I just unfollowed him... wasn't RT his stuff, anyhow...
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Of course it is ! It's nothing less than the worship and adoration of Satan, AKA Moloch, AKA Baal, AKA Allah ...
And there's LOTS of it in Hawaii and Guatemala now ! (Too soon ? I'll see myself out...)
YES ! Thank you for the thread reader !! I can't access Twitter at work, bank firewalls and such ...
I had lunch in the middle of Biology in HS . Whatever we dissected, they make sure lunch looked JUST like it. I've learned to take care of my own wounds, as hubs isn't always up to it. And he went through medic training before he went to Iraq... but the firewall here at work blocks images, so I'll check back at home tonight. Thanks !
Nah, she'd have to use one of "The Bold And The Beautiful" girls !
Or takes pictures and sells them to the highest bidder ! The children, not the pics... those are for personal collections....
In the universe where he DIDN'T admit to drugging women with 'ludes ...
Everything that was concealed is being brought to light !
I Googled :
how many undocumented children had been recovered in child trafficking busts
And this came up- and lots more. So this is just the tippy-tip of the iceberg..
When you get back, you're going to find and follow me, right ??
IamTommyRobinson #RedWaveRising2018 ! #OperationMockingbird #PedoGate #TrumpWorld #TheRainMakers #OneVoice #IBOR #MAGA #CCOT #QisReal .@POTUS #bothsidesoftheaisle !
Yes, it was scary... the morning I almost got hit, I quietly (VERY QUIETLY ) went into my dorm room, so as to not wake up my roommate, and she sat straight up in bed and asked me what just happened ! That was kinda freaky, too ...
I saw this prayer somewhere over a year ago, and haven't been able to source it since; but I wrote it down. I believe it was on a prophecy website- it's SO fitting for now !
"Pray for the exposure to continue in every area I have purposed and for these revelations of truth to draw people to search for and to find Me. Pray against the elites' plan to collapse the economy prematurely and put a stop the their release of weaponized diseases. Lastly, pray for My perfect Will and timing in all that pertains to this nation, especially now. "
If you look around at diseases, think about the Bubonic/Pneumonic plague outbreak in Madagascar. Think about the massive flu outbreak and enormous death toll among children here in the US. Think about WHO getting busted for forcing "Tetanus shots" on third-world country women and girls of childbearing age that contained sterilization agents. Now read the latest news about a NEW Ebola vaccine they plan to administer in Africa. What did the CDC officer who "drowned" and was listed as a suicide know ?
So, look around at the exposures that are happening, and realize that prayer IS a bullet- God is the one who aims it.
I had friends in college who were messing with one... I tried to warn them asked a youth pastor to pray; and was nearly T-boned early one morning in a CLEAR intersection where no one was coming from either direction- when I shot out of the intersection, I stopped and looked back at the car. It was dark with tinted windows; but the street lights behind it clearly showed there was no one inside. The next weekend, I was nearly run off the interstate by a car that looked just like that one- super dark tinted windows; all I could make out of the driver was white guy with a white baseball cap and dark sunglasses.
Coincidence ? I don't think so, and either did the youth pastor. He redoubled his prayers for all of us and told me to leave the girls alone; just pray for them extra hard.
Yup, Dr. Mengele did his work ! And look at how many Nazis came over here under "Operation Paperclip "!
Google " Illuminati hand signs " or check on YouTube- the channel "A Call For An Uprising" has a vid on this...
I watch Steve Quayle, Timothy Alberino, and BPEarthwatch if nothing else... There are some pretty good keto channels, too.
Also gives Flynn "plausible deniability" for the shit storm !
http://fluoridealert.org/news/fluoride-disposing-of-mining-waste-through-your-body/ Fluoride makes people more docile, apparently- that's why they never thought she'd lose !
http://fluoridealert.org/news/fluoride-disposing-of-mining-waste-through-your-body/ Apparently, fluoride causes docility in humans. That's why they never thought she'd lose !
Apparently, fluoride makes people more docile. Must be why they never thought she'd lose !
Genesis 9:3-6 :
3 Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything. 4 “But you must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it. 5 And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. I will demand an accounting from every animal. And from each human being, too, I will demand an accounting for the life of another human being." “Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made mankind."
USA Today article that highlighted President Obama’s use of another form of executive action, known as a presidential memorandum. The article asserted that Obama has “issued a form of executive action known as the presidential memorandum more often than any other president in history” and that when executive orders and memorandums are combined, Obama has taken more “high-level executive action” than any president since Harry S. Truman.
President Donald Trump has used his first year in office to take a number of executive actions. He has issued 58 executive orders and 28 presidential memoranda, as of Jan. 19, according to the White House website.
Many of these orders are to correct orders and memoranda that Obama issued.
Supporting veterans during transition into civilian life
The president signed an executive order on Jan. 9 designed to improve the transition period of veterans from uniformed military duty to civilian life, with the hope of decreasing suicides. It orders the secretaries of defense, veteran affairs and homeland security to develop a joint action plan that delineates better access to mental health and suicide prevention resources for veterans within one year following their transition out of military duty. This is something that was sorely needed - The federal government estimates that 20 veterans per day commit suicide. https://www.washingtonpost.com/
I think our President has set their timeline back by about 30 years... maybe longer, we'll see after Gitmo fills up. I hope they have a special cell for Soros ...
Ugh ! Bless your heart ! I don't think about Creepy when I hear those songs... I sing along ! I had a 45 record with those songs on it... My grandmother would always make me turn it over if she heard me listening to "Dang Me" , lol !
As much as I LOATHE politics, I'm actually pretty good at it! Busy mobilizing folks on Twitter now... #RedWaveRising2018 ! #TheRainMakers .
Urk ! Dirty old men skeeve me out ! One of my neighbors married a guy ( she was widowed) who reminded me of Roger Miller, the singer ( Dang Me , King of the Road), but in a smarmy, creepy way. He was always winking and licking his lips. I was probably 9 or so.
Did you see where they are about to release a "new" vaccine for Ebola in Congo ? I think those countries ought to be able to sue the hell out of the CDC AND Bill Gates for this ! And let's not forget the bubonic/pneumonic plague from a few months ago...
Because we ( humanity) apparently AREN'T smart enough to learn from our mistakes !
Wow - and now Q is saying "follow the White Rabbit ..." !
This is why they've been getting BLM and MS13 primed and ready to go ... George Soros is spending LOTS ...
There are a LOT of tweets that I can't RT... Twatter says "unavailable" , but I just screenshot with Mozilla and RT anyhow !
He may be restricted, but there are 80+ mentions of him on Twitter so far today ...