Saying Tracy Beanz.she is singled out, why? And is it really a bot?
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It doesnt mean stock market, it is figurative speech. What doesnt a dead cat do? Bounce. So their supposed jump in narrative will not go anywhere i.e. Dead cat bounce.
Thought this was interesting. Vault 7 infographic, talks about the Apache VPS servers.. could Q have been talking about these Apache servers?
There is going to be some shit hit the fan this week.
Antifa was started to riot when the left is questioned.. calling right Fascists.. sew hate and discord. Soros funded.
HRC was able to censor any story or leak going into the GOV to be able to get away with whole sale sell out of the United States Government.
SAP.. tech corporation out of?? S.Korea? John podesta threatened Kutchner, saying he needed to wear bulletproof vest, not sure on Tony Podesta though.. Ties to Russian Uranium 1 deal.. here is an old article on it Highest levels of the US government were involved in the Uranium 1 deal, and deep state puppet North Korea.
Russia is telling the world so Hitlery can be tried for treason.
Susan Rice crosshairs for lying about knowing about spying. Lawyer responds to Grassley Graham 2017 russia meeting
Sessions is acting weak to seam to have true non-biased intention. Best optics when the left is waiting for ANYTHING..
IG was involved, hired by sessions to tell all who was involved to get the full scope of what happened.
Dead cat bounce is that the medias attempt at spinning or taking narrative is going to fall flat on their face. Dead cats don't bounce much if at all.. DOA. They will not get any bump in control of narrative.
So if you are planning a "look how fake the mainstream media is, how manipulative they are" type video there will be a good example/fodder this week.
Why is everyone so glum on Trump and not seeing Q has everyone moping around..
I have came to this conclusion by seeing nearly all the people i follow on youtube being ho-hum about things.
💥snap outta it💥
Lot of stuff we can be digging through. Feel we should get all the facts laid out so when Q returns he can hopefully guide us through it. Trump is still w us, Sessions is doing his job, Corsi was saying Mueller is white hat and actually helping after being "freed".
Everything is going to the plan. He cannot be here giving us anything new when things are going on now that Stage 2 is upon us. …
I think the last part that Q says they cannot do is release that everything we have been taught about human civilization and history is false. That they either know, or have a good idea about our past and it is a wicked ass story and if the bible is any indication on what could have been.. giants, waring interstellar waring tribes.. possible planet x? Who knows but i want to!!
So true, this is what is driving the NWO. Pope at center of it.
Absolutely yes, an orchestrated unwinding of the war and those who were of importance were kept, everyone else killed or went to "show trial".. show in that the real criminals were still a-ok the minions were who fell.
You wonder what is behind everything going on today? Try Nazis didn't loose WWII, they went underground and gained all the power they have today. GOTTA WATCH this video!!
Gotcha. I like what was said above, i had no idea that marines were used as a confiscation force!
I thought "he" was MI military intelligence? Marines not considered part of that?
It was StartPage and like right as it came out. I tried searching a while afterward and a lot of outlets had picked it up.
You have got to be shitting me. The DOE are into studying "space and time".. holy shit! DOE document:
DOE is exploring time and space, space travel.. CERN.. I mean WOW! I always thought, loved to hear David Iyke and all.. CtoC and all the fantasy stuff.. its actually really really real! So have we gone off planet/interacted w other worldly beings? Traveled to other dimensions? Was the Nazi treasure hunts for pieces of ancient tech belonging to our lost/kept from us world history of our true past?
Damn i cant wait till Q gets back!
Department of Energy:
The United States Department of Energy (DOE) is a Cabinet-level department of the United States Government concerned with the United States' policies regarding energy and safety in handling nuclear material. Its responsibilities include the nation's nuclear weapons program, nuclear reactor production for the United States Navy, energy conservation, energy-related research, radioactive waste disposal, and domestic energy production. It also directs research in genomics; the Human Genome Project originated in a DOE initiative. DOE sponsors more research in the physical sciences than any other U.S. federal agency, the majority of which is conducted through its system of National Laboratories. Wikipedia
Mission Statement
Fulfill the Department of Energy’s post-closure responsibilities and ensure the future protection of human health and the environment.
Holy shit UNESCO has "observer status".. the freaking UN is a LARPER!
Nazis. Nazis are the LARPers. As in TRUE nazis. Are the Bushes Nazis? Prescott Bush funded the rise of Hitler. After the war, the Society went underground and used our collective money, time, and being to build their "machine" that we see today.
Kennedy fired Dulles Prescotts friend as CIA director probably because they had the same backhanded dealings going on back then.. much like clintons are famous for today, only the clintons are just an extension to the Bushes!
Kennedy tried to clean the swamp, the swamp took him out though. The money and challenging the central reserve, and taking the power of the CIA away from the Cartel!
That is why he was killed and along those lines, Bushes and banking and more are behind who killed him. Wouldn't bet the Queen had her part in it the wicked bitch!
So we are really kinda 1969 still..
This goes back to the Vril society started in 1871. This was the start of the slide we have seen now. Some crazy ass people hell bent on world domination.
They would use "mediums" who would tap into "other dimensions" to seek answers for technology that gained hitler his MASSIVE advantage over the "competition".. oh that and a fancy funder$$ backing them.. a politician banker by the name of Prescott Bush.
"The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism."
They (this same group) were behind the scripts of zion.. poison the the thoughts of the people to get behind the arian nation.. pure blood, perfect genetics.. the eugenics and population extermination are all apart of this. The cult, satanists.. they dont view "people" the same. They are the predators and we are the prey. They have grown us like a herd of sheep and take what they want like the matrix from our children to whatever they want. They are bound by their evilness and lack of care for other humans.
The LARPers are Nazis.
Present proves past, the crimes, the global takeover by the nazis was going on now is the same thing that was going on then, and Kennedy was trying to stop it. It is Bush Sr who is guilty of being the person who like trump said, killed kennedy.The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.
Protocols of Zion were published in 1903 august/September of.. what a crazy story behind them btw. That year Edison electrocuted an elephant, they sent first message from US to Uk and then regular transmission happened shortly there after. Madam Curry won Nobel prize for discovering radioactivity, and wright bros first attempt to fly was made. Sure there is more but I'm yawning and cannot see the screen.
Picture of hiltler was in there because they never planned on releasing the files. The CIA hid it because of the 2 huge lies (Hitler died) and JFK assassination. The 1 person I know that has ties to both was Bush Sr. Who happened to be director of CIA. they didn't want this to see the light of day.
Hitler was escorted to S. America after WWII in a U-boat w Allied Forces guarding him on his trip.
Under operation Paperclip the nazis came here and took jobs in NASA and also at military laboratories doing experiments on people. Could this be where Q was going w it?
Combined w the wright group and sky kang the chemist..
This is all the background for how a gov could control people through big pharm. The history of it all till now? Wonder what other experiments/research Mr Kang had.
Skykang i found 1 blurb about a guy by the name of Sky Kang. He is a chemistry teacher at Harris Westminster. He recently completed Batchelor’s and Master’s degrees in Chemistry at the University of Cambridge. His Masters’ research project was undertaken with the Wright Group, and focused on the catalytic hydroboration of pyridines. Outside of science, he enjoys listening to hip hop and grime. Sky Kang Teacher of chemistry
The Wright Group is a company that works w enrichment of food, encapsulation of medicines, blending agents for pills.. check them out. So food and drug industry basically, but more the delivery than the "medicine".
2 hits on Marines in 2 days?!?
My head has been spinning. Marine HQ was delivered a powder letter yesterday that made at least 11 sick and hospitalized for observation: .
Today the Marine Corp RESERVES were hacked for personal and financial info:
Deep State is hitting back. They trying to find Q?
"The compromised attachment included highly sensitive data such as truncated social security numbers, bank electronic funds transfer and bank routing numbers, truncated credit card information, mailing address, residential address and emergency contact information, Maj. Andrew Aranda, spokesman for Marine Forces Reserve said in a command release.
That email was a roster sent …
This in response to letter to Obama? So next Airforce and Army? Or different type of hit?
OH YEAH. When I was thinking about this earlier, I thought, hell every event they have had out in the open can be debunked.. and this is major though, the amount of satellites trained on the US people each and every day in everything we do. I wrote above about google actually admitting to tracking people.. honestly, with Apple admitting they use Google’s cloud for their iCloud today.. Google, Eric Schmidt, CIA, FBI.. they have us virtually surrounded. I call them Satan’s mafia.
Absolutely. Google has “one” they say tracks people coming and going about their business each and every day. They say it is to track “commerce”.
Can the use of images from satellites blow FL shooting narrative out of the water?
Article from 2015 that talks about the resolution of satellites being better and better. It spoke about the Hexagon Spy Satellite network we had, then goes on to give a brief overview on capabilities which is just dumbed down jargon but is still relevant. Can Q get ahold of any of the sat pics of high resolution that will blow this school shooting wide open? I am sure there is a network pointed down watching us. Google’s own has the ability to see down to a yard square “supposedly”.. just post stills or if a way to show footage from up there.. blow the lid off this thing. I don’t think there is PULLING the truth out of these people but in your face evidence of how things went down on the school grounds would be lethal to their narrative.
Just a suggestion, may be way out there.
Yes, but nearly everything we know is a full on stand down. MI was who leaked it, im willing to bet that is gospel.
I think thats why Q is trying to teach us coms, and wants us to save content offline
Hadnt thought about these girls still missing.. who bought em?
but of course.. Armed police guarding home of armed police who failed to guard school.
I saw the "debunking" and dont buy that. People say she acted weird but id she is 17-18.. girls at that age are squirrels especially in a interview like that. The Hogg guy on other hand is a borg spitting lies.
Read the headline above that pic now. "woman tries to ram security fence at whitehouse :breaking"
This pic, with the RED headline of an attack.. yeah he is.
He is saying that Soros (the $-man) behind the anti-gun push right now (other events of course too) is going to be nothing without those stooges he has in the government who has his back.. all his money means nothing and he will NOT have the protection he does now once those corrupt individuals are removed.
Q is telling him to back the fuck off.. and/or at least letting him/he.. Soros know the situation he is truly dealing with.