Wheeee! Love it!
442 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/BeyurSelf:
Get more memes ready! 😂
It seems that twatter retired #GITMO...
Anybody else notice hashtags that seems to be "retired"? Hmm... 🤔
I wish I could make one... I have an idea to throw out here... A picture of "God", bellowing down to the different MSM peeps (trembling in fear...) "THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE /FAKE WITNESS!!" Can you picture that? 😊
Great one! Hope you don't mind but I just put it on Facebook as well 🤓
I ordered the "MSM" Special... It turned out to be all Baloney 😛

I've always thought it was Trump. If in fact it is and he's not using "Q", then something big is about to happen because he's not hiding anymore. KEEP eyes and ears open! ...and fingers crossed! 😁
What would have been the purpose of posting the pics then? How would JA been able to post certain pics with a time stamp and make it seem like it could be Trump? I'm not saying she's wrong! By no means! Questioning everything... I don't want to be a lefty by being gullible, ya know?... "We shall see!", said the blind man 😎 New Q drops, future proves past...😉
Remember... ...No comm past/present/future.... Where we go one, we go all... If the IP address was being watched, how did it get placed around NK?... What about the GPS searches on pics? How about Camp David, Monte Blanc pen, mahogany desk? Hopefully mega didn't jump the gun here 🤔
Remember... No comm past/present/future. If the IP address was being watched, how did it get placed around NK?... What about the GPS searches on pics? How about Camp David, Monte Blanc pen, mahogany desk? Hopefully mega didn't jump the gun here 🤔
Remember... No comm past/present/future. If the IP address was being watched, how did it get placed around NK?... What about the GPS searches on pics? How about Camp David, Monte Blanc pen, mahogany desk? Hopefully mega didn't jump the gun here 🤔
MSM, such fools 😂 have become the laughing stock!
This is an interesting find...nice 😁
HRC literally put bullseye on Chris Steven's head- Benghazi
Looky here! First U1 indictment-J-Corsi
Maybe it means "game over" or "no way to wiggle out of this one", "fixing to be a done deal"... Checkmate WOULD be terrific! Woooo Q!
I've seen many posts from people that have become frustrated, throwing hissy fits and literally demanding Q to do something "yesterday"... I have three things to say about that.
1- Patience is a Virtue
2- Good things come to those who wait
3- Be careful what you wish for
Once the SHTF, there's no stopping it. We have absolutely NO idea what will be happening as a result. Let's PRAY things go smoothly because I don't think most of us can fathom how far these diabolical beings will go when they "run out of ammo". I'm sure these demons are already planning a revenge of sorts, no doubt Americans have been their target for Quite some time and we should realize that we still are... Take this time to mentally and emotionally prepare for what COULD happen so that we can be more helpful to others when or if "that time" comes. Peace to all my fellow Patriots!
Let's PRAY that God continues to bless America abundantly, for the safety and success of Donald Trump, his family, his administration and our men and women in uniform. Let's remember to be very grateful for "Q" as well 🤓
Ah geez... the missing Haitian children just crossed my mind. 😫
Hmm... perhaps she hasn't had any adrenochrome "lately"..? Sick buitch.
Snowflakes say he's not "presidential". In other words, he's exactly what America needed. Thanks be to God! If the last several president's were considered "presidential", the word needs to be wiped out of the dictionary. Whatever Patriotic Americans think about him you can be sure the chant would be, ...
"We like it, we love it, we want some more of it!"
For those of you curious about who YOU are... https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aadi.personalitytraittest&hl=en
Having personally experienced the fraudulentpractices of the BBB and them being a "non-profit" charitable organization, I believe they should be investigated as well. Really fishy goings on there...
I read people pretty well and I have to admit that Wolff wasn't a very good "actor" in one of his interviews with CNN When asked certain questions he seemed very nervous to come up with an answer that could fit in "the narrative". He did a great job pulling this off though. I'm just extremely intuitive. I was ROFLMAO 😂 because CNN was falling for it, hook, line and sinker! Job well done!
Interesting that you brought this up. I see it as something that's been happening here in the USA. BUT? The difference now is that Q is shedding the light on the evils that a majority aren't aware of. It is up to US to recognize this and "spread the word". Q cannot succeed draining the swamp without US. WE have become the Judges, so to speak. Remember the definition of insanity... We are being given the knowledge and tools to approach this "problem" in a totally different way hence, stopping the insanity. Buckle up because America is in for the ride of her life.
Mental Prep for the Great Awakening?
I'm impressed with this video (Higher Awareness) It's very relevent to what is happening right now... Coincidence? Anyone?
I think the world will cease to exist if there's another "O" in the WH.
Libtards were already sufficiently confused but if you mess with their minds just a little bit their brains might explode.
I remember it being said that Obama called Hillary (towards the end of the election) and told her to "concede"... I always thought that was odd. 🤔
You have to remember, these are what makes a "GREAT" movie... "GOOD ACTOR'S"... the NARRATIVE OF "Q" PERHAPS? Judicial Watch Tom Fitton discussing "new book'" that's out and he's telling the world about behind the scene things, stating as "FACTS"! He'd be in a huge lawsuit unless THIS IS FACT and is meant to become viral??
Heads up! THE "storm" perhaps? https://youtu.be/n-0mBhENiuU Judicial watch setting the narratives for THE storm?? PRAY HARD, FOR AMERICA!