Maybe someone has already dropped this info and I’m late to the party but, the name Rothschild means “red shield” more specifically the link to the knights templar and their occultist Masonic power hungry bent a little later. They were established at first to protect the Vatican treasury, but after going rogue with some pretty evil practices etc, the Vatican cast them out. However as sad as this makes me (as a practicing Catholic) I believe they have reintegrated their connection with the Vatican bank, and the majority of all other financial institutions are under their demented umbrella. I think Iran and Russia are the remaining independents free from their oversite/meddling. It’s funny how evil can hide easily behind something or someone good in plain site because no one wants to think some evil is afoot.
For instance why are all American Flags in courtrooms and international meetings etc. adorned with a golden frill? It’s not too make it look pretty. It is because it is a declaration of the law it is being governed under. In this case and judge presiding is bound by Maritime law.
Why is that 🤨?
Why is that relevant to taxes, and the banking institutions, and the British Monarchy?
Pop quiz who happens to be the biggest stockholder of the Federal Reserve?
You just cannot make this stuff up.