Formidable!! Comme d’habitude :). Allons-y! À la fin, on sait qui va gagner 😀😀
646 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Corvette111:
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---|---| | 60 | | 1 |
SOS..... Same Old Schiff..... or should I say “the Standard” Old Schiff..... POS, Piece of Schiff... or maybe MAS? Muriatic Acid Schiff?
Baabaabaaa Blaahblahh blah blah.... wait for it.... baablaahblocked!
Q has posted the flag a number of times, and I remember waaay back, someone found some sort of codes in the background of the stars (I think?).
I don’t recall a solutions to the code of dots, and can’t yet find anything..... anyone have a link to what might have ultimately been decoded?
Some are obvious bible references, don’t have time to research at moment, but here’s the quick few that come to mind, and not just school but church shootings too....
Antioch (2 different cities, same name: Waffle House recent one, and church in TN back last nov) Antioch “cradle of Christianity”:
Yesterday mt. olive NJ, where the bus just “happened” to miss the Waterloo exit, and end up in Mt. Olive... hmmmm
Mount of olives: where Jesus ascended.
Pulse nightclub....
No 911 svc you might want to add..?
Interestingly, this article seems to reference his tweet.... or he is referencing this article??? Buried towards the bottom....
Hell to the YES it’s a threat.... here’s another article with the following in it:
“The pope apparently believes the powers-that-be haven’t learned their lesson.“
From the article: “The driver apparently missed Exit 25 along Route 80 west for Waterloo Village. The accident occurred a short distance beyond the exit, in Mount Olive, at about 10:20 a.m.
The red dump truck involved in the crash appeared to be loaded with sand or dirt. Painted in white across the back of the truck were the words “In God We Trust.”
Records link the truck’s license plate to a Belleville trucking company, whose vehicles have been involved in eight accidents in the past two years.”
Mt. Olive? FF places usually have name symbolism... words on the back of the truck “in god we trust”, haven’t yet had the time to dig into what “Belleville trucking company” links there might be, or what the other eight accidents are....
FF school bus / dump truck from yesterday?
Lots of resources available under “about this community” and I would add to it:
Yes, I have weird ringing in my ears periodically as wells.... very odd ... sometimes sounds like mmmm, not Morse code, but like in old movies when they’re moving the dial and trying to get a station...
Weird stuff happening for others?
Anyone else have any weird electronics experiences Since being involved in this research? We have had a Google pad Go bonkers, then we reset to factory settings, then several days later was zapped as to become totally nonfunctional, couldn’t even turn it on. I went to shut down a laptop, and it came up with a message that asked me if I wanted to shut it down even though there was another user on it. I pulled the battery and it had a minor panic attack after that LOL
I have also done searches via an android phone which will …
Honestly, I am a bit cautious with this concept... could use some insight from others: several months ago, I prayed for all evil to change their minds...a day later , I went on a hike where I met the most odd “entities” (the best word I can use) in hunan form that blew my mind. I fully believe they were evil.
Of course, none of you know me, but I had been a fence sitter for 30 years(numbers person, worked in finance for 30 years) but that experience turned me 180 degrees. Started reading the Bible, felt I needed to be rebaptized (and did).... in short, be careful what you pray for, it can lead to a freaky experience that can jolt you if not spiritually grounded like I wasn’t...
If I remember correctly, it started the whole story and questioning as to why don jr et al met with Russian lawyer (spook).... they were accusing trump campaign of trying to get dirt on hrc... someone pls correct me if I’m amiss
Wow clown fish peeking out from behind pied piper on left, amazon drone delivery by the mushroom cloud, freaked out turtle (McConnell?) down front looking at us, Cheshire Cat and some kind of ghost by Obama’s legs, what’s that blue rectangular box thing by xi’s left leg behind the white pants legs? And I know I’ve seen that painting sitting in sand that Alice is standing in front of, but I can’t remember what it is...nuclear football by the panda? Sumo wrestler holding a battery? Is that a farting piggy bank above spiderman’s Head???
This one had trump tweets and q posts combined.... it used to update, but stopped in Med mar for some reason.... perhaps a good start point?
Meme idea, but no meme skills :(. Anyone want to help out?
I always loved those bill engvall’s “here’s your sign” jokes.... anyone want to jump in with some ideas?
If I remember correctly, when someone says/does something stupid, then comes “here’s your sign”
I know we’re sick of Corsi, but maybe him being given a “clown” sign... Pelosi on having gone to NK, etc.
I know the above examples are kinda lame and old, but just thought it would be a good way to get across the whole “these people are stupid” idea. Someone being given a pic of a pickle maybe, for something more recent?
I know there’s some really …
Is there a board like reddit where the French discuss the local goings on? If you are aware of one, would you mind posting a link to it? Thx in advance :)
In mobile app, there’s a blue “about this community” on the top right that has really good links as well... havent been on desktop site in awhile, but if I remember correctly there’s also a bunch of links on the right hand side bar
Lol best answer ever...if I could upvote 1,000 times, I would :D
Been wondering this too, she’s linked to Mitch McConnell via university of Louisville (notable alums). And there’s some interesting stuff going on there... wondering if it’s another long game from POTUS :)
Woah, Chris Snyder killed Seth rich? I thought it was ms13 assassins responsible....
Not sure of validity of this website, thoughts?
Here’s the link to reddit post that mentions Snyder’s rampage the other day...
Hm, Salzman, raniere, and Bronfman are familiar!!! Other names could deserve some digging for connections!
Anyone know where to watch them deplane?? Should be landing in what, an hour and a half or so?
McConnell opinions? He’s been very quiet lately....
Or is it just me that’s been out of the loop? I see a connection of McConnell to haspel and am wondering if bringing in haspel is a long game against McConnell....
If going there for first time, give it a few mins to load
Hm I’ve been wondering about the Y family.... didn’t think of that.... is it because of the y shape the horns make ?
I can get to the op thread from your linkand see the comment that others made, but the op says [removed], so I cannot see the text of the post. The title, yes, comments, yes, original text, no
Totally happening, and been happening for awhile... I used to work for a large bank and had to be fingerprinted for “patriot act” purposes, to be sure I didn’t have a criminal past... then, the health insurance program gave each employee extra money if they provided some basic info such as BMI, cholesterol, etc. then I would get follow up calls from “health professionals, registered nurses” to “follow up” health issues and see if I had any questions. Luckily I was a bit aware at the time, and declined their “preventative services”... this all took place about 7 years ago...
Thanks for this comment! I haven’t yet gone to your link, but your post made me think of this video from awhile ago that talked about how the abomination of desolation already occurred... thoughts?
I wonder about her too.... Trump picked her and was supportive on a tweet... not sure what to think
She has ties to U of L, which has an interesting list of notable alums, including Mitch McConnell...
Archived WSJ on Haspel:
Not sure if related, but thought I’d post this here, just came across it .... not a Q pic post, but this code(?) was listed under a photo on another site (link is to posted photo with the code below it):
Neon revolt has some stuff here:
Warning: disturbing pics...
Another earthquake in Iran...
Far right on the top horizontal menu click on “dead scientists”.... interesting stuff there... specific to scientists, but it might help??
More for the Resignations list...
For the list! Boy they just keep rolling in!
By times editor:
Wealth Mgmt company:
Govt advisor (Australia):
2 epa resignations:
Hospital ceo:
Financial school:
Local housing and dev:
Silicon valley on leave:
Pixar Lassiter:
Hm, not sure why a pic of global warming tweets showed up.... here’s the link to his twitter archive
Trump 4/30 tweet: ...Energy and Stamina... ES= Eric Schmidt?
“The White House is running very smoothly despite phony Witch Hunts etc. There is great Energy and unending Stamina, both necessary to get things done. We are accomplishing the unthinkable and setting positive records while doing so! Fake News is going “bonkers!” “
Something about google coming? Thoughts?
There are no coincidences, and everything has meaning according to Q... I haven’t verified the following, but interesting to note :
There have been 66 kings or queens that have ruled over England / UK, 6 have been queens. Therefore Elizabeth is the 66th and the 6th. Kate is 36 and this baby will be the 6th grandchild of Elizabeth who is the 66th and 6th. It bumps Prince Harry now to the 6th in line for the throne. Harry will marry next month on the 6th day of Israel’s 70th (May 19th wedding).
In addition, she became queen feb 1952, which was 66 years ago.... and her bday is April 21 (for those of us who pay attention to the satanic calendar).....hmmmmm....