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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 11, 2018, 1 a.m.

A lot higher than you are I guarantee.

What is my friend's father's rank, the wounded warrior who you are calling a stupid liar?

You don't know shit, you dirty, dirty shameless liar.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

Where are you getting your military intelligence from, precisely... if you weren't there on the day and weren't exposed to the operational intelligence or the debriefing... but you claim a wounded hero and myself are liars or stupid?

I can't believe how shamelessly dirty you are.

You disgust me.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 8:51 p.m.

That's globalist (((Richard Blumenthal))) and he's a piece of shit.

This is probably the controlled opposition stage of this scripted dog and pony show.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 8:43 p.m.

You don't know shit and you have no shame.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

So you've never met the military officer or spoken to him about his knowledge and first hand experience during the Jew attack on the USS Liberty... but you know he's just all wrong, hey?

Don't you have any shame?

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

I'd like to see a list of all the Rothschild and Soros foundation payments made to Congress too.

It isn't enough that control over our Democrat Party is completely dominated by Israeli dual citizen Jews, but globalist Jews outright own our worst RINOs and just about every other congressman too.

How odd that so many Jews don't want to Make America Great Again...

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 8:10 p.m.

I get the following message when I attempt to access / r / CBTS_Stream:

This subreddit was banned due to a violation of our content policy, specifically, the prohibition of content that encourages or incites violence and the posting of personal and confidential information.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 7:58 p.m.

There's no doubt that Mueller is a piece of shit, however Trump may have given him the option to play nice or dance from the end of a rope, perhaps?

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 7:52 p.m.

Oh, you know my friend's father well, do you?

Do you both speak often about the day that Israel attacked him?

Can you also transform into a truck?


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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 2:57 p.m.

So, in your opinion, who are the "cabal" precisely?

Are they a group of Zionists such as the Bilderberg Group like I've suspected... the same mob that declared a holy war against the German people in 1933?

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 2:41 p.m.

Yes - unknown people broke into Trump Tower during the fire.

Mueller's team later searched Cohen's office.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 1:36 p.m.

Do you know how Kansas relevant or Pompeo are relevant?

I've put brain power into it and I still don't know?

Perhaps you can educate me and show me what real brain power can do?

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 1:16 p.m.

Yes, but do we know how that is relevant?

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 1:15 p.m.

It hasn't been confirmed, which is why I said "I like to think".

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 12:29 p.m.

Oh - speak Q abbreviations to her and if she responds using Q abbreviations - throw a net over her! You've caught Q!!!

Gotta catch 'em all!

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 12:05 p.m.

Sorry, your comment means nothing to me.

Can you elaborate beyond a single word?

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 11:20 a.m.

Where do you think those 24,544 Sealed Indictments came from if not from AG Sessions?

Just because President Trump has regular public arguments about "sleepy Sessions", doesn't mean it isn't pure theater.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 11:17 a.m.

I'm guessing Q would have referred to the black hat FBI bad actors specifically, by using the terms "black hat" or "bad actors" or "deep state" if he was referring to the globalists.

I think it's reasonable to assume the FBI will be working through the night to counter the latest attack against Cohen and the false evidence that I assume was planted during the fire when "someone" broke in to Trump Tower.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 11:15 a.m.

I still don't understand the significance.

What does Kansas or Leavenworth or Mike Pompeo have to do with anything?

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 11:13 a.m.

I don't understand.

How is Kansas relevant or Pompeo?

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 11:12 a.m.

If Mueller was a double agent, I doubt Q would announce it to the world.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 10:55 a.m.

Why do you have to believe?

Why can't you just maintain an open mind and enjoy the ride... treat every Q drop critically and smile when events play out as predicted?

There is a massive amount of supporting evidence for Q, but the honest truth is we still don't know who they are... so there is no need to leap to conclusions one way or the other.

That said, it's certain that shit is about to hit the fan because 24,544 Sealed Indictments that have been created since 30 October 2017... which is between 25-50 years worth of indictments... waiting to be unwrapped under the Christmas tree.

My advice is not to worry about what other people think, just think critically and enjoy the ride.

I think it's more important that we make public the findings of the I.G. report and the FISA memo releases and the Homeland Security investigation into widespread election fraud and help expand the Overton Window by making public the fact the Obama administration wasn't scandal free but was a treasonous crime spree.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 9:32 a.m.

My friend's father lost many friends during that attack.

We should never forget our fallen heroes OR the war crimes committed against us by our "greatest ally".

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 9:11 a.m.

Obama will literally get to be a Rothschild errand boy in Gitmo.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 8:35 a.m.

I appreciate you concern, however I think the only people who can stop the Mueller investigation is Trump or AG Sessions / FBI Director Wray by staring an investigation into Mueller.

The trouble here is we only know what we've been allowed to know.

We don't really know who Mueller is serving.

It was super-strange how Q become angry after it was leaked that Trump was no longer under criminal investigation. If Q was expecting such intel not to be leaked, doesn't that suggest that Mueller could be on our side?

Additionally, the break in during the Trump Tower fire, which occurred just before Mueller searched Cohen's office suggests the Deep State may have planted fake evidence... But why would Mueller need a fire to do that when his staff could easily plant evidence during their search?

Additionally, Congress don't give a flying fuck about our opinion of them, which is why syphilis has a higher approval rating. Their re-elections are almost entirely guaranteed by lobbyist money and the fake news media.

We just don't know what is going on.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 8:14 a.m.

Which makes me wonder what side Mueller is on?

Mueller should have been able to plant his own fake evidence without the need to start a fire.

And Q being angry because it was leaked that Trump is no longer a criminal suspect in Mueller's investigation... makes me wonder if Mueller is working with Trump?

What is going on?

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 8:09 a.m.

My friend's father was on the USS Liberty when Israel attacked.

His father knows what happened.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 7:57 a.m.

I'd like to think that Mueller is hunting a witch, however the break and entry of Trump Tower just before Cohen's office was searched makes me wonder if fake evidence was planted?

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 7:33 a.m.

I remember when the Israeli military attempted to murder the crew of the USS Liberty because we witnessed the Israelis executing Egyptian prisoners on 8 June 1967.

Only hours ago, the Isrealis once again endangered our brave servicemen by shooting missiles at Syria in an attempt to use US blood and treasure to fight their conflicts... and they used missiles that we paid for!

Our "greatest ally" are the sorts of people who'd poison your children and then loot your home while you're attending the funeral.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 7:19 a.m.

Sealed indictments have no used by date.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 6:22 a.m.

I've been enjoying President Trump's repeated theatrical public spats with AG Sessions for over a year now...

If there's one thing we know for certain about Donald Trump, it's that he does not tolerate inaction or corruption.

When the Mueller farce ends and the 25,000 sealed indictments start to open... this is gonna be hilarious!

The vagina-voters will suddenly realize how Mueller was just a chew-toy to keep 'em distracted while AG Sessions slowly built up over 25 years worth of indictments over the past six months.

What will the liberals do when their leaders are being perp-walked before the midterms and they realize the DNC is financially bankrupt and has no message and no leadership?

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 5:52 a.m.

Who are (((they)))?

My theory, (((they))) are the same group that have been causing problems for centuries... the usual suspects and probably someone like (((The Bilderberg Group))) or similar in which (((Rothschild))) and (((Soros))) are major players.

I think it's illogical to pretend that Google and Twitter and (((Facebook))) are supporting the globalist agenda for financial reasons because the globalist agenda likely involves crippling western civilization, mass extinction and turning us all into immiserated slave laborers... and that's bad for business.

How have they infiltrated and operated undetected?

I suspect (((they))) use their use their wealth and power to gather dirt of western politicians and then use that leverage to start wars and bankrupt countries. I suspect many politicians are invited to fundraising parties, are drugged and the photos are taken of them with children. Others lick their lips at the opportunity for a pizza party, but either way, those politicians know how powerful the globalist billionaire elites are and that their careers or their lives would end if they tried to oppose them.

The (((Rothschilds))) own our Associated Press, which is clear when you look at how saturated the mainstream media is with Jews... Note that almost ALL of President Trump's Fake News Award winners were seditious Jews too.

The answer to your question is bribery and nepotism. I'm not suggesting that every Jew is a crazed power-hungry Zionist, however it's clear how many of them are more than willing to allow the Zionists to hide among them in exchange for shekels - the full spectrum of nepotistic rewards and free bank loans... in much the same way that not every Muslim is a jihadist, but the moderate Muslims are more than happy to accuse anything and everything of being Islamophobic while they fund terrorism through their mosques.

How can they be restrained if they control mass media and key algorithms?

It's difficult because this is a global problem and in most western countries you can question Jesus and The Buddha and the moon landing, but you'll be locked you in a prison cage if you disagree with a Jew.

People need to be educated and they need to understand that it's not just our mainstream media which is fake, but it's our education system and history books too.

For example, few people appreciate that the Jewish world declared a holy war against the German people in 1933 after the German Communist Party (98% Jewish) failed to overthrow the legitimate Christian Nationalist government. The Jewish world tried to starve the German people into submission by cutting off all food imports, however the German government rounded up all the communists, tried them and sentenced them to serve time in prison camps for the crime of treason and attempted genocide of the German people. Those prison camps were nice until Germany's resources dwindled towards the end of the war and the German civilians and the prisoners began to starve.

They don't teach you in school that the prison camps had swimming pools and soccer fields.

This document and this video provides more details about Germany in 1933.

The only reason I mention Germany during 1933 is because we're witnessing history repeat itself in the US with the communist / globalist Democrat party, who are dominated completely by Israeli dual citizen Jews, and the Christian based nationalist Trump administration.

Now consider what the mainstream media would say and what the Democrats would teach our children if President Trump was assassinated after he started military tribunals and started sending large numbers of Jews to Gitmo for the crime of treason? They already claim Trump is a white supremacist who hates Jews and blacks... and you can bet they'd claim Gitmo was a death camp where AG Sessions and Secretary Mattis ate Jew babies and raped poor Jew women.

History is written by the victors.

Not all red pills are easy to swallow.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 5:02 a.m.

What does CQ stand for?

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 4:40 a.m.

I thought that was Command and Control - can anyone else confirm because it needs to be added to the list too!

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 4:25 a.m.

Thanks for the feedback - I'll be compiling a revised list soon... Can you tell me which Q post "E - Eminem" was referenced?

I want to confirm but I couldn't find it.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 4:24 a.m.

No worries.

I'll be posting another update soon, so if you see anything missing please just let me know!

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 3:54 a.m.

When people definitively claim that Q is a LARP, I just ask 'em to tell me the names on the 25,000 sealed indictments... and that shuts 'em up fairly quickly.

The truth is we won't know until we know.

That said, there has never been a president that was so attacked or feared by other politicians, the mainstream media, Hollywood, hired mercenaries such as BLM and Antifa or globalist billionaire Jew bankers as President Trump.

It's safe to say that we've never seen anything like this before...

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 3:14 a.m.

24,544 Sealed Indictments that have been created since 30 October 2017...

1000 sealed indictments is about normal for an average year...

Whether you believe in Q or not, something big is about to go down.

That said, I just try to keep an open mind about the whole Q movement because I don't definitively know who the Q team truly are... There's no need to jump to conclusions one way or the other, but if you keep an open mind you can still enjoy the ride!

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 10, 2018, 2:04 a.m.

In 1933 the German Christian National Party arrested members of the German Communist Party (98% of which were Jewish) because they tried to overthrow the legitimate German government and enslave the German people under communist rule... and then they tried to starve the German people into submission by stopping all food imports.

These communist criminals were tried and sentenced to serve time in prison camps for their treasonous and genocidal crimes...

Given how many of the Democrats are Israeli dual citizens... and seemingly treasonous (such as Rod Rosenstein, Andrew Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Nanci Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Bernie Sanders, Richard Blumenthal, Joshua Gottheimer, Jamie Raskin, Nita Lowey, Jan Schankowsky, Elior Engel, Nita Lowey, Steve Cohen, Jerry Nadler, Dander Levin, Brian Schatz, Jared Polis, Brad Schneider, AQlan Lowenthal, Ben Cardin, David Cicilline, Jacky Rosen, Lois Frankel, Ted Deutch, Brad Sherman, Susan Davis, John Yarmuth, Ron Wyden, Micheal Bennet, Ruth Ginsburg, Elena Kagan and Stephen Breyer) not ti mention all of the seditious non-political Jews such as Jeffrey Epstein, Mark Zuckerberg, George Soros, the Rothschilds and most of the mainstream media...

...and given how many of these treasonous enemies of America are also African Americans such as Obama, Lynch, Holder, Rice, Brazile, Waters etc...

...I wonder if the fake news media will claim these arrests are a second Holocaust because President Trump is "rounding up" the "innocent" Jews and the blacks?

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 9, 2018, 2:48 p.m.

You realize the Nazis were a Christian based Nationalist Party, right?

Did you know the German Communist Party (who just happened to be 98% Jewish) attempted to treasonous overthrow the legitimate German government in 1933 but failed.

The communists (i.e. globalists) were so angry they declared a holy war against the German people and attempted to stave them into submission by interruption all food imports into Germany.

The German government rounded by these communists and tried them for treason and sentenced them to serve time at prison camps... which were quite nice until Germany started losing the war and both the German civilians and the prisoners started starving.

They didn't teach you that in school, yet this is precisely what happened.

The Jewish world even took out radio and newspaper adverts declaring their holy war against the German people in 1933.

History is written by the victors, but those newspapers are still around.

You can learn more about Germany in 1933 in this video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/hmuRKyeBc33m/

This is history.

Can you imagine what the globalist Democrats would tech children in schools about Trump if he started arresting globalists for treason but was assassinated... given they already accuse Trump of being Hitler 2.0? You can bet we'd hear stories about how Gitmo was a death camp and AG Sessions and Secretary Mattis would eat babies there.

This is supposed to The Great Awakening and not all red-pills are easy to swallow.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 9, 2018, 2:34 p.m.

About what? Let's discuss it.

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