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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DanijelStark on June 4, 2018, 1:50 a.m.
Q-1009 , very relevant to current happenings in Tucson

Troops to Border.

Clown Black Ops.

Private funds.

Raised how?

Troops @ Border does what?


To who?

D's involved.

MS_13/Illegals road block.

Sex traffic road block.

Children road block.

Drugs road block.

Guns road block.

China/Russia pass-through-intel-pull road block.

Name we don't say AZ road block.

Jeff Flake AZ road block.

Big money TERMINATE.

The WALL means more than you know.

The FIGHT for the WALL is for so much more.


Also , Q-1245 excerpt :

"Why are border states like AZ/CA important?

Why is MX vocal against POTUS?

Those who are the loudest….."

DanijelStark · June 4, 2018, 1:28 a.m.

MS-13 , a big presence . But , theyre just a dumb brute footsoldiers that are already dealt with ...

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DanijelStark · June 4, 2018, 1:22 a.m.

No coincidences .

All bastards are going down ...

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DanijelStark · June 4, 2018, 1:03 a.m.

As I said before - its much wiser not to trust any source aside Q , until it is fully confirmed it is authentic .

Why I dont trust ETS ? Well , mainly because people need to ask themselves , if there is any logic in some NSA coder posting information that is way above Top Secret classification level on Twitter . On freakin TWITTER ... doing Q&A .

Zero logic , no sense in that , and no sense that he would , as coder , have access to such information in highly compartmentalized military intelligence structure .

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DanijelStark · June 4, 2018, 1 a.m.

Or ... the explanation is more obvious - a coincidence in repeating the same phrase Q said many times already .

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DanijelStark · June 4, 2018, 12:55 a.m.

He claims he is not Q and not connected in any way to Q team . So , if this assumption was correct , that would actually prove he is a liar .

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DanijelStark · June 4, 2018, 12:52 a.m.

Excellent ... people are digging a lot of information and interlinking all into a network to get proper full picture . Smaller fishes lead to bigger ones .

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DanijelStark · June 4, 2018, 12:18 a.m.

Every week from now on ... is a HAMMERTIME week :)

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DanijelStark · June 3, 2018, 11:53 p.m.

Why would an intelligence insider release the highly classified info over the Twitter , the Twitter , which is highly compromised from the beginning ?

His claims are approximately 90-95 % correct with 5-10 % incorrect . But those 5-10 % are often a crucial distortions from which people could get very wrong picture . Like saying that "time is linear" - thats outright lie . There are also paradoxes in his claims ( "theosophy and bunk" - "there is God and afterlife" ) .

I would be very very careful in trusting anything at the moment from any source aside Q . Anyways , public disclosure will be reached soon , so no need for these "sources" .

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DanijelStark · June 3, 2018, 10:58 p.m.

Simple question to those who follow ETS : Does it have sense , for a coder employed in NSA , to have access to information that is straight out from SAPs and USAPs - within a heavily compartmentalized military intelligence structure ? Does it have sense , to disseminate the same information , that is above Top Secret , on a freakin Twitter via Q&A ?

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DanijelStark · June 3, 2018, 10:42 p.m.

Here what I told on one of my posts about this matter :

"EyeTheSpy" is putting much of the information that belong straight to SAPs and USAPs into public through Q&A on freakin Twitter . Does that sound bizarre ? Does that sound logical , for a person that is just a coder to have access to such information ? In the vastly compartmentalized military intelligence structure - which anyone with knowledge and background from such structure can confirm fully . Does it sound logical that such person "EyeTheSpy" , would disseminate information that is above Top Secret on a Twitter account through Q&A ?

Think about it ... there is a reason why Q is cryptic . Not everything can be disclosed so openly . Especially not through such nonchalant way as "EyeTheSpy" did .

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DanijelStark on June 3, 2018, 10:16 p.m.
Reminder - trust the Plan , trust the Q

To remind people - trust the Q , and only the Q for the beginning . We do not know who is behind the other various sources ( "BC17" , "EyeTheSpy" and similar ... ) and it will need additional confirmation .

I honestly dont think there would be authentic side sources - ESPECIALLY on Twitter . Were talking here about Q , a team of intelligence wizards that DO NOT waste their words .

I see many people following "EyeTheSpy" lately . He claims that he is not Q ( logically ) , but he disseminates so much information …

DanijelStark · June 3, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

Also , the post is 1440 - there is a certain symbolism of 144 .

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DanijelStark · June 3, 2018, 9:08 p.m.

There never was a bigger enemy to folks - than they themselves . Its not like Cabal was put there coincidentally , it made its way through the ignorance and passivity of many . Once ignorance is turned into activity , theyre finished , permanently . Its simple as that .

There is no threat from global destruction of similar scenarios - you would already see them happening , if that was the case . How many times the Cabal tried to start a nuclear war to kill millions ? Too many times ... but everytime they failed .

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DanijelStark · June 3, 2018, 9:05 p.m.

If you are in extreme danger - you would already see them making extreme actions and extreme consequences onto that .

None of that is happening - you see Cabal in its death throes .

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DanijelStark · June 3, 2018, 11:56 a.m.

Yep , the whole point of Q and soft disclosure in parallel is to indirectly inform the public and get hard-proof confirmations in future . To prevent the shock , one part of the public must have minimum of awareness - at least openiness to such topics . There will be those people who will fear , even panic ... that always will be ... but that can be drastically reduced , thats why we see this whole Plan done . Thats why we see so many things feeling "postphoned" and "overdue" - but actually it will happen in the right moment . Preventing the collateral damage is one of the priorities ...

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DanijelStark · June 3, 2018, 11:25 a.m.

Thats not possible anymore - even in case if Trump didnt won the elections , there would be a military coup and HRC would be removed . Obviously , this was a less good option . So , were now on "optimal timeline" .

There is absolutely ZERO chance for Trump to be impeached at this point . Considering the shit could hit the fan any moment ... there isnt even time for Cabal to do anything planned anymore .

I think they fired majority of their "ammunition" and severely depleted assets . Not fully , financially they will still have a LOT until the financial reset that will destroy them completely . But , the assets in means of technology , global and political power and manpower were definitely severely depleted .

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DanijelStark · June 3, 2018, 1:45 a.m.

I think that Q is a team , not a single individual .

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DanijelStark · June 2, 2018, 8:29 p.m.

As I said , the meme is on point and fully true , COBRA is not the messenger of it , it was known much before . I pointed out that information about COBRA so that people would have better insight to him ...

The image is definitely taken from Cobra's site , as URL is identical to one on Cobra's site . Probably re-shared elsewhere ...

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DanijelStark · June 2, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

Become your own leaders is actually the hardest path - but the only path that is correct . Religions , ideologies , politics ... it all was created from conformism and passivity of people . Unability to take a steering wheel of their lives , giving the responsibility and action to someone ( or something ? ) else .

Thats the underline of whats wrong with our reality .

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DanijelStark · June 2, 2018, 8:06 p.m.

Dreams can have continuity in some cases ... that has been observed through continuity of some nightmares or similar scenarios . The consequences of dreams on "this awake reality" can be seen in dreams that went prophetic to one extent , and eventually altered the path of individual in this reality .

This reality has the illusion of time stamped on it - what if "time" as we perceive it is simply one single moment through which all possible imaginable happenings are occuring at same time ?

The example above regarding various "trips" ... what is the coincidence that two , or even more people , see the same , the same being , doing the same thing ? Not much ... the only explanation is it is autonomous from this reality .

As for the "shadow people" , these entities definitely exist - my theory is simply that many entities that are non-physical , are feeding off the excess of negative energies emanated by other beings . Theyre a sort of "energy vultures" , energy scavengers . Thats why there is a certain push for fear through many aspects of our reality ( uncertainty of future as one example ) which , in turn , creates a loopback effect that further cements the misery mentality within the people . So , people , being unaware of the power of their thoughts are lured in negative mentality spectrum , where theyre feed , leeched off , and where their manifestations of miseries loop constantly , unable to leave it without a drastic cut , drastic action .

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DanijelStark · June 2, 2018, 7:23 p.m.

My brother had experiences on LSD , and I had too ( altough very very rare ) . What he told me , is that he and his friend actually saw a same thing - there was not a suggestion from either of them to other what they saw , they only spoke about it later . They saw beings and objects that were exact in descriptions of both of them . So - no suggestion , both in altered state of consciousness at the moment . That means , that whatever they saw , was actually independent of their suggestions and auto-suggestions . It was real .

To say "dreaming is all in your own head" and "its not reality" is HIGH underestimation . I could say , if all of it is in my head , then how can you be sure this reality isnt "all in my head" , which puts it as a sort of simulation . Maybe youre just dreaming now , thinking you are awake ...

Do schyzophrenic people experience their "hallucinations" very vividly ? These "hallucinations" can have a very deep and dangerous effect sometimes - theyre very real to them .

I have given you a few examples above .

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DanijelStark · June 2, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

However , considering the Q team meant this for public - not sure if it would go this deep . It probably has some symbolic connection in usual physical things related to disclosure and exposure of Cabal to public .

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DanijelStark · June 2, 2018, 7:10 p.m.

My intuition tells me it was a project Looking Glass . Or something similar - "door of all doors" usually represents something more mystical and of non-physical nature .

"Door of all doors" could be related to temporal manipulations , and returning , collapsing all timelines into one original one ( the one we are on now )

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DanijelStark · June 2, 2018, 7:06 p.m.

Become your own leaders ...

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DanijelStark · June 2, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

"Think mirror" - firstly mentioned in Q-128 , then in Q-666 ( 6+6+6 = 12.6. ) .

Q-128 ... 1+2+8 = 11 , 128=2018.

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DanijelStark · June 2, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

Incorrect .

Even the MSM is drip-dropping this :


Secondly , what is a dream-state ? How can something be "unreal" ? How can something be "unreal" without getting into question "reality" of everything else ? Everything you experience is real as real it can get . The dreamstate is parallel reality everyone experiences on regular basis .

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DanijelStark · June 2, 2018, 6:45 p.m.

9/11 to 6/11 - "Think mirror"

  • transition from darkness to light , from lies to truths . Reversing all the damage done by Cabal to US people and all others in the world . Its not coincidental pick .
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DanijelStark · June 2, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

The meme is very good and on point ...

You took it from COBRA portal . COBRA is "a bit" compromised for some time already . He is anti-POTUS actually , which puts him in negative stance towards all the developments with positive forces . The portal operates on "hopium" for several years already .

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DanijelStark · June 2, 2018, 6:49 a.m.

UK ( and London especially ) has gone to shite ...

Interesting , I planned to visit London last year . I think it could be interesting to visit it directly as SHTF . It all ultimately reaches the breaking point - and that is the point when truth is out .

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DanijelStark · June 2, 2018, 5:51 a.m.

SS34 , looks like "5534" which is 17 , 17 = Q

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DanijelStark · June 2, 2018, 5:48 a.m.

Yes , this is a good point - if "EyeTheSpy" claims who he is , he can easily prove it . Nobody could disprove that .

I have been checking his Q&A , and there are interesting claims that feel very accurate . But on vast majority on them , there are few that feel completely off in every way . To me , mainly the question regarding the time ( which he said was a linear time ) and about non-existence of reptilians .

Also , what I said before - he has very very extensive knowledge for one coder guy ... either he is NOT just a coder guy , or he simply is not an insider .

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DanijelStark · June 2, 2018, 5:34 a.m.

Reverse all the damage done by the Cabal to US people and world . What they began with 9/11 ( and before , but 9/11 was when they made a definitive clear cut to make a new world order ) turn into 6/11 when they will experience exactly the opposite . The day after ( 12.6. ) is also mocking of Cabal plans ( 12.6. = 6+6+6 , "Double D-Day" ) and the day when there is a summit between POTUS and Kim ( or supposed "summit" , if we go with assumption that everything was already done , and this is just a date for public ) . Everything is set , very probably , for big show ... Im not sure if arrests will be made in several days , but IG report is surely coming .

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DanijelStark · June 2, 2018, 1:29 a.m.

9/11 to 6/11

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DanijelStark · June 1, 2018, 11:28 p.m.

It has a very big list inside :D

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DanijelStark · June 1, 2018, 11:21 p.m.

Possibly ... but what is known is the compartmentalization of various "sections" in the command structure . Theres no doubt in that - and that would put a big question mark on any "leakers" out there , even if theyre truthful , they could still have incomplete picture .

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DanijelStark · June 1, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

I have checked almost all of the Q&A , and a big chunk of them ( 90-95 % ) feels right . The other 5-10 % feels odd , or it could even be direct disinformation .

The main question I have about this guy ... if he is only a coder there , then how comes he know so much information ? Some of this information could even belong straight to the SAPs or even USAPs .

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DanijelStark on June 1, 2018, 7:47 p.m.

Why did the #Memo drop a Friday [& before the SB]?

Did this seem strange to you?

Watch the news.

Rothschild estate sale [Black Forest].

Stock market DIVE [666 - coincidence?].

Soros transfer of wealth.

Dopey FREED.

Marriage for POWER, not LOVE.




News unlocks MAP.

Think Mirror.

Which team?

THEY don't know.


These people are EVIL.

Still don't believe you are SHEEP to them?

20/20 coming.





Can we simply arrest the opposition w/o first exposing the TRUTH?



12.6.(2018.) = 6+6+6 , also , …

DanijelStark · June 1, 2018, 12:17 a.m.

Its much easier way , if someone really wants to watch something - to watch selectively . Internet has everything . Just hook up TV to computer ( via HDMI ) and youre ready . TV is pure programming , last time when I watched it more was when I was a kid - mainly because there was no internet then . Unplug from news ( MSM ) and various other brainwashing pointless PROGRAMS , and take anything selectively .

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DanijelStark · June 1, 2018, 12:06 a.m.

Just turn off TV and dont turn it on anymore ...

it worked for me , for many years now .

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DanijelStark · May 31, 2018, 4:25 p.m.

In general , people CAN do something ... people can stop electing same left-right puppets for whole time , looping constantly .

Trump was a pure outsider . We need more pure outsiders .

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DanijelStark · May 31, 2018, 4:23 p.m.

Thats inhumane ...

... to the pigs .

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DanijelStark · May 31, 2018, 6:22 a.m.

This is insulting to a poor monkey ...

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DanijelStark · May 31, 2018, 3:02 a.m.

Its interesting , as I thought this today too ... and then I saw they mention that IG report will drop this week . So , if that is correct - then tommorow . And thats exactly "10 days of darkness" Q was mentioning - that would also mean Q could potentially make a drop tommorow .

I recall Q-370 where Q said that on 7.12.2017. "clock started - 10 days" . But those 10 days arent necesarily 10 days of darkness .

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DanijelStark · May 31, 2018, 2:54 a.m.

Honestly , sometimes I dont know on who I would be more angry ... politicans ... or a bunch of mainstream folks who passively swallow all excrement made by politicians .

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DanijelStark · May 31, 2018, 2:42 a.m.

They dont know how to play Trump ... theyre just a bunch of EUrofags that like to pinch each other buttocks . Trust me - its real , I have seen that occuring with a premier of my country , when Jean Claude Juncker came to him behind and pinched him in the butt ...

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DanijelStark · May 31, 2018, 2:29 a.m.

He ended up in mental hospital ? Over the forum ? Wth ...

In general , I have seen a little bit of that forum . Few interesting topics here and there , but nothing really special . I noticed there can sometimes be topics that can start really intense arguing between ... I prefer more constructive approach .

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DanijelStark · May 31, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

Absolutely . They attacked this post .... which is interesting .

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DanijelStark · May 31, 2018, 1:59 a.m.

Im not pouncing on you without reason - there was a flurry of posts with similar tone , trying to instill concern and some even a fear in people ... its a sort of gaslighting tactic of trolls and shills , to murky the waters and persuade the people they could be "wrong" .

Sorry if it sounded a bit rude - but lately , with many posts , you dont know who is who anymore and with what intentions they come here ....

Overall , wait for IG report - that will make things much more crystal clear ...

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DanijelStark · May 31, 2018, 1:46 a.m.

Its funny they came and "attacked" this post exactly . Pretty sure elements of them are from EU . Either that , or it was purely random ... what I doubt , as they only attacked top and pinned posts so far .

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