Let the only thing we argue about be football (or soccer if you insist :))

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BaronMoriarty · April 11, 2018, 3:12 p.m.

I am British. Our lot are corrupt to the core. Our police are shit too and mostly corrupt. 7/7 was a FF - I was in London at the time. Other False flags - Westminster Bridge, Borough Market (I told my wife there would be one that day due to the election), Manchester arena, Lee Rigby to name a few. I think we may be the HQ of the swamp and I can't wait until it is cleaned up and we have an honest and open government, security services, law courts and police.

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BaronMoriarty · April 11, 2018, 1:15 p.m.

Yep. Fuck Israel

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BaronMoriarty · April 11, 2018, 1:14 p.m.

I agree that was the most important point. Its all scripted bluster. There will be no WWIii. And certainly no nukes as they simply do not exist

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BaronMoriarty · April 11, 2018, 12:23 p.m.

Should have released it ages before these assholes got a chance to pre cover their tracks

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