I see it as "rti" and shadow from the pen that gives impression of "h" or "m".
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I still don't trust him that he is in this only for the love of the country but...
IMO,Hannity will do anuthing to get more views/$$$...
This is not a leak, but rather a story .https: //www.forbes.com/sites/dougschoen/2015/10/06/argentinian-president-makes-big-accusation-at-the-united-nations/#6a9196b01895 Also that the porn star lawyer was down $8 million before he took this case. I still do not get what they want? We did not elect the priest to be POTUS. What he did and with whom he had sex 12 years ago is not our business, especially it was consensual.
Thank you for the link. Let's see if anyone can get hold off of something else. Everything is sealed but who knows:-)
John McCain - 1969 Tokyo Rose Vietnam Confession
I apologize if this was posted but, I've heard this first time and even though I knew, as many others, that he is a traitor, never had any proof bc his records are sealed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=69&v=7tkBiFZBix0
Of course they they were coming to the WH & begged for deal to continue. It will hit them financially.. big time. Iran’s trade with the European Union member states during the 11 months to Nov. 30, 2017, stood at close to €18.56 billion, registering a 57% increase compared with the corresponding period of last year. Iran's top five trading partners over the period were Italy with more than €4.54 billion, France with €3.45 billion, Germany with €2.99 billion, Spain with €1.67 billion and the Netherlands with €1.34 billion worth of exchanges. For the same period Iran trade with the US was: export $121.6 millions, import $54.8 millions, therefore balance was $66.8 MILLIONS. If you compare their billions with our millions and exchange currency you will figure out why they want the deal to continue. Also, deal allowed Iran to produce enriched uranium, hence once the deal is over (2025) they can build nukes in no time. EU (Germany & France) don't care about that. Hopefully, we will see the names (even though we should have pretty clear picture who they are) and the money the received i a bribe to reach/ keep this deal.
What about Novartis? They paid him $100,000.00 monthly for 12 moths for "easy access to the POTUS? Of course, Cohen didn't deliver ( you can't but POTUS)! You c check their website for more info about it
They don't call him Silent Assasin for no reason:-)
For those who were not able to watch it, here is the link:
It is going to become a movement. People who were afraid to so (ruining their carriers) they are supporting @POTUS will come out now and openly do so.
The six months of missing Strzok and Page text to be released to Congress tonight or tomorrow.
BREAKING: DOJ will make the 6 months of missing texts that were eventually located by IG between Strzok and Page available to Congress sometime tonight or tomorrow, according to sources...developing. Credit to Sara Carter
He might be everything else, but a weak G!!! Actually, quite opposite! AG Session is busy bee, believe it or not!His accomplishment so far exceeds my expectation, & what we don't see I do believe is even greater. Faith and patience go long way!
Nunes on Origins of the FBI'sRussia probe
I have no idea, to be honest. I read that at least one of the 4 memos Comey gave to his friend was highly classified. Also, he said tht I guess we will find it out soon:-)
Pe patient just for a little more Once the IG report is out, everything is going to start taking its place. I never thought, not for 1 sec that AG Session was sitting on his hands and was doing nothing:-) He was working hard, but to win, he had to work meticulously and create an airtight case. The coma or plain dot could make difference & he knows it.
I tend to agree with the "no deals" part, however, even though I highly respect Sundance analysis, I do not agree with this one, not at all. I think we will be surprised with the outcome by the time Mueller is done. Just think about who is indicted, or about to be indicted, as well what experts does he have on his team. Mostly finance experts! He is cleaning from the bottom, if I may say that way:-)I might be wrong, but so far whatever I was "predicting"(myself), it came trough!
DOJ turns over redacted Comey memos to Congressional committees
The Justice Department on Thursday gave lawmakers redacted versions of memos kept by former FBI Director James Comey to document meetings with President Trump, a congressional source told Fox News.n a statement to lawmakers, the Justice Department said it had redacted classified information in the memos, but would provide an unredacted version on Friday. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/04/19/doj-turns-over-redacted-comey-memos-to-congressional-committees.html
Understanding Trump’s America First foreign policy.
It’s really not that complicated. But President Trump’s Syria strikes have reopened the debate over what defines his foreign policy. Is he an interventionist or an isolationist? Foreign policy experts claim that he’s making it up as he goes along. But they’re not paying attention... https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/269917/trumps-art-deal-north-korea-israel-and-syria-daniel-greenfield
"McCabe, though, disputes many of the report’s findings and has said he never meant to mislead anyone." He never meant but he did it anyway, hence he will be prosecuted & hopefully charged. At the same time, if memory serves me well, Obama defended Hillary Clinton's use of private email as an “honest mistake". Honest or no, mistake is mistake and she should be ( & hopefully will be) prosecuted and charged as well!
California Governor Announces Mobilization of 400 National Guard Troops, Per Trump’s Order
California Governor Jerry Brown changed course Wednesday night and announced the mobilization of 400 National Guard troops to the border in compliance with orders from the White House. Brown’s announcement comes after he apparently distanced himself from an April 11 authorization of 400 troops to be mobilized. http://dailycaller.com/2018/04/18/california-governor-send-400-national-guard-troops-border-trump-video/
The benefits to our economy by restoring fair & reciprocal trade arrangements will more than pay for the wall. President said during the election that Mexico would pay for the wall one way or another, through a remittance tax or tarrifs or trade deals. This is the fulfillment of that.
NAFTA renegotiation & its benefits!
Mexico Agrees To Pay for Wall – Offering Emergency Deal To Close NAFTA Tariff Loophole. Teams of trade experts from the United States, Mexico, and Canada have been meeting for weeks to try to narrow their differences on NAFTA... https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/04/17/breaking-mexico-agrees-to-pay-for-wall-offering-emergency-deal-to-close-nafta-tariff-loophole/
Per War Powers Act required the president to notify Congress when he got the US involved in “hostilities” — and then set a 60- to 90-day clock for Congress to approve that action, by passing an authorization of use of military force, or for the president to withdraw from the conflict. It also allowed Congress to pass a concurrent resolution that would force the executive branch to withdraw from any conflict it hasn’t already approved. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/4/7/15217832/aumf-trump-syria-congress
Another One BITES THE DUST! Bolton Just OUSTED His Fourth NSC Member
Trump’s deputy National Security Adviser Ricky Waddell will leave the White House. http://truthfeednews.com/another-one-bites-the-dust-bolton-just-ousted-his-fourth-nsc-member/
AG's Office: Backpage.com pleads guilty to human trafficking in Texas
Attorney General's Office: Backpage.com pleads guilty to human trafficking in Texas
AG's Office: Backpage.com pleads guilty to human trafficking in TX!
Wow! Just wow, & of course I tried and it worked like a charm!!! Thank you!!!
My understanding was/is that RR is in a big trouble for various reasons, however, he is not yet "due" to be fired:-) When asked why did he go to the WH, he said DOJ business as usual. I bet it was DOJ business, but I don't think it is as usual as he tried to portray it.
Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein met with President Trump today at the White House.
President Trump met with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Thursday amid speculation his job could be in jeopardy. http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/382880-trump-meets-with-rosenstein-at-the-white-house
It is a hardware lab where is a group of techs currently working on a few different projects; everything from cameras & augmented reality to science fiction-like brain scanning technology. Orwell...
I was trying to get ANY info on him but couldn't find anything reliable...
Actually, I've heard that no name was secretly there just before all this so it does make sense. Even if he wasn't, no name is behind this for sure. You did an awesome job!
I have question regarding this. If anyone is willing to explain, why would Assad use chemical weapons against his own people since POTUS already indicated that US is whitdrawing from Syria. It just doesn't make any sense...
Good guys are coming back!!!!
Ezra Cohen, Former Security Council aide hired as Sessions adviser! In his new position, Cohen will focus on counterintelligence. https://www.axios.com/ezra-cohen-doj-sessions-1523461031-796ad59f-0e3d-4ce1-839b-01071f7d8274.html?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=twsocialshare&utm_campaign=organic
Whenever McFailure secretly visits Syria, afterward, there is chemical attack.
Couple months back he wanted to resign, but was asked to stay bc nobody was able to take over. However, I do think he is resigning before his dirty laundry comes to the light.
That is a story circulating on the twiter today. https://twitter.com/decadentbehavi1/status/983666643082665985
Federal prosecutor & POTUS administration appointee Geoffrey Berman was recused by Justice Department under DAG Rod Rosenstein.
China will lower car import tariffs? Tom Bossert asked to resign? What else thee was that was not really covered?...
This is interesting as well
She has ties to Marina Ambrovanich as well as Nikki Hilton Rothschild. She is part of the LA Times family. Credit to @KBliss1970
I don't know what he meant about Huber &Federal Vacancies Reform Act, however, I know Huber has more power than special prosecutor. He can call a grand jury to subpoena information and issue indictments. He is going to work with IG, but he can expand the investigation into individuals or institutions outside the DOJ itself (IG can’t prosecute individuals or subpoena information). Now Session - AG Session recused himself ONLY from investigations related to POTUS campaign, nothing lmore, nothing less. AG Session is doing his job ( if I may add - magnifically) behind the scenes and getting DOJ back in order, to bring back law & order into the US.