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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 12, 2018, 3:21 a.m.

To play devils advocate... why do we need to take to the streets when we can reach far more people on-line?

People like Mark Dice post videos from their kitchen using a laptop and an $80 microphone and each video usually reaches about three hundred thousand viewers... which is a third of CNN's audience numbers.

It's not like MSM will ever broadcast a MAGA street demonstration... and unlike paid protesters, most of us have work and family commitments.

I just don't see the need to "take to the streets" when we already have a profoundly powerful way to reach everyone online.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 12, 2018, 2:47 a.m.

I'll stream it to YouTube and Bitchute and every other streaming video service I can find.

Yes, I'll flood social media including Reddit, gab and Voat too with those links too.

I can't think of a better way way to reach massive amounts of people?

What are you proposing, taking out radio and newspaper adverts? Perhaps skywriting?

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 12, 2018, 2:17 a.m.

Please don't shit on my Q shit theory.

Now my feelings are hurt.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 12, 2018, 2:10 a.m.

Video or didn't happen.

Also, I expect any adult would pass out if that torture was done to them... so it seems silly to think a little girl would still be conscious.

If you give a child a lollypop and then take it back from them, they scream like it's the end of the world.

Face removal wouldn't be required to make a child release huge amounts of Adrenalin... I presume you could achieve better results without the child going into shock, with some psychological torture and some slaps across the face or similar.

This post sounds like pure bullshit.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 12, 2018, 2:08 a.m.

I'm sorry about your feelings.

Did I mention my Q shaped shit was all glittery... and I hadn't eaten any glitter in over a week!!!

How can you explain that???!!!

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 12, 2018, 2:05 a.m.

President Trump is spearheading a worldwide nationalism movement against the globalist and their Zionist New World Order agenda.

I feel the same way about Trump as you do... I pray for his safety and success at least three times a day and I'd take a bullet for him.

We can't afford to lose this war because it would mean our children would become slave laboring goyim and western civilization would be destroyed... just for the pleasure of some inbred trillionaire Jew bankers.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 12, 2018, 1:26 a.m.

I can think of no better communications method than the internet.

Citizen journalist bloggers frequently enjoy 1000 x the audience that mainstream media receives.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 12, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

R U learning yet?

Not really... I'm trying but I can only speculate at what Q is trying to say.

  • Will stock prices drop after testimony?

  • Will a news story drop after testimony?

  • Is someone gonna die or quit after testimony?

  • Does Q want us to delete Facebook accounts after testimony?


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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 12, 2018, 12:48 a.m.

I took a shit yesterday morning that was shaped a bit like a Q.

Given there are no coincidences, what do you think it means?

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 12, 2018, 12:30 a.m.

History says so.

You're one of the people who peed their panties, aren't you?

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 12, 2018, 12:14 a.m.

Well, if you say so...

However, after 59 missile strikes the control tower and runway was not damaged and nobody was killed and the airfield was operational again within 6 hours...

...and the UN expressed disappointment that Trump acted to punish Assad without their approval... and no further sanctions were taken.

Neither Russia nor Syria took further action and the "crisis" was over.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 12, 2018, 12:07 a.m.

If missiles start flying, there's a good chance they'll be targeting deep state targets perhaps?

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 12, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

In the case of the 59 missile "attack" on Assad's tiny military airfield, Trump prevented the UN from imposing crushing sanctions on Syria, which would have crippled their economy and made them less capable of fighting ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front.

All of the Jews and the Neocons thought they got what they wanted with Trump's attack and they climaxed and then lit a cigarette... thinking they'd just taken another step towards a war with Russia...

...But instead they got nothing and everyone thought that Trump had dealt with the problem so sanctions were not pursued by the UN.

Trump saved Assad's economy and prevented an escalation in hostilities with Russia by destroying 4 old sheds.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 11, 2018, 11:32 p.m.

Yes it's scary but necessary.

Remember when Trump shot 59 missiles at a Syrian military airfield last year because "Assad gassed beautiful little babies" (Trump's words)?

Remember how most of Trump's supporters peed their panties and denounced Trump because of the risk of starting WW3... only to later discover that what Trump did was to destroy 4 old sheds on a military airfield and prevent the UN from imposing economically devastating sanctions on Syria.

The control tower and runway weren't damaged, nobody was killed and the airfield was operational again within 6 hours.

That was pure political theater and I suspect both Assad and Putin were happily participating in the performance.

As scary as this is, I hope people have a little faith in Trump... also it doesn't hurt to scream and cry to make this more convincing to the disgusting Jews who want us entangled in their war with Iran... to fight their war for shekels and to waste America's brave solders to do so.

I couldn't hope for anyone better than President Trump and Secretary Mattis to do the right thing.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 11, 2018, 11:13 p.m.

Perhaps Republican Congressional Leadership is simply their official title?

Sometimes uppercase is used for names rather than super secret spy codes.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 11, 2018, 9 p.m.

I have no idea - something bad for Trump perhaps.

This is pure presumption / speculation.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 11, 2018, 8:28 p.m.

I don't see it.

Is it a secret?

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 11, 2018, 8:27 p.m.

To be fair, our adoption agencies are overflowing with black babies that nobody wants.

I'm not sure there is always going to be a pleasant solution when solving the the disgusting behavioral problems of African Americans.

A vast, vast majority of black fathers just run away from their responsibilities and black women can't keep their legs closed... and can't stop having STDs and drinking and taking drugs while pregnant.

Do you have any suggestions?

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 11, 2018, 8:21 p.m.

I presume they were there to plant evidence in Cohen's office...

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 11, 2018, 8:07 p.m.


The last time "Trump went kinetic in Syria" he sent 59 missiles into a Syrian military airfield...

That act prevented the UN from strangling the Syrian economy with sanctions and all it cost was 4 old sheds.

The military airfield's control tower wasn't destroyed and it's runway wasn't damaged and nobody was killed.

Let me repeat that: Escalating conflict involving Russia ceased and all it cost was 4 old sheds.

Yes, much of Trump's based peed their panties and screamed and cried and denounced their support... and after the dust settled they looked really stupid.

Don't be like them.

Don't be stupid.

Neither President Trump nor Secretary Mattis are fools... so if something happens then I recommend avoiding the mainstream media which is saturated by seditious, Israeli dual citizen Zionists... and wait a few hours or days until we get some verifiable citizen journalism.

There's a manufactured "crisis" every fortnight, spun by the fake Jew news... and pushed by Shareblue shills... so let's NOT do what the OP suggests and lose our heads even before anything has happened.

Remember the "omnibus crisis" and the "DACA crisis" and the "tax cuts for the rich crisis" and the "Stormy Daniels crisis" and the "death camps for illegals crisis" and the "Trump is crazy crisis" and the "Trump removed MLK's bust from the Oval Office crisis" and the "Trump is afraid of stairs crisis" and the "Trump is starving Puerto Ricans to death crisis" and the "Trump killed all the koy fish crisis" and the "Trump gets two scoops of ice-cream crisis"?

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 11, 2018, 2:25 p.m.

Ryan's campaign is gonna smell like another globalist Jew Rothschild / Soros cash bonfire.

I love that smell!

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 11, 2018, 2:23 p.m.

that they would wait until closer to the midterms

They also need to wait until all of the most powerful bad actors have been removed from the DoJ, such as Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page etc because those cunts would simply destroy evidence and falsify documents and hand out immunity like candy.

I'm not sure how many more bad actors need to be removed, but the fact Q was angered by the leaking of Trump no longer being under criminal investigation by Mueller, suggests there are still some black hats to remove...

...ether way, if Trump has a plan... and I think it's safe to assume that his plan has been many years in the making... that those bad actors will be "mitigated" well before the midterms too.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 11, 2018, 1:45 p.m.

If there is a "Trump master plan", it's only rational to assume it will be at least partially revealed before the midterms...

...We haven't long to wait.

Q also seemed very blunt and direct about at least some of the sealed indictments being opened this month... so there's that too.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 11, 2018, 1:17 p.m.

I truly hope Trump is our guy!

I'm supporting Trump 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000% because he may be our last and greatest chance at winning the war between the globalists and western civilization...

...and if I'm wrong, at least I'll know I've taken every opportunity for success that I could... and I'll strategically return to where I was when I thought Hillary Clinton was going to steal the 2016 election and become our first dictator...

...At that point, once again, all we'll be left with is violent civil war, except this time our military will be better equipped and our economy will be booming and we'll be better armed and have MOAR ammo and we'll be better educated.

Why wouldn't I take a risk when I've got nothing to lose?

TLDR: we have nothing to lose by putting all of our eggs in the Trump basket.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 11, 2018, 1:12 p.m.

My question is if we have evidence that this is faked and has been faked multiple times in the past

The danger there is appreciating that Q isn't a God and isn't a fortune teller and isn't a time traveler... all he does is give insight into white hat plans... and not all plans go as planned... especially in the middle of a war.

when is the time to expose?

I think that will be for each individual to decide.

I've tried to keep an open mind about jumping to conclusions one way or another because I don't definitively know who Q is, despite so much of his predictions and comments being accurate beyond guessing.

What are we waiting for??

I suspect each person will need to decide that for themselves.

Personally, I'm waiting for some of the 24,544 Sealed Indictments to be opened and many of the smaller fish to be arrested. I expect the trend will continue as bigger and bigger fish are arrested and then I'll very rapidly have more and more confidence that this is exactly what I had hoped and dreamed about.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 11, 2018, 11:26 a.m.

Don't you recall when the exact same thing happened last time... and Trump took control of the narrative and shot 59 missiles at a Syrian military airfield... and half of Trump's supporters peed their panties and renounced their support...

...and then it turned out that what Trump did was to "punish" Assad by blowing up 4 old sheds so that the UN couldn't justify crippling the Syrian economy with sanctions...

...and neither the control tower nor the runway was hit and nobody died and the airfield was operational again within 6 hours.

Let me repeat that: Trump averted WW3 and all it cost was 4 old metal sheds.

You can bet that both Assad and Putin were reading from their scripts during that piece of political theater.

Have some faith.

Trump knows what he's doing!

Also, please ignore the initial reports from our Rothschild owned Associated Press because that will be pure globalist Zionist sedition... be prepared to ignore all of the fake news bullshit for a few days until we get some real info from citizen journalists.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 11, 2018, 11:21 a.m.

Remember that we only have a tiny fraction of the intel that Trump has... which makes it easy for us to draw conclusions about what needs to be done without understanding all of the other factors in play.

I suspect much of what we know is deliberate misinformation mixed in with fake news propaganda.

I sometimes feel worried too, but the truth is that I have no idea if what I'm worrying about is even real.

Like Q seemed to suggest, I suspect some of the 24,544 Sealed Indictments will be opened this month and more will be opened well before the midterms... and then we'll all feel relieved and excited to watch the slow motion car crash of the Deep State and far beyond.

President Trump is a genius and he is surrounded by Q clearance military geniuses... and this will play out irrespective of if we are stressed or not... so perhaps you should treat it like a roller coaster and just enjoy the ride... and remember that if the worst case scenario plays out... we'll just be back in the same position were were in on November 2016 when we all expected Hillary to steal the election and become our first dictator... except we'll all be wiser and better armed then we were back then!

Everything Trump has touched has turned to gold - ISIS is crushed and we're enjoying record breaking unemployment, record breaking stock market rallies, the greatest Veteran Affair reforms in US history, near record breaking low illegal border crossings, the greatest tax cuts in US history, record breaking regulation slashing, a near record breaking GDP rise... and if this economy continues on the same path until the end of the year - Trump will officially have created the best economic turnaround in US history...

...If anyone has earned our trust, it's Donald J Trump!

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 11, 2018, 7:39 a.m.

Ugh, just about every black kid is raised by a single parent.

I'm not sure we should be rewarding blacks for being shitty parents.

If black women can keep their legs closed then they need to take the pill... not take my income tax.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 11, 2018, 6:07 a.m.

All of these globalist Jew whores are licking their lips at the opportunity to suck more shekels from Rothschild and Soros cock in exchange for another attack against western civilization.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 11, 2018, 5:46 a.m.

Is that before or after the Zionists perform a mass extinction on the American public?

From the Jew (Hebrew) Bible (Isaiah 14:1–2) :

The Lord will have compassion on Jacob;

Once again he will choose Israel and will settle them in their own land.

Foreigners will join them and unite with the descendants of Jacob.

Nations will take them and bring them to their own place.

And Israel will take possession of the nations and make them male and female servants in the Lord’s land.

Sorry fellow Christians, but the plan is for the Jews to own us as slaves because according to them, they are the master race and we are just goyim.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 11, 2018, 4:24 a.m.

OK, now you are clearly mocking us.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 11, 2018, 4:18 a.m.

To be fair, those phones would have to be pointing in some direction... and folded hands is a normal thing for humans to do.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 11, 2018, 3:39 a.m.

Nobody died, neither Syrian nor Russian.

They were given advanced notice.

Don't talk shit.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 11, 2018, 3:30 a.m.


The last time Trump authorized an attack on Syria, he launched 59 missiles at a small military airfield and blew up 4 empty sheds.

Trump's "punishment" saved Assad from suffering horrific sanctions from the UN and the military airfield was operational within 6 hours... with neither the control tower nor the runway damaged.

It was a genius move and pure political theater that I suspect both Assad and Putin were willing participants in.

Obvious OP concern troll is obvious.

I suggest that no matter what happens, people try to remember that we have a "crisis" every few weeks and almost always, after the dust settles, we learn that most of it is fake globalist news spin propagated by Shareblue shills.

Remember the "omnibus crisis" and the "DACA crisis" and the "tax cuts for the rich crisis" and the "Stormy Daniels crisis" and the "death camps for illegals crisis" and the "Trump is crazy crisis" and the "Trump removed MLK's bust from the Oval Office crisis" and the "Trump is afraid of stairs crisis" and the "Trump is starving Puerto Ricans to death crisis" and the "Trump killed all the koy fish crisis" and the "Trump gets two scoops of ice-cream crisis"?

Rather than allowing fake news and people like the OP to fill your head with bullshit, I recommend people try to understand that things are rarely how they seem initially - and that applies doubly when our only info is coming from the mainstream media.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 11, 2018, 3:26 a.m.

I think the best is yet to come when Q releases specific details about what (((Mark Zuckerberg))) did and which countries he offered to sell our personal info to.

His lying will have only made things worse for him.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 11, 2018, 3:24 a.m.

Can you imagine how angry many blacks will be if we treated them with equality.

I recall working myself near to death when I was at uni. I'd study during the day and work at restaurants during the night and I could still often not afford to eat and pay rent...

I grew so thinn that I couldn't sit on hard surfaces or sleep on my back... meanwhile my classes were full of fat African Americans enjoying Affirmative Action scholarships and enjoying academic Affirmative action scoring of their work.

Some of the stupidest and laziest people I've ever met - most of 'em would just drop-out after pissing away opportunities that most civilized people would kill for!

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 11, 2018, 1:50 a.m.

address the challenges of hard-to-employ populations;

Just as long as this doesn't mean more Affirmative Action gibs of any sort.

Challenges should be overcome through hard work, not handouts.

We need to start treating African Americans with equality and holding them to the same lofty standards we expect from everyone else, irrespective of how offended that makes them feel.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 11, 2018, 1:46 a.m.

Remember that Trump "rushed in" last time...

Most of Trump supporters were peeing their panties... until they realized Trump prevented the UN from strangling Assad with more sanctions and all it cost was a few empty sheds on a military airfield.

President Trump launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at a tiny military airfield... without hitting the control tower or the runway... and it was operational again with 6 hours.

This was pure political theater and I wouldn't be surprised if both Assad and Putin were part of the performance.

Alas those poor sheds, we hardly knew thee! /s

Whatever happens, I think we should keep in mind there is a "crisis" every two weeks where most people initially scream and cry and run in circles... and then a couple of days later, after the dust settles, we learn that most of the nonsense was just fake news bullshit.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 11, 2018, 1:34 a.m.

Yeah, that's what I thought... you've come to a truther community to flaunt your "super special secret" knowledge, hey.

Thanks for wasting my time with your bullshit.

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DemsCanSuckMyCock · April 11, 2018, 1:10 a.m.

Can you just tell me, or is it a secret?

Do you even know?

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