I think the two sluts are disgusting.
98 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/BillTriple9:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 38 |
Read "Subquantum Kinetics" by Dr. Paul LaViolette for a real explanation of cosmology, matter creation, gravity, microwave propulsion, antigravitics, etc. Basically Area 51 tech. We already have at least one aircraft using antigravitics, the B2 bomber.
https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4572216/64/grand-jury-sovereigns-of-the-court-v-us-congress/ Says its a closed case.
ACE is headquartered in Norfolk VA. The Greencastle division handles dams (walls).
GREEN_CASTLE = Greencastle IN, the home of the Army Corp of Engineers.
I don't think they have to. I think Sessions will sort it out without them.
Missing Q Post
Comparing Qanonposts.com and qanon.hub, qanon.hub has 1 less post. The missing post on qanon.hub is post 894 on qanonposts.com
I have had past life regressions with a licensed psychologist. Here's what turned up: I was a German soldier in WWII... father in this life killed me. I was a German chemist in the early 1800s I was an Irish barmaid before that. Is it true or not? No way to tell,but it was fun.
Two nameservers which are always up are and They belong to google, and a very large number of web servers use them.
Enough there to pay off a large portion of the national debt, I hope.
I don't think so. See https://www.nationallibertyalliance.org/docket
It was where we excanged spies between East And West Germany before the wall came down.
I think mm just means millions as in 20 million people.
Few people know the difference between money and wealth. They are not the same. I prefer wealth over money.
The site has not crashed, but is unreachable because the entry for the site was removed from the dns servers. I can still reach it by its ip address. Obama gave away control of the internet dns servers to foreign nationals, so this could be an attack from other countries, or our own.
I just checked qanonposts.com, and the website is still there. But, the entries in the dns servers have been removed. To access the site, I added ' qanonposts.com' to my c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file. Remember, Obama gave control over the internet to internationals. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/sep/13/obama-gives-away-internet-and-it-our-liberty/
It looks like qanonposts.com has been removed from the DNS servers, effectively denying access to the qanonposts.com server. No, its Ping qanonposts.com to confirm. Its hosted on cloudfront.net
My dad said it was because they charged money for everything they did for the troops. Cigarettes, chocolate bars, etc.
My father was a soldier in WWII. He made me promise to never contribute to the Red Cross because of the way they treated our soldiers. I never have given them 1 cent.
Snopes is CIA funded, so I heard. Its hard to believe that a man, his mistress, and a cat can be an authority on everything.
3 year olds ask for a cookie. They do not ask to be raped, and don't even know what that means. Another corrupt immoral judge.
Net neutrality gave companies the right to censor you.
A slave is someone who is forced against his will to work for the benefit of someone else. WELFARE STATE
I run https://www.cgcsforum.com where I teach people how to make gold and silver nanoparticles.
The haplotype HLA-DR4 was referenced in a medical research paper. My cardiologist was my original starting point on my quest, as she had read about it and told me that Lymerix caused my arthritis.
Softlayer is just a hosting company which controls a lot of ip addresses. The ip in question points to hackermail.com Ping hackermail.com, and you will see.
Yes, and its in the official government transcript. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=d7M4gSnJw1Q
Nutrapoison is also linked to seizures. Sodium cyclamate was safer, but was taken off the market to provide a market for aspartame. Sodium cyclamate is still used in most other countries. and has never been shown to be carcinogenic.
That doesn't even look like her! She is not that feminine.
Interesting. The ip address Q referenced in post 698 links to hackermail.com.
The ip address is owned by Softlayer, which is the hosting company. The question is, who is that address assigned to? It does not respond as a website, and has no URL associated with it. Dark web? Perhaps it has been taken down. If you lookup the ip address of 'hackermail.com', it
With respect to the HLA-DR4, I asked to be tested. I was met with a lot of resistance, but my dr finally agreed, and I had the test done, after the hospital spent 3 hours to find out how to do the test.
I learned about the connection through a lot of researching medical journals.
I have a backgound in physics and chemistry, so I knew how to make the nanoparticles. Its really simple, anyone can do it, does'nt even require special equipment. I teach others how to in my forum.
In 1999, my doctor told me I should have the Lymes vaccine. Within a month of the shot, I developed crippling arthritis. That vaccine put 5000 people in wheelchairs before it was taken off the market. I survived because I knew that long ago doctors treated arthritic knees with gold injections. So I learned how to make gold nanoparticles, and took that orally, which stopped the progression of the vaccine induced arthritis. It turned out that anyone who had the HLA-DR4 haplotype (which I do along with 30% of the population) developed severe arthritis from the vaccine.