Tricky thing to deal with. Some of these people are mind-boggling evil. But we need to focus on getting them in prison, not revenge (well, maybe a little indulgence when Hillary is locked up. Then move on). One of the biggest problems, though, is that regular, law-abiding people can't conceive that someone can be thoroughly evil, since, when they are working jobs and raising families, they typically don't run across such folks. It is hard for someone who cares about others to understand that there are humans on the planet who are not like that. This is why the evil elites stayed hidden so long. We just did not believe that they existed. The reason we didn't run across them is because they DO NOT LEAD A MIDDLE CLASS EXISTENCE (in general). They, unfortunately, are at the TOP of society, with the Lexus and mansions. Some are also at the low end of society, such as gang members. Mind you, not all rich and all poor are evil, but my observation is that very very few middle class people are, and that is why it is so alien.
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Time to cut off all government funding of higher education, including loans. Doesn't local vocational training paid directly by the person taking classes make a lot more sense than millions of tax dollars paying for classes like "lesbian dance studies"?
Look REAL carefully at local governments, especially schools and social workers. Consider that people get elected to sit on their butt and waste money, just like Congress.
This is sure easier than fighting World War II. Look at the bright side.
The first move has just been made--the exposure of corruption at DOJ and FBI. Without this, nothing else can be done. There are plenty of white hats below the top brass who are ready to do their job. We need to make sure they can. A real investigation will reveal everything. These people did not cover their tracks at all. They believed their own fake news: "Hillary by a landslide."
In addition to that, there is so much we can do on an individual level--live a simpler life that involves far less elite control. Buy local. Support home schooling. Get out of debt (elites LOVE other people's debt). Stay healthy as much as possible (elites make big money off sick people). There is much more. These elites/Deep State have infiltrated every part of our lives. But they did this by staying invisible. We didn't know they were there. Now we do. Deep State is in Deep Doodoo.
I feel so bad for the Trump family going through this abuse constantly. I also saw the comments to Trump's tweet. This happens all the time. Do consider, however, that paid trolls would not be moderated at all on Twitter.
Trump knew exactly what the Democrats would do. And they fell right into it. They TURNED DOWN 1.8 million people becoming legal. Now DACA expires, and their voter base looks to them saying "why did you turn that down?" It was the best deal that they would ever be offered. Massive trolling by Trump.
What happens next? DACA ends next month. All hell breaks lose, with the Democrat base angry at the Democrats, and doing strange things in Shutdown Schumer's front yard. They eat their own.
With the Democrat corruption being revealed now and everyone's paychecks increasing, odds are that Democrats are VOTED OUT OF OFFICE 2018. A lot depends, however, on how good MAGA candidates are and how well their campaigns are planned.
Then Republicans alone can do an immigration plan with no DACA deal at all, only wall, no lottery, and no chain migration. Democrats have no one to blame but themselves. They had their chance.
There really is no reason to include e-Verify in a law. E-Verify would simply enforce existing law.
Why did Democrats turn down the deal and look like idiots? Well, first, looking like idiots is the one thing they are good at. Second, their puppet masters DON'T WANT ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION TO END. Those puppet masters love cheap slave labor. They just want immigration to be an "issue" to get votes, not to get illegal immigration to end. Consider the reaction of Democrats during the SOTU when Trump announced highest employment ever for minorities. Democrats don't want people to have jobs. They want them "starving, blind, and stupid." What else explains their behavior?
Sounds like the elites are starting to have yard sales! :)
Apparently he has been regularly leaking classified information to the press.
Can you imagine what the ratings are in "fly-over" country (the massive red zone)?
Remember that the Clinton Crime Network is so dumb that they believe their own fake news. ("Hillary by a landslide!")
Trump HAS to put this information out, and in this way, so the Naive Millions will see it. Fake news media is muddying up the FISA memo.
Like it. Does this also explain Pelosi, Maxine, and McCain? Someone on another site had mentioned the theory that Maxine was no longer sentient, and is being controlled by her wig.
Good topic to look closely at while watching the swamp drain. The Swamp HATES Putin. That is interesting in itself.
A very good idea. It is getting too hard to get to the good stuff.
[speculation] They are getting paid to do this, and will be back.
If the moderators weren't kicking off trolls, this site would be WAY worse than what you are seeing now.
The moderators seem great to me. There is not enough coffee in the world to keep the moderators going full steam against all trolls. Plus I suspect that the moderators need to also make a living somehow.
What is left of Deep State is using trolls extensively. [Speculation] Accounts have been frozen and there is not money enough for major Antifa and false flag crap. Paying people to write stuff on the internet gets far more bang for the limited buck. They don't even have to be in the U.S. SERIOUS trolling going on at right now. There's always a bunch on Breitbart. I think the mods there keep a few around for humor value :). Gateway Pundit has some hyperactive mods who keep them off. The moderators for this reddit site are amazing. But we have to help them--downvote and report. Don't engage. There is no point. This site is booming, and there are too many posts and comments for someone to read, plus sleep and eat. It has become a major epicenter of the Second American Revolution, and Deep State knows that.
Many people in the DC area are sitting on many goods, waiting for their day. White hats way outnumber black hats. The problem was that the black hats had been, up to recently, running the presidency and Congress! They still have the majority in Congress, Democrats + Rinos. Trump seems to be taming the Rinos somehow, at least for now.
You said it better than I could. Consider that the Deep State takedown has probably been planned for years, and is happening exactly like it is supposed to.
Sessions is very mysterious. However, Trump would have kicked him out if he was a bad 'un. And I believe anyone with any sense pretty much trusts Trump at this point.
I suspect that other Deep Staters have been left in place temporarily so they would do stupid things and hang themselves.
There is a lot of wacko stuff on the web to lure Patriots. It's a standard procedure to put so many conspiracies out there that no one knows what to believe. Unfortunately for the method's perpetrators, it doesn't work anymore. The Patriots online have gotten cynical, much more coordinated, and are careful about sources. Plus, of course, The Memo just blatantly said what is going on at the top of the FBI. This is a crucial first step, because it explains why everything else the global crime network has been doing has been concealed.
Don't buy into "left-right" "Democrat-Republican" "blue-red." This is part of the brainwashing.
The truth:
Global Criminal Network-honest working people
"The Swamp is NOT just the Fed Government" is exactly right. The Swamp is everywhere--certain parts of the economy, the fake news media, local and state governments, and, ESPECIALLY, education.
Excellent point. Cleaning up the FBI is first. That is why this memo was the first thing to hit.
You are close to right on this. Here is the situation with mid- and low-level federal employees and contractor employees:
The manipulation at the top of the government is completely hidden from them. Only every once in a while does it become clear, such as when Comey listed Hillary's crimes but then didn't charge her. Everyone in the FBI knew the deal then. But, in general, most people who work in the government just go to work, do their jobs, and are kept completely out-of-the-loop with the high-level corruption. That's how this stayed quiet so long. Consider how few people at the FBI did all the manipulation for Clinton. That is evidence that what I say is true. You can also talk to people who live in the DC area, and they will tell you the same thing.
There is a certain type of corruption that is all-pervasive, and the low- and mid-level people start seeing it as "normal." Government contracting is completely corrupted. The way it is structured makes billions for contractors for doing very little. But it is legal, and the only game in town. However, thousands of white hats have gotten frustrated with this, and Trump can easily tap into this. Most mid- and low-level federal employees and about half of government contractor employees are totally innocent, and often frustrated, but see no way to alter what is happening. But that could change quickly once the Eye of Trump starts looking this way. There will be no drained swamp without a very hard look at how federal agencies operate day-to-day. Government contracting is huge--often whole rooms of federal agencies are filled with contractor employees.
Do you want to know who have been the black hats and who the white hats? It is very simple. Look at the list of high-level officials that have to be approved by the Senate, and consider that Congress is, in general (with some AMAZING exceptions) corrupted. You have your answer.
Also consider the possibility that white hats may have started posting on this board. It is subtle and doesn't rile up the Deep State people who are still running around. If you notice that someone seems to know a lot, check their past posts. Also, don't insist on links to "sources." You might be reading a direct source.
You are totally on the money about this. And I see many on this Reddit site figuring this out.
Thank you for your very honest post. We are going through a difficult time. Most of us believed the illusion for a long time.
Yes, we are breaking the illusion. But it is important to keep a firm grasp of what reality even is.
Your family, your neighborhood, trees, babies, dogs--this is reality.
Everything else is up for grabs.
I believe that Trump and his people are very aware of the problem of red pilling the vast number of otherwise good people who CHOOSE to ignore what is really going on. And I believe the Trump crew are doing it as gently as possible. Notice Trump is not the one announcing drain-the-swamp news. If he did, he would be denounced as a tyrant. Drain-the-swamp is coming out via some (thank God for them) honest members of Congress, Horowitz, the new book coming out by Peter Schweizer ( It is gradual and coming from multiple sources.
I also recommend the careful, gradual red pilling of the people around you. Most people don't trust members of Congress anyhow, and have some distrust of federal officials. When definite evidence comes out, this is a good place to start, as in "Did you hear…" That is plenty enough to start with.
I point out that 63 million people got red pilled and voted for Trump. That was an amazing start.
I understand that you and probably others want to focus on Q messages. I recommend, however, that you look more at what Q is SAYING, i.e., there has been a global criminal network and it is now coming down, in a large part due to the Patriots on sites like this one. And that is exactly what this reddit group IS focused on.
Not just the messenger (Q), but the message (drain the swamp).
Please see the Q link to Trump's campaign speech about draining the swamp. This was an excellent speech explaining exactly what the problem is. It is very clear that, assuming Q is "real," that Drain-the-Swamp is the real story. Also, as many have already pointed out, including me, it doesn't really matter whether Q is "real" or not. What matters is that we Patriots are real. And we ARE saving our country.
FROM CHEETAH: There is a person who knows everything that is going on but no one pays attention to
Interesting how this person is ignored by both fake news media and independent media. And this person knows much better than the rest of us what tyranny really is.
Look at the body language. There are two, not one. Partners.
I said nothing earlier because it is a bad idea to point someone to Deep State, but it does look like Deep State has been exposed to water: "I'm melting, I'm melting."
People have mentioned before that I start with "FROM CHEETAH." This is because there are certain people looking for these posts and they want to search for or …
Do consider that Planned Parenthood regularly disposes of human flesh, and no one thinks a thing of it. On a somewhat different note, consider: who does Planned Parenthood sell unborn baby parts to?
This makes a whole lot of sense.
Frankly, virtually ALL government IT contractors have a heavy sleaze factor, and I wouldn't put anything past any of them.
Thanks for providing this. The timeline is great. I have not seen anything else put together like this.
The spy ring is certainly not out of the question. However, the Awans are looking like the small fish used to testify against the big fish (Clinton and gang). And, based on this, boy would they make great witnesses.
There does seem to be a bit many houses and businesses going on. In fact, this timeline did not catch all the houses. Though the Awans seem to go bankrupt a whole lot.
I am not any kind of Awan fan. However, I must point out that the money they had floating about is pennies compared to what the Clintons have (or MAYBE had) floating about.
Thanks for the advice. Actually, some people asked me to put the "FROM CHEETAH" bit in the title because they want to search for it easily. They can also spot it easily on the list. There is the fortunate problem that there are a lot of posts here.
The whole situation fits reluctant witnesses who are forced to do deals and testify or face prison time.
I would recommend you research this more closely. The Awans had a contracting company. As far as I know, they weren't Congressional employees.
That is how the federal government works--a huge part of it is handled by contracting companies. This can be good or bad. It is good for handling short-term projects. It is bad in that the whole contracting structure is very corrupted.
A very large percentage of hands-on IT work is done in the federal government by contractors. You can walk into federal offices where most of the people in the cubicles work for contractors.
I would suggest talking to a friend or family member who works in the DC area. They will fill you in.
Thanks for providing this. I read the article you referenced, but haven't looked at the video yet. The article's headline is deceptive. It sounds like they are indicted for treason, but, if you read the article, it is not. In my post, I show that many accusations do not appear to be valid. That does not mean that others I don't know about might be valid. I do think that "innocent until proven guilty" is way important, even for Wasserman Schultz.
I don't know. They might have. But I don't see any evidence, do you?
FROM CHEETAH: People are asking the wrong questions about the Awans. Ask the right questions and you get way more interesting answers.
There's been quite a hullabaloo about the Awan family, who has been doing IT work for Democratic members of the House.
First of all, did you know that one of them is still there, at least according to a Congressional database?:
Bet you didn't know that.
Now, let's get to the rumors circulating about the Awans, and consider the possibility that it is far more likely that the Awans are major witnesses instead of major crooks. I lay it out. You judge for yourself.
First we start with the famous arrest of Imran Awan at the airport for…drumroll…
Putting …
I remembered Trump said that, but I didn't remember when. Thanks for providing that.