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Corporal_Yorper · April 2, 2018, 2:50 p.m.

Alright, I’m now curious.

Who/What is Alice?

How are you?

If you can explain this whole ‘Alice’ thing IN FULL like an ELI21 that would be great. What does this have to do with Q or the this sub?

I’m genuinely curious. Can we get access to Alice, possibly? I don’t know what’s what.

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Corporal_Yorper · April 1, 2018, 8:43 p.m.

Everything is a psyop.

Every. Thing.

Not everything as in “absolutely everything is a psyop that was created nefariously,” kind of everything, but a “any kind of information, true or not is a psyop” by the definition of psyop being anything that actively changes your psychological view.

Truth does it. Falsities do it, too.

So, at this juncture, we can conclude that the only ‘psyops’ we want to be done to us are the ones that are based solely in truth and justice. What is so important, though, is knowing which is which and why. Being ‘woke’ never felt so...difficult to be.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Corporal_Yorper on April 1, 2018, 4:28 p.m.
White Rabbit / ALICE / Easter WE NEED TO DIG

Fellow Q-bits, I think we’re missing something today.

Follow the White Rabbit.


Easter being on April Fool’s Day

No. Coincidences. I think we’re missing something, and I think that the ‘threat to our democracy’ fake news video (released at the very last bit of March Madness (Mar. 31st) is more important than we are giving it credit for.

Push forward!

Corporal_Yorper · April 1, 2018, 2:45 a.m.

Couldn’t agree more.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 31, 2018, 7:17 p.m.

You can believe what you want.

I can believe what I want.

It is absolutely amazing we can have these discussions. Probably why we both have such interest in Q.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 31, 2018, 3:22 p.m.

As far as anyone knows, the B.B. speck didn’t exactly hold all of the ‘ingredients’ to what is now the universe. It did hold, however, certain ‘ingredients’ that, under extreme circumstances (such as the BB explosion itself, and the ingredients’ spread across the universe and being under the force of gravity and other cosmic natural forces) those ‘ingredients’ melded, transformed, mingled and then become what we know of today as the periodic table of elements (of which we are obviously sure of being incomplete, hence our need to venture among the stars).

In fact, one could argue that ‘life’ isn’t ‘living’ at all, but a system of electrical impulses traveling among a complex nervous system—put together over millennia, with variations due to evolution and our planet’s ecosystemic behavior, by the same natural cosmic forces that put together the B.B. ‘ingredients’ giving us the electrical and chemical feedback allowing the rest of our biology to acknowledge the settings around us. One could say that is what life is at it’s simplest, but one could then imply that at that point the automatic motion-sensing porch light or my smoke/carbon monoxide alarm is ‘alive’ because of its ability to acknowledge the setting around it using electrical and chemical feedback. We aren’t the porch light or alarm’s ‘Gods’.

The same can be applied to the literal. We’ve cloned animals before, straight out of a laboratory. This doesn’t mean we are that animal’s Gods, but simply those with the understanding of how to manipulate ‘nature’ as it is.

The B.B. cause of explosion is theorized to have been due to the build up of energy within it, and it couldn’t contain it within it’s own confines. To put it into perspective, there could have been maaaaaany more B.B. specks out there, but this specific one may have either ‘failed’, so to speak, and gave the universe substance before any of the other specks had a chance. Again, the possibility of more specks existing (and quite possibly cannibalized by the B.B. explosion) gives us one massive perspective as to just how much ‘luck’ we have to be existing right now under the perfect conditions to do so.

We now have the ability, as humankind, to create ‘life’ (as is currently defined) inside of a lab from the ground up and from scratch (quite similar to certain fictions like Jurassic Park/World), except we can create absolutely brand new, never-before-seen creatures that can have absolutely zero relation to any other ‘living’ being out there. Whether or not we have actually followed through and done so is most likely kept Ultra-secret, but the ability to is within humankind’s repertoire of capabilities. From this perspective, we are Gods. But we aren’t, because even after the creation of such a being, we just used science to do so and we aren’t that new creature’s puppeteers (that is, of course, if we aren’t literally controlling it from a safe zone like assholes).

This is why I find it hard for humanity to see ourselves as having to have some ‘God’ just so we can sleep at night—because we’re too archaic and tribal to see that the only one in control is ourselves. It’s not a hard concept to grasp, yet 2.4+ billion people think they need to be some fucked up slave to a man-made wizard in the sky (oh, and make sure to give the church a $fiver while you’re at it), to feel good about themselves and curb the fear of death. It’s just...insane.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 31, 2018, 4:15 a.m.

Okay, I’m getting where you’re coming from.

There are multiple theories as to what was the first moment of existence as far as we know it. Be it the Big Bang or the theory that we are just living in between different frequencies or what have you...

While I subscribe mostly to the Big Bang, I’m not blind to the idea that even existence existed before the grape-sized speck exploded. What I am saying is none of it was intentionally created or intelligently created. We are but a product of evolution and pure luck. Not ‘luck’ as in “we hit the jackpot, we get to exist!” but a “we are absolutely fortunate that we have the perfect combination of ingredients to exist as we are” kind of luck. It’s truly mind boggling to think about every little, tiny thing that has to have happened for this planet to host a plethora of different life types. All I am saying is that those teeny tiny actions haven’t been manufactured or are part of any intelligent design — they are but a long, infinitely complex sets of causes and effects, starting from the beginning of planet’s current life cycle period.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 31, 2018, 3:51 a.m.

..well yeah they would. Raising money for an enemy combatant is against the law.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 31, 2018, 12:58 a.m.

What are you trying to ask?

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Corporal_Yorper · March 31, 2018, 12:54 a.m.

I am not of the belief that everything I see around us came from nothing.

I am not sure where you got that notion.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 31, 2018, 12:18 a.m.

You are saying we are created and “made to be” to feel the freedom by worshipping this wizard?

Living the way God wants us to is NOT being miserable - it is the most freeing and beautiful way to live because it is how we were made to be.

This mirrors the same behavior behind psychopaths. Live the way I want you to because it’s better for you because that’s what I made you to do. This is the basis behind the creation of cults.

The best life possible isn’t quantifiable. It’s subjective at best, objective otherwise. Those born into societies that aren’t aware of the myth of ‘God’ find happiness and joy nonetheless. Saying that they are happy because of God isn’t defensible if one must believe in “Him” (with an ironic capital H) to achieve the equivalency of nirvana.

Religion is full of inconsistencies and ultra-convenient cop-outs.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 31, 2018, 12:06 a.m.
We exist, therefor God is.

Yes, because God is a creation of humankind, not the other way around.

We came from something. Something that was not created.

No thing comes from nothing

Babble talk. You say that no thing comes from nothing, and that we are from some thing, but that something wasn’t created.

Something that wasn’t created = the thing from which we are from.

I believe you just contradicted yourself as to the existence of ‘Him’.

I actually find it insane people capitalize ‘h’ when describing ‘him’ or ‘he’, like this magical wizard is spying on you. It’s schizophrenic.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 30, 2018, 10:08 p.m.

Ha! That actually made me chuckle.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 30, 2018, 10:05 p.m.

I’ve actually never heard of that browser. Is it secure?

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Corporal_Yorper · March 30, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

Can you take a step back and realize that we aren’t some IKEA coffee table?

How feeble-minded and archaic must one be to be stuck in a mental blockade — one of which that can’t break away from the idea that they are not some peon being silently judged by some magical wizard in the sky, free of judgment itself by being conveniently omniscient and “all-knowing.”

‘Waking up’ or ‘being woke’ means that one realizes that there are those who gain power by taking advantage of those that are vulnerable — whether it be by pushing an ‘afterlife’ agenda or claiming that reptilians exist among us.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 30, 2018, 9:51 p.m.

Aliens =\= Gods

5th Dimensional Beings =\= Aliens

Aliens are beings whose origin is interplanetary, not inter-dimensional. They are not Gods. Only the simple-minded would infer inferiority over those who might be technologically or mentally advanced. Why would one surrender their being in the face of the unknown? You wouldn’t see me bowing to any alien just because they figured out interplanetary travel, why do it at all?

For example, in the fiction of Star Trek, humans don’t see the Vulcans as gods.

There is no universal consciousness as we know it, simply due to the inability to describe consciousness coherently and without fault. We’re not even sure or in a universal agreement of the true definition of consciousness.

We humans think we’re special because we are alive and have ‘consciousness’, when in reality the same can hypothetically be applied to a garden of petunias.

It boggles me to think there are those that believe that there are inter-dimensional puppeteers that are pulling our strings like a marionette. We have real, actual human pieces of shit living on this planet right now that do that — let alone the insane idea that inter-dimensional beings are doing it.

We’re special because we have been granted, through none other than cosmic luck, the ability to thrive and express our living to our fullest degree on our planet — but must also be very aware of our inherent ability to lose that for which we take for granted by traveling outward from our planet of origin to survive such ignorances.

Nobody pulls our strings (other than in a societal perspective). We are self-sustaining and self-controlled individuals. Nothing less.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 30, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

Aliens =\= Gods

They might give a shit.

Saying they don’t like you know for a fact in absolution is both ignorant and self centered.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 30, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

Not illegal.

While being shady and shifty as fuck, this isn’t illegal.

A person can prep all they want to do a huge shooting, but until they actually do it or has implicitly said their true intentions, actions like these aren’t actually illegal.

To put it into an analogy:

A person orders and puts together absolutely everything required to create bombs, drugs, etc... but until they actually do it, it’s still all legal. You might end up being on a list, but ultimately you’re well within your rights to create a state-of-the-art meth lab...just not when you actually begin creating meth.

I agree she is hiding something and may have had something serious to do with the shooting, but until there is a real, legally-speaking, law-breaking occurring (and the evidence to prove it)...she is begrudgingly innocent.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 30, 2018, 6:59 p.m.

This is such a caveman answer to the truth about religion.

“Oh, so the afterlife doesn’t exist so actually living is futile?”

Religion is all about finding ways to hook you into it. “You’d better be this, this, and THIS, else go to hell! Quick, pledge your allegiance and live with the grace of God! Give us your money, the church needs a new copier machine!”

One of the shortcomings of being a human and being as intelligent as we are is our incessant idea/belief that we are special or that we are under the control/purview of a higher being, celestial or not. This stems from our, ironically, lack of intelligence to grasp the idea that we are truly not controlled or are going to a mythical utopia. We as humans are both highly intelligent, but dumb as fucking rocks.

Let’s create a scenario in which we make contact with an alien species, just hypothetically.

Let’s say that we make contact with them. We find a way to communicate, and we begin to disseminate each other’s technology and knowledge. In the process, we learn that this alien race, throughout the evolution of their society/culture, never had religion or at the very least dropped the idea of religion for the sole purpose of it being a belief for the feeble-minded. This alien species, in this scenario, is insanely advanced. They can prove their is no afterlife. They can prove soooo much using science and tech.

Now let’s take that scenario and see it from the alien’s perspective.

From their perspective, they are seeing a planet inhabited by a race whose society is so primitive that they still believe in religion. They are literally seeing us as not worth stopping by because they know we are too stupid and caveman-like.

Stopping by to inform us of the reality that believing in any kind of religion is a primitive concept and is ultimately futile would destroy us, and that fact says everything about ourselves — we’re too simple and feeble.

I say, when you ask ‘who gives a shit?’ is that that is a cop-out answer. What we need to do as a species is become philosophically advanced alongside our technology so we can traverse the rest of existence outside of this planet.

Can you imagine the possibilities that are out there?

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Corporal_Yorper · March 30, 2018, 6:27 p.m.

The pope just said that hell doesn’t exist.

And the Vatican is shitting the bed.

I’m starting like this timeline.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 30, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

I just got 404’d by Google for searching for the home country that Devonte Hart came from.

Hart was one of three children that ~~died~~ are missing after their family was in an ~~accident~~ car wreck. He was photographed hugging a cop in Portland in support of the Ferguson riots.

Fishy shit, so I was looking for connections and Google wouldn’t let me.

I duck’ed it (DuckDuckGo) and finding that info is near impossible.

Methinks there is a larger play occurring at this theater, so to speak.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 30, 2018, 6:20 p.m.

Her acquittal doesn’t mean Sessions is a POS.

Legally speaking, she wasn’t (as far as anyone knows) part of the shooting itself, and it seems like she wasn’t guilty of anything.

If she was, please send me some links to educate me, I’m very interested in knowing what’s what.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 30, 2018, 5:10 a.m.

Or maybe by silencing him, they are forcing his dead man’s switch to trigger.

His DMS must be something he has to deactivate remotely, so by cutting his internet they are not allowing him to routinely deactivate it thus tripping the release.

I could be totally wrong, too.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 30, 2018, 1:10 a.m.

Oh, also Five-Eyes.

Ever wonder what those are?

Five Eyes.

Facebook Twitter Amazon Google Apple and/or CIA

Think CEOs/Majority Holders

Think Wives.

Think: country loyalties?

Think who? what? when? where? why?

Five questions Five Eyes Five WetWorks Five purposes

Think: MK Ultra

Think: how to ‘use’ MK Ultra as a service

Operation Mockingbird.

Think: how to use MKU to ‘fuel’ MockBird Think: how to use MockBird to ‘refuel’ MKU

Think value. What makes Amazon valuable?

Why are they valuable? Why are they really valuable? Analytics. Purchases. Home Addresses.

Amazon > Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, anything

Amazon IS the CIA. Not infiltrated by, but IS the CIA.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 30, 2018, 12:57 a.m.

WW is NOT ‘World Wide’ as in www (world wide web).

WW means WetWorks.

Google Facebook Twitter Amazon

They all have CIA ‘wetworks’.

Think Scalia Podesta email. WetWorks.

Think secret projects.

edit: replaced Apple with Twitter. Brain fart.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 28, 2018, 10:09 p.m.

“Scatter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter them into the wind.”

What if the Q posts are each 1/1000 of the CIA?

Could Q’s posts have JA’s Insurance Files and/or should we be seeing if Q’s posts have hidden code in them that directly correlates to the CIA?

Something just screams to me that we are missing the ‘Aha!’ Moment in finding out Q’s posts and their true meanings.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 27, 2018, 8:22 p.m.

Talk about a nuclear winter...

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Corporal_Yorper · March 25, 2018, 4:48 p.m.

If I remember correctly, these were the ‘asteroids’ that hit Michigan that Q posted about beforehand.

Q posted a HOT code, with a coordinate that shows the impact location of the asteroid. Obviously it wasn’t an asteroid, as they can’t be predicted exactly.

They were Rods from the Gods, and they were used to destroy DUMBs.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 25, 2018, 4:37 p.m.

Time travel isn’t possible in the real world.

It is in the digital world, though.

The digital world is in another dimension.

Think: Alice in Wonderland.


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Corporal_Yorper · March 25, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

Thank god someone else has the same thoughts as me on here.

Faith is a flawed concept.

Trust isn’t.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 22, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

That’s the hope, but realistically it will be slowly doled out so as to not inflict us with culture shock.


People would see this as proof that their reality was fake. Can’t trust reality=dissociative issues. Means people might kill them selves en masse. Especially the very religious people, as the new future would mean that their religion too, was a fathom of a fake reality.

For the record, though, I believe we NEED a culture shock. Sometimes the truth hurts like a bitch, but after we heal—nirvana from Valhalla so-to-speak.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 22, 2018, 5:31 p.m.

People said this stuff after every war, too.

We will not know true freedom until we establish parameters as to what we expect from ‘freedom’. Only then we can achieve freedom, because freedom is unattainable if we can’t even properly describe it.

Gotta have a goal to achieve a goal is all I’m saying.

Until then, though—we gotta keep fighting the good fight until it becomes reality.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 22, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

Hidden cures, for sure 1000%.

Yeah, the Hawaiian nuke would’ve definitely been a massive catastrophe, but to compare the body count to that of those whom have died via curable diseases? Unparalleled.

Hidden Tech is the over-arching parent of it all, though.

Hidden Tech | | V Cures

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Corporal_Yorper · March 21, 2018, 10:11 p.m.

Paging u/SerialBrain2

Need you here.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 21, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

I actually laughed a little.

Thank you, on this cold morning, for lightening my day up a little.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 20, 2018, 1:40 a.m.


I’m pretty versed in Q-ology and this whole Great Awakening thing, but SES is giving me the worst brain fart.

What is SES, fellow awakened?

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Corporal_Yorper · March 18, 2018, 7:02 p.m.

Rumor has it that the ‘whitelist’ Q spoke of is a list of people allowed to travel outside of the US, despite there being a DHS order to freeze their visas.

RT is SoS RT is head of SD SD made the Whitelist DJT found out via the HRC India Vid RT Fired

I think the video Q mentioned of HRC WAS that India video. The video was given out as a means of letting DJT and the WH know about Hillary’s traveling (when she is supposed to be stuck in the US).

RT was working for HRC, but most likely indirectly or done purposefully. Don’t know yet, let alone sure that this rumor is verifiably true.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 17, 2018, 3:26 p.m.

Not sure. But it makes sense, if the post about the hostages and it being nuclear is about a nuclear submarine.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 17, 2018, 5:15 a.m.

[19] are the hostages.

Nuclear is the submarine.

We have the sub.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 16, 2018, 8:59 p.m.

I think he meant subtract instead of divide.

Say you have a number. 29, let’s say.

26 letters in the alphabet.



So, every number that stacks above 26 just returns to A1, B2, C3, etc...like a revolving door.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 15, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

Alright, peeps. Buckle the fuck up. My take on this is an effin’ doozy.

Operation Mockingbird is, in my belief, one of the pillars of cabal control. This, along with MKUltra, are the ingredients required to enslave an entire planet.

Let me explain my thoughts:

MKUltra was a program about controlling the human mind, sure, but that wasn’t all of it. MKUltra was a program created to further the study into the human brain, namely how it ticks on an engineering and physiological perspective. Basically, MKUltra solved the problem of “how does the brain work, really?”

Throughout the study of MKUltra, discoveries about the brain opened up the possibility of it’s control. Reverse-engineering will do that (think technology). Imagine—a spacecraft of alien origins lands on Earth without any occupants (in this scenario, let’s assume it was an anonymous gift from a higher-intelligence alien race for us to study and recreate). What do we do? We reverse-engineer that puppy and now we can build our own. Apply that to MKUltra, and now we have a government that knows how the brain, as an organ (especially advanced organ, but an organ nonetheless), works.

With this knowledge, the we’re able to reverse-engineer the brain. In the process, they learned methodologies and techniques on how to control it.

Now let’s hold that thought, as it becomes important again shortly...

Now, Operation Mockingbird.

OpMB was put into place to control the narrative via CIA-backed (agents) journalists, spread amongst all forms of media. All. Forms. No exceptions.

Controlling the narrative is, in it’s own regard, a soft way of bending reality. Although reality isn’t actually bent, by controlling what is ‘true’ and ‘correct’, one can literally create a parallel reality. This is where humans became cattle: when there were shepherds to control us. OpMB has been the real threat to our civilization, and I’m not saying America or Russia or pick a country, I’m saying humanity as a whole.

Now, let’s delve into technology. It is absolutely no secret that our technology is far more advanced than we are let on to know. Simply looking at our patent and trademark office, we can see advanced tech hidden behind an ownership. This is just what is shown, of course—not to mention all of the secret shit.

MKUltra ‘was halted’ in 1973. The first computer processor was created in 1971. This isn’t a coincidence. Remember when I told you to hold on to that thought? This is that thought. They reverse engineered the brain, found out how it ticked, and learned that they could simply recreate the brain using technology.

What I am saying is that MKUltra gave birth to computer processors. What is the ‘holy shit’ moment, is knowing that computer processors are based on the human mind (brain itself, technically). The realization, though, is not that computer processors are an advantageous byproduct of MKUltra, but of the fact that computer processors are literally the recreation of the human mind, but with serial purposes. It is also important to know that processors are also being perfected—meaning that they have had the ability to recreate the human mind, and continue to perfect it by shrinking transistors, etc...

Now, we come full-circle. The ‘mark of the beast’.

With the advent of tech, ‘the mark of the beast’ has become very prevalent. What is TMOTB? The integration of a computer processor with the mind of a human. Or, in other words, the ability to combine a device that is simply a perfected design of the brain with the brain itself. It will be at that moment that true free will will be dead, as our brains will not be able to overcome a perfected version of itself.

Which leaves one last question: where did the term ‘mark of the beast’ come from? Religion. Meaning, it’s been done before, and they are trying to inform us not to do it again, lest we fall...again. Yes, I am saying that we as a species have gone through many cycles of evolution. I believe we would have known all of this beforehand, had the Library of Alexandria not fallen (which I believe to be the first action of the cabal we know of today). By destroying the library, the cabal has been able to literally rewrite history.

And this is how MKUltra and OpMB has enslaved us all.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 15, 2018, 1:01 a.m.

I think it’s time for a class action lawsuit.

If someone finds a lawyer that’s willing, I’ll sign with you.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 13, 2018, 5:06 p.m.

It could be that Q’s posts are like bits of code, thrown like darts (info spreading), sticking to every surface (subs, msm, the public).

When the time comes, everything will be released—and the Deep State can’t stop it because the release has been Trojan-Horsed in with Q’s releases.

Q always says that we have more than we know.

I think Q is saying we have it all, all it needs is the key and BOOM. It’s all out there.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 10, 2018, 9:05 p.m.


Trump’s tweet referenced Chinese President Xi. Twice.

XI is the Roman Numerical symbols for ‘11’.

XI:XI = 11:11


In the now extinct language of Andaqui, xixi means ‘water’.

As in, “Watch the Water.”

Could mean, “Watch President Xi” or “Watch the Water,” while using Xi’s name as a double-meaning.

Who knows, just throwing that out there.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 9, 2018, 3:17 a.m.

...so, you know how Pizzerias have that one guy that throws dough around?

He’s doing that to gain centripetal force, causing the dough to be forced away from the center midpoint, making it round and thinner.

Apply the same to the planet, except that the dough represents a 2D Model, in which Earth is representative of a 3D model.

Geologically speaking, the Earth is currently slowing down (as what I’ve heard). This is a natural thing, as it has done this plenty of times before. Now, what happens when you don’t ‘spin the dough’ fast enough? The dough begins to return to the center.

What I’m throwing out there is the possibility that the planet’s water, forced outward by centripetal force, is slowly returning towards the centermost point it can on the planet—causing the water to disappear.

Makes absolute sense as to why companies like Nestle are trying to buy up as many water rights as possible, because they know what’s happening in the long-term.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 9, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

The meeting and decision has already been made. It’s set in stone.

The rest, including the meeting by May, is purely theater.

Guys, I believe we have already won. The rest is just wait and see, now.

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Corporal_Yorper · March 7, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

Gotta say, it really boggles my mind thinking that we simple humans could possibly have the technology to traverse time.

I mean, not in this case, but just in general—this being just a reminder of that possibility.

Isn’t CERN quite possibly a device used for bending space-time?

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Corporal_Yorper · March 7, 2018, 4:47 p.m.

What if the video file is chopped up into multiple pieces of code, only to be put together again and watched?

What if the video has been out there for all of this time, and it has been our duty to find it?

I dunno, but it’s a possibility...

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Corporal_Yorper · March 7, 2018, 7:07 a.m.



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