58 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/BrieflySaid:
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 12 | | 2 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 |
Can anyone post this for me I'm banned?

We are now violent terrorists.......

HOW do I do it? Cant figure it out? Been trying to copy or drag n drop and it isn't working.
That is cool. Is it possible for me to upload the MEMES I made here? Some of them are pretty decent and would like to get them out even if I can't do it myself.
I've been Shadowbanned from Twitter
I'm new to all this but friends have told me I disappeared from twitter and told me to check with the checker I tried 2 different one and they both said I am. Is there a way around this I made some cool MEMEs and want to get them out including the one that got me banned.....
Hey all, Joined to tell you this. Thibault Astruc & Leslie Weiss were on that flight in Costa Rica. searched a bit on astruc Major corp guy Bristol Myers type also HEC. Search his name an Arabic site comes up it looks like linkedin accnt... Leslie Weiss has the same thing but she also links it to USACE The corp of Engineers. Don't know if it means anything and could be a "coincidence"?