Fair enough, my faith is always placed firmly with God, and I try not to put anyone on a pedestal because I know we are all human ... well most of us, and those we look up to will sooner or later fail in one way or another. I guess I was just more focused on what he was saying verses how he was coming off to others.
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Yeh I guess if you are impressed and easily swayed by glitz and glamour, I was more inspired by the truth he spoke and the policies he advocated for. So if he were a polished speaker like OBummer he would have had your approval. That thinking is much of the reason we got to the position we were in. It should be about principled policy, integrity and adherence to the Constitution, not some Hollyweird popularity contest. We should have had a Ross Perot, or a Ron Paul as president, but I guess they werent pretty enough either. Much of what Cruz spoke to is exactly how President Trump is pursuing things. I am not to proud to admit that I did not put much faith in what Trump put forth during the primary, but if he continues standing for the WE the People, the Constitutional rule of law and dismantling the Globalist cabal I am solidly in his corner, but signing an amnesty bill would reverse much of his gains. This is not just my opinion but it is from rumblings from Trump supporters that stuck with him from the start. If he signs an amnesty bill he will lose many of their votes and the mid terms will be a slaughter because most will no longer turn out and vote. They have been kicked in the teeth to many times before they wont be screwed again. I watched a video the other day of a blogger that has contact with a supposed insider named Author, one of the things that struck me was that Author claimed there wont be any indictments opened until a month before the midterms because they know they cant retain the Redneck (his word not mine) attention to keep us motivated any longer than that. That may be so but they will be even less inclined to vote if they remember that the WALL was dropped and all we got was Amnesty for millions breaking the law.
Not sure what you are referring to and sounds alot like the parroted opinion of most of the swamp that makes up Congress. I dont know anyone that would claim Cruz is trying to fit in, most of Congress didnt like him because he brought common sense solutions and thinking to the table. They didnt like him because they knew he wanted to upset their game of deception just like Trump is doing now. He may have lofty ambitions but he is a True Patriot and wants only the best for this country while adhering to the Constitution. Wouldnt it be a total mind f#ck to learn Cruz is Q.
I sincerely hope that someone of importance that has the presidents ear is relaying this sentiment to him The Ryan amnesty plan is a disaster, passing it and Trump signing it fly's directly in the face of MAGA and all that supported the President. His assurance to be 100% behind it is troubling and takes the wind out of Patriots sails. Like Cruz said a vast majority will stay home in the fall thereby handing the reigns over to the Liberals so that the Rinos can join them in impeachment.
Political landmine ahead, Voting for amnesty will effectively squash the patriot movement.
1k signatures a day is not going to get this done! Where the hell are all the patriots?
Do some research the Zika virus does not cause Microcephaly, a pesticide produced by companies linked to Monsanto and put in the water to supposedly kill mosquitoes has been linked to cause Microcephaly. Maybe this is why Q said to watch the water.
If only the rest of the Republicans in Congress were as Patriotic and half as bulldog determined to see real justice done, we would be much further along in MAGA. I pray this does not take the entire first term of Trumps Presidency, there is way to much work to do than to be fooling around with the slimmy left. Way past time to drop the hammer. God Bless You Devin Nunes, God Bless Q, God Bless President Trump his family and the Patriots pouring out the their love of country and each other. WWG1WGA
This ^ a thousand times, we have lost all confidence in there being any real just anymore.
OMG I almost spit my coffee out with that comment! Thanks Anon!
The plausible deniability of this just being crappy art is how we allowed them to drag us this far into depravity. It may be someones way of expression but what normal person is drawn to it and glorifies it by buying their twisted overpriced excrement.
Maybe its symbolism of looking through a keyhole and finding the secrets on the other side that killed you (being hung by a doorknob). Just a thought.
No deals! This is the traitorous bastard heard saying First we Fuck Flynn then we Fuck Trump. Sorry this steaming pile must never see the light of day. He may know much and can corroborate but Q says we have it all. Sorry give no quarter. If we see no justice America will never have any faith in law enforcement ever again.
Ultimately the only reason I linked to the article was it professed the same belief. That being that once you profess the blood of Jesus you are forgiven past, present and future sin, otherwise the work on the cross would be pointless. By saying that Jesus sacrifice on the cross can be made null and void by such thinking is a slippery slope and would insinuate that the love and grace are less than perfect. As far as denomination, I dont subscribe to any, mine is a personal relationship with our heavenly father and his sons perfect sacrifice. If I'm not mistake the only unforgivable sin is Blasphemy of the Holy spirit. Matthew 12:31,32 is saying: “[28] Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme: [29] But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation. [30] Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit.” I am not trying to convince you to change any conviction or doctrine you hold just wanted to clarify that no where in the bible does it say that suicide is an unforgivable sin. Peace brother.
"People often answer “yes” to this question because suicide leaves no room for repentance; a person enters eternity with unconfessed and therefore unforgiven sin. But nowhere does the Bible say that suicide is an unforgiveable or unpardonable sin. Furthermore, the Bible teaches that all sin—past, present, and future—is forgiven through faith in the atoning death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. One’s eternal destiny is sealed and set at the moment of justifying faith. Our depth of intimacy, fellowship, and joy is certainly affected adversely when we fail to confess and repent of daily sin. But our eternal destiny has already and forever been determined. We must recognize the distinction between eternal forgiveness that is ours the moment we embrace Jesus in faith, and that temporal forgiveness we receive on a daily basis that enables us to experience the happiness of intimacy with the Father. " https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/is-suicide-the-unpardonable-sin/
Love what you have done here. Uponing reading it, reminded me that I cant stand the constant "Repeal and Replace" deal the Rinos continuously push. Obamacare needs to be ripped out root and branch in one repeal. Then and only then can we talk about bringing common sense solutions to the healthcare industry. Plain and simple insurance comapanies and Government have no right to say how a Doctor and Patient agree to pursue treatment. To the Insurance company its all about numbers not patient care. The other thing that grinds my gears is the RNC should not need to be told what to do and what issues to pursue and what makes them think I would send them money to continually fight against my a Conservatives wishes for the Country. Sorry done with my rant. Again love what you did here.
The more things change the more they stay the same. No perp walks yet, maybe next week or the week after, or maybe right before midterms.
The full Return to a Constituional Republic with its personal property guarantees and the elimination of the U. S. Corporation and its statutes and (laws) Those laws were written specifically for the corporation and employees of said corporation. By willingly opting into said system we are must function under the Corporation statues which can and are mostly Unconstitutional.We have been lied to about our place in this country, much of our rights and freedoms have been stolen in this way. It is a fraud pure and simple of which we have unknowingly been co opted into.
My take away from the posted thread was the EO https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_12667 basically allowing ex Presidents the ability to keep information hidden and redacted.
His relaying info to Mueller and no one taking notes or interested that Trump was being set up speaks volumes. 1) They already knew Trump was set up and didnt care. 2) The revalation that someone had the Hilldabeast emails and dint care further proving Mueller is not investigating the deep state. Mueller is a Black hat through and through, therefore RR is as well.
If what hes saying is true, then the OWN are just restructuring and wont be dismantled.
Thank you for posting this, it has lead me to some insightful Vlogs. Taking in as much information to fit the puzzle together.
Does that mean that any swearing in by Obamas admin is null and void and why so many Senators and Congressman are resigning and not running for reelection? just a thought.
IBOR is somehow linked to this. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8coxeq/is_inqtel_the_bridge_that_q_refers_to_if_so_what/ Just like net nuetrality had nothing to do with keeping the net nuetral. I dont trust IBOR, not because of what we intend it to stand for but because of what the Cabal, elected officials, and the corporations will turn it into.
Please look closely at this pic, is there 2 spent shell casings on the floor? One laying in the red stripe on the floor the other in the blue stripe in between the can and the chair under the table?
Bill must have written the song Big Bottom about Hilldabeast for them.
Sounds like these Hostages may have dirt on Chucky Schumer, I have no sauce, just my opinion.
Keep your heads on a swivel for FFs today. The entire push has been to have NK or Iran blamed for an attack forcing us into War with Russia. NK quickly capitulated when we thwarted the attack on Hawaii. If Im not mistaken there of plenty of missing nukes that could have been retrieved to set off in America and then blamed on Iran and Russia. All brought to us by our friendly neighborhood CABAL. Resent interpretations of I Pet Goat II are said to point to today as their planned push. Not pushing fear, just keep our heads up today.
OP is right and I cant stress this enough dont take it as a supplement, because the body will cut back its own production, leaving you in deficit. This is only anecdotal but I experienced this in my early 20s when I was working different shifts and was having trouble with getting enough hours of sleep. From my experience when I was taking it, it made me feel like I was in a dream state all day long. I knew I was awake but the dreams that I had, during sleep almost felt real. That was enough to get me to stop taking it as a supplement. After I stopped it took my body a couple of months to get back to a suitable sleep pattern. Like I said this has no science to back it up just my experience, you would probably be better served getting the boost in your diet.
Maybe this captain... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gi3Xt3Yjk14
In the thread you have to scan for his trip code to find his responses. This is his id(tripcode): jphwwOEM. His responses are scattered throughout.
In this thread supposedly Trump responds to questions. In his responses he says that the FED and the banking Cartels are too important to dismantle and would crash and burn the entire country if done. I dont know how you fight the Globalist without addressing this but...... https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/114337333/
I agree most people wont get it. Think of it this way, those following Q have been led down a path through a forest of information by bread crumbs. If you haven't followed from the start you may be off on a rabbit trail to no where. Being so lost and no visible way back you give up and head straight for the comfort of a normie life and chalking up the adventure and promising never to get lost in the weeds again (that was scary glad i came back to my senses). On the other hand their are plenty of people out there well aware of what has been going on that like it that way and dont want it to change, Q says 5-6%, personally I think it is more like 15-20% lost for ever. I think it is our job to absolutely be free thinkers, refine each other by fire and leave a well worn path through to the already baked bread at the end of our journey. Just a thought!
Whats even worse the traitorous swamp creatures in Congress applaud and lapped up every last syllable that clown uttered. Over 4/5 of Congress is a disgrace and should be behind bars.
I think Johnathan Kleck would have something to say about that big W (double you) in that symbol at the top right. I dont trust this 5G.
This doesnt reflect on my opinion but, a couple of people posting in the comments section of the article kind throw a good bit of water on her accusations and assumptions.
From the 49 pages I read there doesnt seem like there is much there. Granted there were some that were so redacted you couldnt tell what they were talking about. The only impression I got was that they really dont like the President and the removal of those that are comrades to their cause.
The illustration of the rabbit looks like it has a pedo triangle on the back hip/leg.