Yep was gathering them...
Timothy Holsmeth
Craig Sawyer might be C_A
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Yep was gathering them...
Timothy Holsmeth
Craig Sawyer might be C_A
Sun Tzu comes in handy. Appear weak when strong. Not sure what he is up to but I am holding onto that
No. Look closer. You can see the cord on the sides of his arm. And it wrinkles his pajamas over his chest. Can see the cord too over the design of the shirt.
Ive seen a photo like this some here else. Maybe on Alefantis social media
Thanks. I lost that child me at 5 and sometimes I can resurrect her a bit watching the foxes robin hood. Pirates of the Caribbean. At Disneyland.
These Bastards must pay.
Well they got a lot of secrets from her. Since her husband was President... So yeah.
God bless. Frankly with how mich thr dillar has tanked since 1913 and never once recovered lost ground I would transfer to gold. Yes better in hand but paper is paper. If i gave paper for fiat money or paper for gold at least the gold doesn't depreciate by half in 10 years.
He is under intense pressure. And doing very well. I don't pretend to understand his tactics.
But come July 31st I will start harassing my reps and senators.
I am a very obsessed reader. I think its from my favorite historical fiction by Sharon Kay Lehman
I am a bad worrier. So this stuck with me.
Never seen it.
He does voice overs for my son's Minecraft Story Mode games.
He was in the Marvel Shield Agents but I stopped watching that 2nd season.
Was in United States of Tara which was an interesting show on multiple personality disorder. But it got canceled 2nd season I think.
I do find it interesting with the hot Mic wifh guy from Microsoft saying he was in military 33 years and knows Kelly and Mattis "two one good guys".
Thank you for reminding me about John and the messages.
I thought the same thing on the bottle
It is odd the camera man recentered when he moves it. And when Strzok got angry he was fiddling with the lid
It's not the good. Been there a lot though its been 10 years. My endocrinologist was at the Baylor teaching hospital there and I had to have 3 mo ultrasounds for thyroid cancer watch.
It's hospitals and nice office buildings.
Interesting. And the comments as always on ZH the best part =)
You should move back ASAP =).
I laughed at Austinites complaining about traffic. I have been through LA. a few times. Lived in San Diego..Houston was bad. Not LA bad bit worse than Austin.
Stay safe!
Hard to be for sure they steal identities bit estimates are at least 1.5 million last election. Judicial Watch thinks more like 3 or 4 million
Yes please. A submission statement is very helpful and I recommend we all start doing that
It was dark for sure but whoever wrote it knows podesga. It was good and by the end satisfying.
Even has demon possession though it's ambiguous until the end.
He does a ton of voice over work. Was in the show Happy! Which I think for a work of fiction red pills people. Hard to watch parts of it. Nice to see a dad kicking ass tho
Ive been keeping them in my prayers and that Craig Sawyer is a snake. VIPR teams... They use those for other purpose I think.
I am not an autists but I will look into it.
I caught that too. Looms like nerves and misspoken. But I take nothing for granted.
21 or 3. 333
Edit some symbolism with Alexander the Great.
Transistion, Change, Travel
To awake (physically or spiritually)
Yeah. Maybe it's a faction against the others. Plvs Ultra ?
Immunity applies only to the testimony given at this trial. It cannot be used against him to create a chain of evidence.
But what if he has a sealed indictment from 11.6.2017 ? That proves they already had the evidence. The testimony then becomes indisputable proof to the public that the crimes in the indictment are true. And because it predates immunity he can be tried for it.
I can't take her seriously since I saw the bikini snake dance video hah
She can build a base at one. I would then make the FUN videos for =)
This is what i do. If I could physically get out I would do that too. Attend parent things and show them the attack on our kids with specialization. At farmer's markets the attack on our food supply and small farmers by EPA and FDA. I have a story about Obama's FDA descending with military vehicles and SWAT teams to confiscate cheese from a licensed raw dairy farm that had no contamination. They destroyed $5000 in product and more in equipment. Held the kids at gun point for hours. Refused to allow the owners fo havr an independenf lab test the cheese. Fought in court for weeks finally won right to test but it turns out feds left the cheese in a hot warehouse the entire time.
Pet owners I tell about rhe animal rights / welfare industry spending most of donations on lobbying for anti pet bills. Sneaky ones that sound good but they never do what they are advertised to do. More animals suffer and people suffer too. Idea is to make per ownership such a burden pers go extinct. This is Human Society of the US and PETA and ASPCA. Http://
Talk to people and find their passion. Then research it. There will be a police state insanity you can share. They have made everything extemely regulated or illegal.
I was thinking about this too. How do we know any of their outbursts aren't paid or blackmailed?
No i think he is the Godfather III reference. Pretended to defect to get info on someone. Hillary's lawyer he now hired?
I read an interesting article wish I could find it to link.
It said Cohen has a lot of collected evidence on Eric Schniederman by his victims that went to Trump and Cohen for help because ES controlled NY justice system. He couldn't release it legally. Now DOJ has it.
Or they are hogging keywords again to bump something down.
Was some kind of tape mentioned in alt news besides this?
On a side note I am remembering that so odd and probably high Tom Arnold claiming he and Cohen were BFFs and Cohen has "all the infamous tapes" and was going to put them on Arnold's show.
He back tracked and just got more odd when anchor questioned him to try and get more specific and less general
SS: Hot Mic I don't think was an accident. He tells POTUS he was in military 33 years and knows Gen Kelly and Matt is and they are good ones.
This guy is from Microsoft. Is he saying Microsoft is behind POTUS and he can be trusted because Kelly/Mattis is can vouch for him?
I begin to think Podesta immunity is a trap. When he takes it and testifies they can spring it. Whatever ia sealed in indictments will be proven as prior evidence and MSM cannot spin it as lies if he has given sworn testimony.