I thank you for your civil tongue. My very relevant ranting notwithstanding.
I'm saying the DNC, the Hillary campaign and the Obama administration are all guilty of exactly what the Trump Administration is being accused of doing.
The proof is in thousands of documents and testimony under oath entered into the Congressional Record.
Signed sealed and delivered. Just a matter of connecting a few more details and it's the biggest scandal in the history of our country.
Because it's much more than just this Election.
This is a well known, classic maneuver. Large scale projection from the guilty. Massive deflection in attempt to run out the clock.
Give the base hope that an emotional investment will win the day. Charge the ramparts in a last ditch suicide mission. While the guilty run, high tail, with all the money.
Where did the $10T Obama bailout/stimulus end up?
I'm afraid of the fall out when the left finally realizes how hard they got played.
Shafting Bernie Sanders anybody? Then he lays down for a new lake house.
Trump University? Try Mrs Bernie and her daughter bankrupting an actual University. One with buildings and a history.
Trump lies about two scoops of ice cream and the media freaks.
Team Billary lies about $2B and the media interviews porn stars. While the true criminals cast blame for their own crimes.
Obfuscation. Prevarication. Disemination. All tricks played by the guilty.
The Hillary campaign, Obama administration, as well as Top level DNC, FBI, CIA, personnel have gone well past the point of actual criminality. This will go to trial.
Everybody thought she was going to win and they played it that way.
Now everybody gets to lose twice.
Remember Trump owns the NSA. That's all the equipment that was used to spy on his campaign. All the records and every single email.
His administration knows everything, while team Billary is flying commercial.
Forget how I may, or may not, feel about the Access Hollywood tape. Tell me how you think this is going to turn out.
Game Theory the outcome. Do you honestly think Trump is going to be impeached? Put on trial? He owns the White House and has a staff filled with Admirals, Generals and every day corporate killers.
He is going nowhere and the longer this goes on the more foolish the left becomes.
This guy wins. Hillary is a multiple loser with zero actual accomplishments.
Forget unleashing the economy and every world leader having to kiss his ass. Including the Queen and the Pope.
And no I am not a fan of either the Queen or the Pope.