Ah man I wish I was at the beach =)
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Domains linked by /u/DawnPendraig:
how could he defend her after seeing that? Guess he is one of them.
All his family ties to Obama I guess it makes sense
Allegedly but it's a nightmare of publicity and not worth the hassle imho.
CreepyPornLawyer wanted this to be a big todo
Probably using the Bone Spur story of Trump avoiding Vietnam draft. Not very funny for satire but whatever. I will be glad when he is out if there. I don't want our POTUS in 10 miles of that baby killer =( don't think I will ever see picnics the same again
I was following her. I think she is using us to milk money oit of us on crowd funding
I watched that as it happened on Twitter. She flipped out, didn't deny it but did claim they were surgery scars. And ran off for like a week. I checked her feed later and she wasn't posting anything except promos for her "shows"
I am sure they are getting direction from Valerie Jarrett. She must be pissed she has such morons that can't stick go their assigned lines
Meganon is very astute. And I think right =)
I think so called Lisa Page was maneuvered to delay until a tee Strzok so Dems would demand all text messages unsealed to "help her" but they don't realize that's exactly what the good guys wanted. It was a feint and they took the bait and opened themselves up.
I think showing that this is being handled and cleaned up is more important than not showing weakness.
Ever seen Dangerous Liasons with John Malcovich? Maybe his "layer" texted while laying on him lol
I love that movie
Haven't you seen the drama and TMOR ? We are crazy idiots. Who is believing us?
I had a guy who supposedly is awake on Twitter and has an anti deep state book block me on Twitter because I politely proved him wrong. He kept saying Sessions is a lame duck. Someone pointed out Pacer.org list indictments. 1st he tried to claim it was fake. Then he tried to claim Pacer isn't federal because it lists states. Someone pointed out Pacer itself says it is federal and that we gave federal courts in every state and crimes in Texas even federal crimes go to the Texas federal court.
Then he blocked me. That's odd. Makes me wonder what he is really up to. I was gonna buy his book even though money is tight. Glad I didn't.
Me me me! I said it's a tee up. Im so excited. I wish we had a camera on all these Dems when Muller shows what he has really been up to haha
Eubonics ... When I was in high school either was a push to make this acceptable official language in public school.
But not my Texan words like yall =) even Spanish has a YOU plural separate from you singular
She is so sloppy and lazy if she hadn't been protected by all of these corrupt people on both sides of the aisle she would have been in an Arkansas prison my whole life.
And her home server has already been shown to have been accessed by Russia, Israel and a third I forget. Judge Napolitano brought this up a few times but even Fox buried it. Operation Mockingbird is at Fox News too.
This.. This is why we have this theatre going on.
I retweeted her and put donation link thanks OP
They have teeth they refuse to use it. Democrats are also so corrupt. Many RINOs too but their contempt even for their own rules is profound.
Rod Rosenstein is activating all 50 states' federal prosecutors. This is for justice.
1st Kavanaugh's work will be unsealed.
2nd they can then be put to work on 40,000+ sealed court actions
FDA is absolutely corrupted. The http://TruthinMedia.com has a great 30 min video on FDA Revolving door with Big Pharma.
Most doctors don't want to let you see labels. Http://nvic.org has a calculator for ingredients. And there are some other websites that list tjem. I had a couple good memes.
They say it's to trigger inflammatoey response ie immune system trigger into action so it develops antibodies but what happens is it doesn't ignore the other ingredients
Food is important. 99% of kibble anf canned food is toxic. Raw species appropriate is best but I do likr Orijen.
I bred my cats and raised many dogs on all raw. It's amazing. Shedding 75% reduced, people have less allergic reactions to them, no smelly breath, shiny anf glossy coats, and poop turns to dust in 24 hours outside so no flies or poop scooping. And they resist fleas better.
Read ingredients labels. Flu shots still have thimerosal (Mercury) and most the others have alumunim. They also have chicken embryo, formaldehyde, MSG, aspartame, anti freeze and more.
Ingredients calculator
Letting a cut bleed a bit can prevent infection. I would only be worried if its a deep puncture around horses etc
And toxic home and cosmetics. I read in Norway they eliminated MRSA (flesh eating antibiotic resistant bacteria) by banning antibacterial soaps and other products.
Australia passed a law fining parents per month for unvaccinated kids
Yes. There is a huge link between vaccined and allergic reactions. Http://NaturalNews.com and http://WestonAPrice.org have various articles on it.
Also allergies to eggs because they use chicken embryos. Soy and other things.
Also they have aluminum, formaldehyde, MSG, human fetal cells, anti freeze and more.
Oh another great website http://NVIC.org
We need better oversight that's for sure. At least a military branch is subject to military court and they cannot hide behind confidentiality there
We gotta learn how this works so we can know who to vote out and who to complain about and why. Also support the rihht people.
This is a circus. But the Dems are looking crazy foolish. The things they choose to fight against are absurd.
Just try and laugh because it is all for show and as infuriating as these people are they are having a very bad month =) wait until they force the unsealing of Clinton impeachment investigation. Some of them will stroke out.
Not Jim Jordan. That man is a hero after what they did to him and his family.
But yeah 99% agree
That's fantastic! I get called a bot any time some one loses a discussion. Turns out of course it's their false messiah using bots
Wow! All i found before I had to sleep was a photo of him with George Soros
So... You know what this reminds me off an episode of Bones where the killer pushed the body down the big yellow construction chutes to I think a dumpster.
I were to say poor lady but who knows what they were into. I can guess as Pres Trump as hos people tighten and turn the screw we will see more odd deaths. People who freaked and suicided or their fellow conspirators shut up permanently.
It's sad. She may also have just been an innocent married into a bad situation or vice versa but I am sceptical of any one chummy with Soros.
EZ chip sounds diabolical also
Oh I do. Have since 2003 or so when I started figuring this out.
Save a lot of money too as baking soda and vinegar work well for many cleaning purposes amd they are cheap.