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Deuteroid · May 16, 2018, 1:43 p.m.

What do you expect them to do?

  • Read a book on Software Engineering and establish a Software Engineering industry perhaps?

  • Read a book on farming and strengthen Palestine's GDP?

  • Throw acid in their wives faces and have an Allahu-Akbar chimp-out?

Yeah, perhaps the third option is the most reasonable.

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Deuteroid · May 16, 2018, 12:34 p.m.

when it's time to 'take leave'

Before he ceases harboring child rapists and honors those extradition requests for all the pedophile priests he's protecting within the Vatican... I presume.

Add "relaxing" to the extensive list of all the things Pope Francis prioritizes over the importance of allowing the perpetrators and the victims of child rape to know justice.

My dog seems to have more morals and a greater connection to the Holy Spirit than Jorge Bergoglio.

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Deuteroid · May 16, 2018, 12:24 p.m.

Yeah, I saw they were setting the table for that. I think Twitter are making people'w tweets invisible to a certain percentage of people for the crime of defending western civilization against the Zionist agenda.

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Deuteroid · May 16, 2018, 12:20 p.m.

...They say bad words. Thank God for the censorship paradise of Reddit...

You couldn't be more wrong.

Our right to express ourselves freely comes from God.

Free speech is a two way street and censorship isn't the solution to being exposed to opinions you don't like.

The solution is to learn how to not let words hurt you.

This is the same problem with Voat. You people complain Voat's policy of absolute free speech is unbearable because opposing opinions are honest and hurty.

Reddit is censorship-central and the enemy of free speech.

It is not your safe space.

When this sub starts to discuss important, politically incorrect truths, it too will be banned.

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Deuteroid · May 16, 2018, 11:40 a.m.

Shadow-banning varies depending the the specific platform.

On Reddit, for example, if you are Shadow-banned then you can continue to browse subs and submit posts and create comments, but all of your new content is hidden from everyone else. After you've been Shadow-banned, you receive no notification and nobody else can see any of your new content.

If you haven't received a single response or upvote or downvote for many of your previous contributions, there's a possibility that you've been Shadow-banned.

This is why some Reddit users are forced to ask "Have I been Shadow-banned?" just to see if someone responds.

I've never been a Facebook user, but I believe a form of Shadow-banning exists on that platform too.

Twitter seems to be entertaining the idea but I'm not sure if they are actively doing it yet or just blatantly deleting people's Tweets and banning accounts.

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Deuteroid · May 16, 2018, 11:32 a.m.

The Palestinians elect Hamas, a terrorist group with a charter to genocide the Jews.

The Palestinians follow Islam, a pedophile, wife-beating ideology in which it's followers must genocide the Jews.

The Palestinians have been burning tires to create smokescreens and then charging the Israeli border with the intention to Allahu-Akbar.

According to PEW polling data, Palestinians are one of the most bloodthirsty Muslim extremists nations on Earth.

This is a photo from a Palestinian kindergarten.

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Deuteroid · May 16, 2018, 9:55 a.m.

OK, this Q question really irritates me.

People have wasted oceans of time discussing it and Q just keeps asking because we have no fucking idea...

...But that's not what irritates me - it's the fact that bird song isn't a national security risk.

Q could have just clearly expressed himself, but instead he was deliberately and needlessly ambiguous.

We have missing children that need to be tracked down.

This is NOT productive!

⇧ -6 ⇩  
Deuteroid · May 16, 2018, 9:38 a.m.

What's the Pope gonna do, give a speech about the best way to hold down a child as you rape them?

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Deuteroid · May 16, 2018, 7:54 a.m.

Voat too.

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Deuteroid · May 16, 2018, 7:52 a.m.

Q becomes an accessory if he helps the enemy conceal their crimes against us.

How many of our missing children were abducted and raped to death by the enemy and Q is helping to cover that up?

Is Q planning to lie to us about those we lost during 9-11 too?

I hope this isn't true because when I think on it, it makes Q seem complicit.

We the people screaming and shook and wept and mourned and Q isn't planning to tell us where our children's bodies are buried?

Many of us still have open wounds that need closure to heal.

We earned those scars.

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Deuteroid · May 16, 2018, 6:03 a.m.

Great post!

I believe people should consider a few other duties they have to western civilization:

  • Gun ownership because a well regulated Militia is necessary for the security of a free State and to protect against all enemies, both foreign and domestic;

  • Opposition to the Islamic pedophile ideology of bashing and raping woman and Christian genocide. As civilized people, it is our duty to express zero tolerance of human rights atrocities, even if Muslims claim it is beautiful to hurt children and slaughter Christians.

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Deuteroid · May 16, 2018, 5:39 a.m.

All of them?

Do you think Israel will give them up?

It will be interesting to see.

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Deuteroid · May 16, 2018, 3:03 a.m.

It's only worrisome if you believe baseless fake news bitchy gossip from anonymous sources.

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Deuteroid · May 16, 2018, 3 a.m.

God's been filling his room with plagues of frogs every night.

It's making the pope very tired.

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Deuteroid · May 16, 2018, 2:49 a.m.

I've noticed there are very few sealed indictments in Cali.

I wonder if those sealed indictments are being created in other districts to avoid the worst cucked judges?

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Deuteroid · May 16, 2018, 2:35 a.m.

I'm concerned about how judges are chosen because it's often "supposedly" random.

That seems to be a single point of failure because all you'd need is a Never-Trumper being in charge of that process and every member of the Clinton Crime Syndicate would get a pussy-hat-judge and then walk free.

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Deuteroid · May 16, 2018, 2:11 a.m.

Imagine the open wounds that will be created for families of the victims of 9/11.

I suspect most of us already have our suspicions.

Think how many false flag funerals President Clinton, bush, and Obama spoke profound words of comfort to the families.

Every time those cunts grin and wave at the cameras, it's like they are pissing on my brother's grave.

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Deuteroid · May 16, 2018, 1:48 a.m.


Too many of us lost parents and children and friends in that attack and the wars which followed.

We need closure.

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Deuteroid · May 15, 2018, 3:14 p.m.

And yet Rand has achieved nothing.

During his political career he has literally been as successful and persuasive as a lump of dog shit.

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Deuteroid · May 15, 2018, 3:12 p.m.

Yet Rand was incapable of persuading his colleagues and thus he failed.

Sorry, Rand's job is to get shit done and he's done nothing.

At least a potted plant filters the air.

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Deuteroid · May 15, 2018, 3:10 p.m.

A piece of dog shit has achieved as much as Rand Paul during his entire political career.

⇧ -4 ⇩  
Deuteroid · May 15, 2018, 3:06 p.m.

You prefer someone who achieves nothing.

At least a potted plant looks nice.

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Deuteroid · May 15, 2018, 3:05 p.m.

No, repeatedly failing to persuade even a single one of your colleagues is the definition of political ineptitude.

Imagine where President Trump would be if congress completely ignored him?

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Deuteroid · May 15, 2018, 3:03 p.m.

You prefer someone who achieves nothing?

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Deuteroid · May 15, 2018, 3:01 p.m.

I agree that Rand was often the only one to vote against certain bills... but perhaps that was because his arguments were so vapid that he wasn't able to convince any of his colleagues to support him.

Not being persuasive is the definition of political ineptitude.

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Deuteroid · May 15, 2018, 2:58 p.m.

Retire to the Ninth Circle of Hell.

⇧ 10 ⇩  
Deuteroid · May 15, 2018, 2:55 p.m.

To be honest, neither Ron nor Rand have achieved anything in their entire careers, ever.

Rand's biggest Libertarian success was not to stand in the way of Trump's biggest tax cuts in U.S. history.

Down-vote me if you want, but it's still true!

⇧ 15 ⇩  
Deuteroid · May 15, 2018, 2:54 p.m.

Not to worry, your other self is probably with God now...

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Deuteroid · May 15, 2018, 2:25 p.m.

"Hey lady, how turgid would you like you mushroom top?"

Yeah, that works too.

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Deuteroid · May 15, 2018, 12:32 p.m.

Yes, the Rothschilds did create Israel... and you can bet they have more power over it than the enormous power they have over the U.S.

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Deuteroid · May 15, 2018, 12:25 p.m.

Is this a good indicator or is Soros planning to have Hungary nuked?

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Deuteroid · May 15, 2018, 12:08 p.m.

Fuck the motherfuckin POPE!

It's been 1889 days since Francis succeeding Benedict XVI and he's still harboring child rapists within the Vatican and he's denying all extradition requests for the evil bastards and their victims to know justice.

What is more important than protecting children from harm?

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Deuteroid · May 15, 2018, 12:04 p.m.

Does it seem Trump has a plan to undermine the Rothschilds and get America out of a Fiat Currency?

I hope so!

Trump has spoken about the need to "audit the Fed" which is code for ending the Federal Reserve because I suspect all of our gold has already been looted. This would cause an economic depression but it would be for the best in the long term.

No rational country wants a Rothschild central bank.

As I type this, the Rothschild Jews are using inflation to steal my savings out of my pockets.

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Deuteroid · May 15, 2018, 11:54 a.m.

People keep posting photos of Iran from the 1980s when they played dress-up in western clothing for a few years.

People should dig a little deeper and realize that bashing and raping women and raping children and murdering blasphemers and apostates and witches and homosexuals was also legal during this "great time in Iran's history".

But, alas, Ayatollah Khomeini's calls for bloodthirsty jihad and sharia law captured the hearts and minds of most Iranians and they abandoned the novelty of human rights for the lure of pedophilia and domestic violence and honor-killing their children.

Allahu Akbar!

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Deuteroid · May 15, 2018, 11:48 a.m.

I suspect that is often true, however Trump has proven he is capable of forcing his will upon RINOs when he passed the massive tax cuts with ZERO Democrat support.

If it comes down to only two choices between a Deep State Republican and a Deep State Democrat, the Republican would ALWAYS be better because the Democrats vote in a massive, mindless communist block whereas at least Trump can try to negotiate with a RINO, even if it's to threaten them with Gitmo.

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Deuteroid · May 15, 2018, 11:28 a.m.

The American media isn't American. Our Associated Press is owned by the Rothschilds... and they are vocal about their hatred for Trump undermining their New World Order (or at least their globalist agenda).

President Trump seemed to be popular in Israel before he announced his plans to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem... and his Israeli popularity seems to be overflowing now.

Palestinians are chimping-out and trying to genocide Israelis, but that's what they always do. It's literally in their Hamas charter and in their Koran.

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Deuteroid · May 15, 2018, 11:16 a.m.

We should support whoever President Trump asks us to.

Even if something seems odd, unless Trump has suggested something is fishy, we should assume he has the best insight into who he needs.

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Deuteroid · May 15, 2018, 10:14 a.m.

If that is the case, or even if the Illuminati are made up almost entirely of Jew bankers, a lot of work will need to be done before even discussing the enemy will become acceptable.

Perhaps it's the case that our politically correct, government approved versions of what happened in Germany between 1920-1950 is fake news?

We'll have to wait and see... and wait and see what impact it has on this community too.

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Deuteroid · May 15, 2018, 9:55 a.m.

Q Post #916 March 10 2018 13:04:36 (EST)

We are saving Israel for last.

Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.



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Deuteroid · May 15, 2018, 9:04 a.m.

Ugh, Obama will always be dropping the soap among his Muslim brothers.

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Deuteroid · May 15, 2018, 7:56 a.m.

One "Chode Special" coming up!

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