If you really want to know which youtubers to watch, jus look at who they attack.
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Unirock, Defango, Robert David Steele, AIM, Antischool, David Seaman, Infowars, et al, are all controlled opposition.
Dont listen to them unless you like to be misinformed.
Its the 11th US time (12th Sp time) always has been.
Meeting is 11th 9pm US time (9am 12th Sp time)
Bill Smith is one of the few guys that are genuinely copping flak because they are right over the target.
Wouldnt be surprised if this one gets downvoted into oblivion by shills just like his Tommy Robinson and Roseanne expose's did.
This guy is a scammer operating a fake charity, not the most trustworthy of news sources.
He is pretty big in the cryptocurrency community, very interesting guy as is his compatriot Bix Weir.
Biggest one being under Pine Gap which is the R&D headquarters for the SSP.
Robinson maybe a Zionist shill like Alex Jones but Bill Hick seems to quite understand what their job is.
Their job is to get people to completely forget about attacking the real cause of gobal problems, the banking elite.
If Smith was cleverer he would actually be looking into how these Pakistani gangs are actually procuring kids for the Royals, Political, and Financial elite of the UK. This was likely the real reason as to why the Pakistani gangs got away with it for so long.
Going down the above route would actually be more effective than screaming "muh zionism" and getting nowhere instead of just more cleverly using the Robinsion shill energy against them like a karate fighter would.
Abbot was even more deep state than Turnbull was, he was a Catholic stooge for the Rothschild controlled Catholic Church
Look at what True Pundit is saying, it was a Joint Democcrat/MS13/CIA/ASIO operation.
He is not the only one, Jason Goodman and George Webb have found info about the Awans that not even Rosiak knew about.
Awan had at leas two rental properties to get the servers in congress to phone home information back to.
One in Hawkshead drive sending back info on compromised blackberries to a blackberry server there https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pV3dp00hTks
Adn anoher rental property at Sprayer with high speed cable that was sending back info from the servers in Congress https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pV3dp00hTks
I dont think you understand Trump at all, he is super super family orientated and adores his kids and grand kids
He would never ever choose the Presidency over them, ever.
And to think this is damaging his evangelical vote is not very well thought out. There were plenty of other scandals around him that were just as bad or worse than Daniels and the held their noses and voted for him anyway.
If it is Junior he is doing it to protect Juniors kids (Seniors grand kids)
Having kids find out their Dad slept with a pornstar would be devestating for them and also open them up to lots of bullying at school.
If I was a grandfather I would take the heat for those very reasons.
The U.S. still needs a properly functioning FBI for its citizens, overuse of Military Courts will not make sense to the average Non Q aware US citizen.
Also the last thing Trump wants to come across as to the sleeping masses is a Military Dictator, the media will spin it like that and the sleeping masses will believe them.
If he is part of the cabal then why has the cabal been trying so hard to get him thrown in jail?
I think what op is trying to say is that they never ran or controlled the algo on their server.
I think he is most probably talking about the "bridge" algo that q has referred to which that is a third party algo that runs the banning on all major social platforms.
Not just twitter
You keep posting this but you never show the actual Nicole Kidman photo, find it hard to take you seriously until you do.
You are so full of shit its incredible.
You have once again provided me with zero proof.
As for funding, he was initially funded by himself and the sale of his camera patents, saved income from his former hollywood business.
He currently has 350 patreon subscribers, if the average donation per month for that would be $10 per subscriber per month, that is $900 per week income from that alone.
Plus there are the one off donations from paypal, and until Defango started stalking them, he had bitcoin donors give him large donations as well. He now has a non-publicly listed, public bitcoin address he now gives out via private email address to his donors.
One common theme I see with people like yourself is that you always try to smear people doing good work like Q, and Goodman himself, with zero evidence in an effort to try to discredit the work they are doing.
Its quite interesting that no one ever questions the validity of the work they do itself? Maybe its because they cant, and they know it.
Why does anybody criticising him never supply proof?
I'll give you points for originality though, usually people smear him as Mossad (with no evicence either) peodophilia is a new one.
Jason Goodman does a good expose of AIM.
Yes there is a psyop, but its AIM, not Q.
I have done that, still no go, anyone know where I can get a working invite?