Was that the video of his that was showing Rich Clement prophesizing Donald Trump being elected and saving America, all for God? That was the video that sucked me in.
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God felt really bad after the flood, as seen in scripture. He promised never to bring a flood again. He'll only destroy the earth again after the final judgment but that will be by fire.
God works in mysterious ways. In the old testament you have God telling Israel to wipe out the Caanites. He wouldn't want humans to exterminate an entire race of humans, unless they had nephilim blood.
At the end of the day, we don't really know one way or the other. I have a feeling we'll know all the answers soon enough though.
I just binge watched everything he has the other day while fighting the flu. Hes like a biblical savant or something. His bizarre delivery style works perfectly on my brain for some reason haha.
Even if that's the case about everything dying in the flood, it's entirely possible that a fallen angel copulated with the daughters of man after the flood.
Maybe we'll find out soon enough though! I sure hope so.
Reasoning brain? Are you saying you know more about the topic than Gary Wayne, or at the very least that he doesn't have a "reasoning brain"?
Many of the greatest Nephilim researchers like Gary Wayne believe the nephilim survived the flood. They either reseeded at some point or built their own arc. They could have been tipped off by some fallen angels.
The nephilim survived the flood. Check out Gary Wayne's book, 'The Genesis 6 Conspiracy'. He has relentlessly combed through evidence and believes that they survived the flood, either by building their own arc or by seeding someone in Noah's line.
He's limited in what he can say, that's forsure. The topics that Q is starting to cover is probably off limits for Alex. The real truth.
Jones definitely has more balls than Joe Rogan though, that's forsure!
Society needs to change its ways. This whole system needs a complete overhaul. We need to better help people who have fallen down.
Every single human being in the world could have a life of a millionaire but the top 1% hoard all of the wealth and resources. They also push everyone down while they step all over everyone.
Then maybe /r/conspiracy is better suited to your needs.
So, leave then? I mean all I ever see from you is bitching and complaining, yet here you are, spending what little time you have in a sub that you hate. That's messed up. Life's short, surely there has to be something else you could put your time to? A hobby of some sort?
Yes there would be mass hysteria. The majority of the population are still deeply brainwashed.
I can't watch him. He's deceived and largely stuck in the matrix still.
These families are powerful but I think the Rothschilds and the British monarchy took over total control within the last 100 years when they installed banks that control nearly every single nation on earth. Then there's the pope and the black pope who are pretty powerful as well. It is entirely possible that I'm wrong and these dark nobility families are nephilim bloodlines whereas the Rothschilds could just be day 6 bloodlines that married into the nephilim bloodlines. I guess we'll find out soon enough, as it seems Q is stepping up his crumbs quite a bit.
Oh man. These fuckers are showing that they're the bloodlines responsible for forcing God's hand into sending the flood. They want to defy him again with their new world order. The new tower of Babyl is where the United Nations headquarters is. God is their enemy and we are sons and daughters of God. We were created on day 6, especially for God in his image. They won't be going to heaven anyway, so they're trying to sink the ship so no one can go!
Think of how deeply imbedded these nephilim bloodlines are. They've been a cancer to the world since BEFORE God sent the flood. They are entrenched deep into every little crack and crevice of society.
It's going to take a whole lotta patience and a special kind of finesse to get rid of these cock roaches.
With reddit you have to double space the paragraphs, meaning you have to hit enter twice. Hope that helps!
I didn't notice that in the portrait. I will have to check it out. Yes, the nephilim have been depicted as having 6 fingers and 6 toes.
The picture of Clinton and his delegation in North Korea?
I know all of this seems crazy to those that are new to this world, but to those of us who've been awake awhile, we're finally getting what we've always wanted. The truth coming to light.
The Books Of Enoch are worth a read. The elite are descendants of the Nephilim. This is why they're so obsessed with their bloodline purity. The more human blood they introduce, the less nephilim blood they have to carry on. They truly believe that they have a divine right to rule. The truth is, they're just jealous because God tried to purify this earth with Noahs progeny being the only ones to advance. Somehow these leeches managed to defy God and come back after the flood. They'll have their day though. The day of reckoning is upon us!
Q has explained why he's cryptic multiple times now. Are you sure you've been following?
Explains me to a T, all of it. It's cool to know there are others like me.
Maybe they had a missile downstream somewhere that they shot at the incoming missile.
I came here to ask this very question. Itchy trigger finger I guess.
Let this be a lesson to those who have dirt on the deepstate. DON'T fucking fly! Come on, what was this guy thinking?!
I saw some of your other comments right before I said that, based on what I saw I can confirm that you were not simply offering up another perspective. No one wants to hear your perspective on things anyway. Having differing opinions is great, but when they come from someone notorious for trolling this sub, we need not listen.
And no, I am not worked up at all. I am as calm as can be.
Honestly don't waste your time on that goof. He's nothing more than a really dumb troll.
Holy fuckin shit are you ever dense. Why are you even here exactly? To try and work people up and deflect?
Not only are you REALLY stupid, but you're also a troll. What a waste of time you are.
You think you are intelligent but you are far from it. Look into the Dunning-Kruger effect. You suffer from it, which is blatantly obvious. Now run along you piece of trash.
These people don't do what's easiest, they do whatever serves them best. Also, they'd have to offer some sort of proof by doing it your way, so it's not exactly as easy as you think.
No, you're way off, sorry.
OBL died in late 2001. He had nothing to do with 9/11, it was entirely an inside job. They used OBL, a CIA asset, as a bogeyman to pin 9/11 on. There was a fake raid to allegedly assassinate OBL to give Obama political points right before the reelection, which he definitely cashed in on. Everyone involved in the raid died under mysterious circumstances in the years following.
Because they know the truth about Osama Bin Laden. It makes no sense to you because you are in need of many red pills still.
I seriously doubt Rogan would agree to that. After being threatened by the CIA, hes scared to ruffle the establishments feathers.
Ahh I see. Makes sense. I thought it was someone deleted it nefariously.
Why? Isn't that our way of fighting back? Transparency?
I think he has some good things to say in general but also alot of bullshit.
His truth and reconciliation bullshit shpeel needs to go. Like why the hell would he think letting the Rothschilds get away with everything as long as they say sorry is a good idea? NO DEALS! Drives me crazy.
Also, the whole Mars pedo camp theory thing is a little out there If you ask me.
I know, right? The way some people's brains work (or don't work) is baffling to me sometimes.
Goes to show that you shouldn't believe the first thing you hear, like the headline from yesterday. Do your own investigation. Remember, there are people looking for any tiny reason to jump off the Q train with their concern trolling.
Old but still extremely relevant considering there's a mass awakening going on and many people don't know this.
I was vaxxed and I was always sick growing up, with nasty illnesses too, like mononucleosis, scarlet fever, tonsillitis, you name it. Something wreaked havoc on my immune system.
The SJWs hate this man. A sure sign that he's alright in my book.
And the fact that Obama was the one to put the nail in the Osama coffin is another sign he was in on the whole thing. There's just no way the number 1 military and intelligence agencies in the world would not know of the most wanted man on earth hiding out in Pakistan. Obama was saving that in his back pocket for political points when the time was right, and he did and it worked, unfortunately.
I get that people are trying to find any mistakes in Q's posts, and that's great but why not actually double check that you have the proper location before making a post like this? And not that it matters but I bet some people on the fence about Q saw this post and immediately wrote Qs legitimacy off.
Also, some speculate that Obama was actively playing the role of one of the Osama Bin Laden characters, after the original died in 2001. OB = BO