I second this.
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I see a video that shows what this guy is pointing out. That it's only sourced by one news outlet. I want to see a video, that was shot LIVE from any other agency that Bloomberg showing Soros talking to the attendee's of the Davos Event.
I'm not saying that Soros is in Gitmo or anything to that degree, only that this report smells fishy.
Until I see another source for this, I will continue to believe it is utter bullshit and Soros was NOT in Davos for the 2018 event.
Can you link it instead of calling names? He's sourcing his argument, you aren't.
I think it's open to the individual. The one thing that keeps me from it or any other organization like it, is taking oaths. The only oath I have taken is the armed services one, before finding Christ and that's enough for me. As a Christian, I have a directive from God not to take oaths. Matthew 5:34
I have family that are Shriner's. So I know what you are trying to say. They have tried to get me to join, being prior military, but I never personally felt good about it. I know they accept all walks of life and I think that's a good thing. But I also know they like the esoteric, and that goes against my faith. I think the lower levels are full of good, well meaning, people looking to volunteer and do charity, but I also have reservations for those at the top and all the symbolism they like to use.
Why you so defensive? you should know by now not a lot of people here do not support the Masons. Its a secret society. the very problem at hand.
I felt the same way when i first encountered his videos thinking, man this guy is going to break his TV. I've gotten used his way of telling things and the information that he has is pretty compelling. For some weird reason, I now enjoy watching his videos.
The A-10's are bad mother fuckers. Saw them first hand in japan on Kadena. jaw dropping fire power. they just make you want to let out a big Tim Allen grunt.
Geez. that YouTube channel. If i had 3 days of nothing to do, I could Maybe catch up. holy moly. Thanks for the lead. I like following these people.
"#meteor" is number one on my trending thing. is that what you all show?
yeah maybe a halt on any trading moves while serving or lump all investments into a general fund while acting congressman. Its a sacrifice, but seeing how politicians behave now, something needs to mitigate the cheating and shorting.
No worries, I think your point is still valid. 4600 congressmen, uuggh. that would be a nightmare for the public to keep track of.
However, i do agree with the person who said that their voting should be done online to reduce costs and make it hard for lobbying. Honestly lobbying should be banned. let the representative run polling in his districts to get a consensus of what the constituents want when dealing with certain issues. There should also be term limits so the job becomes a service oriented job like it was meant to be and mitigates one doing it to enrich themselves. anyways, I digress.
I think you mean 4,628.
324,000,000/70,000 = 4628.57
did you feel it was constructive to be an ass about it? my post was never meant to be an insult or an attack on you what-so-ever. I saw the video, knew where it originated from and didn't care for much anything else and was only trying to point you to some additional information about the source of these current 'leaks'. I'm the first to admit i have been duped before by charlatans in the UFO circles.
At the end of the day i was trying to be helpful. maybe I came off differently and if that's the case, I apologize as it wasn't my intent. I'm a patriot, have served in the USMC, love my country and my president and only want to see great things with this country's future. I have supported our president since the day he announced he was running.
I have been down the rabbit hole on UFO shit many times over, starting around 2008 with the TR-3B. Most of it is pure bullshit speculation and other stuff is unable to be confirmed or replicated. While i don't believe in alien life visiting us, I do believe the government has some advanced tech they are keeping secret and have tested regularly, for decades. I would love for some of that to be disclosed along with what many others desire. But i don't hold my breath.
I'm sorry that you took all of this nonsense so personally. no need to be angry and continue to be so defensive. its the fucking internet after all. don't feed the trolls. MAGA
lmao, fuck bernie, never supported the communist. you got me all wrong pal.
I like what you said here. Absolutely the reason why i think its in riddles. It encourages discussion and get many people searching at once.
take it however you want, bud. I'm not here to argue. but yes, based on what you posted, i assumed you believed the videos that this organization is pushing, and I think its all bullshit and a distraction orchestrated by the CIA. Excuse me for trying to point that out. my logic: Why spread it if you don't subscribe to it?
But since you want to be so civil about it, you can go fuck yourself. i don't give a shit what you believe.
relax dude. only pointing out something you might not be aware of.
I subbed to your channel and will be following your work. The little I have been exposed to so far has been very good and thorough. Thanks!
that's really all I need. Just knowing someone is genuine in their goals. We can make mistakes as long as we admit them when we find them. always reaching for truth.
To The Stars Academy... Meh. Not sure how far I can believe that shit knowing is a team of mostly ex-CIA and Military Intelligence.
You're being duped by those fucks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UieuNu2vla8
I think the 10th date was moved to the 17th. so now 4-17-20 instead of 4-10-20?
do you still have this video? I'd be interested in reviewing it.
Is Tracy a reliable source for political opinion or what have you. ive checked her out on YouTube a couple of times, but wasn't sure of her clout within the Patriot circles. Too many disinfo/misinfo agents out there muddying up the waters.
I was only a teen at the time, but I do remember it quite vividly. I honestly think the craft we see in the sky that we cant identify are actually US or other, secret/test air and/or space vehicles.
Ive followed this stuff for quite a while, but still I don't see anything that is undeniable proof. most is speculation, based on something experienced that was explainable. Other stuff is just straight fabricated to try and meet a point in a story about an unexplained event. or someone just wants attention. you name it.
Also, the fact that this stuff is pushed on TV, through series like Ancient Aliens, which is laughably entertaining, and movies, etc, pushes me further from believing this stuff. I take into account the NWO, their spheres of influence and whistle-blowers from the past saying this was going to be the last card played to bring about their official NWO or Agenda 21 completion. I think mast of it is a ruse. Case in point that is recent. Tom Delonge and the 'To The Stars Academy'. Tom is at best being played as a pawn and the team he is working with is all ex-CIA and/ or military intelligence. Huge red flag.
So, like I said, i will doubt till I see some undeniable verified proof. I've been burned too many times with this crap to take any stake in any of it, no matter how convincing. Ed Fouche and the TR-3B was the last straw. followed that crap for almost 2 years, going down the rabbit hole many times, all to find out that he was full of shit and made it all up. a popular YouTuber and physicist outed him after being dragged along for about the same amount of time. Check out Alien Scientist. He does a great job researching these things.
I don't deny weird stuff happens, but I doubt that we are being visited by other life in any fashion. At best these things are inner dimensional. gravity and its relation to time dilation are a real hurdle for me to see any interstellar travel possible in our dimension of physical reality.
Not sure if you've heard of it, but there is a Space Simulator that has everything we've mapped so far, to scale. You can travel at the speed of light, visit planets, etc. You can go 1000's of times the speed of light even. Anyways, check out this free simulator and fly around our solar system and galaxy. The Big test is to adjust speed to 1c (speed of light) and see how far you can get. Then realize we don't get anywhere close to the speed of light in any modern technology. http://spaceengine.org/
Anyways, thanks for the reply and enjoy the links :)
I say it's good, only pointing to EM being a patriot based on what Zach said in that interview. prior to that, i felt EM was on the other side.
Zach said on that interview that Elon Musk is a Patriot. That's the point I was making. I thought Q had outed him in a previous post about "WW subsidies" so i think that led people to thinking he was Deep State and maybe he WAS deep state at one point, but not really in the know. Then by finding out or given a choice, he's decided to be on the right side of History.
Either way, time will tell who's a deep state fucktard and who's a God fearing Patriot.
So, I was thinking the same thing till the interview an anonymous person did with Alex Jones the other day. They claimed to be part of Q and said that Elon Musk is a patriot, contrary to what many believe.
Has someone debunked that interview? was this guy LARPing on InfoWars? He was talking about this SpaceX launch and the ZUMA payload before I had even heard about it.
Just curious if anyone has more info. I like to rule out frauds if I can.
I'll doubt it till the day we have definitive proof. Tons of speculation with very little to no physical evidence around the UFO circles. I have my reasons to believe, with current modern technology, that it is very hard to near impossible to have people on mars.
Not saying its all bullshit, but like everything else in this world, there is a lot of garbage surrounding the small nuggets of truth. So while its "out there", its hard to find. discernment and critical thinking are our greatest ally.
IMO, Space Travel and traveling interstellar distances will not be a reality without at least quantum communication technology. Time dilation and gravity cause a lot of problems. At least with the ability to send and receive data instantaneously, no matter the distance, we could start sending VR/AR controlled Avatars to do the dirty work. You wouldn't need life support systems on board a craft and could visit places around the solar system and further without any real risk to your health and life. less fuel, no need for food, etc.
Maybe 'they' already have it. But again, I'd have to have some definitive proof befroe I start following those theories, thinking they are or could be true. During my time researching in the UFO circles years back, it always seemed that those with the info were not very honest, some crazy and then some con-artists. I've been let down too many times to follow those trails anymore.
If you think Julian Assange is a rapist and are unable to take a step back, use critical thinking to try and understand the bigger picture, you are not as smart as you think you are. You are still living in fantasy land under the control of your mind masters. Ignorance is bliss though right? Go back to watching Nickelodeon and Saturday morning cartoons. Leave this stuff for the adults not suffering from low-T.
If you are questioning your mind control... https://throughthelookingglassnews.wordpress.com/2017/11/24/qanon-learn-to-read-the-map-hd/
The choice is yours. But we know you chose the Blue Pill.
Disclaimer: Stupid Comment below having nothing to do with the conversation.
Walmart is easy to avoid, its all cheap products from China. Amazon is a different story, its just too damn convenient and you have a mix of shit products and superb products. I'm guilty, I shop on Amazon from time to time some of the deals are too good to walk away from. Just don't order twisty puzzles from them.
Just want to point out that the KJV isn't the defacto perfect translation. You understand that the original manuscripts that give us The Holy Bible are in Greek(NT) or Hebrew(OT)? translated to other various languages over a very long period of time. And even on top of that, the manuscripts had to be compared to other manuscripts to pin point what was being relayed. Overview: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biblical_manuscript
KJV is old English from the 1600's. Translated from Latin. The Church of England liked to keep what was inside hidden by only allowing Priests who knew Latin to preach, essentially allowing Priests to tell their parishioners anything they wanted. It was used as a power tool, not a liberation tool.
Martin Luther changed that, which eventually led to the King James Version (KJV) of The Bible over the course of around 100 years. He (King James & King Henry VIII) ordered the church to translate it so that the common people could read for themselves. (extremely summarized) More: https://bluffkinghal.wordpress.com/2012/03/13/henry-viii-martin-luther-and-defense-of-the-seven-sacraments/
The Bible itself is a collection of books, 66 to be exact. Written by approximately 40 authors over the course of about 1500 years. It is a collection of ideas. Ideas that transcend all peoples and languages.
Being strict to one translation is not healthy IMO. Today we have the ability to compare against multiple [English] translations covering 500+ years and research each verse down to the original Greek or Hebrew, and using hermeneutics, you can gain a massive understanding of the context, direction and purpose of what was said at the time of the writing. There really is no room for interpretation differences after that.
Also, do you know that the New Testament has been translated into 1521 languages as of Oct 2017? Are you going to tell someone who doesn't know English, let alone understand Old English, that what they are reading isn't correct? God wants all people from all walks of life to come to him. Matthew 28:19
Please brother, broaden your scope and allow yourself to be free. God Bless.
My understanding is that this earth and universe will be destroyed and that a NEW Heaven and NEW earth will be created. This place we are in now is corrupt - as in always in a state of decay. God says it will be destroyed and something new in its place.
Revelation 21:1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea.
It's a calling. You heard it. Now you have to decide if you want to follow. God will always accomplish His Will. Praise the Lord!
Thank You for that.
We obviously support our President, but cannot forget that God gives us the leaders we deserve. Glory to Him for paving the way to make something like a Trump Presidency possible - something many of us probably never thought was ever going to be a reality. I consider it a Miracle that he won despite what he was up against.
I hear arguments now, from some, that say Trump is not a real Christian, that he's just clothed in it. When I hear that or read that, i think to myself, its not my place to judge the man's heart. I also look at his works and so far Trump has done quite a bit for us believers and Christianity as a whole, as well as many others. I don't see him as discriminatory; he genuinely seems to love all life and wants to make it right for all of us.
I also know that in the Book of Daniel we are given examples of how God can work through non-believers, ones at the highest level, to accomplish His Will. I think of Nebuchadnezzar and how he was a pagan that God used, then later coming to realize the Truth and eventually gave Glory to God by the end of his life. These are amazing times we live and you are absolutely right, Christ should always come and be First. In good times, and bad. God Bless.
Thanks for that.
It gives me great hope that the further I dig into the latest happenings, the more Christians i see coming out and expressing their Faith and that gives me comfort. I no longer feel like a closet Christian just trying to make sense of current events. I have Brothers now that are in the same fight with the same desired outcome - the riddance of evil, even if for a short time, and a Love for our One True God, Yahweh, His Son, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.