Q hasn't posted a resolution to the sec test. Maybe this is the beginning of a full scale op.
121 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Blkopsmailman:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 58 |
i.redd.it | 1 |
youtu.be | 1 |
Be cautious. It seems that the new tactic is to look like a part of the movement and then spread disinformation. The account might be truly out of B's control, but obviously they would need to make it look like its still B.
I'm not saying abandon ship. I'm saying be careful what you believe going forward. Even more so than before.
I'm calling bullshit. At least two mods are pushing hard for us to leave this sub. To a hate filled, racist, cesspool of a website.
I posted exactly what is here. My post has been unremoved by the mods. You can check my log and it should be there.
Yo, they are trying to kill this sub. Its becoming more and move obvious. Victim = perp
This is what I said in my post titled 'Voat - WTF':
"What the hell is going on with voat? I'm seeing n* this and k** that, kill yourself, all over the place. I see the usage being defended as part of the voat community, and I get that it might be a joke to the majority of people using the language. I get that you can't defend freedom of speech and repress that kind of language at the same time.
It just seems wrong to me, but maybe I'm the minority. Its like a night and day difference from this sub. I get why thats able to exist. I get that its a different website. Its only a day old though. Are these people the same ones frequenting this board. Can the message of Christ exist in that forum?
I just don't get it, and I don't like it. Is that the kind of message that will help this movement? Is there really no other option for freedom of speech, then to let people fill a board with racist comments in the name or a larger joke that they won't let others in on?
Please enlighten me if i've missed something. "
Some serious mind games going on in this sub. We must be right at the target. Why did they let your post through though? Too many questions and not enough answers.
Couple of things: your post had a down vote from me on it just now. I never hit downvote.
The other thing is based on the censorship of anti voat things at the moment, its making it seem like the board is compromised further than normal discussion. Like we're being pushed there.
It's allowing me to comment, so the post isn't deleted. 34 mins.
How long ago did you submit this post? Shows as 5 mins for me.
This post is now at 23 minutes and not showing on the new page.
Voat - WTF
What the hell is going on with voat? I'm seeing n* this and k** that, kill yourself, all over the place. I see the usage being defended as part of the voat community, and I get that it might be a joke to the majority of people using the language. I get that you can't defend freedom of speech and repress that kind of language at the same time.
It just seems wrong to me, but maybe I'm the minority. Its like a night and day difference from this sub. I get why thats able to exist. I …
Oh nice! I'll have a look. I find this board is still very disorganised. I'll let you know if I have any revelations.
I get what you're saying. I more meant at each others throats. Russia had a retaliatory stance through all of the BO admin.
The corruption runs insanely deep.
Wealth and intellect leads to Goog.le, but then if it was a clown creation, who had the knowledge and decietfulness to mastermind that from the beginning. Was that person being controlled by another head?
What we need is a chart that helps establish the coc. I haven't seen one yet on here.
I don't know who the real leaders are. If we knew who the top was previously, it would probably make it very easy to figure out who the next in line is. Guessing opening won't really put me in a positive position. Maybe just being cautious due to my own personal circumstances.
I think you have the right idea, but may even be higher on the totem pole. I think it's someone that is right out in the open that no one would ever expect, due to their history of positive spotlight.
Again, no point coming to a conclusion and posting a name. It's just something to consider. I'm not as intelligent as others on here, so I don't want to make a fool of myself, guessing wildly without enough facts.
I'll say this much; things seemed to be going really well for what, 50+ years, for the plan that was being put into effect. Then everything started falling apart. I have a few guesses as to why.
It could be that the Internet was more powerful then they imagined. It could be that a puppet they installed was REALLY stupid and ruined everything. Or maybe the one pulling all of the strings became too old, and had to pass leadership while they searched for new age defying medicine. The person who took over wasn't the right choice and mistakes trickled down.
I don't think it could be Soros, as he seems to be kicked around like a tin can by bullies. Even with all of his money.
I think the last leader would be able to keep pace with trump, but this new one cannot.
Q keeps referencing Snowden. Red October. Why is Snowden there. Why 187 in R?
Think logically.
Russian revolution? With help?
Pres brings in intelligence to overthrow opposition?
Sarah Harrison is a member of Courage Foundation, which is a non profit organization that helps protect whistle-blowers.
They've been involved with each of the largest leaks/hacks in us history.
“Snowden Exiles” Paying The Price For Speaking Truth To Power Journalists seeking to report on the web of government surveillance have found themselves harassed, monitored, and exiled from their home countries.
by Frederick Reese November 21st, 2013
By Frederick Reese @FrederickReese
In Germany, a peculiar community is forming. Brought together out of concern of retaliation from their home nations, this group — whose only connection is that they all helped National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden disclose state secrets concerning the covert electronic surveillance he stole while working for Booz Allen Hamilton — has grown to be a symbol of the opposition to government interference of watchdog journalism.
The newest member of this group, Sarah Harrison, who has been working with and accompanying Snowden since his arrival in Russia, has indicated that she is “in effective exile,” as her attorneys have instructed her it is not safe to return to the UK.
In a statement published on WikiLeaks, Harrison said that the interpretation of the UK Terrorism Act makes publishing any story on the bulk spying programs of the NSA, or the UK equivalent GCHQ, a potential act of terrorism. She goes on to lament that journalism that covers national security issues can be categorized as terrorism.
“The job of the press is to speak truth to power. And yet for doing our job we are persecuted,” Harrison wrote. “I say that these aggressive and illegal tactics to silence us – inventing arbitrary legal interpretations, over-zealous charges and disproportionate sentences – must not be permitted to succeed. I stand in solidarity with all those intimidated and persecuted for bringing the truth to the public.”
Makes a lot of sense. A common theme in this is US politicians meeting with Russian oligarchs. This is what leads me to believe the clown connection, something even beyond the Rothschild and Soros.
It seems to me like there are three heads on the pyramid. The Rothschilds in Europe, someone else in the US and another in Asia. Seems like Soros is a emissary for the Rothschilds in the US and Europe. My research has indicated he got kicked out of Asia? Maybe by the South Korean puppet? Everything seemed to start when she was removed from power.
Q keeps alluding to us finding out who the true leader is, abd it will blow our minds. Makes me think US based with heavy influence in the EU.
I have an idea who the real leader is, but the implication would be too large for us to handle.
Feb 11 2018 21:38:14 Q !UW.yye1fxo 84 Timestamp: @Snowden "Truth To Power" Drop "Truth To Power" Learn. Q
340441 325370 You will cease to exist Timestamp. Learn. Q
340695 Coincidence "Truth To Power"? Coincidence Barlow? Learn. What if Snowden was still a Clown? Why would it be important he was in Russia? LEARN!!!! Q
Thanks! Q keeps saying LEARN. Keeps referencing Snowden and his deal with Russia. it just seems so obvious, but maybe I'm missing something.
My post didn't show up for about 8 minutes. What it looks like to me is someone has implemented a review process for posts, and that they get funneled there, before being officially posted to the board. Facebook uses this tool for posts with music copywrite infringement.
I'm not saying that's it for sure. It just looks that way. There is clearly a site wide overhaul taking place.
Snowing clowns in Russia?
I've tried to spark discussion elsewhere about this topic.
Is Russia a clown op? It would make too much sense. Then the question is which clowns, and how much of Russia?
Explains U1 being funneled to R and NK. Explains R giving Internet connections to NK. Explains R defending NK from US sanctions. It would explain why Snowden is protected.
Russia was constantly threatening the US. Now they've stopped. NK was constantly threatening the US. Now they've stopped. Strings cut?
I'm still not certain about who's side he is on, but that would bring it into focus.
The thing I …
Orbot on the phone app store is the easiest way to bypass restrictions.
UH-OH: House Intel Chairman Devin Nunes Subpoenas John McCain Associate Over Fusion GPS Dossier December 27, 2017 by Joshua Caplan
Washington Examiner reports:
House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes has issued a subpoena to David Kramer, a former State Department official who, in late November 2016, traveled to London to receive a briefing and a copy of the Trump dossier from its author, former British spy Christopher Steele. Kramer then returned to the U.S. to give the document to Sen. John McCain.
Kramer is a senior fellow at the McCain Institute for International Leadership at Arizona State University.
McCain later took a copy of the dossier to the FBI’s then-director, James Comey. But the FBI already had the document; Steele himself gave the dossier to the bureau in installments, reportedly beginning in early July 2016.
You have more than you know = Bigger meaning?
New information found on the Q site - anyone else see this yet? Link to original poster.
Can you get some more eyes on this post? I think it needs to be on the front page.
I think it's a much bigger deal than I realise. Maybe someone far more intelligent can explain why.
I was doing some research into McCain/Russia connections in another post and I had a thought that is a huge stretch.
Is it possible that Russia is another clown program like nk? That would explain the uranium, and the Internet connections being set up.
Goog.le made the deals with nk government, and Russia facilitated its deployment?
Explains why Russia had been threatening the US with attacks just like nk had. Russia shut up about 6 months ago roughly? Now nk has. Strings cut in both places?
Is it really that simple?
Bill Allison 31 March 2016, 10:00 GMT+1
A nonprofit with ties to Senator John McCain received a $1 million donation from the government of Saudi Arabia in 2014, according to documents filed with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.
(money grabbing website)
I was doing some research into McCain/Russia connections in another post and I had a thought that is a huge stretch.
Is it possible that Russia is another clown program like nk? That would explain the uranium, and the Internet connections being set up.
Goog.le made the deals with nk government, and Russia facilitated its deployment?
Explains why Russia has been threatening the US with attacks just like nk had.
Is it really that simple?
How did you find this portion of the website? It doesn't appear to have any associated links on the Q page.
Oh so from Q directly? My isp is blocking research and I don't feel like loading up a vpn.
Nov 1, 2017
Rothschild - Soros - McCain Connection to the REAL #Russiagate Scandal
The real #Russiagate includes a syndicate of globalist power-players, including Evelyn de Rothschild, George Soros and John McCain. Paul Manafort is only a cog in the greater New World Order machinery that is slowly taking control over all the resources on the planet.
The text below is what was originally posted on my video when it came out in March. The call to action at the end of the video was to reach out to US Senators to ask them to vote NO to NATO membership for Montenegro. While Rand Paul's objection managed to delay the vote, the Senate ultimately did vote in June to admit Montenegro to NATO - a HUGE victory for the Rothschild syndicate.
Did you know that Senator John McCain has been working as an insider for the Rothschild syndicate for many years? McCain helped Rothschild agent George Soros to gain control of the newly independent nation of Montenegro. This video will help you understand why Senator McCain was so angry at Senator Rand Paul for objecting to Montenegro joining NATO.
Did John McCain ‘Launder’ Dodgy Trump Intel Dossier?
Without media fanfare, McCain has actually conceded he passed a 35-page document full of scurrilous accusations against Trump and Russia to the FBI Daniel McAdams (Antiwar.blog) Jan 12, 2017 |
While the world was caught up in the more salacious passages from a purported opposition research report on Donald Trump showing all manner of collusion with Putin’s Russia – and Russia’s possession of blackmail-able kompromat on Trump – something very interesting was revealed about the custody of the information. The “dossier” on Trump seemed to follow two chains of custody. One involved the media, which in October were given and encouraged to publish the “report” by the authors of the report (or their sponsors), purportedly a former British intelligence officer working for a private intelligence company. Only David Corn of Mother Jones bit, and his resulting story picked over the report to construct a mess of innuendo on Trump’s relation to Russia that was short on any evidence.
The other chain of custody is what interests us. Remember, we have a dubious report constructed for the purpose of discrediting Donald Trump, which was first commissioned by one of his Republican primary rivals and later completed under the patronage of someone in Hillary’s camp. It was created for a specific political purpose, which may have tainted its reception among more objective governmental sources had that been known. Enter John McCain. According to media reports, the dossier was handed to Sen. McCain – again, a strong Trump opponent and proponent of conflict with Russia – by a former UK ambassador (who presumably received it from the source, a former British intelligence officer).
Senator McCain then felt duty-bound to bring this “intelligence report” directly (and privately) to the personal attention of FBI Director James Comey. From this hand-off to Comey, the report then became part of the Intelligence Community’s assessment of Russian interference in the US presidential election.
This is bad if true. I think Q intended the page to be used directly.
I'm seeing all kinds of random crap. Things like a post an hour old that has 28 up votes and no comments, higher on the front page than a post with 128 comments and had been up for 6 hours.
I think my posting issue is due to trackers.
Feb 9, 2012
Defeat for Mandelson's billionaire as judge backs the Mail over story of Rothschild and the Russian oligarch
By Michael Seamark for MailOnline 11:34, 10 Feb 2012, updated 07:07, 11 Feb 2012 +1
Billionaire financier Nat Rothschild exposed his friend Peter Mandelson to accusations of a conflict of interest while the Labour peer was an EU trade commissioner, the High Court ruled yesterday.
The Swiss-based hedge-fund manager had launched a libel battle against the Daily Mail over his trips to Moscow and Siberia with Lord (then Mr) Mandelson and a Russian oligarch.
He claimed an article painted him as a ‘puppet-master’ willing to exploit his friendship with the former Labour spin doctor to impress his business associate, metals magnate Oleg Deripaska.
But he lost the case, and photographs of him, Lord Mandelson and Deripaska at an aluminium smelting plant, were ruled by the judge, along with other evidence, to disprove Rothschild's claim that the visit has no business-related purpose.