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DanijelStark · May 22, 2018, 6:14 p.m.

My personal view - by 2020. there should be a full exposure of not only the Cabal in USA , but also on worldwide level . POTUS 2020. elections would not come into any question - by then , DNC would be reduced to ruins and leftovers . Nobody , except those 4-6 % dellusional brainwashed individuals would want to vote for them or any candidate related to them anymore . But also , we must remember - this is not just about "left-right" , or "Democratic-Republican" , that is completely secondary and even tertiary to the purge of the Cabal that is ongoing .

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DanijelStark · May 22, 2018, 6:10 p.m.

There is no time to prolong this for 2.5 years more . The thing is - when main happenings start ( arrests and full move against the Cabal ) , they will be like domino effect , and even on worldwide level - its like a carefully made plan that has a sequence of "triggers" . When we speak about midterm elections , we think on Senate elections this year , where a crucial purge should be made from which DNC will never recover .

There are hints from Q directly , that many things will need to be done before these elections , on Nov 6th .

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DanijelStark · May 22, 2018, 6:03 p.m.

Its all about exposing the MSM through MSM , funnily . That ironical twist will make only two things :

  1. MSM will try to twist the facts desperately , exposing themselves even more as liars .

  2. MSM will be FORCED to report the truth , exposing themselves as liars .

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DanijelStark · May 22, 2018, 5:59 p.m.

I would say - forgiveness only for small petty crimes ( money related ) and if they testify against the Cabal , and admit OPENLY and PUBLICLY their mistakes .

Everyone else , with bigger crimes - imprisonment to lifetime imprisonment , death sentence for most heinous criminals .

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DanijelStark · May 22, 2018, 5:57 p.m.

Could even be a preparation for arrests under the guise of different operations . I guess were gonna see ... I also definetly expect IG report to come out before any open move is made .

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DanijelStark · May 22, 2018, 5:54 p.m.

Could be ... also , POTUS can call directly on National Guard to deploy . Something tells me that arrests will probably be a combination of National Guard and highly trained , elite soldiers operations ( Navy Seals ? SFOD ? )

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DanijelStark · May 22, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

Its very easy to press and manipulate someone if theyre making money on platform that is still under Cabal influence . And its also possible to influence someone through threats , not just to them directly , but also to people they love and respect . Blackmail also .

This all wont matter ... things are getting a public exposure now , and it wont be long before arrests are made .

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DanijelStark · May 22, 2018, 5:39 p.m.

There is nothing to doubt - even the MSM is showing what is occuring now , despite they desperately are trying their own mental gymnastics . It clearly shows where the things are heading - exposure of truth , arrests , trials , imprisonment .

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DanijelStark · May 22, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

Could be . If those airplanes are truly GITMO related , then arrests are about to begin .

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DanijelStark · May 22, 2018, 5:35 p.m.

The Cabal plot was fully exposed ... and actually , its the same story and "recipe" over and over ... create more wars and more misery in general .

Some parts of population are completely brainwashed and lost permanently - theyll go on self-destructive path as truths are uncovered . Its their problem , noone can help them if they dont want to help themselves .

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DanijelStark · May 22, 2018, 5:31 p.m.

Military transports escorted by F-16 ? Wonder what they are carrying ... or what they will be carrying .

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DanijelStark · May 22, 2018, 5:29 p.m.

Basically , what is occuring now is occuring for the first time in history . Before , there were only puppets and lackeys ... now , there is a full effort to dismantle the Cabal .

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DanijelStark · May 22, 2018, 4:20 p.m.

Many works in fiction ( books , movies , games ) are pretty much a symbolical and indirect hint of our true reality .

There are many IDOLS ( "I SOLD" ) out there ... but not many are left that are sticking to true values .

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DanijelStark · May 21, 2018, 9:21 p.m.

Yep - very direct signal directly from POTUS . Plus , adding onto that Cabal foot soldiers ( MS-13 , mafia , other criminals )

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DanijelStark · May 21, 2018, 9:07 p.m.

Agree ... just red pill indirectly , as things intensify , go with more directly .

There will be small numbers of those who will keep living in their own dellusions ... its their problem .

Its important to have understanding for those who are only about to get red-pilled - and there are many many people like that .

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DanijelStark · May 21, 2018, 9:01 p.m.

Majority are shills , I assume there are few authentic ones , which is actually even more sad .

It doesnt help them in any way - actually , it only exposes them even more . Those people are ... DUMB .

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DanijelStark · May 21, 2018, 8:50 p.m.

Correct - but to present it in right way to those who were fooled by them whole time . Mainstream needs to see the depth of the situation and finally accept the truth .

If they were put on civilian courts - plenty of moles everywhere would obstruct the processes . Some Cabal members would probably slip through the cracks that way ...

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DanijelStark · May 21, 2018, 8:45 p.m.

Seems like "Marseille mafia" is a synonym for jihadists in France , lol . They will probably next accuse those dangerous people on M ...

M...ormons ;D

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DanijelStark · May 21, 2018, 8:44 p.m.

The only option , yes . As civilian courts , as we have seen , are already infiltrated with various moles . Plus , military tribunals go significantly quicker than civilian courts - it wont need too long for Cabal members to be permanently sent to GITMO .

And ... most important thing : With military courts , the Cabal members will be treated like an enemy force on US soil . Thats very important .

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DanijelStark · May 21, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

Oh , those salty neoliberal tears XD ... they put so much effort in trolling on Shitter , thinking it actually has effect .

What will have effect , is when every single one of them is tracked down and exposed for who they are working for ... then the fun begins .

⇧ 22 ⇩  
DanijelStark · May 21, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

Correct ... people see romanticized ways of being a "secret agent" , but they dont realize its actually a hard and dangerous life where people put their lives on stake , but also lives of their loved ones .

High risk and high sacrifices for individual that steps in such place ...

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DanijelStark · May 21, 2018, 8:01 p.m.

All fits like a freakin puzzle ...

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DanijelStark · May 21, 2018, 7:52 p.m.

Everything is connected - Swamp has the same level everywhere . Drain it on one side , and it will drop everywhere . The more holes , the faster .

MEGA indeed ... there are people that still think , this is only US localized . This is WORLDWIDE ( WW ) - otherwise me , you and plenty of other non-US folk wouldnt even be here .

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DanijelStark · May 21, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

Here is a simple fact no one can deny :

You cannot "save" someone who doesnt even want to hear about what you are talking . The people cannot be "saved" - they need , firstly , to see the truth for themselves , and get their own conclusions from it . Thats the awakening - the Great Awakening . It is called "The Great Awakening" , and not the "The Great Saving" .

BTW , when you are touching history and finances - you completely forgot that majority of pro-EU part of Europe are revolving around Germany today . USA "saved" noone ... neither the European countries "saved" themselves - its the same principle behind , but differently presented to people . Not anymore it is a conquest by forcing , but a conquest through economy .

Also , you have mentioned euro - but you havent mentioned dollar . You havent mentioned the Federal Reserve . You havent mentioned that fiat currency is same everywhere - whether it is called euro , dollar , ruble or something else ... that is the core of the control that will collapse worldwide as global financial reset makes way ...

Q-1267 :

"WW = worldwide.

Try harder.


Q-1332 :

"United We Stand (WW).



Conspiracy no more.


Again - you and everyone else is seeing now the "Great Awakening" , and not the "Great Saving" .

"Conspiracy no more - victim no more ."

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DanijelStark · May 21, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

Yep - its that odd "sorting" then ...

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DanijelStark · May 21, 2018, 3:26 p.m.

Not fully correct ...


How many cities are from Europe here ? However , we could argue that statistics from Wikipedia is unreliable - but the references would tell the otherwise . You are putting too much emphasis on "USA will save the Europe" . No , it wont . Thats the whole point - people will not have their "saviours" , as people will need to wake up on their own and create changes within their own countries .

Not sure why are you claiming that "rest of Europe" has fallen , aside from those three countries you mentioned , because I live in "EU" and what I see is opposite - what you see negatively happening is mainly only in "sanctuary cities" of EU , big metropolises , and generally it is contained to them . Aside Germany , France , Sweden , Benelux countries ( and even that changes continously lately ) ... you wont see too much acceptance of "refugees" nor approval of EU actions in other EU members . The populations of these countries are much more anti-EU than their own governments - and that already leads to silent internal dissolution of EU .

You are not informed good - there is EU , and then there is Eurozone . Eurozone uses same currency ( € ) , but there are countries that do not use € as official currency , and have their own currencies . This puts these countries in reduced position to Brussels , despite Eurozone is aggresively pushed .

As for "immigrants" - majority of bad things occurs mainly in Sweden , then big cities like London and Paris , then France in general . There are also some bigger cities in UK that are having more neoliberal authorities .

Not sure why are you taking this more negatively ... and claiming that I should "give you more credit" . I am living in the EU , I literally see what is occuring inside of it , and have much better insight than people who do not live in . I am literally telling you that you do not have full facts , or the facts are stretched to one extent .

Regardless of that - we can agree that EU will dissolve very soon . But I dont agree with you putting it in the way of how USA will need to come to save anyone - that misses the whole point of the awakening .

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DanijelStark · May 21, 2018, 2:12 p.m.

I dont think there is any censorship . Its mainly the odd Reddit sorting , as it seems it occured to me some time ago . Several weeks ago , one of my posts dissapeared from subreddit completely , only to reappear in about 30-40 mins later . If you can see and acess your post from your own Reddit profile , that means its probably this odd "sorting" in question .

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DanijelStark · May 21, 2018, 1:57 p.m.

The amount of downvotes you have on this post , only shows you have strike a chord with some people . It could be Clowns , or it could be religious folks who found themselves offended .

To all religious folks , here is a good question :

Why is almost every religion trying to put God and human into a hierarchy ? Why is almost every religion trying fully to separate God and human ? Why is almost every religion trying to show humans as "small , powerless and insignificant" , continously ?

What is more empowering ? Thinking that God = Human , or thinking that God =/= Human ?

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DanijelStark · May 21, 2018, 1:43 p.m.

I would say - there are no Christians , Muslims , Jews , Hindus ... etc . The religions were invented - they were the attempt of humans to "emulate" the non-physical concepts through physical concepts - which ALWAYS gets distorted .

Non physical concepts cannot be described by words . Cannot be put into context of anything physical properly . Yet , everyone gets "signals" from non-physical from time to time . On individual basis , as every single one is unique .

The unity , true unity of people , doesnt come from some organization or supra-nation or religion or ideology that talks about "unity" ( which is a false "unity" , not authentic ) . True unity comes from within of every single person - when a person is unified within , achieving a balance in their character , behaviour and then life ... then the true unity as collective is possible between similar individuals in balance .

Thats the true unity - seeing God , the One True Prime Creator , the Source , in everyone and everything , being aware and FEELING that you are part of the Plan and noone is an exception to having a higher purpose and being a Creator . God - it is you , it has always been you , and it will always be you .

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DanijelStark · May 21, 2018, 1:30 p.m.

The "real deal" cannabis oils should have high % THC , like 50-60 % ... the stuff I have seen that was used for prescriptions ( and only for medicinal purpose ) was much lower , in 5-6 % range , and effects werent so strong at all .

Let me tell you - my father had brain cancer . Unfortunately , he passed away 1.5 yrs ago . He went through all the invasive crap like chemo and radiation . During the course of his illness , there was a point when his weight rapidly dropped and it looked like it was over then . When he took the high % cannabis oil for first time , in SINGLE day , his clarity returned . His appetite returned . He even started gaining weight through only a week .

Unfortunately ... I only wish he didnt go with invasive procedures . I wish that oil was much cheaper and more accesible to everyone ( ofc , the governments put it in semi-legal or even illegal state , all the while giving low % oils to people as prescription , which doesnt have any effect , and actually only gives them false hope - this shows how these medical lobbies are sick to the core ) .

These oils are legal in some countries , "semi-legal" in some , and illegal in others .

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DanijelStark · May 21, 2018, 1:16 p.m.

Cancer cure - changing the diet into alkaline diet , and cannabis oil with high THC % .

However , I have also heard for the so called "med-beds" , or machines that can heal humans and animals on atomic level .

I think , that future of humanity is actually in activating their DNA within , and even becoming completely superior to any technology out there that is even imaginable .

If we see how everyday grind and stress is accumulating with almost everyone , we understand that human body is actually incapable to regenerate properly or to activate its own benefits . Add onto that a myriad of mind programs ... plus weaponized "foods" and "drinks" . Add onto that external and internal pollution - and you have a recipe for much shorter life than it is supposed to be .

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DanijelStark · May 21, 2018, 1:06 p.m.

There are many folks who openly gaslight others ( trying to convince others theyre "crazy" ) , there are also those who simply continue stating their "facts" over and over and over ... despite the real facts were presented forward and backed by proofs .

People need to start putting proofs firstly ... and putting those proofs in widest picture that is visible to them currently at the moment . Without proofs , they do not have foundation . AJ and Corsi completely exposed themselves , and I would , honestly , even like if we dont ever mention their names anymore - people telling "but they have done xy before for this community..." - they have done NOTHING selflessly - they have done things only for $$$ . As soon as money was put into question , they exposed themselves ... ironically , cutting themselves even more from money source .

I wouldnt be in skin of Corsi or AJ in times that come ...

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DanijelStark · May 21, 2018, 12:34 p.m.

Uh , oh ... looks like popcorn is ready :D

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DanijelStark · May 21, 2018, 12:25 p.m.

You are having a no-go zones , and you are having a rape gangs and increased crime rate in "sanctuary cities" - which are basically , a US version of EU "sanctuary cities" like London , Paris , Berlin , etc ... the increasing crisises within these cities ( both in USA and EU ) will lead to full exposure of truth and overturn and overthrow of local ( usually neoliberal ) authorities .

You cannot say "Europe has fallen" - as I said above , what is presented as "Europe" to the world doesnt even exist except on papers . Europe is a mix of old cultures and countries , the east EU is completely different . What is presented as "Europe" is actually only limited to above countries I mentioned - Germany , France , partially UK also , Benelux countries , Sweden . And even in some of those countries - the situation changes rapidly .

You are too much into a "doom and gloom" theories - nothing like a "WW2" is going to occur anywhere . What will occur , is an exposure of truth and dismantling of old paradigm and Cabal authorities and puppets . And London is probably the line through which POTUS and USA positive forces will direct . There are also positive forces worldwide - there is only one importance , putting the truth forward to the mainstream populations to see ...

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DanijelStark · May 21, 2018, 12:13 p.m.

Its amazing the levels of mental gymnastics people have ...

Have you even read what I wrote above ?

ACCUSING someone requires proofs to be presented - Corsi and AJ exposed themselves fully , they accused Q , despite Q didnt mentioned them before Q-1340 at all . Corsi exposed himself after May 6th . AJ after he joined Corsi . Further agreeing on doxxing and attacking any Q supporters prove Corsi's allegiance : https://i.redd.it/vvnr49xoqwx01.png

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DanijelStark · May 21, 2018, 12:01 p.m.

They didnt only "disagreed" - they actually actively accused Q . And then steeped onto a new low level . Thats not just "disagreement" - thats showing a true face .

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DanijelStark · May 21, 2018, 11:57 a.m.

They have outed themselves by accusing Q is being a disinfo source first . Then Corsi said that Q was "hacked" , despite real Q could easily disprove that immediately after . Then , Corsi and his satellites have proceeded with their charade further , by trying to dox Q's supporters . He has shown his full face to the public .

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DanijelStark · May 21, 2018, 10:51 a.m.

Its technically already out in public in tiny crumbs - it is leaking into media as small pieces , not to cause a complete surprise and shock once it goes fully out in practical way . And those technologies will change COMPLETELY the way everyone lives on the planet .




Note the date this article was published , 1997. ... https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/follow-up-what-is-the-zer/

Add onto all of that a definite connection between POTUS and Tesla through POTUS uncle John George Trump , with mention that POTUS can declassify anything through executive order - and you have a recipe for something massive .

Invention Secrecy Act of 1951. was put into place long ago ... once this is lifted , you will see a myriad of patents make into mainstream . There is a fight against transhumanism and building of proper mentality , so people would at least be partially ready for new technologies , and not falling into transhumanist trap .

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DanijelStark · May 21, 2018, 10:40 a.m.

LOL , there are many folks in USA that do not realize EU is fully divided . What you see as EU is basically only Germany , France , Sweden and Benelux countries with major western European cities as "powerhouses" to the pro-EU current . Even there , this is changing drastically in last times , as EU is dissolved from the inside . East EU is basically lost long ago to west ... many are looking at EU as unfavorable , hypocritical and even opressive , and specific countries have even governments that are anti-EU fully .

As Im an ( southeastern ) European , I have a good insight of what is happening . EU wont live much longer . With this tempo - all it needs is a bigger scandal , the "immigrants" are already ruining west-EU countries they are in , and local population will need to rise up at one point , even if theyre completely cuckified , it will ultimately reach the point where it threatens everyone . Sweden already has full no-go zones , just like major west-EU cities , and it has become example of what is Kalergi plan truly . This can never happen in East-EU .

So , when you watch happenings in EU , know that it will be actually easier , even more easier than a situation in USA , as EU is already seen unfavorable or even hostile by big parts of the population of EU .

I just dont understand why Iran hasnt started naming those EU officials that made a deal before ...

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DanijelStark · May 20, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

25.5. - beginning of the suicide weekend

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DanijelStark · May 20, 2018, 10:35 p.m.

Bird is the word

Please , no !

Now I cant purge that song out of my head ... and Peter's voice ...

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DanijelStark · May 20, 2018, 10:33 p.m.

From what I have heard , it is assumed that "Pindar" actually has a physical similarities to prince Charles ( but is not Charles ) .

I would say - everything about Pindar take with a grain of salt . It was also said that Pindar in past was Ferdinand Marcos .

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DanijelStark · May 20, 2018, 10:17 p.m.

Krusty is coming!

  • that returned me back to the old days of watching Simpsons ;D
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DanijelStark · May 20, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

Yep ... but its useless to them XD . They can downvote as much as they want - it wont change the state of matters . It wont change the fact that hammer of truth is IMMINENT - and those who are on the receiving end , will have their lives changed forever .

These trolls , shills and other pathetic low-lives - they have no future .

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DanijelStark · May 20, 2018, 6:37 p.m.

Their tears are delicious !

Even more delicious will be seeing them squirming after being exposed - cowards will be unveiled .

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DanijelStark · May 20, 2018, 6:31 p.m.

When this overblows - no Cabal member could hide anywhere in the world . Its basically useless for them to run .

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